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QL0BIÖTJ8 X.EWS FOR ALL CRÉÁfiONI E. J. JGHNSON, H ATT ER ! CAS RECEIVED HIS SPRING STOCK AND STYLÉS OiP Hats, Caps & Straw God-j, CESTS' FlïtMSKIM. iOÜUH, ETC., WIIICÏI HE PROPOSES TO SKM, AT PJUCES WUICH DBFÍ COMPET1TIOIÍ. 7 Sonth Main fit.. Ann Arbci Chancery Sale. THE CIRCUIT COURTFOR' THECOUNTY OF flTfiXAW- lïi CHAXCEllT : 12LIZAH. II1LL 1, Coinpliünunt. t$. AARON JJKAX and CATHÈRINE UKAN', j Lanta. In pnUMBA of tt decretal oiVr of tlio Circuit Oourt fot thecounly of WaahtCDtn in chancbry, made in the al . i iUbesold, nnder thediret:i')n of tin. subscribí r, atpobb'eauotion, atth door of th Court Hou hl in theoity f nn Arbox ■ u ashtenaw, on Fi tnd day of August tu'Xt, at ten o'clcck a m., all that certair ij;iiiM-lnï Lu-d situüttd in theoity of AxmArbfa ml countyof Waahtenaw anddeecnbed aslo1 Dumbe ninein Bloek qumuer tluee north oí fftíron in range No four of the original plat i?i said city; JJuted, Jüïi luth, .-1R. BKAHAN, Circuit Cour) Oontmisaioner for the Coniity ui v';;]ttcna'W Colman, Koot &■ Kikke, Boïicitors lor Comploin&üf. Drain Conunitis'oiicrV Notice. Notie is hereby given thai the Drain Cnrnn :- of u [i.i",t.nitM' County willbe at the rs Blus behttirl infere rownt#hipol Fiwdora lusaidoouiity od jluiidiiy, Ji th, 1872, Rt u the uitcrnoou, tu ojc n and constiuctUm of a dreun, in be b ■ a Ij ín wát towii, un Itmds owneu I Ktirle, run ;, . uoj ! h and wesi i hrougfa I ho s od on 12, tin o " - '..'t novóos i );♦ Ö i . i-J t Bcctian ! 1 aeno o ■ iou 11 :v. ti.' S W . 12 and oorth, i Aídu . i oti the f W . o! neotiou i . ■ land ■ o )!m Gtet mama. 1 wiil :lo be at tlio bov ■ il etÉ f?t ïrlc j . the -ui daj ■ ■ -ok ii i h time aii plnfee J v. i:: Mi.tps of the abov pi ■.'■; rl ;. . . i nnt mil duLCJ Iptlbn by djivisim posed duda I tion of land i ■ an'ltothe tovlrhsfiip ui Freedoih tbcotiitírucí IlifflitvUy, und u hear reaatnb, it uny are otft red, w U subb apportioamcnt should berei Ana Albor, Juno I9th, 1872. i). lH M. KI v ; Drniu CouimiL4iaaei of Wuabtouaw County. _M rïrïgc Forüclo?ure Kctice; DrFAULT imviiig becu raadt? in o of a ] ; 1 1 . i ■ ' 1 i : [ r ■ s I t ■ 1 t i J bearinff-datti I ■ :.t , A. L). L'.j.iiv ■;■. jüui'.iud nnd Bixt y-LJ.'iiii, and t&n rdtfd iii the otfici . ounty, üi ltigan, in ■ mpagofoui ünudred and tuenty-six, on the eih.■iitr.-i, hundi-ed audsbtty;ui.l i ItnU ' I i' ■■- A. U , Ml 1 1 ! ■ DOM 1 ., aie oo . . -■■ va aaid i iporutivo by ïen ■ - nul ihe bum of Rr e ■ ■ ) -"in1 ,en ■ beiilg ÖlaiflJëd tb boduo ohsui nt the late of tl ■ Bpul aiitl i itei oa hesides n ble Attorney lee foi tui iJ jaurt;age, iinil no suit oi proceedinga al law bal ing been astituted to rece juiy part thexeof ; Ño hcrely ueu," t ii-it sáid mi --1 . by i sítté ot the do n daacribed ai 'orth, or - irae p&i ttln intb door of the Couti ÜouMe;in