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DETROIT ADVERTISE11EXTS, JOUT V. HENSIF., Manufncturcr oi TIN, COFPER ANO SHEET IKON WARE. Wholesale nd Retall Des'cr In Stoves, Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils, etc. No.132 and 134. comer St. Antoinn and Fourth St., DBTBOIT - - MICH. Alo jv_-nt for th North American Lighining Rod Mannfactory' K.X KI.ASTIC AND I.OCK STIT' II SEWING 31ACHIXES. The Tiy best in nc, fford all tho latest improTemerit. Send for a circular. No. 4 OPERA HOUSE, HF.THOIT. OTOÑE CÜTTERS AND CONTKACTORS. COBB, WALLACE & LAW, Arr prpparpd to rirniuli all kiniii" of "C("T 3TOSK Wntef Tab'iM', Silla, Cap, Ciiíhí?, Steps, Limdingt, &c. Conntry order promptlv nttonaed to. Oíllcc iid Yard cor. .Macomb and Brniiblcn Stn-, DF.TBOIT. CARRI'kGE KEPOSITOKY AND MANUKACTORY. eVV have conítantly on hand, of our own make, a fine aBsortmeot of OPEÜN AÍVD TOP BÜUGIE-. Whlrh v can ee 11 LOW OOR CASH We coropetillon for pornl work. Dealers nupplied. An eramluiition ol atock aolicIMd. I.ONOPREY PKTFKS, 1341 40 & 42 Lamed Street Eaet, DmiioitAR. & W. F. LINN, MaivafnctTirera oí round (uld'i'i, Apícea, :'IutnrEl, etc. and wlioleaale deslere Id TEAS AND OROOERS' SUNDRIE, 120 Jeffi-rBon Avomie. Detroit; ÖnCIX, CaXSED COOBS, Etc., 1 haye now Ín store a largc stock of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Canned (oods of all crades. Pickli-s, etc , to, which I am offeriug at low priecs to the trade, JOHN HEFKRON, Wholesalo Fruit House, 218 Jefl'erson (.Te. p BCUL, UWLATVI) & C., Mauufactiirírs, Importcra, and wholeaale dealers in Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, MOiind MSJefltenoD avenue. Detroit, Mich. AIbo f hippers of undressed Furs. 7} F. 8AI.DWIW.& CO., ManofhCturer" and wQnloaítle dealere in All Hand Made Custom Boots nl Sböes, ;! Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, MITI. TOiIN PATÏON SO2H, Manufacturere and Dealers in Carriages, Duggieo, &leighs. Etc-, The flnestj aüsortmcnl in Michigan. Establiuhed in 1842. Factory, corner Woodbridge aud Brush Streets. Hl-pooit' ry, t20 Jcffersor Avenue, Dfitroit. I always Seep on hand a rery nica aiortmcnt of Open and Top Carriages, wbich I wlll sell at low Agates. Buyers will do wel to cali and examine dock and p rices bcfore purclias hiit. Dealers cun buy of me to irood advantatie. JOSKFII Kl.NGEL, 5."i Graliot Street, corner Farrar, Detroit Mich nooKS i J. M ARNOLD ft 00 mippiy Public Librarle Sabbaiïi Schoois and Hook Huyera ?eneraïly, at ovr ratea. Our stock i chote arui bire 1S9 w oodward Avenne, ï'etroit. Lfifl fifïfX GALLON OHIO STONEWARF i.Jf,JlJJ at Wholeuta. Alsu an entirely ni!W itook of White Kranile and C. O. Coodi, Plaiu an !crfjr:itivt; China Dlnner aml Tra Sets Cut 01-; silvrr Plnted Goorti Lamps. Ctitlrrv, Jnimn Wrtrc, rtc . at No, I!) Michigan avenue oppotilto nw Citv Hall. DAVID MoCORMICK T ICSII;AIV .ÏIACIIIIVEKY DÜFOT. G. 8. Wormer & Son. Dealers in all kinds of Woml and Iron Workingr ilarliim-r j , 69, 101 and 103 Jefferson Avenue, DRTROIT. MICU; noiiTAUi.i: i;x(,ims For Mechanical and Farm usea. D. K. ItlCK. Mannfactit'er, 191 Atwater ilreet, Detroit jiui.v II, hi:mii:i,i. a co,, Cominisáion Merchants In Floxar and Q-ain. Office and Warehmise, Nos. SO, 52, L4 and 50 Woodbrldgf Street, weet, DETUOIT. ÏCIC1I. (.TOME WARE, Ba Hard & Starrat Mñnnf:ifturerM and wholeaale dealtTi in Stoue anr H"Ckiiiithim aro, Firo.lav. Firu Bnck and Drain Ti!,-, GTui Fruit Jara find rfatkfl. MMimfact'irers AffAnts flr the Ob!o Stone Sockei Sewer and Water Pipi'. Otftee and warohous" No 60 Woodbridge Strt-et