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The Art Of Making Money

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Orín gitiiit Ciiuau ot tLo poverty of the prevnit day ia the fallare oí' maiiy peoplo to uppTnoiatb bu.all things. They sy if thoy uitmiot savu ia'rgu suuia tiioy will Hot save anything. Tliey üo uot realizu how a daily addition, bo il ever to smail, will make a large piie. ii' thu younj; ni(;ii Sad woiueu of to-day will ouly btigiu, nd begin uow, to iwve tt littio fruu thuir uaiuings, ttjjd iuvest it ïu souif savings bank, hi1 weekly or monthly udd to their uiite, they will weav a bappy smilu of uoiitt-iit nd iudependenue wiitu they rotiub middle Ufe. Ñot ouiy the j;i!e itseli will iiicrease, but the abiiity and dsire to inorease it will booii grow. Let the cliiik aud tradi'öiuiin, tbo laborer and aitisan, make uow a hegiuuing. Store up somt: of your foroe and vigor for future coutingenoy. Let pKiuiits teacli their uliildiuii to begin early to ave. Bogin at the t'ouutttiu-hoad to control the struniii of fcjttravagancó, aud the work will be easy to choose botween poverty and riohes. Let our youth go in the way of üxtrbvagauoe fór flfteen years to come, ns they have ior iifteen yeara past, and we bliuu have a natiou ot btíggars, with a luoneyod arütooraoy. Lot a goueration of such as save mii.lIL hviius be ivared, and we shull be ii'eo'tioiii want. Do'not be auiibitiouü tor xtruvagant fortunes, but sec wbich iü tho duty of every uiau to obtuni- independeuue and a couifortuble ïoine. callli in Bllffioidnt abunuance ie withiu thu ïvauh of uil. It can only be had by oue proOQM - BAvlMa '. - IS'. J. JutchaitC. TUo following recipes are froni a late number of the Rural Neto-Yvrker, and sumo oí ooi readers may tiud thuui vulutt'ulu aids : To Maejs 1Iai;d Wateu Soft. - I saw hu iuquiry some timo ago for inaking Lurd water sott, and as ï have somt nu aiiBwer to it, I tsuiid uiy wny. To a barrel f uil of water put about tWO quarts of WOod ftsiifs. A sediment will sottlo to the botton, leaviiig tha water olear and toít. Tito ushus can be tied up in a cloth il' one is vory particular, but the Btrength will not oome out as non. It in u good way, lf it is wauted for washing, ti g6t thü wator ready Suturday, and by ilm,dity inorniDg it is uil ready to usa. - Farmtr't Wijd. Floaïing Island. - I havo a giiule and excpllent reoipe ' floating uland, ' which 1 think will uit "R." For one uuart of niilk takt: two tablüspooniuls of cont staroh, the yolks of two upgs, four tablusioonfuls ot' sugur, a littlu buttor and salt ; boil two minutes ; turn out into the dish and flavor with two toaspooui'uls of loiiton. I'it tho white of the OgSB to a Htift' broth and laj' over the top, and plaoo in the oven a few minutes tlll browned slightly. - H. E. II., lliyhlaud, UUtr Co., N, Y. VlKEOAB Pie. - Ono cup Bugar, onehalf cup vinegar ; boil togethar a few minutes. Cool and add one egg, one spooüful of ñour or a Httle ïolled cracker, and ono Bpoonful of buttui'. Bake with two erusts. - S. Bkovx Breas. - Two cups of corn ïneiil, one cup of nour, two cup tsour niilk, two teaspoonfule soda, ono-half cup luoiassus, one teapoonful sult. Btoam two hours. Serve hot. Cokn Starch Cake. - One cup buttor two cups sugdr, ono cup sweet uiilk, tho, whites of six eggs, two cups of flour, ono cují corn Ktaroh, otíu ínaspoouful creaui tartar, one-half teaspoon soda. - K-. CREAit Cake. - Ono cup Bugar ; two -'gs, one tublcspoontul )uttwr, threo do. eweet niilk, ono and ouo-half cups ilour, one toaspoonful boda, ono and a half cups creant tartar - K. Fhij'TEKS. - Qne. pint of niilk, 4 egpï, and a little salt ; liour enough for a utitt batter ; drop into hot lard lind fry. - L. E. L. Ceea.m. - One ögg; öne-half cup sugur, oue-haïf uup swoet milk, oue-eighth cup corn starch, oue und a half oupa Bweet uiilk. - K. Susan B. Anthony & Co. havo issued au addiess to the womoa of the country, urging them to support Graut.


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