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iaBawflr uwfasmemm -puil juauaa- as QLORIOUS NE VS FOR ALL CREATION! E. J. JOHNSONp H ATT ER ! HAS RECEIVED HI8 SPRING STOCK AND STYLES OF Hats, Caps & Straw Gods, GESTS' FIRMSH1; GOODS, ETC, WHICn HE PROPOSE8 TO SEtt. AT PRICES WHICH DBPY COMPETITION. 7 South Main St.Ann Arbci. Drain Coniniiesionor'e Notice. Noticp ïb hereby given thut the Drain C'ommisRioner of WaahteuawCouuty will be at the house of Mik. Klizbeth Öirluin the Township of Kreedora. in tmiduounty, on Aloud uy, Juiy (i)th) eijfhth, 1872, alone o'eloek in the ntternoon, to meet ptuticH to contract for the hui And construction oí' a dnrin, to bc knuwn af the H tirio Drain, comniMicing on seetion 13 Ín saic] town, on lands owned by Mrs. ÏOlizHbeth Stirle, running t henee north and west through tho fi w ' oí section 12, thence weat acroas the tí E 1-4 of aection 1 t linie ■ north and cast across the N E !4 of str.ion 11 and the N W ! of sectlon 12 and north, üuciing an outlet ou the S W H of section 1, on lnnds owm-d by John (firlmunn. I will ttlso be at tho house of' Mrs. Elizabeth Stirle on Wednesday, the 3d dayofJuly, at onu o'loek iu the ufternoon, at which time ind ilace 1 will cxhiLir maps of the above pvopoepd druin and descriptions o: thi; serení parcela of land deemed by me benefltec theroby, and tlie amount and dcacripuon by división and subdivisión of the above proj-o-l dia in by me apportioned to the owner of enen dclnription of land tí ounstruct, and tothe townshipol Freftdom toconstruc on account of uoh drain benefit ínv ll"-' hüfliway, une tO hear r;asfiii, ii my are ofiVred, wliy such npportionnient should be revised and coriected. Aitn Arbor, June lOth, 1874. DAVID M. FINLEY, Bruin Committeioner of Washtcnaw County. ISWwS. Mortgngc Koreclosure Notice. DTi".FAULT having been made in the eondition of a morKllo8 mude and executetl by John Oawtel to Clark button, hearing date the fonrth day oï May, A I). eigbtten huudred and aixty-ciht, and recorded ii the otttca otthe Ragistoi of DeetU fti Waahlena1 ouniy, Ulafalgnti, in liber tliiny-L-iubt of mortgiipes, OD ]p;L-'tuur hundifd and tu.-nty-ix, on lii; i_]i -tu Mi day of June, A. D. eighTeen bnndted andstztyeight, at eieren nna a half o'clock a. m., aiid thepowel ui aoie rontained in aid moit;iafehuving bceome upoi;ilivc by rciiüon of such deiault, und the miiii ol hr e huodred and eiifhty-iix dollars aud tliirty-ninc een ?■ bcing claimed to hèdue onsaid mortgaaeat the date of this notioe tföt )unnip;il and latereat, ' renAonable Attorney ioe for the forcclosurcof sitid morteage, and no suit oi proceedinfra ut iaw hayio nibtituted to rocowrthedebtsecuiedby nid mortgato or any part thcreof ; Notice is therefore hereby given, that said mortpago will be íorecloocd by a sale of the mortfrngcd liinds and nreminey thciein deíMiribed and nerui natter mentioned and sel forth, or some part thereof , on Batnxday, fchefourtM&th day of Septeinlei next, at eleven o'clouk in tlie loionoori, at thesouth door of the Court House, in the city of Ann rbor, tJiat beinr the place oí holding the Circuitf'ourt for the county of Wush tena w; Thesaidmortgogrd remises so to be sold, by vutue of the power oj sule m ssaid utoiigoge, are doscribed in said mortgage aafollowt; "All that tract cffparcel of land sitúate in the township of Uridpewntor, in the connty ol Wjislitenaw :tnd Sttife of Michigan, bounded and deaoiibed ns h-inr the northfut quarter of the northenst quurter of Rcction ntimbir thirty-six (861 ia townahip uumber four (4) south of range namoex four (4j east, coutaining fort y aOTM of land be the Baxafl more or loss Dated. Aun Arbor, June lfith, 1872. CLAKK SUTTON, Mortgngee. TIiram .T. Bf.akes, Attorney for Mortjagf. 