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DETROIT OTRTÍSBlfc J'hin i. hi:ísii:, M:uuif.u'tm r f TIX, fcOPPER AND SHEET IKON WARE. W,holi;nle and Kelnil Dealer in RtovoS, Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oil. etc ■ :;:) 1S4. corner 8t. Antolnn and Koiirth S!., DETïlOIT - - MICH. Alsn Agent lor the North American Llghtntag R id Manufactorjr' riIIOVEB BAKiRK'S J( ELASTIOAKD LOCKSTTTCH SEW1NG MACHINES. The my bet In ure, affordt .il! Uil) laleat mproTCmimti Mc:;;', Wt drcu'rtr. No. 4 OPEUA HOÜÖR, DEÏAOtVt TOVE CUTTKUS AND 0ONTKACTOK8. OOBB, W ALLACE & LAW, Ave iftepuad :-j rarnlrt all kind of "C.r ;■ stonk ' Witter Tahlcs, Mills, Caps, Coplng, Steji LaUdiul, &c. Country or(líT8 promp'.lv ftttended to. ;rd cor. Macombaml Buinhlrn SI , OKI UOiX. CARRTAGR KBPOSITOUY AND ManüFACÏOHV . eV havo coiiptahtly on hand, ofouinivn mnlci-, n fine assoitmeut of OVEN A Ni) TOP BÜtiOlË . Whlcti wc (■ Kol! LOW OOlt CASH VVo dof) nnnipetlllon for jtood work. Dealer anpplied. ■ nmiiiailon ol stock ollclted. I.lNGPRKY & PKTFRS, I34T 40 A 43 Lamed Strct-t Bait, Uiinoif A n. & w. r.-tiivNj Mr niiiMCfurere of (.ruinui Coffoes, NpliTN, üluntnrd, otc. and wliolosale dalora In TRAS AND GliOUERS1 SUNDHIKP, 120 Jeftorsoli Avcnüo. ,it. rinJiT, caüm:d Gísobs, Etc., ï have dow in ptorc a largo stock of Foreign anti Domestic Fruits, CitnDed Qoode if all iradei; Pickles. etc , uto., which I tm ofTeriiu.' at low prico tn t bv trulc, JOHN HKFPUO, Wholpn.'il1 Fruit lloüsei 218 J fferson i ra, P BITllL, NEWIjAICD & CO#, Maiiufuc'tirt rs Importen, and wholesale dealers Hals, Taps and Stn;v. QtWdsi 146 niid 14S Jeff non vunut1. 1 ruit, Mich. Also ehipperaof oDilrossed Para. Vè I2ALDWIZV A. C O., Uarfnmctnrer and vrnolusalo deaiera in All Hand Madö (!üstoiü Boots and Shoes, 43 Weodward Avenue, DKTRÜ1T, Ml II JOS1S PATIOS SO,") Manufacturera nnd Doalera in ■fHiimvmi ■ i. 1,1 i' ,1111.-' in Cariiages, Lk!g?ics, Sieighst Etc, Tho fluest auortmenj in Michigan. Estabühod In 1Í4. F.ictor.T, corner WoocPiridgeauA Bnifh Streets. Rcpoctl ry ■-■.'■J.lrfT rsor Avoniic. D.-tioit. I ahvay keep oi: h:md a very uice assortment of Open ft nd Top CarriageK, which I will Hfll ;it low lijare. Itüyers will do ve] to cali and nxAimne ■ tocl and !'■ Ices púrcbaa in. üeHlers caii bny of ïhe to irood adVftttage, JOSBPH K1NÖËL, 5i Gratiot Street .corner Farrar. Detroit ..ich 1MÍOKS ! J.M ARXOí.P &i:r ntppiy Public llorarles, s ibnatn Snhn(,l nul o.nnk Bdvar eurraliy, at low ratrs. Oor gtoak Is chofc 1 ' w oodward Avcnne, t etroit. tAf rkrkfkr'ALLf)N OMIO STON'i:WARR OUU,l7UvJ al Wholeeale. Also an euiirulr DOW sï'H'k uf Wbtte Grntiilc :tnl C. C. CoocIk. Plalu an-i Decoratlire Ohtna Dlnnoi andTeaSeto, Cut GlMS M'.vcr Pluted lïoode T.nln]js ('titl'-rv, jApitn Varcj. ate . at No, l'i UiGbigan avenue oppostto duw Citv Hall DAVID oOOHMT K v i IOBIGAN MACHINEKV DEFOT, GL S. Wormer & Son. Dealen i" ;i!l UíihIb of Wood nml Iron %'orkin ZTIacbinory 9, 101 and 168 JeftVr n Avenue, DKTROIT. HICH; jiOKT.IUI.t; EWG1NK8 Tor Mochauical and Farm U8U. D. r:. RJOB. Mann'actu-er, 101 Atwatcr Mrcet, Detroit. roii. ii. Wï.xi)i:i,L & co,, tl Conimiysion Merclianta fn Flotar and Gh ain. Office umi Wnrthouse, No?. 5(1, Si, r.J nnd .")ii Wcioahrklgc eireet, west, DETttOlT, Mini. f ON f: ware, Halla-rd & Starrat Manaftictnreni nnd nrholeuile dealere in stunp and K ckilih'im xVart;. Fire ;lay . Kirc ïïnck auil Dralti i;;:.