the city n' Vnn i oor, tiint bein? the plnce ol holding i :uit 'om ■ ■ : hc said mortïttif d remises ao to be sol I, bjy yi er oï i.iio m anuí 14.0 tg'igc, . ■ . or i OleO] o;1 land situnie n the townsbip ol ■ ity ot IVdabtenav i nd St o of Miohiguu bo mded and i Bcribed l 3 ing the nortbnbt quorter i ectibil nombrar Uurty-eix [8CI in p number four i4J wnitli of ninsre number oui i-i. i. ,coi aisiug foi'ty ucics of lund be the -ame m , Ai.u Aller, -Tuno ïiitïi, IWS, CLAiiK BüTTOKj ïlortgagee. Hiiiam -T. Bkakeb, Attomej for Moiti WïK Mortguge Salo. DEFAUXT having I in tboconditlons ot a oerfuiu indentore ol in ■ itod by WiluntB. bturry and nn Bwrry, hiawife,to Bradford Jutter oí tieocaj "i'i iiinbull i ïonjnty, in the Btatp ol drfte the tw ; s -t Api-il, 'fghteen hundís i ■ i ordea in ,jip ortii:e ui' the Register ui' Deed Un the County oí Mjclitgnn, in Uber forty-threeof aortgagtft, óii tjugíTtour huudict Lx, on ihe tvt-ui -eignth day of A pi il, eighteen hundred and uventy one : by which defanlt tb pow rol .nined in s:üd mortir;iv. itive, and iu urtitu til to reoovei tie amount dueou ï-i moiigage or mpanyhig tf ■ 1 -"7 CllttUD ■) to inyíng tLé 8me, the Biitnöi (bur thousand uur hundi'ed und one duxlara and eixty-tix Cents, and il üfty dolían :s anattori - -,;■■ o suid m 'ld iiny pro■ci'dnijis be taken to foreclm I ■ N".:m u hereby giren that Bá m vrillbe fore Monday, theniueti noxt, i; !■ o u'i loi li in tü" mormtig p of the Court House in the ( ityof nn Ai!.()] In said County of Wiishtenaxv [wiid Couiï House lii-tng the plact of Wdinff thiiCircuit Cooitfoi said Doanty ofWashtenaw), oy a wie ui auctionto the bíJder,foí-caah,ol t ho pn misw deeoi ibed in said mortfEage or so olueh thei'eof aa ehaliho neeeslorytowiUMXy the amount dueonwud mortgage, with reasonable costa and pxpenseeand theinteresi on said tlierwithnn Attorney tte of ii!'. dollui providod torias;ui nortfrage; whioh taortgaffed 1 in said roí I iDowe, u -. : ■■ '. Ing the iKHthwi'M (uiirtt. i of itection twèntfwven in towDflhip one sontb ol range numl ei ia eaat, i. :■!'■■ of iichigan, (exoupt that purl Lying narth ïl the territoria] roaa whieb inte ct II). Auo uil af theeast half of thesonthwtatquarter oi lootion twenty-two lyiöfl botiüi oi sald ' rritoriaJ road. ,]si) i niflit uf wayfoui I oinsald ruul to i] ñng r brook alittle Dortfa of said road! and Ihe nght of ■.. v-'i i" a deed to Jtíkb CMinan A lt toit. Also :i patt of the eaet hall of the north.ast ijunvor of seotion twenty-eíght. same townbhip m i.iTi:r", desoribed ■■. followa : oummencing at the nrirtheufti corner thereof, thence west on ' he seetion bank oí a iu about tVrenty rod ut banli of snid Htoh to theeaai line i the pi ice of b ■:,pi'inüt'i, oontiüning aboul flve as is sunposod. Alao thirty-llvc aeree of lnd, v-tit ►f said lt meni uned qnai ter i ■ ol ion, lHinnded iouth