1379 Mortgago Sale. DKFATTTr havinir been made in the conditions of a certain indenture of ui' uted by Willi.un ö. Jiarry aud Aim üany, bu wiu, to Bradford Carter, of fleooa, Trumbull iJoonty, ju tin; state of ohin, bearing dat the tirenty-righth day of April, eighteen hundreJ and ."rvtnty-one, aud recordeu in thfl ollicc oí' the Register of DetxU tor the County of Washteoaw, Btateof Klichignn, In liberiorty-tbreeof morttragt, on page tour humlifü and eighty-alx, on rii ■ i wvnty-eii'hth day of Apiil, eighteen huudred rtnd seventy-one : oy wluch di'fmilt tlie power of B&Í6 coniJtimil in lid morigage haa beoome operatiTe, and uo proceeding8 nt Iaw or in clmnccrj' ha ving been institu ted toiecover the ainoiint due on said mortgage. or the bond ttccoinpnnyiug the snme; andthen Deins dow claimed to be due on Rid mortgnge and the bond ticconiprtnying the same, the sum of i'our tlnusainl four hundiud and one dolían and eixty-atl COUtO] and also the further sum of Hfty dollitrs as an attorney fee on the foreclosure of sold mortgage, should any proceetlingR be taken to foreeïose the same: Notice ia therefove hereby givon that said mortgage rill be foieclosed on Bfonday, thenbneteontli ilny of August next, at ten o'olook Ín the morning of day, at the south fi on t door of the Oonrt House in tJity A Ann Arbor, in Baid ( 'oiinty of Washtenaw .suki Court House bcing the place of holding the Circuit Coatí for ttld nf Waslitenüw), by a sale at auctiou to the bighera bidder, for cash, l the premfeea deaoiibed in said mortgage, ar so nlooh thereof u BhaHte n. - sary to sntUfy the amount due on said mortgago, wtth ble ooeta and escpenseeand the intereel on said mortgage. together with m Attorney fof flfty dollurs providftd for in said mortoago; which morteafved premisos ave dewribed iu said mortgage as foUOWS, vi„ : " Being the DOtthriWBtquartofe!ion twentyBeven in township one boülIi of range ooml ei i ■ in the State of Michigan, iexcept that part lying north of the territorial roaa whtoh interaecta it). Aleo all thai part of the eaat half of the sonthvest q unit er of section twenty-two lyinif BOUth of sad territorial road. A1k4) aright of way four rods vide froto Bftld road to a spring or brook alitil'1 nonh erf Baid road, and the nghtof water as reserrwl in a deed to John Cannau Oí Detroit. Aluo a puil of the vast halt of the northeöst q'iurter of tion twcnty-eiKhi. same townbhip aud range, described aa follow ; commemriug ;t the northeast corner thereof, thenoa wost on t lie ■ ■ ' ion line to the east bank of a ditch about twtnty rodti ditant, thenci! BOOtherly along the eaat bank i Baid ditoh to the east line of s:iid seotion, thenfle norih to the placo of btiginninif, containinif rthout íivtj aeres, as ifl suppo.sed. Alio thirty-tíve Stfpsof land, part of said la-t mentiom-d quurter soetion, bonnded south by the ttnuth line thereof, rast by the eaat line thereof trom the southeast cor&ei of said quartei w O t ion, north to fehe ntntli bank ot a ilitch running ntarly oast and west, and on the north by a line running from en d section line westerly along the north beul of eaid ditoh, and eontinued in that dirw-tion so far that a line runningVmtherly therefirom parallel to the east line of unid sectiou to the south line of sald quarterseetion will, with the lincs herctofore mentioned, iucludo thirty-tive acTM. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 14, 1872. BRADFOUÜ CARTER, ThacvW. Root, Ifortgagse. Att'y for MoHgngee. U74. Cümmiösioucrs' Notice. STATE OE MICHIGAN, county of Waéhtenav, sa. The underKignud, having been appointed by the Probate Court for Baid eoanty, Commufdonérs to reoeivc, examine and adiost all elaJma and dexnands of all persons against the ttttc of WÜUam Quigley, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notit u thai six montha from date are allowed by order of tsaid Probate Court for creditoi-8 to present their claims ftgainst the etuto of Baid deceased, and that t hoy will meet at the office of James McMahon, In the oityof Ann Arbor. in said county. on Saturday,the thirty-nrsi day of Avii-ust, and on Tuesday, the third day of December, nest,a1 ten o'olook a. m. ófeachof salddays, to reeeíve, examine, and adjuat said cluiins. Duled.JuneSd, A. D. 18ÏS. .tM E8 M.