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DETROIT ABYERHSBHBNTS, Müiiufíictnror of TIN, COPPEB AHB SIIEKT JllON WAKE. Wholosale and Retal] Dealer u Stovcs, Hardware, Glass, Paiats, Oils, etc. Nos.l!)2aiid l'.H, corner St. Antolnn and Fonrth üi., DETKOIT - - 3VHOEC. .Mi nïunt (or tae Norlli Xmorloan Lifhtuiiif líoil Manufuclory flltOTEK A: RAKIOIt'N VJ ÍOI.A.S'I'KJ AND LOUK8TTTCH SEWlxVG MACHINES. The iy best u use, affordi all tho latest tmproTeU6ntfl Bend for a cireuïar. Xo. 1 OPERA IIOUSK, DETROIT. 0TONB CUTTEKd A.M) CONTRACTORfl. COBIJ, WALLAGE & LAW, Are preparad : fnmiHii all ktnda of "CÜT 9T0NE ■' Water Tablea, 8111a. Caps, Ooplnc, Step, Landing, abc. Ooantry orriers proniptlv attcDded to. ÜQlcu and Yard cor. Uacomli and Benubien Sts , DETUOIT. CíRBIAGB REPO3ITOET AND MiNUFAC'I ORY. oW have conntantly on hand, ofonr own make, a auijorliuunt of OfEN ANJ TOP BUU61E . Whlch we en s.-!l 1.0 W OOK CASH W U;fy rompetliion for pood work. Dealers BappUed. -Uj cxsmlui.on of stock aollclted. LONGPRKY. & PKTFB, 1817 40 ds 42 Laroed Street East, Dktboit QU)BIOUS NEWS FOH ALL CJEATiON! E. J. JOHNSON, H ATT ER ! HAS BEOEIYED HIS sprüs mm and STYLES OF1 H :ts, (aps & Straw Gods, CESTS' FlUMSlinc (OODS, ETC, U'IIICH HE PROPCSKS ÏO Si:r,I. AT PBICES WIIICH DEFÏ COMJ l.TI'l 1OX. 7 South Mair. St., Ann Arboi. MEWSPR5NGGO0DS FILE! 4 LBWIS. Are now receiviif the raosi cúmplele a mi itlfilT STOCK (IFfl IX THK LIKB OV BOOTS and SEOES EVftR BRCM i Y B1TISC THE E. I'E SALE OF THE WOKK OF LL TUK FIR8T.CLA88 í!lmCTLKERs IS THE COJVÜtï, W! a offi:r to f Asa GRRATER INDUCEMENTST1IAN" ANY OTEER tt O U S E IN T II I S CITY. Wccarry complete llccs of work from E. 1 . BI.HT, CBAY BHOTIIF.RS, STI'BWKLI, BROS. ín cniLDREX'S FINE .SHOKS, of which ve havo by fnr the Inroest and finust íissartincnt ereí !roní;l! to Aun Arbor. Juf. 71. ülJtríTs Qentj l'INK HAND-MADE Boots and StaoeSi nnoqus}) orStyleDarsblllty aodflnlsb. J.cttn W.llurJ- Boys Plus 9boABa and In rct n Comitlete Stock of yiNEanJ PLAIK Ooodt, Boitablfc for thi m&rkot. 13 Chancery Sale. THECIBCUIT COURTFOR THE COUNXY OF l.N CHANCERY': ELIZA U. HII. I, ■) uomyiuuaiib AAHu.n'Íiüan and OáTHERINE DEAN, ' Defmi In nonraanoe of a deoretal o nier of the Circuit Couit i'or the connty of Wusbtenav in ohancery, mude in the ubove canee, i bere will be sold , undpr the ilii ection of the dubocriber, al public auction, at th door of the Courl House in the city oí Aun Arbor and con n i y oí Wiblii.iüiuv, on Fi i'iuy, t!ic second da y oí' Aujrusi Doxt, :it ton o'd ck ie., all that oertain parcelo! Inndaituated in the city of Aun Arbor and coiirfty of Wiishtenaw, nnd deacribcd as Lot numboi' nine in r.lock numucr fchroe north of Honra in rango No. four of hv original plut of said city. Datcd, Junelüth, 107. ir. BBAHAN, i " : .TilisáiüTlor for tiie County of U'iishtonaw. CobMAH, -■■■ BolicitOTfl for Complainant. Chancarj' Notice. IN the Circuit Court for toe Couuty of Washtenaw, ín chaucer)'. MAUY LUCAS, Cjmplainnnt, vs. J HN X. LUCAS, Pefendaut. Tt Bntisfactorily nppeanng to thls Court thatthe de Eondant, John N. Lucas, la i nou-residont oí this d ot E. 1. Kinne, solioitor for tlie complainunt, it i- ontarad that the s:iii üftuiulunt, John in tliis c luso ti be en■ i.. tbre6 mouthfl íroia Ule date of tliis oí il-'V tnd íbn( in cnse "t hia nppeaiance ho cause )ú nnswei tríauts biD i" be BJ td, and a o ■■ th'eroLon said v. ithin irenty dftyn aftel id bilí and noico oí' oí let aud u ■■ fnull l beroof thal the Baid lili be i lefendant, John N. Laucas: And it is further ord n that trithin twanty invs the ■"'■' oause a notlooof tliisoi'ut.