b] ■'■ le bhereof trom the southeast corner of said qusirtcrsec lion. uortl to the north bnk of a ditch running Larind west, and on the nciriii by a bne running irotn sa I westerly nlong thenorth benk tfaaidditchi and conf inned iti th n so fr bat a line runninff'sAi Fïoiri parallel to thO tas! line of said t■ii(.l to tlie soutb ünoof soid quari wüKwjth the linas heretofore mentiocted, Dolude ihirty-nTe aeres. Dated, Ann Arbor, May il, ln:-. Bfi ADFOEÍJ CARTEÉ, Tiiacy W. lïorT, Mort#rags. Att'y for MortíTi?-ee. W4. ï UMEER YARD. C. KÏÏAPF, Ha n larpc and well ttocked Lnmbsr TorJoi afltoraoa Street. 1d the soatb part ol (Mt.v. nnt r-IU keopoo listan tl; on hand au uxcclleiilvurlctyol .ÜM3ER,SHINGLES,LATH&C riiicli wlllbo'o'd nslowascar be alonlei In ;th!i inrkit. (imlitvHiid pricr es nch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KBAPF. Ann Arbor .Ianoiirj-201h, 1871 86 mmms presgriptiohk ICfRA'.EI,! Ni' CARËFULIiV PRBPAPED at R. W.KLL1S A ÜU.,VRUGOIMS Sute. VL7"H1 condlV tumi oí a nnii . ,,v j.j.(r. ■'. Carter le, b sring dntfe ihü thhtcenthdnyof April, dffhteen hundroa dnd Uty.-n.l roeorded iw theotöee of tl 'i, the ■ -■ ne hun■ Bale 00 and no guit w proceedint? :it Uw havioc ■ nd ili.-rc bcinffnow.-um oí tl öve i",, , tv-thwe 111 Ii'J "' . ■ ■ - itï 1.i:'i-.. n Lhnt by virti: i ■ tl by a Sftledf tnfl tand oi gome nai t si bidder on E n'xt. ut ton ■ -ii cloorof the Cour! ( i-v ' i ' Dn Ubor, in sajd oouni ■ nee of holdii Couri (■■)■ theCoui tyol W ashi ma-n . in ptinnanoeol ad; anid mortfni i ,. .,,!,! i ,.j,,., Jestrribed in :■■ OÍ Mi'lii;: m, vi. : '! Í ■ quarter 1"'1 -N . of the ction oc, town t!iwesiutli of rang n,i state aforesaid Ualeil, Ann Arbor, May li. 1872. - TitAry"V. I Mortungee. Att'y lor AFortg-ngee. Mortgago Salo. DEFATJTT koyln ,n Of a öeil:o ' tck and Frcderiek Pehmia Janoai ■. ls;r and recordé i in thi . u,-.. hten ... No. 44 ti i .,-., i,y whiol ',.T üt' siile tl and DO Ucn instil law to recover the mortgnge de! l mul the ram ol thre hundred an .i doUan and Beventy-tlireo cents I eing ïów elaimed to be dn trad thirty dolían a an Attorney fee, r.s proridedin biLirl ui"! tguRfi) and íui : In i guins to bei ömo duè : otice i thererore boreby giTpn, that wrid mortgage wflj be forecloa il by a bkIb of the raortgaged premiM,dc illpwa vi?: enstt-riy i,i the north asteóme cl lol r--.-; ij-2) in ght [8J, in Brown & I :m Albor, Michijían, tíoconüing to tlit ■ Uneof Waüa noathéasterly tireetion rodi and ii ii line parallel lo said W_a thence Ín a ïiortheriy direetion tbirteen roda and three links at vilit anfrles tt twid Wall stiyci to the i lace oi I and re and one-lmlf rwis on f rem Uu souta e ■. ., reft, al . i bor, on noon Dated, April 30th, 1S72. CintTSTIAN' MACK. FHi D O MID, . , Attoraey. M)rti. i Mortgage Salo; DKK.M'Ll' baviiig i in the btmditfon óf n beth M , ■ oi Jauuary, A. D : ttie utiiv'i ui tlie Rftgister oi i . -;- of VaahteiJ i w Cuunty, ia tl i , in über43 ol mort; luiuttry alt tho pover ot' .