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jgglNESSDÍREOTÓRY. Ir F. FISQCEI.I.E. 51. . Oílirn oyer M 1. A rry' "tore. Residenc Wal gtreet.tonr doon eat of State. .■ ABB0B BUIfERJX 8FBIKfc Morris Hl8, M. D., Soporlntondent. Omce ohuliiliDL', eornar Mano and Wort Hoton Street. nrlHES te WOBDEK, 20 -■oiith M aln Btrtwt, V Ánn Vr ...r.Mich., wholemileaiid retal! dealen In Dry Hoods, Oarpets aud GrocerleB. UISItf T E BROWV, Aientfor the Flnkle & Lyon f. haar" Sewlag Machine They are silent. Oti, ron easy and m Ue the lock atltch Lo.T 5 lath Min Street. Ann Arbor. lJ40y' ■i7TcïrSCHMID, Dealers lo Dry Goode. Mtrocera,0rockery,3bc. No. 64 South Malí Street. " mriCflAEE. nilBBAI, Roc.fcr Pire and M Vatèr Prooi. Pell kud Comfosltlon QrTel ofs ou to order and wrrnttS. Besidenceon fatenan Street, Ann Arbor. _ . lP.!nt,OiU,etc No.S Soulh Malu ,trcet, An Arbor. ; . Mr"" HrÍACKSOBÍ, Dentlüt necessor to C 15. VV. Porter. Office comer Main and !umu streets, r the store of U. W. Billa & Co . Ann Arbor, jlitli. íicBthcticsadrainistcrcdif reqnired. 7fr."BBEJI.K.EY, 51. Pliydan and V. Sargeou. rorfdenc. correr ofj Bn1 ron and DlíUloñ Street. flrt iloor east of Presby terian üharrh . Anu Arbor. Micn. J. JOIIXSOX. D.-ilor in Uta and Cap, . rara 8traw foodi. Qenta' Fnnrtahlng Goofl, f. No I Sonth Main strest. Ann Al ÓlFrjIEBI.AyD & WHUDOX, Ufe and Pirelnturanc iL'-nts.ainldealcriiin Real Látate. ;: Hnron Street. __ LeirfS 4'. ÏIISOO.X, Dealer in Hardworo. liona HonaeFarnlihlogGood, TiuWare.&c. Sontn Main Mrrrt. _ tïTciï AHi:r, Dealer InüryOood QroDwrlce.ic &c..No.'-0 Bonth Mata Street, Aun Arbur. ' SL4WSOIV SON, Groccrs, Provlfloi' anfl Oommiwlon Merchante, and '■! i1w,:.Ul'J !,.„.: Und Piaster, ndPIler Part. Ho.WKaM (ïnron Street. r, siiirs 'I. Wholesale ■■"! Retail Dealer S.iu Beadj ade Olothlng, Clotha, Cassimeros, r Hin tü.HJemv ParntohlngGfl dl. Ko.H Soatli reet. _ - - tl W ; ËKj Dealer In Ready MadeClothU in UlotbJ cSamrm Verttora. Hat. Oap, frnnks'irpet Hag, 4e !1 "'! Main ftreet. rtlLMOUE 4 FMKE, B .ok :Bm "S"" UT tlonm -dlcal tw and Oollese l.xc io.k, nd MÚcellaueon Book. No. 9 Nortn Main . - y niock. Aun Arbor. nlxi.EÏ & liKWIS-Dealersln Boo'i.Shoe, Y Qa B,3K Nii.ï Haatlluruliitrccl, rm Arlior. VTÜAH W.C1I1ÍEVE1Í, AÏTOENET AT LAW ! 0ffl;c with E. W. Morcan, BaatsldeofConrtHoiue ''31 j. SCHAEBEBLB, Teadir ■ i" aslc Q'e inatrucUon n tlie PIANO, ViOÜN AND GÜ1TAR, ■P.ce. No. 5ï Soiiili Main ctreet. CMoore'B i ihc residen ■■ of the pupil. NISG, l"i e o c k e u y 0L.1SSWARE & GRÜCEKTKS, & Tr Donnelly torealdrgoatockfCriierj.01awar, P(teil Wara, OntUry Qrocortoo, &:., te. all lo ue tt uuusuftlly low prii No ii Baat liaron Street.Ann Arbor. ifiStf J. POWWEC.LY. I0HN Gr.GALL, DEALER lïT PRESHAÏÏDSALTMEATS, I.Ull). SATT8A45E. Etc, Ordcrmoliclted andpromptly fllied wlth ' neatt In the markcl. í Baít Washington Btreet. An! Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. 1T F. BROS, Mannfaetnrer of flRItUíiKS, BCCCIE8, LCRBGR Wl(;OS, S":ií v. ;os. ciTTElfi 8LEWBS, tt. Allwork warranted efthe bfft materinr. Repalrlu' don pvomptly and reaonablc. AU woi taatedtogWe perfect aatl-betiou. 6S South Main lSi3y R. O. A. LBITElí ïv CONTINÚES TO PÜT Ur AND FILL Ilysiclans Preseriptions, At all honre, at No. 1 Gregory lilock. C. A.LEITER & CO. -kun Arbor. De:-. 22d 1871. IS54 ■ é .■ ' ' rR.Ü. B. PORTER, DE3STTIST. fijein theSAVINGSBAHKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. ill Operation8 on the Natural Teeth PERFORhIEl) W1TH CARE. . tJNoURPASSED FACILITIBS AND EXPBRIENCE Ifflúi ARTIFICIAL TEETH, Tí) (IVF, KACHIHDIVMUAT., Wi-.Urai af the proper fre. shnpts.oloT firmnettonti nam al szpreion, 1244 ÏACKSON WAGONS ! J a Oar Load of JAOKSON WAGONS jost retelvod at ftogers' Agricultural Wareliouse. Thone who want Heltoon Wagons, had botü'rjjo 'or thora uow at the prcaeBt LOW PRICES! m ttinrc is ïoo'i to bftaboat eiht dollars adrted to ent prlcq on account of the advance in pilco of Wug o 11 tfiotks. M. ROGEKS. 136mS pÖH SALE ! y The resfdenoo of the Bubsoriber. EtouseNo. 62 and ïwo lotson Uuran str.-ct, BmI . Poflsewfon tiïvon the lst r,f üny f desired. Inquiru at the Awjcs OrFioB, or of c. ii. Ricii.nnücn., Ann Arbor, Miirch SDtli, 1872. 1266m2 DÜOPLE'S DRUG STOiCj i R. W.ELÜS& CO. MICIÏi U.V.N CENTRAL it.ULKOAD. SU.'.l.UIiK TIME TABLE. Piissoiigertrainsnow leave the serernl station, au GOIXG WF.8T. "a W K STATION. J W S g . i 5 3 S O P C a pa w A. M. A. M. I". M. F. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 20 4 00 5 50 'J 30 YSSntS; 8 28 10 25 5 30 7 17 10 40 Ann Arbor, 8 52 10 42 6 00 7 S0 11 OU VoxteT, ' 9 20 0 S0 8 13 H 4U , o o UrussJ.uke, 10 o; UW1 Jackson, 10 40 11 ftf M 12 15 P. M. P. M. A. M. Kulamuzoo, 1 5 2 28 IJ M - - lUdrag.. mrive. 8 20 7 30 6 30 ? 30 QOtWO EA8T. _____ I m lll I liJ__i P. M. M. A :- " "■ Chicaro, loave, 6 15 00 6 00 9 S0 A. M. K. Kulamazoo, 2 15 IS 00 2 28 A. M. t. M. Jackson, 12 35 4 35 1 M 4 40 (ftauLake, S 00 s 47 Chelas, 5 25 a. k. 4 13 DexteL 5 40 r, M 4 i0 - - Ann Art.or, 1 S8 6 00 6 U 4 6T 5 40 Yli-ilKiiti 22 G 20 7 20 5 30 6 00 ,',.mve, 3 35 _7 25 _ 8 45_ 6 gt ? 00 The DoxtiT Train runs to JaÖksOB Suturé. nina: on "ETeniñg Exprm" time, :nid bacï Mondoy morning ou itsown. Tlie "Night Expran flo.i not pass et Mondaj movninp. The Atlantic und r.