-r o bo published Ín fcho Nickigan Arffttst and that said i cr ttt Jcst once in . ■. '.vi'tks, oí that she ause n opyof iliis order to be penonaÜy ser ved on the snid lefendant, John N. Lucas, si teaal twenty daya before be rimú preacribed for bis appe trance. Dated, June ís.h. ls7á. lí. J1LA1IAN, Circuit Courl Commiaaioner, . anatr County, Bliol i !■'. D. Kinne, Solioitor for Complainaat. i püll SALE ! A Eouse and Lot on the sr ji íide of Maynard trect, bexween William nnU Jeflerson. Has b :;-, i, I..1.: i i tti mu. 'J Aun Artior, May 21, 1873. H7.')tf J. J. PAPSHALL. FinsBl Assortment of Toilet Groods in the City. U.EUÍ8& Í5. u'ijyuivtT.iiMi--iinr'Bag'aatta- - bm Mortgage Salo. WHER oonditioxu oi .1 morteage made and execatèd bv n,irrict Kellugg, uf Vii,üiU,li, to Tlietxiore A. I bow A aubarn, New York, uearin;r date the thir■■y.n1 April, eighteen bundied and sity. r.d recordad in the ulHco of thu Ucgwtcr of Deeda of the Countv oí Washtenmr, Jlicliigan, on the ■ "i Apii!, eighteen humlrcd aml sixty. :i liber forty of mortgugra, at pafte one hun. whiuh dul'uull tbc power of odin nid mortiige has become operaüve, and no uit oi proi ding at law haring been iostitiited foi tbc recovcry of the debt ccured by nud , art thereof. and there beingnmv to be duo on said mortgage the 8Um of one tho idred aud sc nly dollars and elglitT-tbree for prinoipal and interest bcsidefl twenty dolLni naanattoruey fee, M jn-oi lidmortgnge: la Ibsrafore bereby pivonthal byvirtu power o gngiyrill beforeeloaed by aaaleof the land i mortgaffe, jr omo part bik auction tu the bighest bidder, on I , the nineteontb duy of A . tt ten loon, at the eouth door of the Court i the City of nn Albor, in Hfiid counl (.'uil Jinuso beingthe place of holding the Circuit ;"111' : of Washtonaw), in punraance of thestntute Inanoh oaae made and provided; said MtobeaoU boing daaoribed in nsfollovjB: Bituate in the ('ountv of nd Btateof iliohigan, viz. : The Dorth r ■ il toTrnship three sonth of rangennm'"''' si of tlie northeflHf quarterof said steötibn one, town thrtieaouth luntynod statoaforesaid. JJated, Anu AvW. May 14. 1S72. THEODOEE A. CAETEE, I W. Hoot, Morti Att'v for Mortuasce. Mort grupo Sale. DEFAULT 'ií". been made in the oondltion of a mortgage piven by JohnJF. Goü und Sarah A . (iuil to '■ k and Prederick Bohmid, dnted Jan nar LR71, and recordèd Ia the Regi tci's olüiie, in Waahten&w County, Miohignn, in boer No. il of mortgageA, ut puge 705, by which ontained becanïeopi i and no i eding haviog been nstuiited at law lo recover tl).' mm tgage debt, ornny part thereof ; nii'l tli" nun of tbn ohundied and tlii:ty-eight dollars and wventy-three conto 1 I ed to be due, und thiity clullara as an Attorney fee, as proTi Hid mortgage, and forther stunsto hecomeduü : Notice irf therefore hereby gtven, thai said mortgáge