-MAIÏON", JO11N 0IANCT, 1379w4 Commisíiionerp. I UMBER YARD. C. ICRAPF, Has n lar;o nd well fltorked Lnmtier Tanl oï Jc-aVr8'n Street, in thcvoiilh )utrt of tlif l'itv. a:ic w 1 kri-p'.-u imttiiit l.v on haud tin excellcntvariety ol LUMBER, S'riiNGLES, LATH &C which willböinM aslowascar be afforóed ïnjthli market. (tmlity tiud pr'Ci'?-uch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KH APF. Ann Arbor Jannarj-ÏOth, 1871 SB pOTTLED LAOEE" ALE AND PORTEE, Put up in Pints and Quarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. tw Ordern lof fl-'itrr Vo.'h Drufr Mor. will be promptly iilleil. HILL & CHAPÍN. nn AfTÍor. Mï 2S. 1872. U16U - - mm I II nafrlllTftíortgage Sale. WHERE A8, defauU hu been made in tïio conditkm oí a i tv and exwuited by Harriet Kellogg, Of YpMlaliü, tO Tlu-mlore A. ' ..: I. i . ïow of Aubarn, Nmr York, bearinq data the rhirttienth day of April, eighten hünored and vixtyeight, and reooraed in the office of the Regi-t r of Dccda of the Countv of Wachtenaw, Michigan, on the ourteonih day of April, eighteen hundred and t-ixty■i'.-hi , ïri tibet f'n-ty ot mortgagi v, at page one hunLred and sixty-three, by whioh dffault the powor of suleeontainedin aaid mortgage ha bocome opa ind BO -Mixt oí proceeding at law hrwing bwn instituted for the raoorery ut the deot Bcfcuredby said mortftttft? br uny part therfof. and there behtgnoTt i u be due on Mid mortg&ge the ram trf one Èhousand hundred and sevpnly doUan and elghtv-three wnU for principal and interest, besidea fcwenty dolían as au attomey f as provided in Haid mort Notice is lïien ffvr. hr-reby priven that by virtue of the power of salo öó&taJsed in suid mortgage, ledd mortagewU] ! foreolosed by analeof the landn and premises deecnbed in eaid mortguge, or aomo part chereof , at pnbliti auctioo to the hiphest bidder, on Mouduy, tiiff nineteenth dav of August next, al ten o'clock in the ibrenoon, ut tbr aouth door of the Couvt House in the City of nn Arbor, in said county [sftid Courl liouHC bpingthe place of holding the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw), in pursuance of the stïitute in such cae made and provided; aaid moitgagod premisos sotobCRold boing deseribed in said mortgage as follow Bituate in the County of Waahtenaw and Sfftte of Michigan, Tl. : The north thirty aiïïi-a Of the west half of the Houthcast quarter of section one of township three nouth of rango numbor aix east. Also, the south west quarter of the DOrtheaat quartex of said seetbni one, towii three south trf Mnge six east, eourity and State .foresaid. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 14. 18TÍ. TUKODOREA CAIlTKrt, Traoy W. Root, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagce. Mortgage Sale. DKI'ATlïT having been made in the condition of a mortgage giren by .John F. Oei) and Sarah A. O.