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T!NS N FEENÖH ==?a j A. HKNXEQTIIN. l.itclrrrtj Frunce, wi! _: i, i„ thó v,i 1 otl gaage. I r - r .f."41,ir in claeafê of lbur puH an.l npwarda mvS ni-qmn in bc Been or Hddreaned al hlarni?. w" JISSOLUTIOÑT " " Tho copartnortihip of .Tcnkini nn7, TMiifft t is thi dny aissolved by mutual consow ! in oouDte of tliefirmani to be aettled irithlJr i i hu rcsumos tho entirc eontrol oí : : Ti CCJNOM Ann Arbor, July 20, 1872. L rj RA2ÍD0LPH WHITE, 75" DENTISï. Office nt Hosl.lencv, No. It Pfth strcr-t, AK-' 'aon nog J ARK.SEY, ÏTsniftcture'r of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, NDSr,BW(lN of ev.Tf rtjia. mideof n,Z! H. Dc. t, Ann Arbor, .Mlch. v" " "-AITY SCATENGER&' " ' ACïOiN & FLOWEKS ■ Wo-Jld repeotful!y infórm the citizemofAni ■ i . ii : of ru .,:, and m:iau u J nt l.i ■ must libtrnl i,w,-,. iji"" tu Box 773, An AÏÏor, Mlch Kn% A,mA,bor.Julri,lÜ&r "LL ConimÍ8sicftier3' Notice. QTAT ■■ uf WwirfnM - undersijaied, t apwt!Btalw'L lid cuuuty, Coronug&ioomiiT oeive, examino, and djut all cl a i uw ;inil emaï Oí U pei-baiid ugainst tbo estáte of Kdga 'ni y, öeceawl, hen-ij giYL. noíieeuii sixmwitho from th:it dte are illoupd, hjütind Baid Probate Court, . ■■tbfcirdyi meetttttbt aatorooíWinea & ' ui.!.-!iti;iihed(roíA ArV-or, in tai.lcounty, ou aturday, tlie tirvlííhdiií I on FritUy, tie strontoentii dijaí Jíu-niMry nt-xt, rtt 10 o'oluek a. m. ofeadiof id w ío rfícuive. BXHminc, and tidjust&aid cluitn '- I7th, rt. D. 1U-;NUYI). ílEX.Vr.TT, AV1LLIAM W. WrSE 138 Iw4 Coniíuissiown, Bstate of James Bycraft. QTATE OF Uí■:IÍ(í.V Coor.tyof VaUcDM,fll O frútice tS horüby tivcn, tht by no -'.Tt!eríS Probate Court for tlie County oí Waitnuv, mtit on tbc twcnty-foïirth flay of July, A, ■ un t the estafe Bycr&ft. late of saitl oounty, decesed, mvd tiua aU ra oí" suicide' ■ I of Aiiii Arbor, í'or cxnminaTicnandnUomc on or beforo tho tventy-í'oin'tth diiy of J u will bu he: :t bate Conrt, on Saturday, tlio núictei Octobur, .íhú on li"r: I jet, at tv.-u ocloék in the iuimtooiioitadi b I rys. Dated, Aun Arbor, July 24th. 1872. "iUUAMJ. ] ' 1384wi ,: l'robte. Estáte foi STATEOF -. In 'hy mattor of the est líivon, that u puiajaaa i '.-.itüd to the i ..úiuii-tuiHr tor the county of Wlite:iaw, ontho lw of July, A. I prcniiscB hertíin.-iftfer descri i.i.v-tleveiiíh dv of tí-'iitiT.l;tT. o'elück i cumbrau tifiiü uf thu Jenth oí' siud A real estute, to wit : I irterof dectwn tweiity-the in '■ i ■-, ui s.';iii State, cwtiaiau eiglity ucz g,moreor les. Alsoa p:ireel of laiü as eoinmencing at the (jimrter post bttrefl soctiuns twenty-two :iu í tweuty-ihree, mm and run - - on said quarfc thu subdivisión post, t henee north on saifl Una tty-fourrods, th est to sa ■ Ui eijtttr ►uth tweuty-foar rods to the . naatn?, containing twcíre acre of )rrt, etj(iii híwto the four acros conveyed bj s.aid Üorueïiutf Laughlin and wife, undcríUíeoíU cemberSth, 1S53, to Jainrc Kmacdy, wbid lecorded in liber 6n oí od pügeaK, íbüí oíKcc of tho Rugister of Deeds in said county. Dutwl, Jïily 22d, A. D 1872 WILLÍAM BL:ilKEf Admiaáíwte. Estáte