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- '"Lies and Liar" is the hcadina: o an nrticle in wliioh tho Adrián Time takes Gov. Blair to task for oortain statements whioh it attributes to him ; and in the use of sucli epithets the Time propos es to " figlit it out if it tukes all suminer. Well, every onc to his taste. As to tlip reports the Timtt eaoosea to father upon Gov. Blair, thoy come so near being true that thero is no more nood for correction than tho minister assumod thero was when ho read as scripture, " no lawyer shall enter tho kiügdom of hcaveu.' Does tho Time understaiid ? - A Lyons, Ionia, correspondent o: the Detroit Tribun-e, gaya : ' Thero is somo anxiety exprearied by tho leaders oí tho Ropublican purty who have diseovered that a inajority of tho County Committee are square out for Greeley." "SVhat does the Tribune mean by spread ing the fact ? Don Henderson should go for it. - Gen. Kilpatriek used to bo a bravo soldier boy, a gallan t general, a msds] minister, and a "loil" pp.triot, lint now that he bas turned his bank on Grantand tbe Dent family he is nono of these in the es tima ti on of bis formcr Bepublican friends. - Thn Ypsilanti Sentina - íin antiGreeley Democratie pipar - welcoines Gov. Blair to tho Democratie fold, offers to baptizo hiño, and tenders liini tho nomination for Governor. Isn't tho Senttnets stomach a little particular ? Accep Blair and rojoct Greeley '. - The Adrián Time sneozes when tho Courier of this oity takps snuff, wliether of the University or anti-Greeley brand. Tt is amusing to note tho ganulity, ignoranee and assurance of oach, and hard to tell which quality predominates or in whieh it is predominant. - The New York Sonate convicted Judge McCunn on the soveral chargea preferred against him, and unaniínously voted bis removal, sinco which Judge MeCunn has died - Saturday last - of chagrín. - Land Commissionor Edmonds has coinmenced writing himself up and bis aoousers down in tho Coldwater KejntHican. Tlie loss lie has to say the botter. - Oíd Ben Wade has mado the hoarts of tho Kadicals loap for joy : by deelaring that he is not goiug to support Greeley. It is Zack Chandler's turn next. - It was announced it Baltimore that Hon. J. J. Davis, of West Virginia, is the only Democratie niember of Congross who will oppose Groeley and Brown. - The Krea 1'res.i of Tuesday foolishly had eomething to say about " the attempt of the Baltimore Conventioii to carry anentire party over to tho enemy." - ■ Gidoon WullcB has writton a letter doolaring for Greolay in preferonce to (irant. lie thinks things are in a Tery bad way ut Washington. - The total valuation, real and personal, of Xsw York City for tho current year, is 1,104,008 087: an increaso of Ü7,841,4ól over 1871. - Civil Servios fiefona : nppointing to an important office Clark, of Texus, who liad juát boon ejected by the House from a soat held by í'raud. - Gen. Grant having been LL. Dd. by Harvard University, tho Chicago Tribuno iuturprets tho cabalistic letters to inoan " luto leather doaler." - Tho Arniy of tho Tennessee is to hold its next anniversary at Toledo, Ootober 17th and 18th, 1873, with Gen. Logan as orator. - The Thomas Jefferson Iíandolph who prosided temporriiy over tho Baltimore Convention, is a grandson of Thomis Jefter8on. - The Domocrats and Liberal Republicana have called ütato Conventions to je held at Des Moines tlie same day, August Ut.


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