will ha forecloBed by a sale of the mortgaoed premisea, detoribed a folluw viz : (Joramcucin iwelre rods (■-■Mi.i-riy of the nórthoaat corner of lol twéïva (12) in blockeiffht (8), in Brown & Fnller's addition to tbe villagi [nowcity) of Ann Arbor, Mlohigan, aoeordiug' eeporded plat thereof, thenoe Hlongtfa Line of Wallstroei in said addition ia a Bpotbeasterly dlreotton fom [4] rods. thence in a aoutherly din at right onglea to suid Wall streel thirteen roda and tli roe links thi ■ terlyina Une parallel to eaid Wall Street fou] ín nnorlheriv direoad three linka rd right angles to said Wull itreet tit thi? place of beginning. xoepting and rOMTVing ono and one-balf ród.s oít Í: idol the above deecribed lund for ft stroirt, al pnbUcTéndae, at the Gonrt iloust, in Ann Arbor, ou tlit; twcnty-.sf'Vcntli day of Juïy next, at noon. Dated, April SUth, 1872. X MA CIC. 1372 FREDERICK SCHMID, TnoMAft Xijjpk, Attomcy. Mortgage Forcclosuro Notice. DKFAULT haviugbeen made in the condition of a mortgiigo mudo and executed by John liáoste! to Clark Öutton, bearing date the fourth day of U U. eigbteeu hundred Hnd sixiy-elght, und reoorded in the otlice otthe Ittyrister of IJecds of Wuantennw Miehigan. in liber thirty-cight of morí on paife four hundred and twenty-six, on the ëwhlune, A. D.eighteen hundred andalxlyeight al eleven nnd a half oxlocfa . m., and tl oí sale i age huving i operutn i . . . . the btun of three bun I ihty-six dollars and thirty-ntne ingcluimedto bc due ons at the dato of - . . pal und interest, besidea u .. i ■■;.■ i' e fbrtho foreclontreofaaád mortgage, and no stut oí in_Kjí''--ilníí3 at law baving been ui anj part theteol ; Ñotioe ia Uiei Sfii 'ii. ■■ will be foredOBed by u salo of the mortgü-i-.l mnda and Dreniaes therein deacribed and liereinaftex mentioi forth, ot Bome pnrt Eheret f, on Hattirday, thefourtcenth doy of S( pteml ■. oezt, al eleven o'cloek in the forenoun, at the south door of the Conrt House, in i of Ann Arbor, ttoftt )■■ cuitourt i'fiï thecouniyof Wa&htei gag' d premiaeA bo to be sold, by virtneofthe powei oí Siüï m Btiid morf gage, are deuoxibed in sitid mortgage usfollov ■ tl act or patcel of Kind township oi inty ( nav ana State uf olSohigan, bounded and oi the ■■. quurterof eection numbftr tnirty-aix .:' In p uombei fout [4] uouth of range m four [4] i orea uí laad sainfl more or Lesa DAted, Ann Ailor. Jiitif 15t)i. 1872. CLAKK SUXl'OX, Morlfc'agee. IIlBAM J. BlJAKKS, Attomey for Moitgagoe. 13T9 Mortgago Salo. DEFAULT been made in the conditione of ■ aio [ndentnn i I □ ap&d nj W'úliui" 's. ■ .idiuid Carter, of Mece i, Truiu uil County, in State ot OliiOp i1 April, eighteen h una red and aeventy-one, au.. i of the l;visi.T of Deedfeior the County ot Washiouaw, State oi vurtgagea, on pap tour huudxetland eight-six, on i . ■ ■ ; ■■■ ■ tained iu raid d ntive, and nu Uiw oi in diancory h&nug been institu tod to i - ■ due on nail a Ulg 1 s;.]:n :. . 1 uccoiiipaiiyin tho suido, ■; FUÜrod ,ii''. one ;■ ï.;k .--ixt; -,■ . .■:Is( i :i; further si nu ui tilty dollttra u "- on i he i"] i oiesniti r Buid i ■ iet m . e ninetecntb dayol Aogua al ten o'oloók in the morning or' ibu1 day, nt. tl,. n of the Cou] he City of Ann Arboy, iu Buid I ouul ■ i i ;- .. ling tlic (;ii'. 