oppopitc Board of 1 rade, Detroit, Mich, 1 .) A. TYSELL & C SWAIN, Wholesale and rctail dealers lp all kinds of Farm Implcmcntfl, Machines State Agente for the Philadclphi LAWN MOWKRS, warranted to bo the bnt In the market. Prlcee Ironi $ 15 to $33. Liberal diecount to dealers tw Seüd for circular. No. ül JeHersou avenue, Detroit. ]ji:im. Detroit Stoam Taney Dyeinir Establiabuient, 42 Congress street, cast, between lïatca and Ran do'ph streei. Fancy Dy-inf; on Hllk. Woolen and Mix-;l (oo([ of every description done in the beit potnible mnnner. Every kind'ol .Shuwli?, ilks etc. cleaned and re presaed. Kid love cleaned and dyed. ARCHIBALD GHANT. fï SCIHI.FXmUB, Billiard Tnble V . 71anulaturer, w!th Delaney's Patent Steel Wire Cuhion. nniversaliy acknowledged to be the !■■ n ubc,98, luu and 102 Rumlolph streel, Detroit, Mich. VÜIGHT'S FAMOT'8 M1LWADKEE LAGEE BEF.E lthe best brewed iu the Mate Address E. W. VOIGHT, Uihvaukee Brewery, Detroit, Mich. TermsCash. tlKO. . Vn.UÜ'V Ac CO.. I Detroit, Jllch, Agent9 and dealers in Pine anl rariuiii;; Lnndü, in Michipnn, and In nesrly all tlie other States, l'ractf of i'ine Land bougot or pold on CommisKlim. The beat of land in the Southern States at low rate. Chaa. Noble. Geo. S. Frost. Chas. W. Noblo. ofr.Ds. Frvab and ReliaMc Garden, Hom or, and Farm Seedft, Wholeale and Retal). V. M. FERRY & CO., Scedumer, S0Í Woodward avennc. P. 3. Onr illti-traled and descriptive prlced Seed Catalogue of : ci_' paces free to all applicaits. OEED8! BSEDS! Fresh nnd Rplinble Garden, Field and Klower Seede, Wholesale and reuil, at the ]ove'. ratM Also Fruit and Ornamenta] Tre's. Grapc Víiips Shrubs, Roses and Plants oí all kind. Scnd for a eatalogne. w 11. ADAIK & CO . Detroit. JOHN H. DOTJC5ÍHKRTY. Manufactnrcr of Mirror and Picture Framn, Cbromoi, EucntvinKa nnd l'liolos. DenliTN :,im1 Ai'cnls snpplled. 2-T Jcfferan ave uní'. Ddtroft. W ii h ir Germán i atr-n at lowest market rates. aend 'or cutjili'jjue. SsF. A. CADUXLI,, Itl. D. Or% uliNt mul AuriKt, p.-rmanently .yJiijkvj loc-'iled in Detroit fr Twf ntv-Five vean. Specinlly trcaliiiK dlMftMi V'". -i? of the the KYK -vTI TilAR, and Catarrhal affttctinoi nf the HEA1". ATvTD 'l'IIROAT, Office aml reííidence. No. 5& Lafayetto avenue. Oftice hoiirs from fl a. fet. to ft v u . Referencr by Permlslon- Nathanlel W. Brookn. Hou. lm MayheVt Qoo. l'rtntiHa.Iiaq , Win. !. Morton, Banket D. F. Morton, Esq , Wm I Fowler, Biq. Iü7(im3 POR SALE ! A 1 1 1 ni' '■ and Tot on the west ide of Maynard street, between Willinm and Joifersou. Haa a gooil Uarn and Cisterns. Terms easy. Aun Arbor, May SI, 1S72. ■ I.l75tf J. J. PAB8HALL. GotpR.W.ELLISft CO'b foratrictly Pure Drugs and MedicineB,PaintB,Oils,&c. [)Q {IQ IWIIATDOES Zü,Zd llTMMN! Tliin qnentioTi has heen níked many timos latei? and one r Krln's pon sald, "It would take an Aflcated mon to teil that." Bnt lt tm-aiis thtil 1. O1.1IÏ . tho ha for the last three yenr I n apartnerina largo holenalo himse in Chicago, and althmish the terrible flro of fast Ml ha left that city in ruin, be atili live, and like BARNABY'S CROW, Ni'vcr ini lic. bnt hae opened flne siock of now clean OKOCEWES, at No. 29 SOUTH MAIN ST., belwecn the faihlonable Hry GoocIb Store of Henion & O 'tt, nml the Mammotli Hardware Store oi Lewts 0. Kiudon. I will naj to citUens of Mm Artor and stirroundlng country, that I will scll Orocerlen, Proviins, l'rockcry, ; 1 uo wnre, at I low flïiire for Cinh or rcad y pay only alwajB pnv Oaah Down for Oood, and must have pay for them wlirn dclivercd. Do net ask me to rnst you, even if you are worth a milllon. bit i ui, si:u. eooes i.out.k tih ast nilï CAS WHO TAKES CREDIT FOR PAT. All kintls of Produce taken in Fichange Ooodn dclivered In the Clly free of charpe. Come lu KEADY PAY CUSTOMERS, and examine my goods. I will SHOW ÏOU AROUJÏD, wlth the greatest of pleaure, and if yon do not bny.I promise juu I will not look cross. Specla nducemoDtsto Boardlng House and Club. Look for tbc sign of the C. 0. D. Grocery and the Big 29. Tjewis Colby. MarchHth.lRTS. 1366 . s g S . 