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Washtenaw County Stock

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Bro. Johnson, of the Michigan Farmer, has been taking i turnthrough the State, and we aro pleasod to record what he reports concsrning something he saw in Washtenaw County : At Manchester we saw one or two colts foaled last year, by the Cleveland Bay horse of Mr. Watkins. Thoy are very Btylish, and havo handsome hoads and necks, nnd exhibit a stylo different from thatof any stock we have met with. Át Mr. Suttons we carne across a fine flock of Iterfno shecp, which were remarkablo for their close, fino and heavy fleeces. He has kept up his stock of ïheep, and had been usint a rum irotn the fine wooled etock of W. S. Wood, of Lodi, a sheep oi remarkably good churactor, and originally bought from one of the most celebrated of the Vermont breeders. Leaving Manchester, we uext visited au old friend, Hcnry Warner, of, to take a look over his shorthorns, the produce of the Third Duke of Ilillsilule, #hich ho purchnscd last year from the Messrs. Ciirtis. Thero vere nino calvus in one lot, aud thtr, Vith ouu exception of a handsoine roan heifer, were bred as regular iu color as if they had all been dyed in the s-unc vat. Thuy were bright red, with but a little white on the fl-inks, 6i skles, and a bright spot in the forehead. They were vory even in form, in the head particularly. Tuis we tike to be a good quality in a buil. The list of young stock in this season is as follóos : Buil. Hednnd white. Calved Jamuury 15. I!i7á. ByThlrfl Duke of Ui'.ltdale 9SG4, out of i Songatreaa by DnktBddèt by Stkth Duka of ThoniJiilt' ; ■■ diim Jt'loru by Ürplious, by Jüukc of Glostcr (11882). ïH!i;i).-Ucikr. Eed rith feome white. Cnlved Malth 11, 1S72. By third Duke of Hill-uJalo out of Ulo'ssom, bf Duke bulder ; k u:nu M11.-11 by 1 'tl t 550!, i. tr. aam Strawberry 3d, by Stat lijht 11UD3 i"l..MU- Ilcifw. Eed and white. Calrcd Febiuary lOih. Jty 'ïuM Duke of HUlsdale B864, out of Florence bv ijuke Dlder,ör 6th llukeof 'l'liiirudule; g. duin Moni by Orpheusby Duke uf Olcster ! IS8S] EAlltY- lleili'r. Bed and white. Oalved Haiob 20, Ib7_'. By Ttard Dnke of Hilhsdale 8864, out of Fedalnia, by Dukn Balder, by ith Duke of Thoindale : g. dam (ipefiy by Loccniotivc, 645. CHAKM.OF THB Jll-:ill linter, lloan. Calvel 3tatr: IS. 1S72. lly Third Duke of Hülwlaln 0864, oht of Bhtsa by I BtruwbwTj Sd, by starlight 1003, g g. dam ímiwritú blra-.v!i. i ■ ry by Wiseiuan (12:!17j. nfMMEL- Muil. lied. Calved Marcb Sd, 187'. I!y ïiiirii Dukv ut lliilüiüilu 9864, out of Uipaey 2J,by Dexter, S3t4, by ötarligüt 1 03; g. dam Gifteyby Loconiotive S45. GtFACHO-lSull. Red and white. Calved Miirch 20, 1872. By Tliird Duke of Hillsdale 'JStH, out ot Uiieey by Locomotivo IK, (her 1-lth cali). Abcut half a mile soutb lives Mr. H. Ë. Jemes, whoso beid is also increasing. He has two calvos this season out of tbird Duka'öf Hillsdak, whioh each show tbe stroug breeding.oi' tbis buil, aud bis excellent quality as a stock getter. Mr. ïï. B. Jones is noted for tho families of the puro improved Berkshire pig. He has stock tUnt hecaii truco direetly to importations from the best broeds in Gfrt.-at Britain, and some of his stock run back to jjiize boars or sows 6hown at the great faire trotu tho Prince Albert Farm at Windsor, M. H. Ccckmiu-, öf Qttebec, being the i na port er into this oonntty. For jpm'ity oí brosding and general evenneaa of ionu and color, the yüung pigs Vrtd this year ard temarkable and very Lne. Seyeral of these pigs have been already sold, and BOUie ss w in pig havebeon taken by visitors froui the aorth. One of these sows, witli u younger boar, was lately sent to Mr. Win. Harria, of iu Nowaygo county, aud we give the pedigree to show the breeding of this steek : JAXK- improved BeïkahinoOW. FaiTOwed August 11, 1S71. Bred by II. B. Jone. Dezxer, Uiou. By Dick , bnsi by Jolm elU ot Edmoutou, OQtaiio, 1)V imported Tippecanoe. Dübi- Houut.y, by Tippeoanoe, bred by John Sncll, of Ontario. 