-ale con■ pt rutile, and daüned by i tfae date of thia notice, thcsumoJ fönrteeu butfdred and aévtinty-onudoliars ftiid Ñxty-aix ceuts, for principal ui'! tntei : tv dolluK i a fetii otinble Solicitot'a ( r Atloriiey'a leo on takiu piOCvfKllDtjTH tO füi' ■ ■ . Uttd J;u kuI ■ ör in öb inc 'ry n i ■r . or any pari teoréof : rñoilng--. thv -:■ I iTuvidcd, eaid juoitgage wjil be fi ■ y a sale of the mor) premiecs, :r public suctionj to ti" hihesi ti - ; door ui tinCouti I Aun Ai bor, of ":l-.. ■ :' Wasb i ot the ■ ii tl■! y-rin(;. 21), Ui :■ v. n foui : l) ftoul h '' l Wnshtei in, contiiiuiny tife-iitx ■i. Ana Albor. I;ichii'nn, April 8, 1RT2. Ai.! C. B Gbaht, Attorney for Mui L36S Slíeritf'fi Sale STA'f I I l . ::■;:: . nnw:ss. iiy virtuö of a writ o! eoo cu'ion issaed ont i ui tíi tbeseal oftbe Circuit Court nelianeery, for ÜieCountj i.i Wayne, I ta1?oi Miel Egan, nntt to Ote diltcW ■ ■ -■ l.i:.lnud tertcmi-ni I cm the upuii nli un rik-ht, title. una nt r ■. tiutherljind has in tnV folltiving - . lo wil : Twénty-oñe and qiu' -hall u el in vrMt!, ba oi tbè N'orth siü oi lot number Üvc, ui Blocli aumber one Ëouth ol i four in tbe City oí Ann Ait ur ; nlso (Ul tlu ] ifrht, tillé ;■; i!n alloy aíorfi Ite taal end oí lts number fivt and süt in oaid one, which real eetat above desoribed I ■r snle, '■ public .■.iM'tior:. . v tliiid tiay of Juty A. "i. II Duteil, 7lh A. 1. r MYEON WEBB; Shcn'tf. lístate of Joaeph Annin. STATE OJ! .MICÏIÜ.AN.' nir.ifyol W ■ hal by au order oi I he Probati i oí ott ii Wnoutenaw, ■ n tli day of June, A. i ■ uatewere ollowed for ore ïïiiii hite of ïreditors oi tüiá di ■ ■ ' ■ s . t JJ Probate ■. i ; ot for cxaníínatí 1 ■ 1 ):■ SPV Ilt4 . u x uims wiil beaní i 1 Pti . tTreaty-fourth ■ tli daj 1 'ck in the foronoon oi BAftD I lt Aun Albor, Jm e 17tli. A. D. ' HIRAM ,1. BE LK 13?9wJ Juitt;: Oi J Coiniuissiüiiors' Xotico ntv rffoÉhtwnaw. fw. The u 'üih-íI by the ■ CVuri tor sttiu connty, i ■ eiv( , e til pere - e Qgiiinsi ■ hat --i. ■ . .■ ditori te )■ i ilniín a;rtiins1 rl I I, and thai tb j wilJ n et a' i Uwick, in tbe vilDexter, in , on Sturday, (he wenty-fonnh daj trf Aügü&t, nnd Tnebday, the enth das ' h ' o'clock a. y., i tíf 3niil ; (ne, and adjiut snid ■I.liiris. Ddted, Jimelfltli, A. 1 l8T?i 6AMl6öK IVMfKKIï. IBAAC M. WH1TAKER, i:7Sv.( ara Estáte of Cornelias Larughlin. TATB OP MÏCHIQ N,( 1(nint ol WnshtenttW.M At a (tewittu uf the Frobítte Court í'or tlic Cooxtty Oflloe, in tlif ity oi Ana Ai - or, on Thundnir, the twentii Mi iy ni Juno i;i the year one thouáalkd ei-ht hunréd and seventy-two. i'ivisfir, üirumJ. Beakes, Judgo oi l'robate. In the matter "t ihe estáte of Corneilua Laughn, dectM ling and aliña the petition, duly rerifled, of Villiiirn Burke, Admmistrator, praying roKi tío mny I to Bell eertain real eftatc whereoi s;ül , for tie purpose of rttetribatinfr -.ile junong the persons inte 1 1 rein timtMondny, the twenty'"■■■ i::f.