-il to i'hrintian Mnck nnd Jt'rederiek Bchmid. duted January tenth A. D. 1871, and recofded in the Registor'a otücu, in Wnshtenaw Countyj Michigan, Ín 1 i lier N'o. 44 of mortgagee, at page ïuö, by which def ault thi! poWiff Of ínle i aerein contained became opi udnOKtnt orin-oceoling hu ving bcon in-iitutnl ut luw to recover the mortgage debt, oran y part t beroof ; and the sum of chvee huncred ana thiity-tight doliurs and i-vonty-tlirte oentebcing now claimed tobeduej and thirty dolían aa an, Aitonicy feo, as pnrtfdedln said murlgao, and fiirther sumsto beeome doe ! NÓtico is Uu refon ben 1 Eiveo, that wiid mortgae will be forecloscd hy u sale of the mortgagcd premisea, deBcribed aa (olfinn viz: Commencing twelvo rods p'iBtnrlv of the northeaat corner of lot twelve (12) in block cight tu,, in Broirti ft Fullerea :i:lditiun to the TÜIage (noweity) of Aan Arbor, Bfichlgan, aooording to the retorded plat tbeittit', thenoa ulongthesoutn Une of WaU stroet in ;ü(1 additdon in a southi a foor (4) rods. thenoe In a southerly dJ ■ at lig&t angles to said Wall street thirteen tod and three links, thfnet northejifterly in a line pn: Baid Wall street foui rods thence in a nor t hen y direc tion thi'rteen rode and three links at right an Raid Wall stcee t tlie place oí beginning exceptiug and reaerving one and one-half rods oLF f ruui Um aouth end of theabov iMcribfd lund ftt a ítn public vendue. at the ■ ourl HonsC, in Ann Arbor, on the twenty-sovfiitli of July next, at noon. Uated, April 2Oth, 1872. CnRISTTAN" MACK, 1372 FHEDERICK ÖCKM1D, Thomab Xinde, Attorney. Mortgageea. Mortgage 8alo. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a inorlgage executed by Hiram Shepherd and Kliza bcth M. bhephei'd, hia wife, to the undernigiieü, Alpheiia Felch, bearing date the third day ut January A. 1). ei;hii_on hundred and seventy, and reoorded n the office of the Hegister of Deeds ot' Witóltienaw County, in the State ot Michigan, in líber 43 of mortgages, on page 131, on the fourteenthday of Jauuary, A. D, 187Ü, by which dcl'ault the jwwer of sale conTaiiii il in said mortguge has bfcome operative, and there is clsimed by me w bö doe on said mortgagp at thodate ot' this íioiící;, the oom of fouxteen hundred uu! íventy-oDtí doUan and sixl j -eix oenta, foi pxincipul and interest, and jiIeïö the sum of forty dollun _a able Soiicilor'8or Attorney 's fee on taking these proceedintf to torecloBe said DBoxtgage, as expreasly provided in the same, and no snit or ptooeeding ál law or in ehanbary having been inadfnted to recover the tured By said mortrage, ur any part tbereoi' ; Kotioe is ther?fore hereby giren, that by virtueof the power of ale eonttvined in said inortpuge, nnd of the statute in such case made and providtd, said mortgagv wiü be tui. -1i,m rt bj a sale of the mortgaged premÍBes, atpubüc auction, to the highest bidder, on Mondny,theeigbth day of Jnlynext,attenoi tlieclock m the f orenoon. tJ tbaj day, ai the soutih door ut the i .in i Qouse, ia the city or Ann Arbor, in aid county of Waabtcnaw, aaid Uoutt House being the p : the Circuit Cotu i foi Ihe said county of Wash ten&w. The pTemisea sa to besold are descrié i in said mortgage as follows, to wit : " 'J'lic nortli haÜ northwest quarter of section twenty-one, (21), in tuwa foni (-ij soath of range six(0] t-ast. in the eounty.of Washtenaw atid State of -Mi-hian,eontainingcigiity ncresof land more ot loss." Duted, Ann Albor Michigan. AprO S. 1872. AJLPHEUS PELOH, .AiOrtgnrce. C. B Gran-t, Attorney for Mortgagee. IMS Bheriff'a Sale.' üTATE OP MICHIGAN, eounty of Washtonaw : sa. O By virtuo of a wnt oi execuiion issued out of and undcr theseal of the Circuit Court inelianéery, for theConntyof Waynei Btateof Bfichigan, and to me direeted and delivered, airainstrouds, ofaattle lands nd tencments of Charii 8 -. Sutherland, I did on the twenty-fuurth day oí May, A. I). IS7-J. scize and levy upon all the right, title, and interest Charles (j. Suthorland haa in (tic tbBowing desoribed property, to wit: Tweniy-one nnd one-half reet in wi'ltli off of the Nm i!i si'le üt lot iiuinber flve, in block number one Soutli í-í Hurón Stamt, in rango four Bast, In the i'ityuf Ann" Arbor; also all the right, title and iuti r è Charli1? ( Sntiv rland has to the ose of atieï nin alley alung the Kast end oí lote