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Summer Precautions

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iheñerco hoats oí summcr tompt tho incautious to frequanfc " rofreshuients." Firsl in the list come various dÍ9guise- of alcoholio stimulants. The refreshment grained from such drinks is a delusion. Takcn in very small quuwtities when tho strcingth is exhuusted, and tho person has leifcure to rest, tho last effect of tho diink may bo such coolness as rosults írom. getting away from a fire. Neither meal nor drink tends to cool tho body, except as after tho heat and cxcitcment of digestión and perspiiiition have passed away the pcrson is cooler thuu vvhen ho was eating or drinking. As the living body is conKtituted oating and drinking are nccessitios. Uut as necessities they should be limited to tho mallest satisfactory quanlity. Tempéranos in eating and drinkiug is the only condition under whioh oomfort and health can be expected irader the torrid heat of summer. The more simple the food, tho moro froe froru stimulants the drink, the cooler and more comfortablo he who partakos. To eat in repletion or drink except in moderation, is sometimos equivalent to suicide, and is inevitably tho cause of discomfort, if not of iilness. Many innocently injuro therasclves by flooding tho stoinacli with fluida, or distcnding it with frequont resorts to what is callea " light food," keeping the digestivo orgnns at a constant tensión, and, of course, exhausting the vital energies. Of all things "sti-ongpotations" aro to be avoided. Those wlio have unfortunfttely contnicted tho habit of' daily iniice - even moderate indulgenoe - in intoxicating drinks find tho heat 01 summcr very oppiessive. Tliose whose appetites or whoso temptation lead them beyond moderation, are Bufforers tu h dogree which the températe can 6carctt appreciate. The young, who liavo as yot foriued no süch habits, should steadlastly resist tho beginning. Paradoxical as it is, thu temptation to indulge is strongéet at tho very season when indulgenoo is tho most daugcrous. Paticnco and au equable temper, avoidanco of unnecessary fatiguo and unnecessary expoeure, are botter than frequent drinks, or even ices ; while to resort to tiery drinks, undor a fiery sun, is simple madness. There aro largo classos of men whose employmento oompel tïicm to expoflure to tho burning heat, While, in thair favor, it is truc, custum renders them loss sensitivo and more able to endure, yet it is equally true tliat thoy suffer very much, as frequent oases of exhaustion or of sunstroko testify. Tho proper understanding whioh exists between fair employers and fair workmen sugg(sts expediciits which modil'y tlio hardships of exposure. But, after al], every man is his own best judge as to what he can bear under a burning Bun, and should consult health and prudence abovo overy other considération. The idle man, panting, fretting tmd dissatis&ed, resorte to arti irial mear.s, whioh add to his discomfort instead of relioving it, and is, perhapg, a greater sufforcr from tho heat than be who moderately pursuos his accustomed I occupation, making up his d:iy by conI stancy and avoiding Stfnl fforte. Tamperanoe botli in meata and driuks, and care üot tooverloid an over-heated stomu(.-h are safe rules in hot weather. Teoplo in the South oomplain that since tho negro lias had his freedom givcii him he is npt to take libertios.


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