-tt t'':i ooloclt in thé forenoon, aingoi said petitionfdnd th ira u law ol said d eeaéed and uil other penoiu inirested ih t , re required to appeai at i ■' Baid i -.uit, then to be hoUen ni the 'róbate Ulfiee, in the city of Ai:n Arbor, ud. show cause, il' iiy tlicre lc, by the rahOttldflOtbegnnted: aikI it h further oioered, that Bald petátioner give ootioe to ïio persen iaterested In aaid eatate oi uiependexio] oi oid pciitiont and the hearing thereof, by oa,u py of tliis ordei to be puhlisbd in the Michigan rgut, a Qewspáper iriiitel and circulatinp in said "uunty, four aucceWVe treelu incviuüs tosaid day f liearinif. ;opy.) UIRAM J. BEAKTS, 137U Judge oí Probate. Sstatti of WiliiaiD X, Moorp, Jr., - minor TA I 'V. OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnshtennw, e At a seesloB oi Uh Vashtenuw, holden at the l'robate Otïict.1, in the Citj t' Aun Arboa,', on Batunfoy, tlie fiftcentb diy oi une, Ul tlio year onu thousand eight huudied and evonty-t v. 0. Present liirntn J. Bcakcs, Judge of Probate. la tho matter of the éstate ofWilham N. Mooro, l., 11LÍ1!"I . iding and filing the petition, duly veri fk il, ui Viiii.tüi x. UooTet Kenitr.K guardián, praying that !!■ iay be iicensedto sell t-crtuisi real estáte beknigiDK o aid minor. Thereopon it is onlercd, tlint Mondny, the fiteenth daj oi -!"-y (text, ■'■ tooooh)ckin the f ore' uon beaeaigned ror the hearing 6fsaid petition, ub3 oa the iifx( oí kin of aaid minor, tpd nll othei xM"ains iuterested in eaid eetnte, are setjuu ppear at ;i tiession of said Court, bhen to Se I tthel-obate oiliv. in the City of Ann Ar lor, and iny there be, why the prayer of the pesraatod: And it is lürtbei orered, thai i t pel itlouer ;:i■■ notice to the j ■■ '■'. , oftne pendency oí i)ii! ] eti" ion, and tha hearini thereof, i opj oi thii ïiïiï to be publisheci in tho I ru, a neweaperpniitra md eircolating inaaw Cmroly, three w( i ks previoua to snid day ot heurinjr. (Atrueoopy.) EU&AM J. BEAK] 1370 JudKoof ProLate. 'r of fienry JoPbillipSi rtTATE OF MICHIGAN, ! i . . ditenAWtH. ■ O At n towion of the i'robhi Court for the ' - f Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the iiy oi Ann Arbor, on 9turday, th fl t f Juno, in the yeax out.1 thoumnd eight hun rod ïii'l Be ( nl y-twn. Pre ut, ilii um -f. Honkes, Judso of Frobat. lii the matter uf thf estáte af Henry MoPhiUif s, eoi naedj On i:-;t'Üng And fllfaig the petilion, duly veriiird.oi . illi] s prurin or eome othwn inay be ppomted administriito] ■ e ol wiid ó ■ Tnereupon it Is oxdered, tli.