-icirtc Express run betwtcn Jackson imd Nilus on the Air Line. DatedJuue 3d.l72. PORT WAYNE, JACKáON AND Ssginaw Rail re adThe most direct route to rittsburg, PhUadelphia, Bdltlmore, v aehiu&ton, ud n.l pointe soutu and aouthwest. Traína run by Oiicugo Tiuie. TllAINii liolNG fcOt'TH. Hmrin. Angola Ak. Í 7 15A.M. 12 17...M. 4SSP.M. llanover ' 65 12 S 14 Jonesville, 25 ' ï Aneóla 9 53 2 49 8 05 Sita I M i Aubui.,, H' M J Fort Wnyne, H 45 6 45 Cincinnati, 8 5" 6 30 a. m. LouisvUlc, TBAlKa GO1NG NOItTH. Angula Ace. Xxpnu. Maü. Louisville. 8 3OA.M. UM. .loncsviile, 8 25 S 50 , 45 Hanovwr o 06 3 18 8 13 fidm. loo J SS Aun Albor, 4 o 24 At Jnckson- Close conneotions uro mude with Micliipin Central, Jaoknon, Lanaing & Baginaw, and Orund L3LL&b 8 Michigan Soui"lot-lSSriio-Wlth Lata! Shorc & Micl.igan SouthC1VtAFort;w;;v,,,-Vith HttBbni Fort WrilM & Toledo, WkI.usIi t Wstm,and l't. V nc, MÏÏSe&CtaömatiKaarorf.. ' Uob't. Killie, Gen'L Ticket Ag't. Deo. 11. 1871. _________ PLlTATli BIT1R8. S. T. - 1860 - X. Tiiis wonderful vegetfiUe rLstorntivt- ;. the sheetmnchor of tbc tetble and debilituted. As i tonie and cordial fot the ned and languid it iias no equal among stomachics. Ab a rcmedy for the ncrvous weaka wliich ■orneo are especially snbjected, it is cuperseding etrerj other Btimulant. In all elimatep, tropical, températe oí frigid, it acte &ë a spedflcin evory species of disorder which iii;i'. niiiic-8 the Btrength and brer.ks down the animal ppirits. LTÖN'S áTBAlKOK. I'or Iroscrvlii(r ítnil Ilcmitif inpr !'" Human Ilair. X Prevent itsl'uUiiiar t aml 'l'uriiiiifí fcray. AwelIpreervdfiedofHalr,m icrson ofmkldleoKcaloncebc-peaksreilr.ement.elBgancc.lrenltli and beauty. It muy trolj b cullcd woraan's orywii míj plory, Fhllemen are nt insensible toits tajje and charras. Few lliinR ars more diegustlng than thin.frluly.hanh, antamed hair,wi;h In-ad mui coïtcoveredwltbdtndrnff. Vlrit ■ barberandyou R-ei and lonk like a new raan. Tulíiswhat tyon' K.itlmiron will (1 all the tiuic The diarin whkh ü.-s In we!', placed llair, Glossy Curie, Luinriant Treaaea, tuda Clean Head, b notiieablc and trresifttible. Suld by all I)ru"ïists and Country Stores. . Ueflwlj BOOKS. COOKS. J. K. WEBSTEE & CO. NEW 1500K STOEE NEAB THE " EXPRE8S OFFICE." LOOK TO YOV1Í INTEREST AS CALL. BOOKS, lovëjöyT TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SrmfF, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 E AST HÜBOH STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN AHBOR, IHICH. m&tf ÜBAOEANT SAPOHBNB. OIshm Clothi, CImiu Clothlng, Clenns Rl (lrans Silks, türaus Lalrs. OleUU Carpvla Cuttaius, ( iijühiuns, or any articlo suilul iih Greisc, T-u, Pajnl ITRS. l .l.l'.It. Apr-nt. 179w4 Corner 'tl TbpmpdOH and "Willium F;ic


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