-í K:uit Jara niiu laskp. Mannractnrers' Al-iuiuh fortaeuhlu toue Sockit Srit tifd WmiT Hipe. oiüic mul aruUouse N' 6 Wnodbrldge Street, opporlte Board of 1 rade, Detroit, Mlcrl j A. TYKELL & C Sft'AIH, Who'esale nnd retnü dealen lp nll kind of PariD-lmplxmeuC! Machines Statv AgeDU (or ftai' eklladeli)hla MmWERS, warrnntcd to ba the boft in the market. Pricef :nm f!5 to fi". Lihi-ral discount to dealen tnr Scuü lor circular. Mo. '.'1 Jefferson av.uue Oilroit. jiiijx;. Den uit Stcam Dycing: Ktal listuiicnt, 42 Congrcss street. east. between Bates nnd Ran do hvirft-EK. Fftney !?■ inj: on Slik. WooloQ and } ..! of evi iy dcscriptli n done in t ii - lx-' iwaalble manner. Breryklndol Sbawls, allKa etc . cleaned autl re ptessed. Kid -lu-s cleaoed inn (lycd. ABCHIBaLD GHAK T. i s.i'iti-.i. r:Hi 15;, líilÜRrd "Tafelc V. f:inif:nllii'-, wlth Pi'lanpy' Patent Sti'fl Wlre Cn'hlon, nnlverm y arknowK'dgcd t be the beat In UHe.'JS, lOmud 1 2 Rauüolph treet, Detroit, Mich ir, ilGHT's FAMOrS V MlLWAUKEE LAGFR BEKP hest-bitwed in il. ' Rtate A(í;.css k n' ViikïHT illlwankeo Brewery, Detroit, Mich. Terms Oush. f 1 EO. 6. FR-UST 6 CO.. U Detroit, .tlirli. AKents and déniers in Pino ;nil KariÜfilK l,ni'd. in Micblsan. and ïn nenrlv nll the othpr Stittrs. of l ine Land bought or BOld on ComminIon inebuüt uf liinJülu the Southern Stiltes al low rato Chup. Noble. Geo. S.Fruat. Chas. W. Noble ICUDS. l k-li and Rolinblv Karden, IJowfr, anti Furni Scctïs, Who'.ctale and Ketall. li M FERliY & CO , Si-odfimon, '.'O.'i VVoodward aveii'ic. P.8. Our illu il .itt'd Hiid desrriptive priced Secd Catalogue of LGS pfies free to uil appücanta. EKDSI SÍílfCDS! PlT!-h muí Hellntle Garden. Held aul Flower Seeda. nd retMÜ, ar the low--. iitu Siso Kruit and Ornamental Trei Grape Vlnes, Shni'is Rosos aud PhmtSOl all !;w;ds. S, v. inr :l catüluL'UC. W"M ü AI K & CO , Detroit. jotfiIïrixvüc; 1 1 sJita"Ti . Ifanafactnrer of ■lirror and l'rnincü, Cbrotnos, I'j!lrrtlVili(rM itnd l'Ilotos. -nul A..'i'iiissiipplioü. 2-1 Jcfferejn ave tno, Del rolt. ilch tif Qerruftn n ateff at lowest market ratcs, ioawineja, f. a. cAOWEi.r,, m. d. oc llliht uiad AliriKt, pcnnmirntly locatedln Detroit tor l'winty-Five n9f8BBL yurs. Specially treatin dlcaseB WtS KYK .MTn WA.TI, and Catarrlial BABCtïnna of tho 1-IinA.r. AM 'I'HROAT, Offirc and realdence, No. SS Lafayette avenae. )!Mci' liimrs froni 9 A. 'I. to 5 p M . Refereria 8 by I3'-1 mlnelon - Nnthiiniel W. Brooke, Ion. lm Mayhew, Beo. Pn Wm. I). Mor m. BaDker( B. F. Morton, L'q , Wm I Fowler, Kjq. H!70m3 OR SALE ! A House and Lot on tlir Tfost sitie of Mayniird reeti betweon Willimn and TefleniOfi. H&a n good : 1 1 1 nn'i dfttei&a. 