-it Mondny, the flfteunth ■ t, fit ten o clück in the foienoon, ( lie hoiiriiifi i ■■. ti:at ol bei person ■ . ore ii quired toappeai atj u ii 't aid Ooprt, then to bê holden al theFrobati tfflee, in tl 'f ' ity of Au ii Arbor, and show Gauw, il ny tberc be, why the pmyei I ■ ihould ot begninted: And it is further ord#ecUthat aaïd etitionei rfvO notice ti ■ -tt-d in snid Btate,ol j of said petition, and the'nff thereof, fcy oaunng n eopy ot tltis order te te publiahed is the Hiel ■ newspHper.printed and oireulatins Insulu county threo sucociseie weeks w íoufl lo taid day i I (Atrueoopy.] Hl RAM J. BB tKE6, I8M Jufljre of Fnhato. (o of Caroline ]) r. An Arbor, ü ,'-,,', ,'" 'ille UflCTmdred and seventy Wo u ""Ü Present, UiramJ In the maller of iho è.ute Óf ?"■ i ree ntd. c l" t-nruii,,; n md IMngthe politlón n,,i Aha Kr.„r. ul.nh.iM,:,,,,,,,, """')■ v„N ■ (Uní MÍZ (1 - '-'"tísij Tberenpon ii is ordered. tlist v Jfteeuth day of July l.-n' n. i"ndï. th. ana il other persons im, r. ,t, 'n„ "', ,s""1 fi rt-8Blnof811idCoí.í'' . al theProbi ■,lhHo ■.ntl showcauae llanytherebe wht?fAL iho prtltloucr huuld nut'be L-nim,1 i , Prnii pcrsouMiitermefHi, faid , etati-.Si ,. "'"ton, aidpnltli.ii. and lhchearlnth"iTOf i tlil-orfir t bc pnblihi ,„ Cnuuty, ruttrénceeIvu -éek preïuJ ofheai ''■ '''lijí CA-cop, Estáte of Patricï S' Al a sesslon of th, Probate .', ,n „r ,bhlei" n "f V;,,hr,;;j„w, i,,,'..-.,,;,: [he i.,,,'.!,,: City 01 [!v th?0(SlS handled an(l ?veiitj two. Preaent. Hlntm J. Beakes.JddïfolPrnSii In thenVuiei ..I ibcEBtieolfatik?iífc Senior, i '"u "cHilr ol ITancIti KcMahou, ti, , " , ' Wei. P '" h'e Bpi.ointed A(Jiutni,ir,,or r"" tute ii f su ui oècriired oflx. TlureupoD I; is order?;, that V elShih d„y UI July next al ten o'üodft ll luren,.,,,, „. aasiyuifl for thi bearlue" Lf ■il and tha lieio ai 1 „,"í Wieaeed.anda.ioth.- .-t,,,, " . tlred tu .),,;,:.!■ ai i ,( th.n i,i be holcl,.i, ,t the l'.-.,,;,t, oilr '""": Clly oi AnnArWör.andel u, .V"1"" rlljr tin, ,,r,:;:-,.r of the" peHitonei 8ho atnuted: Andit isfurtlier orüfcrcd i tiön, ri;iTciii)ticctitheper.oiiK nicrei of the oendency oraaid pttitlon i"" hearlnetlicreol, hycauslnt-n copj cl bepnWiahed In the M, hira .,,-„„, , „ ri"'i d clrciilaiine In fO c.i.nij ,SHj _ _ I"i'-I' or prc,h„'t. to of Edgi {Z .■TAM II'-iAN.countyofWaiktl4t a session of the Probate CourtfoTSÜ of v. mhtenaw, hoWèn at thè Probate i0? eity ol Ai n ! ., 1."1" ■ ■■■ ir. the ycai otie thouwui ,bt Jl! iind levaatf tv. o. "'"■' PreseDtfilii tmJ. ' '% 'JÍ r'iobntc In thu nutter o! tll'j c.iliile of (üjiír li r'. ' dweteed. a'nsnj: md flliissr tlic petitf'nt. iluly veriiiJ j . praying ibut ubeor ma,7iï ' piTxon may ..■ ipolnt'j.l uilaiiuiatrrfitirl the.-e:ate ofaaid .]o. .. ' upon it is orden-d, il.Mt Moudnr ik,ij,i daj M July nest, at ten l't ImSl igned tor the hearing ol said ithion, JS and ui! nther peinons Mtercstcd in í;iñ! wtie3? tjuirod to appenf (it a uidcoart tinl at the Probate Of] y'oijjii ■ . i. ..:iy tbero i . . v. of the petiti, m.r be gratifoj: Avè' .ld, .. d , bbíi] petition, rgive notite t . lio l.'