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The Plillosopher's Stone. - The cccentric, b'it brilliunt John Randolph once rose suddeniy ilp in his sent in ihe House of Representativos, nnr] screnmed out nt the top of his shrill voicc - l(Mr. Spenker! Mr. Speaker! I have (iiscovered the .philosopher's Btone. It ifi-Paj' ns you po! ' John Rnndolph dropped many prms from his mouth but never a richerbne thnn that. "Pny ns You Go,'' and. you tieed hol dodge constables nnd sherifft. "Pny ns Vou Go," and you can Wnik tlie streets with an erect back and mnnly front, and haVc ho fenr of tliose you meet. You cnn look nny moh in tlie eye without flinch iag. You won't have to cross tlie highwny to avoid b dun, or look intently into the shop windows to avoid seeinjf a creditor. "Pay ns You Go," ond yon cnn snap your fuigcr nt the world, nnd uhen you laugh, it will bc a henrty, honest one. li seems to us somotimcs tliat we can almost teil the latigh of a poor debtor. He looks aronnd as though hc was in doubt whether his huh wns not the prperty of his crcditor6, nd not included in articles "exempted f mm attacbihent' - Whori he doea succeed in getting out nu abortion of a laugh - for it is nothing büt nn abortion - he nppenrs frifjiitcned, and looks as though hu cxpected it would be pounced üpon by a constable. "Pay a& You Go," nnd you will meet smiling faced at home - happy, cherry cheekcd, smilinf chiklren- a contetited wit'e - aful liearthslone. John liando' ph wasright. It ia the philo6Oher's Blone. Éxpi-osion ATTiiE GreatFire. - Tiic report of the Joint Cornmittee of the Common Cuuncil is bcfore us. Il is an octavo volume of 350 pages, and displays a collection of facts every way evtncing the akill and perscvefence with which t lio i u vest ion hns been conducted. - The resulls aret of course, all that we cun find room for. The attention of the Committee was directed to threo Inquines. First. - In what buiiüing or buildings did the explosión at the fire, or an y of ihem occur1 Sccondly. - What were tho character, extent and consequences of the explosions'? Tkirdly. - What was the cause of these explosiona?A fier a most patiënt considcrntion of the tohtiinoiiy, the Committee submit. 1. That all explosions nt the fire, orignnted within the store of Crockery & Warren, 38 Droad st. 2d. That thore werothiricen explosions at intervals of several seconds, until the final explosión; which desturbed seven buildings, and senttered !he fire in all directions. So that the fire btit for those explosions, would have been confined to two buildings, whereas it destroyed 230 buildings. Öd. There was no other cause for the explosión whatever than the sallpetre in ürockor & Warren's store. The tñ'ass of evidence fully bc-ars out ihese conclusions, and restores confidence (where it had been slinken) in tho efficacy of Crotón water in prosorving the city under ordinary circumstances from fire. Such a calamiCy as that which befel tho city in July is not again likely to jeopardise our livcs and property. - N. Y. Morning News. A Wonderpul Engine. - A. London paper saya that "a wonderful Engine has latei)' been constrücted by Professor Reinagle, who is securing patents in every civilized country on carth. The power, which is self-proJuced in the cngine, is 'obtained from condensed air, which, though easily managable, begets an immense force ; the preeent engine, which stands on a space not exceeding two feet square, having a power equal to five hundred and sixty éight horses. For pumping water out of mines it is gravely proposed lo use a 10,000 or 20,000 horse power, in order to do the work promptly. It is stated that, with the present smali engine, two hundred and twenty tons can be propclledat n rate of twenty-five or thirty miles per hour. The description of tho nction of the machinéis very vnguo but it is said that "severál very eminent and learned men who Iionrd the theory and practico of this invention explained, cornplimented the inventor by declaring that he has discovered a perpetual motion of the most terrific description. An UndtíTixahlc Tmth.-At the World'b Convention, Mr. Robert Owen offereda series of resolutions, nmonget wliich wc observe the foüowing; and we defy ortliodox, lictorodox, ond all the doxes, to dispute it eucceisfully: "Resolved. That the human race are bom without thelr knowledge or consent."


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