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"the Whangdoodle Waileth."

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lt is wolL known to all of oar citizer.s that fon ten or fifteen yeara Radicalisui has runraiupuut at, the University ; that on all public occasions Demócrata were givcn to onderstand that " eduoation wa the bano of Demooracy ; " and that Democratie students worc in such u diminutiva minority as to soaruelydare siy thoir souls were tlicir owu. Democratie meetings havo IjcCH diaturbed by organizad bodies of Radical students ; and on GoiiiluraiMnent occasions the Democratie nirty, Democratie statesmon, Democratie journals and jonrnalista have boen unsparingly douimncTd by name. We bd supposed that all this was not ctaargeable upon the Regeuts or th'j Faoulties, and have not held thooi rosponsible for the enthusiasfic, partiaan, and not always eharitablo or tnithful utterances of " the boys." Wo took studonts as type of the time?, and considered that they had becomo imprognated with their politioal ideas and notions ontsido of the Uuivorsity, and that they spoko for themselves and not ns the mouth -pioces of tho authoritiea. Butour zealoue oontemporary of the Courier is notso disposed to regard tho conservativo uttoraners, or mlhor the lack of radical ulterances on the Ia1o Commeneoment day, and so gues for Rogents and Vaoulty in n dozen or so of artieles, a few of which we copy : "It seems to us that the Ooniyie&coment Exoreiees and tin; uiitFV dinnei speechos wero all manipulated in the interta of the Groeloy . iuetion. lt is possible we are mistaken, wt? tliink Dot, but for tho credit of the Uuiversüy wj hope we aio. " " At the close oí' tin: exorcisas on Wed-. iiesday aftoruoon somo of ouv proiu Qreoley Donaocrats were in high spirits, and loud in their praist's of tila wfty things liad boen managed, wbilo hundrods of the truc friouda of the Univeraity went to their homes with heavy hearts." " Wo cannot help regarding it ns snmnthing not accidental that Guv. Blair should take an opportunity to moke a Btump speech on " Btftto ltights," which had nu relation whatover to the day or the toafti : and tlmt onr estecmed neighbov, Mr. Rogers, shonld outrage the feelings of tho olass of '71 and soma of its speakors who wcro tbr present, by snyin; that the speeches of the; present year w -,■■■ mach bettor thnn the speeches of last year,' ohiefly bcauso they were more "cousorvative1' - conservativi', that is, Damooratio. Now, all we have to siy is, wo heard last year's speeclies, and we do not remember that there was any allusion to üolitieal questious at all, in any of tho speeches of that day, while on Wcdnesday thero was tcarcely anything eise." " To TUE IlUGEXTS. - We do nc t know precisoly what your dutieg are, but we had alwaya aapnosed that yon had cutiré control of the University, and that it was your business to see that it was properly oonduoted ; and tbatit was your privilege and duty to nuko suggestions t: the fiiculty at nny time and upon any subject. Now, if we are right in our aupposition, it is your duty to express your disapprobation of the way somo things wero caanaged', and to take care that the sumo thing is not repeatcd ia thu future. Bvery one of you wero elected as Republi aan?, and, while we do not expect or wish you to act as politichuis, we think it is your duty to seo that your Eriends have fair play, and that the wliole thing is not condueted in the intorests of their oppononts. All we have to say is if you do not attend to this mattor in the future you are a set of wooden men, and th ) men who voted for you made a gieat mistake. Gontlomen, you will bo watched in thp future. The term of Messrs. Willard and Walker will soon expins and we uudoistand they expect a renomination from the Republicaii party, there are hundnds who attended the late Cominencement Exercises who would like to know if the way things wen conducted ineets their approval " Comment is unneecssary ; but the suggestion uiay not bo out of placo that " if straws show which way tho wind blows " tho above paragraphs seem to iudicate that reason lias resumod her sway within the Uuivoisity, a suro tign that a ehange is also goiug on in tho great world from whieh the University draws its students. Uidical gentlemen with to:idor toes will dj woll to stand from tinder. - One more suggestion : and that is, we suspect the Regents will have a happy time if they adopt tho Courier's hints, and instruct the members of the Faculty to writo tho students' essays for next Commencemcnt, or attempt that little job theinselves.


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