.'uiiiK' theitof, ï,y catunir t tbin wder to bi jiAjlisl.üd m tLe MidiJ, : priuted nnd ciKulAtinfbM eonilty, tuxee saccessive weoké rífviousto mk1it(í hearing. '" I A tri.QCOpy.) 1U1WMJ. !.. 13; S Jodge of 'j.ui Estáte of Zer.aS Burd. v TATE OF MICHIGAN, Coimty nf Wtíh'B , Al l tshtunuw, holden al 'ffiájuti it y "I Aun Arbor, n WediMadnj, the tnUi I d;iy oí Juni', in the year ouü thuusHnd eight bundoj ' ano seventy-tiro. . i ■un J. Beaked, Jud rjf Pr-ihute, la thi ]!::.['!: of the , -Biirt, fc ( hurles H VVorden ■■ ' the lastttUni ■'■ítfidlO ! bal he ia n ■ tu rviiJerlis ti ■ ■ a Bncb lLxecutor. - iy, tbaBU ■ ■ üexf, -:. ten r::fa(a,! '..lííuoli ucnMH,ni - at bv rf rt;ti.l 'ir. ;md nY'. ';'ihr pen-ons iatoHía' in fililí tvíat-. ir; required lo aligar taia sílfll Vi - 1 '■■■!! IO )■■ '. ü;ite Oíñcc, in i!. Vnn Arbor, ia ■'■ vb; tic ■ : And iiigfanhr . that üiii.l Kxi f ui'i ui' noticc 1o tlja. gons in o ...■ K'i-.It'icT (rfuii of t Ii! publUli, din 1 .' '.- wefckiyro ■ (A truecopy.) illUA.M J. 11 l:'.:S Juilfc'eof l'nbitt ín of (Tohn Millson. OTATE Oi' MICHIGAN, countyof WaUau,.' ■ At ,. stíion of thí Co.ilt foi Ü , the ouii; o Ju, . L-ijíiií Iuuuiko mm m enty . In ti, ... .. .i. nnd üimír thc TT'Hiop, TerilW,rf I WiiliKTu .iill-. n, i istrator ot i ; : li v, the ík ; Vnêït, ■ k n. i lie forana, '.id I.Ciivin.ií of f,i.l neulic Ol Baid d.imí, ■ -itvof Ín Albor, .m, i M:inv ca.itse. íf any fce. wbylb aittd: i i: ; Curthei f [fttonerftÍTiMbi the peí - tbc prtJT ..: siiid petition and the heariou. tboiüi". byti,wiy. ,o] of thm oitlcr to be áublished in the Jíidiign' nMMWfc ty, linee sucoossite - - ■ ; tu said dají! (Atnieèbpy.) 33IRASI .T. B) Io77 JmlgeofPreltt!. lístate of Jacob Cook. STATE 01' MICHIGAN, County of WaiMom, in i-t :1h: l'idljntf ( ourt fortiieCwtf teDHW, holden ;it ti'j Piobu ofAnn Arbor, on Tuiwfaj-, he ](.uiil,lyo(Jiit in the ytur otíe thouaaud eight hundzed uaditf' ontyPresent, Ilirnri.T Iíóakes, Judge of ProUte. Ju , . ■ te of Ja" Cl"' iding and ffling' thepetition, lulywi&i John Ueoige Meyei, praying ti.;,t a ctrtain &i ni. n: n.nv on file in tiiía court., purpurtiup ia last wil] and testament ol" &:.:d dtttiiso,), mty1 mittod to probate, ond thnt he miy be pfoul.0 .i.ereof il is orderefl, üiat 5!ondy, imS of Joly next, at ten o'olrak in tbe noon, bt oasignod tor the liearinir of saiJ ï0 und ti.-. es, devisees, and lieiw tu said deceased, and all other persniu iiiteRl ■ :e, ure Mquired to uppear t ■!? lurt, tlien to be ho!d ut tlic IVoUUwJ in the CSty of Aun Albor, and iho ■■ JjJ . why tlie prayei ,.i Uie [■. n ium-r fbonB" granted : And it is tiulh, "■ ?