1 ir. dam -Eugenia, by Uncle ïom, a boar direct from ïinportetl Bire afM d:im. 2 g. dam- Kute Keacnaj; by Gleudlm, out of imported 8OW. Trnmp, a youn bo:ir, farrowed March 2ttb, 1872, by the same stock, went wi( li -1 The sow Jane Uinpi(rby Alliert, a boar bi-ed by 8. H. Morgan, ot 8t. LaWTonee county, N. Y., by ïmported W.rñiL.'iii, tiid out ot imported i'iiuct' both InrpoortatiODS of September, 187u, by M. 11. Cóebrane, of iiuebeo. Atr. has two distinct families of tlie Berksbircs, in no way related to each other, and coming froni different breed ers, nnd is giving spcial attention to this stock alone of tne Log tribe. "With Mr. Warner we drove through the unciKuded weather of a -J.e]iuious May morning to the fine farm of 'Messrs, Geo. W. A: II T. Phelpe. These young men have made farm work their boónets, and togother are canying on a farm or'210 aeres that was formerly a part of the old Williams estáte, in tbe towo o' W( The young niun who bring intelligence aud goud bll8Íne88 l::i hits iatoThe agficultural work are ths generation that is spriuging up to curry on agricuHare of a different uharaoter from that wtich has prevailed heretofore. Tbe pwfesnt gene ration has been busy duriirg tin pust forty ycars in rednoing tho suftnee of the land iVom its natuiul WÜd state to its present condiïion. Now tho younger men (and woiwn, w b,ops) mu ready, with all tho advani ipevior tducatiou, science, improved BHtchines, and progresa i ;i ovet y directti'ri,-to coiniueuce a now eari-t'r i'or tigrieultuW'rtl this State. Tne Messrs. Phelps have laid tiie foundation for a very mee herd of Shorthoms. As a prooi' Óf their work fchoy showed us a splendid pair of red steers, tour years old, whioh at present weigb 2,20() lbs. eaclt, or ntrifie over that wei;.;Ut, perhaps. These stüers wero out of a bul wero by a buil named " lied Chitriie," a son of Air. Waiinis Dezter 6KJ4 and Strawberry 2d. These steera had much oifae quality and form, us well as the oharacter of the prizegteers shown at the last ötatt' Fair l.y Mr. Wiudiato, of Pontiac. The Wïudiate steers wero also bj Hampden, a son of Dexter, and whii i still more rctnaikable, we saw on the farm of Mr. Wm. Smith, of the Marin Markt t, Detrcit, aiiotherpair ot' steers, three nnl tour years old, thitt aiso had tbte s;i!n" 6ÍZO) ctHor, foiin fine liotbs m iifgh;t.y,"atid'partieulai!ythe beautiful hëads and grand proportions so desirable in the ox, as marks of its feeding properties. These, also, were by another son oí' Dexter, named Btarlight, formerly owned by John Leasiter, of Jeisey. lt was eertainly a singular tribute to the reinafkable qualiïy' of the Dexter blood, who was Vk son of imported Starlight 1003 and Strawbirry 2d. The stoer owued by Mr. Smith is One of "the htmdacmest four-ycar-okls wo have ever Been, and the lust time he was weighed sunk the scales at over '2 Ö00 pounds. Here, also, on this farm of the Messrs. Phelps, we found un acquaintu;;t: that carried us back to thi atteudod uitedStatee )'.'■, Ui ISöH, at Louisville, Kontuoky, wíth A. P. Cook, of Bruoklyn, U. Ü. Degarnjo, and 11. P. Sly, whon we attended the fair all day au 1 iucad U night, and then wut to bed with oniy thirty-six in one room --.Veil, herowasold Bonnette that II. P. bly brought up from-New York thatyear íIhjh u !.' ow :i fine, ltirge, $eep ii #'i. ; cow, thttt wa&lookiug as portly uid fitately us a dowager Duchesü. Tlu buil on thisfarm is a fiue roau four-yearold, of iiiediutu-sizo and good quality, litvtuud Ilurou, whose pcdigrcu is as i'ul!i.v7s ■: 1IUROX -Eumi bnll. Calvwl !8M. Owned by O. H. & U. T. Phelp, uf Dexter. Sire Ubampiuu, bv Cntbir, by Duko Bulder, out of 1.Í.W Cuit), by Uoci. Kosttnoa, by Michigun CJitef, by Piince ol Walfl, out of Importad victoi ■ MichinmChiaf, l'lilS í'íuilucc, by Kockct 'J21;-, oui ol iuiported Stupletou Liis. ïbo podigret) is extended in the .'Jtóck Regtátcr, where wo have uiade a record uf the herd of the Messrs. Vli(,-lps. AinoDget the beifors on tuis place ia a vory hundsoiuo red anti white hoifer, rwwued Belle, by Duko li.ildcr, tliat tor fotm and quality wil! (i" to badcQe. She is from Bright Eyes .'id, by Arnold's MarIuíh. Ui-re, also, is Lizie Cunl, bred by .T. N. Brown, of S:iiin;anion Oounty, JUiiiuis, and Briüht Eyes 3d, ionnerly o wned by Mr. John V, X. Qregory befow bc sold hisfarra, and Buby, a vui y nüat and promising roau büifer, by holdoü's i Araong tii; young stook, we partioularly Botioed a yearling roau bulf, out of tho Bulder ;i red buil culf out of líuly, and a roan eifer ealf out of Lizzie Curd. Tin; young stook are veiy prouiisinE;, and show thivt bereis tho foundation tor a good Rtoek berd. At the farm of Mr. Edwin Blodget, close by, we stopped short timo to ook at his stock. One of his cows is :i dB tei of Bmpress, by Hotspur, mil hé )'"■ beon brocding to a buil forinerly owned by John Nuwlaud, of Ann Atbóf, Báffled Grant. Tbis stock is also an additióu to that of Washtenaw County, whicfa ought to iuako a protty big showing of steek, either at the State Fair or her own couüty fair. Cjeiluiganrgus


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Michigan Argus