nomber ílve and tix in said block nuinber one, which real estáte abo ve Usci ilu-ii ( shall nxpose for sale, al public auction, tothehlghest bidder, at thesouth dooruf the Court House in the City of Ann Arlr, on the twonty third day of July, A. "l. 1872, at ten o'elook A. M. J)utcd, JunuTth A. 1). II MYKOX WEBB, Sheriff. Chancery Salo. THE CIRCUIT COURT FOB TJIE COUNTY OF 1 CUANCLHY : ELIZA M. niLL 1 Complninant. AJ30NDSAN and OATHERINB DEAN, I . ft tiilantn. j In pnrsnanoe ot' a decretal order of tlic Circuit Court for tbeoon&ty oafWaahteoaTi in ohancery, made in theubore canse, there will be múd, undcr the rtiTeetiou of the subscribe?, at public auotzoo, ai the soath door of tlie Court Iït"fit? in the city of nn Arbor and county of Washtenaw, on Friday, the v oon i day of August next, at ton o' a m., all t' tl oertiÜn parcol oí Jnn'l situutcd in the city of Ann Arbor and oouiity of Wiishtenaw, and described as Lot nnmbet iiiiu; In lïl(M;k nu ui oer three north of Hurou slreet, in range N"i fonr of the ongiual plat of said city. Datcd, Juut' lüth, 1872. iï. BBAHAK, Circuit Court Commirtioner lor County ot Vaslitcnaw. Colman, Root & Kinne, BoUciton for Complainant. Chancery Notice. IN" the Circuit Court for the County of 'Washtenaw, in chancery. 51 Alí Y LUCAS, Conrplainant, V8. JOHN X. LUCAS, Defendant. It satisfaetorily appearing to tlii.-i Conrt that the lo Pendant, John -N . Lueas, is ■ resident -of tliis State, on mot ion of E. D. Kinne, eoJUcilor lor thi Etlainant, it iy oivlcred that the aaid doltudant, Julin S'. Lucas, cause tiis appearanee in i báa o use to be en tfjrcd within three siontbs Lrom iliu date ut' Üila order( and that in case ot ii i-= nppearanee he cause nis answex o the complainants bilí to be íilcd, and a cop it' tulu's.'i red on said complain infe solioiiot u'i'liiu ireniy daya affesr service ot' a oopy of said bilí uni noiêe ot this onter, and in dein uit thereol' tbat 1 1 jül be taken os oonfesued by said defendani J Lnoafl : And ii is furthar ordered that within twenty laya the ïaid compiainanl canse a notice t' thi o ii" pablishe i in tficAan Argu9% and that said tuhiiiMtion be continued in unid paper at least once in Hoh week for i bui - 1. -r thai she cause a npy of ihisoni. r to be personally served on the said tefendanti John N. Lqoob, ;if lOasl twuuty days before the limu preBOribed for in .;' jarunoe. DateU, June 18th. 1871 R. ÜEAUAX, Circuit r'ourt Coinmistiioner Waslitenaw County, Michigati. K. D. Kinnk, fiolicitor for Uomplainant. 14K0w6 ShorifTs Sale. OTATE OV MICHiüAN, county of Vashtenav,ss. O by viiluü oí a writ of executiou isaued out of aud under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Waahtenaw, umi tu me dinoted and delivered, aiiJiinst the goous, chBttVes, lnnds and tenumente of Ueorge D. Ilill, I did ou tho tweutiuth day of June, A. I. L87S, seize aud lt-vy upon uil the right, title and interost üeurge D. Hül ims m the foïlowing deacribed lauds, situated in tho towuabip oí' Aun Aroor, county ind ritate aforesaid, to wit : lïeginning at a point ia the west line of aection Ihirty-Uireo, iu torwaantp fcWO south in range öix east, seveuiy-ilve rod soutn l'ium tbe north west corner oi Raid seotion, theno eouth on s.iid seotion line twelve ehaina and riity tinks, thenoa eaai parallel tuthe north line of aaid section sorra ahainsand fioetór-oue links, tnenoe north parallel to Line of sflld seotion twelve hains and ilfiytwo links, theooe t'jist parallel to the nortb line of bftid seotion to tho north aud soutli quarter Une of said sectiou, thence uorth to the auarter post of suid section upon the north line oí sflid seotiou, theuce west on the north line ot said aection to tho noithwest conier of said .sectiou, thuuce soutb ou the weet line of said aection to the place