-L rive notice to tl ■ "'"ílíi juut. and tbebMi . . n eopy oi il. is order to 1 fJJ" in the .) -Maan Argüí, a newsj api r i-rinted ■K Te wcebp"" '■■ i ■:■' ol hearing. .... (A trut copy.) IHG.1M.I.) 377 ' Judgcof rreWt_ Estáte of Lucy Jf. ilnynard. OTATE OF MICHIGAN . County oí VMo 0 At ii ol the Probute (.'ouii loi tucLounn Waahtesttw, bolden at tbe Probate Ollice, l1 01 Alm Arbor, on Monóay, the thiro J! the yeai onc tsousand eigW huma1 sei enty-two. Present, OiratnJ. Benkos, Judge of PfS_j In the muttei oi the estáte ol Lucy Ml" - I i un reading and flliuK the ]ictuion,dulyw'J' Edwatd :. Bigtlow, praying thatneerm" mout now on tile in thia court, pui-porting w w , huit will un i testament of Baid deceased, mtf'zí. u probate, and that hc be ai'!"""' :pmi it is ordered, that Saturi)MJ5 ty-ninth uay oí June instant, al ten oyi f förenoon, be isaignol for the heaiiag "flJE I tion mi. t that the lógateos, devúrei MJL at law of said deceased, nd u TZ I inteiested in snid estate,are reluYi"ti I Jjear at a session oi' Said (.'onr, , tlion to be brij I the Probate Office, in the City uf Ann Arm. I show cause, if any there bc, wliy the P.n'?cï( I ild 'not be gVanted : Aiid " 152 I ordered, tlial said petitionpT frive notitf'"'"'";,,! 1 intenst, ',■. ui Uie ]iendency o' 'ztui I ticnj and the hearing thereof, by cauiniíacofi I . I e publiehedin tho Michigan Mí"' ' I paler printed and cireulating in eks prerious to said day olheajSb I I lecopy.) lilKAM.I. UtAK t 1377 Judïeof1". I Estáte of Joscpli Harris. I LJ TATE 01 MKHK.AN. i ■'■"n:yr.f W'a"_, ■rt Ai asessionof Uie ProtateCourl toi "''Ej of Waslitcuaw, holden ut the l'"'lltl "?"iJ Uty of Aim Arbor, on Tucfday, üf 'Tj of June, ii the year one thousand i-ifrUt hunai" seventy-two. , I liirnm J. Beakes, Judge of 1 1. tbe matter of the Estáte of Joi " ■ ingard flhngtho pcUii. dulr-IJJEi i : i ai rii, Fianklin Jl. ,jjk . aitabh person, may I"1 , il oiuu" isUtttorol the, Ideoeaaed i I Thereupon it w ordi-iud. Üiat JIondy. jL 1 luly next, at ten o'clock '", tl;l',iTV foi the hearing of ssid I'TnVI il law of said deceased, ",-iI interested in siu ""mJitZ rourt. Uien tolieti". Piobat? omfc, in the i ty of ■4l""vïtïr'Sii Dause, if :u,v Uure !c. why the pniji-i uf ' J!!L5l ranted : And it is furtbwonijjjj,! said peütioner give notie t tlic person !'lIct!ji)il ncyoi snid "'""ttl , by oa using n uopy of tl ""a! .: in tlie .I.V.', i Argus. n lllW1:St mul oiroulating in ettid county, threeincc to said day of bearinp. o-, (Ateoopy.) HIKAJJ Commissicmers' Xot'CfCTATEOFMI' B1GA. enuntyof ""f"SV# O The underMfned, havii rpi"j E Probate Court for sáM eounty. ■"n"nlf5üii' : . „s! „11,-bims umi "ojt [ .,11 persons againsl the estote of ■'""■gij lateol Bnid conuty. deceawd, heieby &JLj siz montln trom da l'oni tor , "' mePI al theotl m.-M.Ii.'p. ;.; . udttnmt} onaturdny.ii. jjjt dayol August, anu onTiiesdiiy. ■ 'W „jd W oember. nexi.ot ten o'clock .. m. of e ro" re,eamiñe,ánJaljnstudlBI" """-Jl S"'A-: HOK, L


Old News
Michigan Argus