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California Correspondence

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San PeaHOISCO, June 212, 1872. TIIK EtEJLTBD XEUM. PtilBND POXD : We usually havo a few warm days about the first of Ju) y, but this year they havo como in a littlo in arlvance, and we uro jut now having a decidedly " warm epell." The Spring, is a whole, luis been anusually cold and late, but for threo days past a chango has come over the I spirit of our dreains, and t!n: inercury has been reaohing au altitudo not oftea sttained hereabouts, running to 90 ir; this city and us high as 105 in soine parta of tho State. Bu', judging from the fow telegrama we get on the subject, you mus: nUo have it vory warm throughout the Kast at the sainu time, and it' ynur thorinometurg como anywhere near up to uurs and can stand stil], wo can still eOBsülu ourselves with having docidedly the advantago oi' you. In this atmosphore ouo t-an stand a great deal more heat with tho saine comfort than ho oau witli you. Hcre, though the inercury inay climb nevar so high, and the body porspiro never eo froely, tho langs will bti 1 drink in the pure air "with ásense of refresbment and delight," and tho whole Bystem rotaing its wonted strength and vigor. TIIK CROP8i As I predictcd last December, this has beun a most proliiic year for California. Aftor two years of comparativo drouth and short crops tho fioodgates cf heftven v.ore opencd, the whole oarth Loing complettrly 6aturated. A greater breadth of land was sown tb. m over boforo, aud all Over tho State the harvest just now OOD3moncing is mest abundant. Xt ia thought that the quantitj' of cereals producid this yoar will nearly doublé that of any previoug year. Meantiiuu our fruit harvests aro yearly inereaBing, and this year not only ia tho quantity abundant, but tho quality of such as have uiatured is muoh botter than than that of last yoar. Strawberrie8 havo been vcry abundant and fine, but the socond orop is now noar ly gono, and while wo ehall continue to have more or le8S of them ur.til Ducoluber neit, thcy will rcniaiu a leading fruit on tlie markot but a few days longcr. Currnnts oi both the comiuon and eherry varieties have been in markot for soms time, and their season is nearly over. And now, if you could take a stand at my window aud louk into tho California Market across the way, you wonld see the stalls literaliy loaded down with such cherriest biackberries, raspberries and tiga us your eyes havo suldom, if over, restod npon, and you would find the temptatiou o streng that you would not stop tú think ot' tho hoat, but would raake a grand rush for a closer proximity to ihose luscious fruits. Chico there you would find tbaao delicacios surrounded by burger boxes filled with peaohes, apricots, tariy appleg, oranges, lemons, limos, wiih a few carly peare and plarabs, and hangiug abovo theni nuinerous buuchos of fat, golden bananus, tho whoJo inakiug a picture that would feast your eyes, but the variety so groat that you would hardlj know where to begin to feast your palate. Then, if you can think of a vegetable that you over saw used by the human raco that you Ciiu't find iü t.iaü _i next stall, I would liko to kniv what it is. I wish I could sond to you, and eome otUer friends, a liberal tupply from thut markot, but many of the vegotables you j wül havo in your own markot.s in good ' timo, while mout oi' these, and all the ! fruita, would be stalo und worthloss by j thy timu they h:id c:ossed tho continent in this woathcr. ■I 1IE MINES. Whilo. wo are rejoicing ovor tho produots of agricuituro our mines havo also üomiuencud to yield a larger amount o: tho precious niötals than in the fow years past. ïliu kaown good minos aro boing worked wilh rene wod vigor and increasec profit, and now discoverios aio coustantlj being mado oí' a character which indicates that, instead of being " played out,' the mining era of the Paoifiu coast has but commencod. This picture, however ha.; it.s dark sido, l'ools aro not all dcacyut, und tho dovclupmont of our gooü niinos cnablesacertuin elus3 of "operators' who are but ono remove t'roia thievos - ■ú. sotof iiarpies who form rings and get up oxoitemeuts to prey upon tho iguorant - to sell for enormous priuo3 a dozen wild-cat concerns. Ou tho faith oí' a few good mines, some of which wero privato and had no stock, aud others ot whieh had beoome so valuable that verj littlo of the stock wus oi&red ou the market, a ilood. of wild-cat stock was thrown oa to tho markot a short timo sinoe, and tho grsatoit stook furor gotteu up that bus over cursod this commuuity. Stock uot worth tho paper it was printod on ran up to fabulous pricos ; men, women and children wero soukiug aftor it, aud it seemed as if tho less money ouo could aflord to risk tho moro anxious hc was to risk whit ho had. This excitement was kopt up till large nuiubur3 of a class of people who uever beforo eould bo induoed to touch stocks laborors, both malo and foinalo - had staked thoir all ; thou oame a regular " Blaok Friday" - all stocks tumbled - and the wholo wild-cat list, tho only class tho poor iooplo had boon ablo to get iuto, was swept from tho Board, and has nevcr been heard of aince. Only a, fow "operators" went unier, but hundrods of thoso who earu their bread by tho sweat of thoir brows lost tho entire savings of yoars. You eau form some idoa of tho reaalt whon I teil you, during the few days of that exoitemeut, nearly a miliion of dolíais was drawn from the saviugs banka by people wiio h;id accuinulatod it by Saturday uight deposita - that is, by depoöitiug oach tíaturday night what was left of the week s wagea aftor paying tho wook's expenaeB - aud investid in thoso stocks, aud that uüuo of this has over fouud its wny back. i "doveloped" ono of theso wild oat mines in court a short time since, and, to show you what Stuff tliey aro made of, I will mentiou that tho certificates oí' stock had been sold for thousauds of dollars, and were BOattered bruadcast through the commuuity. They wero boautifully printed and looked very bandsome ; numerous specimens ot' vory rich ore " from the mine" had beon ezhibited to purchasere, but iii the oourt I proved positively that tho comijaiiy nevor owned a pot ut' earth anywhuro big euough to st:ck tho point of a piek in, niuch less a mine, nd uo atteiupt was made to contradiot this by thoso who got up the compauy. In iaot, my prooi was made by tho President of the company himsolf. DRITISH CAl-IT . Ono encouraging feature of fhe v ncss of this ooast thia ycr is that a 1 anioant of Britisl! capital is bei,, ■ tedner, principally i„ minea g valcable mines viithin the pa8t ?y months havo boen bought up by F capitalista. But tbey nevor buv T' The agent of un English com,ín loaf arcun 1 bere two or.hree weeks 1 l ing at all the "specimens" he can' fi .' but nevor hinting that he has „ny other thau moro curiosity. By and U he turns up at sume mine, and befornh leavca the noighborhood ho k110Ws ,! ■bout it, and if it suits him the first thi that tho coniuiamty knows is that he h b mght the wholo concern and pa i cash for it. In overy suoh oase al thought )f gettingthat min,, on thniM ketiathü form of shares ia tL(-n p u. Operators know that it j8 to ! orked- not ?oM. POLITICS. The "political cauUlron" bcgifs toimfc. b'e ni( ely Tlie news of Grceey's nJni. ination was at first receivcd with a broiA grin. Frank Pixley, an origiosl Eepnb. Uoan, who?o priclivities for "bIoí over" has become proverbial, anl wbc t:o:its have not been highly apprecU; by the Administration, called a mosfin an 1 uudertcok to inuagurato a "IjiVieral" movement in support of thu CincinmB nomíneos, but as a Eepublican enterprit it was a failuro. Possibly it was p{ems. ture, for it is now apparent that (ireeW has quito a. nuuibor of supporters amos tUe Kepublicans, buttheir total streneü will not be sufiicient to amount to au?, thing ucloss the Democrats Uui in tbat djxection and they siiuply vot for tt Ucmoo atic electors. Tho Domociatic Stato ConventioDhis just adjourned. ' Delegatus wre sent to without speeitto instructiüni but the dulegation was prinoipaüy comijosod of men whj i:i conveution openk favored the iii(lor:ment of the Ciccinnati movement, and it was apparent that such was the desire of a majority of % State Couvention. Should this coom be adopted some of tho Democrats wül refuse to vote at all, but the mtijority ei tho party in the State will fall intoliie and votefortho old philosopher outof ths abundance of their lmtred of Graut. If this fusión is made, and Adains were b tho place of Groelry, this Stuto would undoubtedly give him a bandeóme majority ; it may go for Greeley, but I thint that exceediugly doubtful. U. J. C. Kuwon, of Los Angeles, was yesteiday tioiuinatod as tho Democratie eandidnts for Congress from t!i southern distriei, and will be electcd. He is a hot-h&uUd pohtician of tho " code of honor " strip, 'out withal a good deal of a, man. Carlos. A ccrreFpondent of tho Country Gmtitman saya: "It'uny of your readers ai troiiblfcd with lico on cattlo, teil them t try brine. It ia tlie easiettand surestrto edy I ever uaed. My hoga I foundcot' ered with ti.,ka tíii: suuimer, somethiogl liever heard of before, and aalt wattr twioe applied oleared thera." ■- IMIB ■ ■■- iijm i nniaai--' r laiMin i ■ ■ ■


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