't nna easy, Ana Axlwr, May 21, txil. 1375tf '. I. rAPHHAT.L. : ! - ■' - ! GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'f ; for3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, PaintB,Oils,&c. : ; i 1 AM iNOW RECEIVING A LAR6E AND SELECT A88öftÏMÈNT OF OOülTINGS, "tTESTINGS aüd THOWSEBINGS AND BVEHYTÍHNO IN MT LINE FOR THE SPRING TRADE Calí ard Examine Oui' tvork in the Field speaks tor Itself. Also a Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, at 24 South Main Stroot JAÜÏËS BOYD. Sí a i- j o n ïf ná! e & i-i 2 ■ j ' II 3 A II k il f n o i o i rag . S s " pi!? : w ij , , pL, 'S DOIM'T FORCET Tliat the Païrest, Sqnaroflt, and ipt plncp in Arn krh.r to bay Pure Droa d Medicinas, Wln and ,l(iura, for Medicinal POTputMi 'AINTS, OILS, VARNISHES 'BRÜSHES, &C, IS yv-tK. W. ELLIS & COS. Corner Oi[ïoiite the tovloga Bank. Onr Permanent CoV'Wu foroaítlde-or insirió patnt kg. maaufactiird r-m Pare White Lead ,itic. anfi insccil i r aud hetler than ftny bther Hint made Sol-l by the jrallon, ke. nr barrvl. I.) Pkire Laúd, Zinc, ftc., hl satlsf&ctory rices. KKMKMBKK NAMK ANÜ l'L iOB. u. w. i:ki,is ie co. Finest Assortmeni of Toilet ïoods ir the City,by ]L B. GIDLEY, Successor to COLGIiOVK A SOS. f L, DHUGGÏST AND (MUIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, Na. 12 E. HURON STREET, DÖALEH IN Ditios, AfÉniciires, SUU.H H, HSTKniUlVTS, I'lrtC WI.ÏES it LKtCOAS, (FOR MKDICAL PUIIPOSES ÖNLY.; Fancy Gootis, Petfftunëïy, PAIJVTS, OBI.S, VAUXISHES, at.AVS, A--VW PBTXÏ, PBYSICIASS' PBESCBIPTIOAS (.'arefyïly componmled nt all hours. I PBOPO E NOT TO BE UNDERSOLB BY ANY FIRM INT THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS G00D AH ARÏICLE. ï:. II. GIDLKV. l.-.CTtf yjSEC#TTEí Í. Was.kkk. Pnrprlttor. K. Mc Dom alo A Co., OngglM 4 Gen Aftota, Snn Fnudtco, Cal., ind 3-1 (.1un.n.'ic ttratt, N. ï'. MI 1,1,1 0 NS !!-ur TfNthnony io tliuit ciiileiliil Ca rail v e Effect s. They ro not u vilo Fnnry Drink, lacta oF Poór Ruin, WhUkey, Proof Bplrlt and lïcinsc Ilqiiarn doctored, eptoed and swuetcneil to piense tho tantOtOalled "Tonica,"' "Appi.-ti'ors," ''JtcstorurV'AïC., thnt leud the tipplcr on to di unlccnncsH mid nun.lmt uro atnie Medicine, made froníthexntiv lioots aml Uerbi of Oaltfomla. fVoe frotn nll Alcohollc Siiiniiliuiis. They hto the j REA T UIMIOI) ITItlfellBliftnd A LIFB UIVINd FHINCIPKE, ■ twrfoct llöiiovator nnd lnvi-joiMtor of the Bystetni oiüTflngoffall iwtflononahiattbraiid rMCoriiigfchel4otfd to ;l litulLhy coiidltlon. No penan can take these lüttera BCCordftiR todlrectlone aiid reifinin Iotik unwell, providod thoir Ijotics are nut destrojrwl by nlnend poisoit or otlicr nuMUiBt Mid tlie vitul oruns wastoil bevond tlio polntof repair. Thcy ii a Geut Ie Parantlveae well nn Tonit', powewiliiR, nlho, the jicct:lir merlt of iictinpj ns a powei ful Oftont In rollovInR Uungtt! Ion or InBam' DUtlon of tin.' Li ver, nml uil Lite Visceral Orfíans. FOR PEMALE CO3IPLA1NTH, Inyoiingor ohl, manied or single, at thednwn of womanhoód ortit Uie turn oí )fi tliese Ton ia Bitters hbvo no eqnnL t?6r liiflnnnniitory nml Chroulc KhcitmntiMiii and (out, vtBpèpmln ov IiidlsreH&loDf BlItoUBi IE t 'tu i tic ut a iid ] ntermltceuc !'"