'uuul j tuction to il-c ■ .■;■.]! IUÖ1 - if Hl amotmt dne'ou suid pa ■ - ■ ther witn Hn i;;rs próvido I forin b ■. iliowtt, ■vi. : I . leven in lofl iu li p i n LTJtoriul roao ti u ;] i)in pail of Uit' easl half of theaoi Ing aouth of aid tem:orial roail. klauari Rpring or brook i ii' t] . l the 'ght n; i doed k Jo . . , ■ bali of ' lic ■ nst qua ■ ;,i ; ranj ow : i rtumej ï'irthoaa'. cortier l ii.-r I . . hn to the ■■:-! bank i ■ ■ . !-. - .uit, tbenco soul In ■) y aïci L):tnk oí said f said s ■ I ■ irth tu Of 'l uu: . i thirty-flve cresöf lund, pnrt -i - ü ! n' mentioaed q ■■' line ■ ■ ■ r.'üi Ba . ooi r ii bank i{ --iiil iljí,1!!, au 1 1 on( inued in il jat djrection bo fiir hat ii Une rattning-'soutííerly therefrono paralle] íot)o on io tïie foufh line of anid Quarerscclion wül, witb the Unes hexetofore mcniiont d, ncludü tlnity-iivc :: ■ Dated, Ann Albor, May 14, 18)2. BRADFORD CARTER, Tsaoi W. Hoot, Alt'y for ïfortragee. L874. Mortgage Sale. lïTHEREAH Wüliam J. Dunning, of York, Waahr u-iiuw County, MichigHn, ön 6he27th day of to Kenry ].. limes, i -t W i - 11 principal and interest money ■ ■ led in I i thecouuty of . iv, au.l State of Alichigun, on thj ümh'day i Ai.; il. A. 1). 1870, at35 o'clock v. m. t wheSDMI n i.-uty d iys m . ment of m instaJliui n; oj monv wkieh due on the 27 th day of April, a. i . :.ii:ït io lïic terma of ml mvrtguge, aüd tn lotstbat soinueh o& :iid principul as remaina unpaid, withall arrearagt t' tuterasi i i-i ' os, Bhall bccomo due and nayable lm.1 ; and wbereas, thereia i Lina ■ inho due in i uopaidat tbdate of tbia notioa the som oí welye hundred andeighty■ ■ for principal nd interest, alsoan'attorney'Bfee oï tltn-ty doUara imy proocedings bc taken to forocloae said e, and no suit or xuyoeedmge have been intituted ci'JiL'r in luw üy equity to recover the u ny port tliereof : No tre, ia boreb; latoo Bat in i day of OctoVor m wn o'cloi k ia t)ju afvprnoon, at the soath duor of tlie 'uní Qous6 in th'.'i.'iiy of Aun Arbor [being the uilding iu wbiob t!ie Circuit Court foi the ooa&tg' of aaw and Bta he] , and by vir ie of powoi "i sateoontAimd ip aatd mortgmge, sli.iU .-.■■il ui pubiio auction to the highest bidi d'-i-ribed ia Bald mortgage, tosatlafy thfl iiiuuut of principal nnd 'mt .1 to lo ue, with the attorney's feo ot' tbirty dollars nnd taraefl of salí, to wit ; All tbat oertain pieee oï par■i oi land utuate in York, Watb tenav County an. and deBcnbed m foUov b, to ir : Tjbeeasi half of the witfehw 'iu ninan ,r eight, iu township number fonr (1' soutb 6] ciust, agreeable io the 1 1 n' - ■ Dat.d, July 13, 1872. HENRY L. JAMES, Mortagee. John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagoe. Sheriff 's Sale. üTATEOFMI0HiaAN,eonntyof Waahtena-w : sa. Ö Jöy virtue of a writ of ezecation asaed ou( oi and nder thesenl of the Circuit Cnuri intiiancery, tor ïeCountyof Wayno, State of Miohïgftn, andto me irocUnl and deÜTeïcd, ag&inst sotídá, chattle ui tonsnienti of C hoTlcs ij. Butberland, 1 did on the twoxxty-fouztli day oi May, A. 1). 