of beginning, con tuin ing ninety-ftve aerea of land, more or loss, exeepting thereirom the lande of tbe Waahtenaw County Agncultural and Hort ioultural Society ; also the s-mtii part of the east hult of the northeasc quarter of suid oction aa above desoribed, biúní all of said halt quurter stiction which lies Houth of tho Ann Arbor and Ypailanti road (80 ctilled), exceptingten acres of lund wold by tíeorge l'rn - m to Jiioob Weaver, and contaiuing thirty acre of Land, moro or les ; Hlso the foUowing desenbtd lauds. to wit: The ett Imlf of the northeast. querter of section nineteen, and febe wesl half of the weel half of the weet hall of the norrhwest quanerof seotion twenty in townslup two south tnronge six sust, in said county nd State; also all bUOWing deacribod land, to wit ; Lots iiumbcr fivc, six aud aevea in block one north in range three eat, together with the Opera House and other buildiugs thcreon, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Waahtettaw sad State of Michigan, whirh above describt'd property 3 rthull uxpotMï for sale at public uuctiootothe higheet bid "r, at the it'uith door of the Court House in the City "t Ann Axbor, on the tenth day of August, A. D 18? ', al ten o'eloék a. m. Dated, June 27th, A. D. 1S72. MYKOX WEBB, Sheriff. Estáte of Joseph Annin. STATE OF MIcniOAN, County ot Waahtenaw, aa. Notioe is hereby givn, that by is order of the Trobate Court for tbo County of Wamhtenaw, made on the Bcventti'uth day ot' June, A. 1. 1873, KX montha from that dat were allowcd for creditors to prtsoif the ir claims agaiast tho estáte of Joseph Annin, late of said coiuity, dttMSed, aud that all creditora of eaid deeeaaed are ivquired to preaent tli. ir claims to said Probate Oourt, at the Probate Ollicc, in theCilyuf Ann Arbor. tor dxamination und allowanct, on orbofore the aerenteenth day of Decem! ir luxt, and that such olainui will b heord berore laid Probate Court, on Saturdny, the twenty-ibavth lav of August, and on Tliunsday, theseventoeuii lny f DecemKer next, at 10 o'clock iu the fore&oon of each daya. Dated, Aun Axbor, Jum; 17th, A. D. 1H72. UIUAM J. BEAKE6, 1379w4 J-Jiduu of Probate PHYHCIAKyTllBSIJBIPTlüSS VÜCUKA".ELV AND CARBf ULLV PRBPAFBD BI R W.KLLlL&ÜU.,DRïrQ O IS 2 ü . "i i ■mu mm,,. OTATE OFMIcSlGAN ,,, , ati r At a aeauron of the Proba?,. i? ''; of Washtehaw, holden ut ti. p " city A.,,. Avi„,,„a ThXStÍ VS , June, in the year one thouw„, Pic-cnt, Hinvm .J. Realce, Jud,,.. , '"' Onrendlngand filimrthenoHu ' , UoVard, pmyiSITfe'ort Mutable perron inny be :,,,„„,„■ " tu estáte o( iaid . I. ,,;;...,■," m huí. nicrpiipon it w ordurert, thul M,,,.,, ,- mddaj of Jul) next, at :. W I ?d foi the lring of i? " LL?I that the heimat law ■'■-"■-' ■ rtcd .. ■ Office, in ti ■ Vhnï?I cius,., if any tnercbe, why thfní ,? ArK4 should i.ot begranted: Ana it feiWtbcwL! Síüdpetítionergivou, ;■;!;, wOi geoopy., ■ hWj.b, ■ Mreoi Estáte of CorneliU9 Wj OTATE 01; MICmQ an, Count, „f I r At a wwion of tho Probate ( v,,,r. . "ii uf Waahtena, holden at ti ff fw'W5 JtJ of Am. .Arbor, „n Tl'ui 'I":.'day ol June, n; thc year one thoL "4 dred and urenty-two. """sumí J; Present, IlirumJ. Bonk w.Judreoi d In tho matter of the .-.itatcí ftSh. lm, deorased' Wniliiu, o.i reading and nling Uw tüi dL. Wilhnm llurke, AdminirtratOT ,, " 'ï '(Ai be lieraaed i, sel] ,,,,..,, rLPS!Sw52 itr18 ot such s!iie "mon küsS I i.nuponit is ordered, thatllmfl socond day of July next,at ten o'cl4 ín" K. be awogncd for the hearing ol „M ,Jf. . bete at law of .d deaK-d. and&WiïïS 1 lina atete, are requS" a nension of said Court, then u, Lrm!i l'robate Office, in the cityrf íil and hUow causo, ir un y thcíe i? C pri' rol1 1 he petitioner should not bcm7L.1Ifc ia further oríered, -that.aid pctition?