of Azariaa Duboia. STATE OF MICHIÜAN, County of WahteoiW. A1 a seaaoQ of tlie Probato Court for the Couïï of Waahteimw, holden at the Probate Office, la City oL A:n Albor, on ïriJay, ihe nintttnik iJ of July. in thü year otio ttucumnd eibt basdrod anti Bt'venty-two. Prveent, üiraia J. Ucakea, Judgc of Probate. . Ia the matter of tho catate of Azanati Du' deeeased. ' inff and üling the petition, duly TeriW Uurriet Iuboiö, praying triat some suiUlle P0 soc may lo ftppointed udminietrator ol tlie e11 of üai:i ileoenactï. run it ia oïdered, that Friday, the xwen rlay of Aitgudt next, at ten .o'clock in tbcfifnfl' ba ü&izn&l fur the hearing of aaid petitKm, M Mjj ■ at law of said deceastii, and all orherpen1 .1 insjtid estáte, tire reíuirbdtnppi-Mftta" sionof said Court, then to be holden t U Pn1? Office, in thfl ' irc of Ann Arbor, nnd síoif caas#,n imy tb ere ï-t?, why prayer of the petitkmw söar not begranted: And itia fnrther oplercd.tWJ petitioner give notice to the persona interested m jstatc, of the iwndtincy of auid petition, and tht in tnereof, by cuusmg a eopy if thie i publiiLLtï in the Michigan Arffus, n newspapcr.png ind cirotilutiuL' in aaia coaitt-v. threo suce - previous tu sid day oi hearing. (Atrueoopy.) HIKAMJ. V 1384 Judge cf Prol Estáte of Florian Muhlig, Soa. STATE OF MICHKi X, ''oinity "i At a iieesiuii ui the Probate Court for I of Waehtenaw, holden ut the Probate ( CityofAhn Arbor.'un Wed] vniv-1 divy of July, in the jtar unu tiiuus;mJ eigbl '" :ii'.l sventy-t o. Proaent, Hirftra J. Bentes, Judge of ProVflte. In tho matter oí tlie catato of Florian UvVi Sen. dea , j . and ñling the peiitiou, dnly Ter fti now n Ulo ir. tiiis Court, purporting to K u Ia wiil r.nd teaöunent of naid decuased avy 9ju Í5 to prubHte, r.nd thst sho mar be appomted lieo"111 Th rcupon it is or.lere;!, tlint Saturflar, theffj te n!i day of August mixt, ui wn oV!"Ck in Ai j?L nouu, bc aasjgnea for the hearing' and tlutt the lcgalccs, devi of siiitl üeee&wd, jmd all othcr jreone ïfltö od in aro required to WV ü of said Court, then to be liolae, the l'robato Office, in' the City ff Ann ■lrtKrivi! show cause, if any there be, vhy the frer ï petiüonor ahould iit lis trruntc-d : Anit t is f5 iat .s;iid petitioiier grive notice tothe }fL tion, and tin' hi ■;'. 1 (Miisiup ïipFï tlii-i order tu be published in the Michigan Mg-' : printod anti circulating in said " three eueee&iive weeks previons to;=;ud dny of W0' (A trua copy.) HIRAM J. KIIAKES, ISM Jmlifc of Protu"' . Finost Assortment of Toilet 3ood3 in the City, by íilü. Filis kZd.,$n$pl A JON E Y WAN TE D. Pive or aix thousnnd dollar, or more, on a m gageof -jnincunibcrci real esttc worth tlreeW0 tlioiimouut. Kiiijmre of 1360 E. W. JÍOIMM. nnAKEN ur Bythe puboriborin thovillnge of falinü on W lSthdayof Juno, n Imyin .- ríu black mauo aud t:il. Tho i rtHlu %IK I prove promM-íy, jviy charges, aud tkc bftiJ ol .b;ililio. .Tulv 13, 1872 ' .,,, i')MO8ES BIENBSIW Ihvsícíam'Tbícíiiptíoss ! VGCURAIELY .ÍND CAKBiüLLY PRBPABED BT li. W. BLL1E 6 CO.iVRUOGIBW


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