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A Proposed State Hospital

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We take pleasuio in placing b vibre our readers the followiug report oi' a committee of the Eegenta of the University, rcomniending tho establishment of a Medioal Hospital in connection with the Univeraity. Tho reasons assigned are wortby cl" careful consideration, both by ineiubgrs of the medical profossion aud by uil Gonveraant with or interested iu such a philantliropic work : The Conimittee on tlio Medical Department desire to cali your ittcntion to the early establishment oi' a suitable State hostal in connoction with tho Medical Department of the Unirersity. The best intereuts of the University domaud that active, energetio measures c. tuki-y iu tuis direction. Tho establishment of Buoh mi institution aa is contemplated will not only affoid suitable facilities for cliniciil study to medical students in general, but will alao furnish liicilitieB not found elsewhere in the West for pur.suinji the higher clinicnl field of thought, and tlius enable tho department to olevate thu standard of pi-ofessional requirements with tbc best practical resulta, The cause of humanity within ourbori!ls urgently for suoh au in6titution. Xot ouly are our alms-houses the repositorios of many persons who aro there incarenrnted to languish, suffer on and diu without that aid the suffering poor are justly entitled, but many persons of wealth iind refinement labor trom diseases which if treated at all by tho private practitioner are trèated poorly and -with indiffdront and unsatisfactory reiults. Casea are frequently occurring in the practice of overy physician which c:m not be propi.'ily c;vrod for by home agencies. He eau jict give tho nccessary time ; has not always had sufficient experience in the managemont of such cases ; is not possessed of suitable appliances. Many delicate and diöicult cases peculiar ti females, the proper treatmeiit of which involved 6erious surgical operations, either go to New York or Philadelphia at gicat expense and risk, or stay at homo to die, without any suitable effort having been made to reniovu disease or mitigato human Buffering. Scores, we might safely say hundreds, of cases may be found where deformities exist which rendor lifo a buiden and oxistence almost intolerable. Skillful attention and proper uppliances would, in many of these cases, convert hidoousness into coiiKïlinese, and mako that lifo which is now a burdun usc-i'ul aud happy. As a rule no such are to found in the office of the private practitiouer. Our surgical class, useful as it bas been, is neverthuless hamp red through lack of suitablo hospital l;icilities. A lar;;e number of cases, not alluled to above, would here find refuge and help, and would thus be protected from the ravages of the sculless charlatan, from which our laws at present afford no protection whatovcr. Dísuases of the eyo and onr are usually so dtïlicatB in their. nature thut they domand special care and management. W6 design that such diseases shall receive the bost treatnient vrhich the ad vaneed und advancing state of medical ecience can l'urnish. It is unnecessary to cali your attention to the fact that no such hospital as is contemplatcd oxiets within the bordeis of our State. There is no probability tbat such an institution will Boon be foundd by private munificence. We are yet in our infancy and can hardly oxpect eo much. The sick, liowover, we have with us, and to such the Stato has a solemn duty to perfonu whioh eau net longer bo ignorod - a duty as binding and obligatory as is that of providing i'or our insane. The Univereity, possoased of a corjjs of eminent medical andsuvgicalpractitioners, and situated in a clean, hcalthy, inviting locality, is the proijer place for the location of such an iustitution. Every physician knows that the pure atmopphere and quiet surroundings of Ann Arbor are vastly prefèrable to thoso found in the bustling crowdcd city. In this connection wo may stato that the establishment of sucb an institutiun as is eouteinplnU'd will pive a position, and usefulness to the Medical ment wlncü we can not otuerwiM nope tü attaiu. lt may be propor to Bay, in this conneotion, that it is designed to secure resident professors tor ovory chair in tho Medical Departmont. Your comiuittecs are gratified to find that a healthy and favorable state of publio sentiment exists on this subject in various parts of the State ; and equally gratified to find that the oitisena of Ann Árbor, ahvays true to tho University, are contemplating tho inauguration of ïueasui es liy which material aid will bo furnishcd'. We would reppectfully recommend that tho aid of thtj Statu through its Legislature, bu invoked at tho earliest posgible moment. A largo, well arranged building, with all the modern applianccs which an advanoed science affords, is contemplated. Tho funds of the University are uttorly inadequ ite. "Vía oannot spare a dollar for such purpose, urgent us i.s the demand. Unless wc Kccuro tho aid of tho State, hundreds of out afflioted and suffcriiig ones - tho children of a conimon Father - must groan, umi Buffer, and die, ■who might otherwise live lives of usefulness and oomfort. Your committee feel deeply on this question, and ask your carnest co-opera tion, nd that of the medical faeulty - in fact the co-operation of any friend not only of the University, but also of the almcteü. It is not our intention to map out a plan of operations. Tliis we lcavt; to the legitímate aotion of the Board of Regenta and the medical faculty. Wo havo faith in the Christian ïiu-n who meet in '...msing: faith in the humanitarianiam of om people ; faith that we shall be gnided and prosperod in all mir efforts to care tor doá'a sanering and afflioted ohildren, by the groat Phyaioian, who, whon on erth, went about " healing the siik." In conclusión, we reoemmend that tin faculty ol the Medical Departinen reqseated lu present, at the nezt nïi ot' the Boud, such general faets in regard to building arrangeinente, applianoes, and probable expense as may in their judgment be neoessary fur our fuitlior guidance and infoiuiation, 0. RYND, Titos. ]). GHBKET. miiAM a. uuKr.


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