ïW: thc .perno interestjd in aaid eeute, ol tSIÜf iidputiMon, nndtho hearinir theiw Üwlil!í oopy of thio order to be pullish X' Argiu, a newspapcr printfd and mroUtó' County, four eucoeeiTe wcekn Dreviun.70 of hearing. """'" tonij, (A-MP7" 8IRA3Í45 Estáte of William N, MootP jPT SÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couiity of w2 "" At a eíK.n of the I-robat Conit íor .Ü5""' Wwhtena, holden at the l'roUte CHtefr of Ann Albor, oh 8aturt.,-, the fiïS'5tt(3l June, in the year one thousanii eudit ?, ' Present II iram J. Beakes, Judire of Pv In the matter of theeatate orWiCï1 Jr., minor. UMt J Xqk mreading and fllinff thepetUioa,j,itM1Ll Willmm N. Mooie, heni,.r., (nwraian m. ■'. muy be licensed to elUertain rtal'JSÏÏSlk to said minor. ' W Theroupon it is ordered tfcai tui teenth day of July DeTtTat ,eï o&' 6 noon. be aasigned ior thehenrino of h JñJ1 thut the next of kin of naid miau J?i pt-rsons intwested in said eutnte ÚtIS.11 iimiciir at a sension of saul Coiirt'thMif????' at the Probate Offiee, m the S,,„, S?í" show cnuse, ïf any there be, why theVS jS titioner should not be granted : AJÍSVÍ?II dered, that , ,. r iriro notia SÍ! ïntcrcsteii in ■ nikiwvof f1 tion, .mi the I .S.Ü. J order to be published in the HithigmJn!?"1' paper pnntul and eftcul, 9 JiiteodSi Estáte of Henry McPbillïr STATE of Jin ai tyofwSLr. At a session of the Probate Court te ü(2 of Washtcnaw, holden ar the Protee nLi City of Ann Arbor, on tjaturday, tbe iftSiiJÜ of June, in the year oue thcrasnid eirtitiï dred and suventy-tvu. I Preeent, Elmim .1. Beakes.Jndge of Prb In the matter of the estaU; of Ham HfW-ri, i deoeaaed. ' On reading and flllhg the (tiüon, doltWj U l Ucl'hlllipa praying tliat shei mT er scuta' Ie person may be n].fuinied lát-nfr of theefttateoi uüd deceaMd. Theroupon it i.i ordered, thnt Mondar, tht ffl-.. day of July in-xt, ut ten ocluck n'i, J U aüBjjinotl for the hearing ol nid ptij.ion ojS the bi ir at law ol I, mduil hnpoia intnestad insnirl ttMte,arerauim!toi,iiJtT aionol aaid Court, tht-n to be holden i ii?tía Office, in City of Ann Arbor, and tbmtni any tbere b- why the prayerol tie pehtioiaiU not ' ■ ''i'l il fnnlier orüercd,tkuaij petátionei :-t e notice to the peiv-i: n y of BMd petition, n..; % l,: I ili' tliercctf, ) y eiu]iiü :■. i'upy : publiahed in the (■,■,,,;, Ar.,,,,. and oiroulatinp in aid coonty, Ilirec nc previoiiKto sniddfty of li(Atrm-copy.) HIKilIJ.Bl ü?9 Judgr Eatato of Caroline D. Freer. T ' K OF M 1L1II0 X, (Viiii y of blo At a seaidon ol :!)■ Probate Conrtfbr (y of Washteuaw holdtn at the Prohste Offiw.i the dty of Ann rbor, on Thurgdav, tht ür 'etnih Uy ■ I' June In the jrtf oue xïmtJ. riL'lit hundreri and seventy two. Present, iiiram J Uea .iv. Juteeof Piebtto, In thc matter of the rMtt utCsirfiial l'rtT (hcfii!-e(l. Op remUn;: hihI Öllng the pot i tion, duly . Alv;; F'reer. . elm j ii r toi . v . . licooèéd te st]'t eeriain real asíate wiu-reoftui I ceaaeddled tele d Thereujion it it ordered thnt Mol tifuciiih day of Jnly next, at tin o'ci , foruuoou, be assiirncc: ior the I i I tion, rtnit th:u the in ;i ;■? !■.■.■. . - I and nll othei persone interBttdini" qairrd toai peflr at n se&Êiou ol e holilen. ;it the Probate Ofhre. In I lHr, aini show cause il anv there he, ftbi I the p titioiier honld notbegranted: in tbtr ordered, tbataatdpetitiouergive : iutcrested in aid stulr. ui tbi ; said p. ütioii . niid the hearing thi-reof ■: copy of tbla orer be pnWishttt n : . a ni'WS japer, printcd nd ciraii;.'. Coimry, l'our successive weeke i reTli L.-ti'íiitó; of beariuir (A truecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAEE3, 13TS JadvrolI'Ktult Estáte of Patrick HcMahon, Seniot. OTATKOP MICHIOAN.CoantyofWMbte Atasesslonof the Probate Court fortbtii r Washtenuw, holden nt ihe l'rutott 0S Í City t Anu Arbor, on i'onday Ibe mtt! of Juno, n the year one tbmiö t11 hnn'irt'd juii! acventy tWO, Present. Iiiram .1. 