1178. Boise and k-vy upoa all tbe rigbt. titlo, ana interest Inarlea (. ButhBnand bas tn tho folios totrit: Tvtn:y-(nu nv.'l one-half ivi-t in widtti ofloi the North siiie oí' lol number iive, iu lïlork numbor onc South of Hi;iüii btreeti in range four Eusi, in tlic Citj ol Ann Ai'tiur; alao all the rígbt, tillo and interest the said [harles t. Sutherland nae to tbe ase of -i oertain dlcy huig tho Kust end of lols iiuhiIk i t)lück number one, v. '.. [bed l ïhall axpose for sale, ;i-. public auction, to the i ..f the poutb ■. i B n the Ktyof Ann Arbor. on the twontythird dayof July, ;. "i). 172, at ten o'clock A. ií, Dated, June 7th A. l). 1872. KYBON WEBB, Sheriff. MOTICE! ■ rs híiqr atthelr cetnmand, aaa gou ■.■il i ii iü'_". i'riu i ■ iniudred to live thonsand dol" ar lo loan on firtl and iïrst oJasA mortage iltnat" In the County of WashteuaWf time ñrom thrco to 9. Tenne liboral i E te ttic Post ad atO. A. Irflter A Co.'s OrtiL Store. No. i Qregory Block. Oor Abstract liooky are posted u to date. Aun ■i'ior, Hhj :c, is"2, koot. ROOT & LKITER. CHAS. a. LJBTTBB. Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO'e ifoï Ohöioe Winee and Liquort for Medical Purposes . iOF MICHIGAN ,„ . "rro. enty.two. ''' kwwlt&f j"? .uitable p m may be aiiiíLi ,or mT.1 lm the Wai-..,„ . """ïowi1' 'i to i i,.,v u "„ fár íwj huum,.;i:a::í; Jul-'!'I teof Patrick P'N htcnuw, boldi-n ut the I City of.Ami Arbor, on oí of July, ir, yeaioie thourond eÜhu ü' íntiicl I pelitioa d„] Utrutorof ?,!..„■ ■ i,,,. : mnthdiiyof July iist;m;, t tpno'clock ■ fned for the hearing o( thut the luir at luw of laúd üz: 'i'! '■ tit " ■ i the ..y „f hi putitionorsliouldnotbograi tition giv, . ■oni intcreStedin said estáte, of tta n „ i "'!■■ Lring theleof, I tilia ordeT to tje publuhed intl' u ipeí pnntoii and cirnil -itinn i "Ï , l ucceÍTo weoka prvio.utí,,JJK!, Estáte of Rufus Matthcv OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv „f w„ ,', Vf; ' : bate -■■'m K"" of Washtenaw, holden at the I'hC f01! City oí Ann Arbor, on TuaZ, ïï du of Jiily, in tlit yciir ono thou-W'.!.??,. and MMnij-two. "" x Preiu wt. Hiroin J. Hi-uke-a, .ludreüf ïa In the ninf.ur of the estáte of iiufui ï„f Marcua J. Matthews, Execulor of the 1. testament ui (aid deceaiied, comes bito ohm " thut ho now prepared torSS?," Thereupon il w urdered, that Itondw tl. niuthiln} ui Jiily ii.ttant, u ' '. ,nicU forexiuniiiing i! dlnniac mA aand timt the legatecb, :■ ■ .;-" üuid deoeaecii and uil uilier [,„,, "Í won ui -.1.: Court, tl..i: to Ik: holdfiT.i ,i . bate Otnee, in thé fit] „i Ar.i, Aiteh roonl BliouldnotbeaUowod: J said Exccutor ;ivc ootit tl tS" te, of the ni account, and t!.e hearino ."M oi-drto bepuUtóhedintiieJíSííJ 1 iintcd ;iiul circuhl loceiuivc wockauicviotis to saMrlr.(Atroopy.i UiliAM j.B... lt''" JuÚBe ií Eutate of William Ilowüi OTATE OF MICHIOAN .count) pf Wi.,. k?,At ï on oí the Probatc-Conrtfor thsmiï of WaaUtenav, holden nt the rrobate oÍE.Ík' ratyofAim Ariior.Ofl Th year one tl ..