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"grantism" And Greeley

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Intaking tbe chairat the late Demooratie Convontion oí New Jersey, ex-Gov. Haxdowii made au able and exhaustiva I speech, discussing the situatiun of the j country and tln IK'inocraoy. Befemng to the oft-rupoated cries of " anythiiig to beat Grant " and "how to beat Ghaxt," he said : Thp Baltircorp Convontfon will be com pDsed of men who ha-o a higher and moro ja'rotio motive than is involved in ! tuo n:tre question of to " how to teat Grant." It is not Grimt tbo man, su'.lcn Btoiid and unfoeling, lüoy desiro to dot '--at it ia Graat tbe ehief of an Administration so corrupt as to drive ram liko Oox, of Ohio, and Htewart, of New York - membera of his first Cabinet - from mpport into eoudeinnution of him ; of an Administration so dospotic as to eompel the bravo and honest and eloquent Hchurz, with the cautiousand patriotic Trumbull, from his support to opposition to him ; of an Administrtition that lnu violatod law, divino and human, national aud international, to sueh degreo aud with euch flagrancy as to drive the chief of Iiopublioanism into denunoiation of him. I epeak of Mr. Sumner. It ia Grant, the Ohief Magistrate, who has brought his worst military habits and modesof thought aud actiou to the adiniuistrationaï the civil afiairs of a great nation ; it is this military hoad of a poaceful people they desire to defeat. Of him as n rúan they do not stop to Bpfiak, for there lingors yot in tho breatts of his bitter opponents enough of respect for the office ho holdi under tho dispensation of Providoncs to make them omit to charaots-rizo pxisting defecte of his lift' that if fully nnderstood would oease to leavo him an apologist ainong truthfu] men, ora defender among températe ones. When, t!cn, tho BaltiraoM Convention shall couveno it will bn to devise meaus todefeat tho now renomated ehief of what wj bülievo to bo doepotic, unlawful, and dangeroua in the prest-nt Adniinistmtion of Go.emmont. How to det'eat " Graiitism," from or.r view of the uso, is, theTefore, a qUeBÜon of tho b.ighost importante ; for with it bonten we kauw oo woree oan come ; and we belit;ve mach botter can bo had. This paragraph is certüiuly suggestivo, and ought to disclose to any thinking mind the reasons why tho oppositiou ghould throw asido all ïuiuur considemtiona und unite in "beatiog Okanx." Gov. EANDOLru then reviawed atlrngtli the cfforts made by himself and others at tho reoeut "F.fth Avi.nuo Hotel Coufereuce," to dispose of Gp.eeley and "swap horsL'i," whieh proved unsuccessful, concluding : Tho conference olo-ied, but not without re ults, and they of the highest importanc. Without its B98BÍOIU it M not improbable a tickot of streugth a:id charauter would have heen pl.tcjd ia uomiuation by iufluential meu aud BUppotted l'y mou 01' power onongh to scriousiy divide tho ar.ti-Urant btri:ugt!i in matigr Bt.ates. Yut such uotiou tho Conference t;iuit!it us could liavd but one rosult. ; without, indeed, Bültiinoro indoríse,l usaüd putGreelcy ovoiboard. Ut this theru seemod na piuLabüity, and this, tou, thy Gonfurunod toid us. Í havo aimed to bo full and frank in ujy tateamuts, disguiaing naught of uiy desiiü to drfeat Mr. Groeioy'a iridorófcmyut at Bultimore if in uiy power. I thought iid still think a muro suitible uji:i;uüii,.ii aud a more ac;:eptable candiilatu tj tiiö great body ot Ddiiiooratio voters coiüd Ij.ivo been fouad. I k;iow that i' iadoiiod at iiiiltimoro and siidtaind by musí of us - as wo tihall gustaiu liim iu tliat uveiit - we shall bd charsrud with our life-iOng oppoueuC ut the houd of our column, and in the clay of au aiuioáí. assured viotory ; all this is t:ie ; but it is ecjuaüy true that Mr. Greeley will oaly tako the leaildrsliip ot thu party ■ tiiat uiuots him, after ho hiig pronounced ! hiuisuii' iully in livor of aaoh oid-faah. ' ioued JJoinocrtio priiieipiyn us tocuntrulÜsatiou ui' po wer, oppositou to Federal iuterierenoe in State and louul affaire, ewtl ■ii..;utioii ot' the abSiJQUniun of rüu writ of habeas oorpiis, fuif support of amnesty auJ rigid adhule icu U) civil-survice reiorm, oppusition tu bayonet eleotion laws and ihu iike. Now, ii' Mr. Cr;cJo can aoooinmodate hiinaeii to Buoh plain and l;:ioj'ati:; TÍQW8 as tiioü - and to tiidt-o he must como - we oitn accept his conveisiou. Kven if it be a tritio fcudJeu tud uuuxpooted - 80 was St. Paui's c ou versión, yuu know - and tliough i desiro to bu ruveruntiaj, and by no ineana to miko a oomparison th:it soma ot Mr. Gr'.üeU'y'e new ioiu.d -N'ow ïork friends unglit üdoui diico.iipaijieritary to Inni- y.t 110 ono questioaod the smuerity of tSt. f uul s oouversion nor hud occasion to doubt it uyer at tur. It will be more than ordinarily safe to plaoe our Uemoorutic trust La JSir. Greoïey, nbould hu be indorsed at Boltiiuora aud elóotud, baoausa thO main administración strength ia Congrees will be from Democratie Senators and Bepresentutives, aud from Liberáis who did uot plaoe him in noininafion. l'rotu tho day of Mr. Greeley'a inauguration, the whole paokof Grunt L'epubüniib wiü opan cry upou him, and, alas! to him if in t!iu iong )0irs of his Adiüinintratiou he filters m fidolity to tho prinoiples of tho platform upou wiiioli we muy accept üiiu, by whose sign' he will be eiuuted, and by whose power alune ho will bo placed and kopt in churgo ot the gr:iit omue. Briefly, then, we liiivo to ooutemplato the prob iblo, the almost cenaiu indorsement of Mi Greeloy at our National Conventiou in iWtimoro. With thia indorsement it is beliered will come tho assured defeat of üranti'm. That's a great viut:ry in itself, for if Mr. Greeley had no loftier views nor groater iatelligenoe thuu Genoral Grant seeica to havo ho would be powerless, where Griiht is ahuost without limit in power. Greoley will bo the occupant of a high ollice, but his power to abuso its functious will be jetilously guarded by botli friends and Í003. His may bo tho place, but the jjower, with Graut defeated, will b le.;i.tud to the poople and tl)eir represeiitativiig. ThiiH, uiy friends, do what Baltimore may, the iutuie opens hopefully to us. The frattiual hand long stretehed out from the Suutli to tlie Noith is about to be olaaped i" unión aud in itrengtb ; the West cal s to the East, aud the Eut will answer back iu November. Beginning With the old Pine Statu the stca'ly peopie of Maine will bo the first to catch the rays of a long berloudud sun, sinking yeara ugo in the niglit of war and amid the din of civil conflict that has long struggled to pieros tlie thiok clouds that ambition, avari;e, aud dospotism have diinmed iis brightness with, and that now slowly but oertainly risea to sbine, not cnly ujion a long day wherein truth and righteoÚ8noas is to roign, but whore eve:i error and wrong will have abuudant time to repenl in the rapidly hastenins era of " Poaco on earth and good will to men." These are tho words of a distinguishod Democrat ; of ono who will support Gki:kLEY, not from choice, but as opening the ouly UKithod to savo his oountry from tho perils of " Grantism ; " of ono who has boon namod by Democratie opponents of Gueeley as eminontly a fit caudidate fur President. ïïo oommoud thoai to all Democrats. A correspondent of tho Praetieal Vormer says he feedS his stock on a toasjioonfnl of sulphur to eaeh animal, with their Balt, once in two weeks. When he has dono so, no vormin hns troubled them, and his dairy cows havo not been aiteoled ' with garget, nor his sheep with grul) in tho head. He ha practiced tliis for , ty yoars. '


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