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■ - Senator Conklinpr, in his late Cooper Instituto poech, disposed of tho military ring in this wise : " Thia ring oongists' of threo persons, who writo for the President -without any expenso to the troaaury." Babcook, Dont and Portor, oach holding an army comniission, ench tlraicing f all fay, writing for the President " without any expense to the treasury." What a labor of love, what phil anthropy ! Couldn't Senator Conkling contri ve a way to hare all tho offices - say even the position of Senators and Bepresentativus - fillod by army offieers " without expense to the treasury ? " That would bo a model of an eoonomical govermnent, and, patentod, might make Senator Conkling rich - " without oxponso to the trcasuiy." - The Meride lUpuilican having reported that " Gratz Brown was intoxica tod while in New Haven," one Kov. Abraham Norwood - probably a Grant minister - oalls for tho proof, deelaring tbat if produced ho will voto for neither Brown nor Oreeloy. He graphically says : " I will not drink a pint of rile rum even if it be assouiated with and mixod with a quart of puro water." Will the Eev. Norwood apply the aame test to Grant and Wilïon ? If so wo will conoede his honesty. - Tho Washington Ohronide, Bays that the President, as fftr back as the early part of 1871, gave a peremptory order for the removal of tho man Butler, who bas boen disgracing us as Consul-Gonerft] in Egypt." " A peremptory ordor ' " eh ' Woll, then, who revokod it ? Is the President mastor of his own household, ot who is authorizcd to nullify hig " peromptory orders ? " Does Senator 1 1 iit'Uti), who doos for the Chronicle, oxpeot to catch gudgeons with such bait? - Tho dignifiod and vory honorablo Wm. A. lloward, in his rocent a]eech at Battle Creek, oxpressod his gratification thut Chandler had kiokod Blair out, and his regrot that he didu't kick him harder. In Detroit, on Monday ovening, Blair retorted by saying in Bubstonce, " You aro another, and know how it is youraolf." AndHoward kas boen " kickod by Chandler ' full as much as Blair. - Ex-Congresaman Strinklundhas declarod for Greeloy and Brown, and he and Driggs are now " shaking hands across the bloody chasm." Perhaps, in their case, wo should say bloodless, for they never let any more of tho real artiole than Zack Chandlor, and noithor of the three any except'byrproxy : which was enough. - Agent Morris, of the State Prison, has discharged an employo because he declared for Greeley. Wo really hope that he will not apply the same rule to the inmate8, for if he does a gonuine stampode my bo looked for. They aro all good and truo Grant men, but such a bribe would be too much for poor hiunan natur' to resiet. - Discissing the chargns of nepotism ngainst Grant, Senator Oonkling disposes of ono item, brother-in-law Cnvmer, by saying that President Johnaon appointed hiin Consul at LeijiVin : but fnils to teil that Grant commissionod him as Minister to Donmark, where he has continuously and persisten tl y disgraoed the goveriimont he roprcscuis. - Tlio Atlantic, r cupporter of Grant, gays of its candidate : " He has taken frifts, ho has appointed his relativos to office, he hag neglncte?! and violatod lars, ho has shown Bn ignorance of tho first principies of ftatnsmansíiip. and surroundod himstlf with unworthy porsons." What moro nced hi opponenta 9fty ? - In Cooper Inetitute, on Tuesday evening last, Senator Conkling discharged a sot spuech, which was tho very essaenco of gall and vinecjar. If tho old proverb about wouudod birds fluttering npplies to politioians sornebody has boen hit. Conkling fluiters enough for more thïin one. - Henator Sohurz made a langthy, able, and ethanstive speech at St. Louis on Mondny eTening laat, accounting to his immodiato conetitaontp tor his stewardship, and giving them his rensons for nupporting Orceley. Wc shall extract from it hereafter. - Thi" GoverntTiént arrivod in Washington on Tuesday morning) rooeived ofiice aeokera, otc, duriig tho day, gay nudienoe to Spotted and party on Wodnosday, and rcturned to the sea-side oapital Wednesday ovouing. - Tha Greoley and Brown rittiScation meeting in San Francisco, on Alonday eveninp;, was tho largest evor held i that oity. 200 Vioo-Presidonts - half Eepublioans, half Demócrata - flankcd Judgo Hagen who presided. - Secretary of tho Interior Delauo said in a recent speech in North Carolina that " tho Democratie party Í3 doad." Thon why do our Ridical friond3 tromble so torribly wlionovor it is naaiod ? - Savoral colored Itopubliiiaus havo been held for trial at ltaleigh, North Carolina, chiirgod with assaulting Greoley Blaofc Republicans : we maan blaok Grealey Kupublinns. - The Washington Chronicle-, Grant Eepublican, gays that Senator Sunmer is preparing a letter to tho colored people, favoring the election of Groeley. - Robsrt Morris, a prominent colored lawyer of Boctoo, and tha ïaost intelligent und influcmtial colored man in Massachusotts, is a Greeley man. - Tho niiJl of Bewiok, Ccmstock & Co., at Alpena, was burned on the 25th. Loss, $10,000; insuranóe, $6,000; 40 men thrown ont of employraent. - Znck Chaudler is down in Maine, looking aftor tho intcrosts of son-in-law Halo, in wliose district a forniidablo bolt has been organized. - - The Lienaweo oouuty delegation to the llepublican Stato Convention 13 said to be in fnvor of Auditor Genoral Huinphrey for Governor. - President Grant had the honor of having Torn Slurphy dino with hirn, at his " cottage by the 8ea," on Saturday evening lust. - Kot thfit William A. IToward ha3 taken the stump and blowed his bugla can't wo hear froin the othor " Injeany BankorV " - Six members of tho New York Eepublican State Cominittee have resigned or vacated thoir seata and declared for Greeley. -- In Indiana, John R. Cravens, Liberal Hepublican, has been nominated for ■ liieut. -Governor, vicê W. O. Depaw, , clined. I - Gen. Goo. W. Morgan, of ühio, has been re-nominated for Congress by tho Democrats and Liberal Kupublicans. i - Dan. yi. VOOlhest ha3 acoepled a re-nomintion for Congress and givon in Lis adhesión to Grooley and Brown. ■ - Josio Mansüeld was lately refused admission to tho Grund.Uniou, and Oougreas Hall hotels at Saratoga - Qov. Curtin is coming homo to stuinp Pennsylvania agniiwt Gtant : or rumor is vory much at fault. - Marquisf do Noullos, the ncw Kronoh Minister, was forraally rccoived by President Grant on V"edneeday. - President Grant roturned to Ijong Branoh on.Wodnesday evening. - Col. Forney proposes to voto for Grant : and that'a all.


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