■;. .Iu.!ieof tnhit In vin.: mnttcr (jí the :.:if nnrmi _ , ■-":i "■vtriHí MeteiUu Uoward, praying ihnt !. ur nT. suitablo 11 may .Hmied aiimiiumtsi the f t)tt i TLokmi] o it uordered, tliat Mcwhy, tlttwatr ty uf oiily ui ■■■ Hgned tur the hearing of sai,: ■ thatthcheireat la-.i oi ■ , 4, persons inter. Hl a stúon of said Coui i ty of AnuAil Kriuited : A i BOid pctitiou 'm, ui iü (A trnoonpy.) J Estáte of Cornoliua Laughün. '' At -i sessiou uf the !'] city of Aim Artor, on 'l'i.inday oí Juno, iu tlie ycar ouu tl drt'd umi Beventy-1 Pre n!, Hhuin J. Benl i:i tliu uiattcr uf the esUtcof t'onull uu, di i _()ii rctuling and flliiig tlie ií'ícv ■ l0öwed didaeized, ïor iti.; j,uriKjdü of thepixceedB of auch sale umoiig tli n il i orderod, ■ ' Hut:, then i ■ n tlie city of Ai and m ia f'ir:!;i'r ordei-cd, I i ■ itnd tlif lieai-i'jfr tl ■ ■ I JIMn of honing. (Atraecopy,) V. .7. MAKKS, Jll.lff . if Fi ck Yuugfsr. ■ ■ :. . ■ VVj thiit f. . ■ . ■ ■ ck in thi forc-Mixm of caohof Uneeml d, Ann Arbol, JuncSflth, .'■. H-U1UAX3.B 13S1WÍ Commissionors' Xotice. t TATi: OF MIl.'IIKiA' Til-' i] Probate Couri inDiiMBK oeivc, examine :t::t adjust all d.iira and "ff?J hII persons ofroinst the et;tte of John " lateofsaidcounty, deociuied.herebjrgivenoU' months from dute are ulluwvd, by order oí fr bate Court, for creditors tu prcsiit "'"j moet at the nuidence uf.-jiJ dasl. ship nf York, in , on cni'i, " : eighth day of Kopt mber, and Ttmm ■ Itty of Jmtuary next, ai t.-iit'cIiA-- : of said days, to i. : Ml""" cla nis. Dttted.Jolv is!, A. 1) 1872. DANIKL I.eDAROH; F. M, PALMEB. . . „ Cominissio:ier3' Notice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WasMWJ'i O Thi . liaving been Probato Conrt ftr said o-iunty. Corara i of all persons ag.iinst tho citnie at J"nJ.' six iiiuiiths from that date iirc Ulimfu, O litowtopt -'■. iflninst Uil' . C. Joslin, in tiif ciiy muid . i Saturdity. the toarte -i. and oo Tucaday, lbo twi-niy-f f ,U r. m( KloVlofkA. M.ufeari"1 e, Hxamine, and adjuatsaid cliiims. d.i„eS4th,A.D.l8NK BSL 18804 CoI1': ShorifFs Sale. , QTATE OF MICHIGAN, wunty oí fyy ö illuc ut a wiit oi execution ■ulU(f.„mifi under the scul of tue Circuit Court f0!'.""'? „a W.iahtonuw. and tu me direrted nnd 5 the (foorts, ctinttk-s, landa nd ttncmm ■ 4 ; Ji. jJili, l.lui on the tw.i.iiuthdiy ofJJ w, 1872, ucize nnd levy upon all " "Í, '1. da1 leoige I). Uill hmm th follownf liind, situnM i" the tüwn : I An and Stato nfoicsaid, tun : '■ :'k-'l!U1":!:1 .Jnliif1" the ï-thii.'ii; soctiun thirty-lhree, in .l0rTV south in mui? io4 the northwest corner of sai . s;iid soction lino twlvo cluiin nud ".-i Pr '11 Line "f ";l"' V lünll'1 shaiiw nnd forl ' ' '..„j fr .■ction tutlvo chiiiM two links, '111:0 oiiat parallol lo th;' jiccüon tu th iiorth ml suutli (j:ii ti thence north to the quatrlvr post Lt# upon the north line of saidsec ion. north üi midnection, thrnce south on tlic ' tiontothi place of b '"""iiprefi? , laud. more oi Iw ■ ■■■' 'i' i:lr ' „fiiinl ■ the Wsshtenaw County -'"Viltl inlfof the northensl quartcrof sK' jortl i . iid li.fitipi Lll of tlieAnn Arhoi-HUil Mï" ■slled), exroptniRteu eres of l.i-'.l .'■'_■ lhjrir f! vr, nd ntainiw ,r lea; lsotho " „thwíi and, wil : The out half of ■- '"'„, tbei inlf of the west ha of the u.-rttl l ',rfj' ■otidii twenty in township two ." && ■ast, in suiífomity ïimds, to ■ ..mr11' even in blookone noitli in dththeOp. ra Houm and other b hall ei] S{ .id'.or, Kt the ; vng ityol A.-.i, Ajbor, on the tenth dT ' - j. i;2. at ten o'clook k. . Ju,, 27th,A. DM8' (( s ,,-,.;!!' ■ toR.W.ELLlS&CO forstrictly Pure Drup ij Medicine .PaintsOilBJ


Old News
Michigan Argus