8eakeü.JadofProW. In tlie matter oí thc Kttati-ul PútiiiUelusi. Senior, deceaaed. OireadiiiKandar.iii.'thi'petilion. dl ol JTincis MvMnh pruyiiiï thnl so person maj bc n pointed AdmlulttuMf "" talo of tuin nen-i.eid , ., Thereupon It i8 ordered, tbat M -it.')uli day of Jnly ncït at ten o'di forenoon be assigned l..r the :■ tion, and thu. the heir al law ot tM ceaeed. and nll otherpersoi arereqoired to appear at a ?eyion oisw then til be hoïilrli :it ihe I' City ol Ann Arbor, and show caii'.ii wliy the prnycr ofthe petltloner ww rranted: AndUlsCurther order, tl tloner irive notice to the persone - eatat' ■ : Ihe pendency ofsaid hcaniiL' thi-reol, iy cau.-iug copj "!; Depobllshcii in the Ui.hia rfw.m prln'ted and circnlaiing iu snid ('otni! '6rM"v ceaaiTi wlkproviola tv pai '" r-"r1'!1[ft ,IFop &. Estáte of Edgar M. Gregory .iTATE UF J1ICU UiA.N", eoimty of W At asessiönof tho Probate u"rtf"JLji of Wathèenaw, holden at the l'robate ""w city of Ann Arbor, on Moliday, tB.e.!Tai of June, üi tho yoar one thousand ag1 "" and soventy two. n . Present, Hiram J. Iieakes, Judgeof rwfjl- j In the matter of the estáte of Ws deceased. . , „L]. -Í On readinj.' and fllinR the potition, dulT 7t Doiiiíea X. Öregory, praying 1 1. t she or anitable pexaon m.iy Ih; appointed an"" the eatate of aiid deceased. r út & Thereupon it is ordernl, that MoM?. "L,,, day of July next, at ten o'clock to. " 'tf beaanened for the hearing of said rotl",id ie4 the legatesa, deTiseea nntl heira t law - nndnllolhi". ited insMii.quired to appear at a session of saidcoiii , holden, at Ihe Proba tu Oitice, in bor, and show cnuse, ïf any there of the petitioner should not be (f"?1!, further ordi red that s;iiil petitionerpve wi pereons interested in Baid estáte, ot i "t, f cluit ' said petition, and the hearing thereot, " Jj(j ■ thb order to be publinbed w, k %a Arpit, ;i newspaper prin . 'J oonnty, thi-ce succeaaive weckt moiousu hearing. ,,u gEi (Au-ueeopy.) ""'eoif Estáte of Zonas Biird. v TATE OF MICHIGAN", County "JJÍLiii1 At a session of the Probate I ourt ■ of Washtenaw, holden at the i (ilr of Ann ArbOT, on Weilnwlay. day ol June, in the yeai one thouiai f an.l aeventy-two. ... nt, Iiiram J. IJcakes, Juditeof 1 In tho matter of the estáte ot WCb'rk-s JI Worden, Kxccutor of thr ' trttanu-lit of said deceased, tomts,"!")„,„d b ro.sentK thut be is non propared to taf account as auch Executor. .-.,„„..,■ Theteupon nis ordered, that Mondar day of July next, at ten oVlwl'. " '"' ' iaiöi d lor exnmining and allo '"K5 '!" , 1_ thal tho legatees, deviseea Bnd i"-'lr" said deceased and all other rt mt' in aaid estat are requirecl ti t 1 # R sion of said Court, then to be ''u'"1, t imte Office, in the City of Am Arw .jk;j County, and show cause, lf Df.t"ll] said accoi 'it should not U' allowcd : ■ ordered that s.iid Executor give "ientr i boos interested insaidegUte, ef the pe"j,#l account, and the htariM t"9.1! 'ij "JS order to lie publMicdm l- JjO! anewspaper plinteil and riiciilati"? ttoec Buoceaaiveweekapreïiju"'',' ' [Atrue eopy.). 1IU.AM )■ ' p&t ■ 1S7 Juage-__l Cominissioncrs' ■rsTtice'hte0,l C ■ TATE OF MICHIGAN, 'ounty ''jV, lfl i The undci-signed, having boen "ploa rrolmte Court for snid cminty, "" ' .... ir-;' oaÍTe,ezamÍBeand'adjustaU dainw -i' all peí -tuteo! r"!! lateofsaSJcoanty,d ed, VSJèVoWH uonths fiOTh date are allowed, by ornei bate Court, tor creditors to r againettheeflt( ■ sf aid decoaaed, ann at the ottia. of ':i'e of Deztn, in aid couuty, " .ul twenty-fouvii. day of August, oon iKI tenthday December next, ai ten oeiouj }w ,f s.ii.1 dy, to imivt, axamto, "" -".L&&, Mggfc ISAAC Jí. íiiL 1S78W4 Uffl-


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