■- TflN, JUm'üm'h Of tbc Hlood, I.ivt'i-, Kiilxieyn and Bladder theee Bitters Inve been moet tnccewfiiL Siirli llseasen we cansed by Vttlated UIm1, whnii Ugeiiqrolly prodacedby denuigemetit of the IHyestlvo Oi'tansi llVSl'ErSTA OK 1M)Ií;KSTI(). UoalBjcbei Paih ín tbe SböulderSt'Coiurlifl, Tlvbtroei of thé Clicíít, Dtzzfnem, Bour Emciations of the Stmnach, tted Tute in tfiê Mouth. fiillous Attacks, l'alpuatiou of Ilfart. Intlnnm:itioii of t be !.u:ij:n laiu in the rejfions of the Kitlnoyn, andn huudred otüer painful gymptomn, are ilio onspcincs of Dyspopsla. Tüey invifrorato thrHtoraacU andstimulatetho torpul IA ver and Bowela, vhlcb romicr tUem of uii(iijuallel tfEciicy in eleanalnc (iie tlood of all impnríiícs, and impartint: now Jife and viffor to the vhole system. FOK SKIN !)ISi:.Si:s, r:ni]:ions.Tetter. Ball Ríicuin, Blotcbcs, Spota.lnijiles, Pustules, líoils, Carbunoles, Rins-Uonns, SetUd Ueed, Bore Byej Brxslwlafi. Itch. ii:iirfs. Discoion:! ons ()r the ."Ski t.. Qumonan i vitosaxe of the Bkln, of whuw - name or untare re Iiterajlv diiï ui vin l carrii-d out of tlip ,sysi-ni in u short time bythe se ut tbeae Uitters. ltt!e in bucu will convinco the most iucredulousortlieir cura tivc cflvcts. CtcaiiHo tlie Vitiated Blood vbenerer you fiad lts lm purfties buratiaff throuch llio ckin ín I'imples, Eriiptious or Sores; oléense it whenyou fnid it o bs truc teel ánd slugslsh In tho veins; cleanso Uwhen It II fooi, and rnur feelint'S wilï tollyouwhcu. Keep the Mood puro, and the health of the Evstem wlll foUow. l'in, Tnn'j, niid otlxr rms, lurkintr In the eyetcm of so maïy thousauds.aro efTectualIy destruyed Bnd ri-nif'veJ. Sn.s n difttUtuiabed pbnlolefflst iliere ia vcarcely au IndWIdual upon tin; face of the CftTih whos Iwidy is exompt froin the preeenee of worras. It is imt iinon the healthy clenienU of the body that vorn exlMt, but upon 'h? diseased hnmors and slnny deposita that breed thta living monsters of disuano. No Srtem of Medicine, no vcrmffufres, no anthcltiiirit!-a will free the aytttcm froiu woruis like theBe Bitters. J. WALKER, Froprietor. II. n. McDONAI.D & CO Drotvteteand (i-n. Árente. San Francisco. California, aiid 32 and 24 Coinmerce Street, New York. -SOU ÍSX AIb UHLUÜIST3 AND DEALERS. MEWSPRtNSGSODS FILE! I LEWIS, Are now repelvlxig the most complete añd LEíiANTSTííIOFIffiE GOOI I. THÜ LINE OF BOOTS and SHOES EVER BRODGIIT TO TUIS CITY. ISiVJnT TUK EXl'MSIVE SltJE OF TUE UOKK OF MA, TUK t"l!!ST-f LASS JIAXIFACTlltEUS l TUE CODHTRT, WE Ciï OFKIR TO CASH CD8TOHEA8 GRKATER INDÜCKMENTS T1IAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TH 18 CITY. Woarr7 oomplate line? ofwork from i:. C. BI'RT, JUAY BROTIIKnS, STTOWELL lillOS. In OBILDRBN'9 FINR BHOBS, of which wc have by far the larxeit and flnost aportment e?er to Aun Jas. Zfï. ISiirt'N Gent'e PINE HANDMADE Bpnfa mi] Stloe. niirqunlcn ■irStylc, l);ir:il.ilily ttllii llnish. Juhu W. iturCs Hnys Fine Shopït, and in fatt a Complete Stock of yiNKaml I'LAIN (iooris, tattableforthi mnrket, i:i X X HÜRRY UP ! 1AItTlI-:s wlehïog Wall Paper. Cloth umi Paper Hhftdes Bollanca Inrlow Plx tares, Cotds. TamaI. &c„ nll N w Btvles, ni RatUfactorj Price by M.% It. ■Tchtor Ac Vo. Bot More, near the Szpre s Office, # X - X Go toR.W.ELLI? & CO'ej for choice Wines and Liqunrf for Medical Purposes .


Old News
Michigan Argus