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Local And Other Brevities

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1,jo: comes in slowly, wtth uo adTanci jjtwwk' Bgurw. VU quiet on i-iie Hurou slnco the stu ,,a,,HU-.i. P ... :i.-it'--.i t -'.i ue.i on raes or Kt i from exhuiisi.uii. '"' "liiisii"-'--" bavlu been generally sus . y(tci"Jay. we uta vvitliout market Cas''8-11 osr' ''or"K'r'y of YpHanfoixii ttppolutcil Fosiinaslér ai Omaybruska. Xbe lit s ":l l!"' upper sectlou of "oiiieof University ll.ili, :t:ul the flaL (üucbta ar bcius put on. '." membei of lüe Class of '72 " ciKty '(espoiisc to the VourLr's University Dl but too late lor publlcntiou. M, holter, hottest, iioueiitot, liotteu',' hoUeutotest : that's what tlie weathJj bcüti for suveril days siace our last -A itjpu'Kica!) Oouiity Conveutiou i H held lu Hl City OU tlic 20ili inst., to 0 delegtttcs to tlie öuaê nomiuatlng .jjveiitioii,ƒ. D. MoJIa8Tb, of thls city, met ■jjaserious acciJont on Weel nesitay alajn, baring n"J ol iis :cet cut uearlv ij a inowlag iij.n'iiiiio. „At the recent sessie of tlie BegWits „ï 11. ilOTOHIMS, o!' tbc (Jlass oi '7Í, jjippoiuieii tiSA.stant to Proís. jd.ims. A good seleoüoi!. _Thc puks are up Uiroii;!i our city for kit telegraph line - au opposlUou, wltb romise of reduced rutes. Tlie o.'ü.c la fn located iu the bjuk -store of J. it (ühtku & Co. „The 4th oí' Ju!y precedlug publlcatton we our columns too early to deus iloiug. It was eelebrated soit o' jiigcuously hereabouts : the only tieui,rtiün bei lig at the Park. , Wewere sliown on the 3d some we!lIdl lieails of Tappalianaock wheut, rlpe njh for the reaper, and were iuformed tiiiu Held from wlilcli thcy wcre taken io exceptlon. Au early Varlety cerïtli- _Kev. H. L. IIubbbll, of the Corgreniional Church of tliis city, lias received ,cl t0 Jf to Nortliern Ilaly, to cou:;iiiuisclf wlth a Theologie! Training; ..,!. He has not yet sigu lied 'ís nc.111101'. _ in the snit aijainst Kimon, ander the jjor.tinaiice, for keeptag u s iloon wlth i;i!]K requireil liceusc, Jude Hiöuv tlaa vriend a decisión sustainiu; the ordlwce. Tlie :aL goes to the Supreme 'rt, and will probnly be a rit u e il at the ■iitn now being held at L msiug. ] -95" from 10 A.. m. to 3 p. f. on :';cduy lust, was wii:it the theriiiometer Ipjicitcd Sinpcn.1i:.! ;r-in tlie ll.n') of a ÍLttin tlie classic shides of tlie Universlty ,:j.:,. In other looaüties the mercury ublsher, but this Is perhsps ihe Uiiest ït of tlie 'cat of thiit 'ot (iay. -Just as ive go to ;ress we get a letter -.a J. M. WuiiKi.EU, dated Tubingen, jv.rniany, June lötli, reporting uil ivcll, . i. r'niKJ.K mii p;irty lucWlted : ftlso two :.r,:i:i .Vnn Arlvirito temponrily sojouTU i.jiston, one co-iconiiilg liie .Inbiiee-jiud jivoMil e lnc.ttioii il in ittfi-s in tliat :ii;y Thosu scverul trtttcra will appoar Dal nreek. - Huiii a (loslrc b;th to vivort'sc and II" ofi' h'iH hals to dViintue, E. J. ,'ass.)s has present ed lis a fushlbuable t.'s how we ?■;!■ ir, and the color jiinio poütical signiti'::Uioii. We say tliiü JMcli to Biive answerini such questlous au 'cin yon affjrd it '!" "out tor (iieeley, are m" "wlicre did you get t?" etc, etc. - rfs all. -TIiü B.iy City Journal says tliat Mr. j?n,üft!ie Ann Arbor Ahgus, hascooaec'! liiinself witli the editorial corps oí thfl h:naw Dailv KnUrprise. It is QkokuB : l'osi), who v:is in our cinploy (jf 'ir, ini'l -lio wrt.s 'ccuítoin d to ' run '-■ pap i " in our abs'jucc. Ifthe Journal eorrect the Knlerprise has made a valu lele captare. - JiKÏKlr.K by the wüj Si nies reet sontli I i workfi , or not worked, so thftt walks ls'1 door yards are l'widrd and standing !;s left lo evapórate w here mittirs sliou'.d k üd also by the ainount of fast driving jiiereuii, the city liniits have eithur been jurrüwedor tlie OftUuancei h ck vitality to I ich 8o far from tlie cviitcr, or from Al femante residences. -Iteadlng late numbers of the llcky himUiiit yeins almost :'■ v-s us the nioiinWofevcr. 4"e slimilil lü;c to drink f:om ÖfBuuldcr or jb'ounUin-qui-Uoiiüle, or sit ■.'■IV. ii beiieat:i the.-skniow.s of Pike's other Sfiow ciad peak. But tiien 'ecin't tliis heated teanon, and j try to fby thinking of the rain; beautles ;:!wt Swltitcrlaudl of America. :6amcbody hirvtuc oetthm the fenr of or lauyers encr.i the liouse and 'kpiüR apartiritmt of 1). Chaher, corner ffishlngtou mul Div'slon Rtreets, on Tocsiiuy nigiit, üh:1 Ier led upon.tad cnrrted Ms pocket bouk. As a Ciahkh "i recollect i"; eontained filthy lacre to UDt f about $5ö. Well, Cüameu mi su wuch the les awney ti bet on GftKLEY. Ike residenej ol J. G. tfuxot ou State t'eet, oppos.te the North went corner of the wkersity square was burned at about the 'oor of 4 oV.tetk ou Sunday Morulng last. fheflrc originated froia the chicmey in the! " or wooden part, and Ijtfaire the eaglnes W Teach the {tikjkï umi get water, ich liad U be tnWon frora tire reservoir 'Í. E. Cliuich, over 40 rods off the ""had so spread tiiat the brlck part wís ighly gotted. The unüture was "wly all (ared, lnsuraucc on house, $3,; on iuruitnre, Ö00 ; which will fuily "morethan cover the ioss. The house Moccupicd !jy a, Jtr; Osbokx. The Misses Claik's young ladit-s' boirdr- ■'!'! ani Jay scl.ool closcd June 28th, ""■■open September ad. The graduales 'lie last gchoiastlc yar were X" iiA and .Miss Emmv Hawkins, 4uu Arbor, and Miss M. V. NlXOK-, of Ndbull,Ill. Thli school was cslabllshed Wember 18th, 1839, has been in regalar Í0!i every year since, is the oldest school le State, has had sixty four public semi"Hm! exaiuluatious, more thau a thousaud JWhdurliig its exiitence, aucl seut wtli twer sixty graduates. CoM.


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