3 fc W H Uj o H ;r] hl .2 1 ISg Paï l3 IS I i: ?: i ■255 i{ p?8o P 5 oí í 5 Si 1 L í H DOW'T FORCET That the Faireft. fVluarcfft, and best place in Ar Arbor to buy Pura Dram t.nd Medicinen, Wiues an Liquoiü, for Redklnal Purj ont-8, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES, &C, E. W. ELL1S & COS. Corner Op;)oiic the 5aviD Bank. CALL V3X E3:A.lVtIlsrE Our Permiinent ToI-tp. for ir.itpuloor insido paint lag. nutonfitctnréd rom Fira Wblt Lead zinc, m Llnseed 011. Cbeftpor ani bettsr ih;m ady othe Pnir.t mmle Bold lv the frailan, kt-g or ba-rrtrl ANoPurc White Lflnd. Zinc, Ac, t atisfactor} Prlceb. KHMEMI3EH NAMK AND PLACE. B. W. ELLIS A CO. iJÜilLKD LAGER, ALE ANi) POIITER, Put up in Pints and Quarts lor Faniily ase. ALSO BY THE KEG. tW Orders left ut r.t itrr & Co.'s 5)rut' Store ïll be pruiitptly fillctl. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor. May M, J872. I.ITfitf VOTICEL The subscriben hnqc attheir ccmmanA, au a general thin . from dve banrtred to íivt thouíAud dollars to loun on íit-íít and ïlrst cIhhs moitRñge Mtuntlii the Ciwnty of Waiiliieunw -time from thrce to flveyi-ar. Term llbpraj Offli ppoatte tnPot Oilice. and ate. A. Leilrr A Cu.' Drug Store. No. 1 Gregory Htock. Our Abstract Books are posteii up to date. Ann Arbor. Ha) 30, 1872. tuaoyw. koot, ROOT & LETTER. ovai.a. unit. lJTCtf F B. GIDLEY, 8nccesaor to COLGROVE A SON. Í ." . ■ .' ; "Vi. DRÜGGIST AND (BIKT TN COOKS NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURÓN S1HEET, DEALER IN dm ;s, TJr.nif m:s, SlHillC.U. HSTRIflETTS, PVRE WME3 A-.'ïï LIQIOR8, tFOR MEDICAL PÜRPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Goods, Perflamery, PAiirrs, ii.s, V AHMSHIS, ;I,ASS, ANI PCTTï, PIIYSICIAXS' PRESGBIPTIOKS Cnreftilly coraponntted t all haurs. I PHOPOiE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. E. B. GIDLEY. J307tf J. Wiikik, Proprllor. R. H. Mc Dok aio Co., Drngiiti Gd. Anu, Ban Krnnciirr., Cnl-, umi 34 Comm.trc Utt, N. Y. MIMJONS Kear Tcstlinony to the ciuli-rCiiI Curativo Ellëcts. They are not a vito Fnncy Drink Made of Poor Kunt, WhUUey, Proof Spirits and Kefuso lilqiiors dotitorcd, spiccd and sweetoncd to pleasc tlio lAstc,called "Tonica," "Appctizcrs," "UestorerVaic., Uut lead the tippler 011 todmnkenncKsnntï ruin, hut aro atrae Medicine. mnde frümtb-N:itivc RrsoW and Ifcrba of California, frce froni nll Alcoliolic StiinuInntn. Thcyarotho tiREAT 1SI.OOD PURJPIERand A LIFB GIVIKG TRINCIPLE, a purfect Kcnovator and Invigorntor of the 8ystm, OUTjlng o ft "-1I poisonous matter atid restoring tbeblood to a licalthy condition. No pcrson can take tliese Bitters arcorditiK to directione and remain long unvrell, providcd their bones are not destroyed by mineral poifton or othcr Tneans, and tlio vital organs waatcd beyotid tlic point of rrpnir. Tliey are a Geatle Purcntivcnn well ima Touic, potMssinji, al.vo, the pttuliitr n.crit of actinff na a powciTul Bffflnt In rclicvinji Cunfetion or Inflammation of the T.ivcr, and nll tlie Visceral Orj;ans. FOK FBMALE COI 1M.AINTS, Injonnffbr old, 1:1 .1: riel or -iiuilc, at tned;wn of wonutrihood orat Ue turn of lifc, Uieso Tonic Bitters have no cqual. Por Inilamniaiory mul Cli route lï lieitmalïniii anti Hout, Dr spe pala or ituliKL'Htiou lEilinüM, Itrtniticni n ml IntiTiHittciil Fetci'H) DÏHcascH of tlio iïlniHi, liivcr, Kitlnvypi and Ithutdrr, thoM IliKcrH have heen most Snelt DinntnerMirc ennsedby Vliinlcd Iïlond, whioh In general ly produccd i.y dcrancuient of the íi(tti ve Ortiiiit. 1 V S V KPKI A O It I ff Dl (3 EST I ON . üeadBcln', l'atn i:i l'ic Slioulilors, Couglis, Tigbtnesft of the Ohtati DIxsInsM, Bour fructations of the Stnnmcb, Umi Tuta in tho Mouth, Jliüous AttackA, l'aipitation of ti;ï Hoart. Inflammatioa of tlic kanc. Pain intbereg ious of tlic Kklneys, ani a hunUrcd otber painful Bytnptoms, aru tlie oüspiina of Dyspepsia. Tbey hiTi-rorato tbc Stomacli and stimulate tho torpfd Lirer and Cowels. irhicli renner them of uncQuallcil cfljcacv in elotnslof tlic blootl of all tmpnricies, and impartjns new life anj vior to the wholouyHtem. POR SKIN DfSBASESi Eruplions.Tctter, Salt Rboum, Iitotctics, Spotn Pimples, i'iiKtules, lioüe, Carboaelu RJitf-Wornu. BotU Heal, Sore Eytyi, Ëryhclas, Itcb.Bcurb, Dlaeolomtioiu of the Skin, Uumorannd Diteafles of ihc Skin. ef wiiatV"r name or tinture, aro lití'rnllv dag up and rarmni out of the system in 11 short timo byiba use ut thvsp lilttera. One bottle in eiich mes wiH convinco tbo most iucreduloua of their curative offcets. tho Vitiated Blood whcnevor j-ou find its lmpnritics throuch tlio Bkfo in Pimples, Eruptiona or Sores; cleansc it wben you find it obstructed and -slugtfish in tho rcius ; cleanso it wltcn it is foul, and your feoiins wiil teil you when. Keep tho Mood pure, an) t)ic hcaUli of tho svstem wilt follow. PlBi Tnpts nncl oilier orint, lurkinlntho eystcm of bo many thuu&ands, are effectuaHy destroyed and removed. Saya a distftuilkbed physiolos-ist, tliffro íh Bcarcely an individual vipon the face of the earth whose body in exempt from the proaenre of worm-i. It fu not upon tho healthy i-l. miMiis of the body that wona llit. bat upon Ihe dist'ased humorn and Blimydepogits that broorl tln liviuv nionfiters of diffuse. No System of Medicine, no vermífueres, no anthelminticR will freo tbo Hstvm from worms lik tiu-si! Bitters. J. WALKEIt, Proprietor. R. H. rcDOTALD & CO., Drujrpifirn and Qm. Agents. San Fnneisco. California, and 32 and 34 Uummerce Street, New York. KT'SULD líY ALL VBLUUIST3 AND DLALKB3. DR. CROOK'S WINE OF TAR álO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved JDr. Crook's "WINE ts JL AJÜSi B Tn have more - y. BjffeV _rlt than any SaBEÜ simiiar pro)tam ■SümésK tion ever ollered tlie public Tt ín Heli In the medieinal qualitiesorXar, and unetgiialeil l'or diHeaties of' tlie Throat and lilings, performicg Ibe most remark ble cures. Congbs, CoIdH, i Inoiiio Cougb. It effectually cures them all. Astbma and Bronchitis. lias cured bo many cases it has been prooounced a specific for these coinplaints. Ji'or pains in Breast, Side or Back, Grayel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jauudice or any Liver Complaiut, It has no It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetito, Strengthens the Svstem, Restores the Weak and Debiütatcd, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarious Fevers, Oives toue to your System. X ' """" HURRY ÜP ! Partiks wUhlng W;i:i Paper, Oloth and i'iipfr Bhadea, lio anes, Wimiow Pistares Ooidst Tañéis, Jkc 11 Nw Btyles, ut Batí factor} Prlces, byJi. ít. Wflbbltr Jk Co,, 1 jok ."ion', Bear thc Estucho -Otllce. X X Finost A.ssortmentof Toilel Goods in the City,by


Old News
Michigan Argus