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The August Magazines

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Tlio followíng August iiiHgzlnce come to Btlr t:i:'!o mul claim "brief mention" : Sertbner'i MonOúy has : Yuchts and Yachting, III , by Win. F. Q. Slianks ; Ïh9 Graphlc Art, 111., by Benson J. Lossing; ShoiiM the Siudy of the Modern precede tlmt of t'ie Anotent Langaagei, by G. F. fort; At Hls Gtate, chapa, xxii.-xxw, 111., by Mrs. Olipbant; The Island of Corfu, III., by Charles K. Tuckerroan ; The Oar: net and the Manor, by Hans Qhrlstlan Andenon : Labor and Capllal lu Manufac tures, by Amasa Walker ; Hi-br's Jmubles, by Ainile R. Aunan ; Wlitit Is your Culture t: .Alo ? by Charlea Dodley Wurner ; The Cauoe: H.OW to build and how to mauage it, illu., by V. L. Aldèo ; Sliane ITlnaple'a Station, by John B. Barry : wltti poema by Mmy J. Serrano, Chas. S. Gage, audLouise Chandler Moalton, and crisp and réadable papers in '' Topics of the Tlraes," " The Oíd Cubinet" aud otlier departineuts. A good number. f! a yer. öcribmer & Co , New York. - The JCdectic has a Vell cut portratt of Gcorjre VVilllam CnrtlH, and the follovving among other papers: Thomas Carly.e, Brüith Quarlerly; Thackeray In America, JUurkwood's; Gambllng Superstltlons, CornMll; The Study of Astronoiny, by Richard Proctor; The Euglish Sonnet, Cornhill; Tlie Strange Adventure of a Phacton, cbaps. xvi.- xni., by Willlam isiacK ; boclal Kew Yoik, by J. VV. U., MnemiV.nit's; A Chaptcr from the lifö of au Arch Cotisp.'rator, by T. A. Trollope ; French NovelIgts, London Society; The Late Solar Eclipse by Richard Proctor; Na poleon's Project of Iuvariing England, 'lemple Bar; wlth notei on Literatura, Science, Art, &c. $ 5 a ycar, E. R. Pklton, 108 Fulton 8t., Now York. , - in tho Atluntic : . Ilawlhoruc's pos tbamona story, Septlmius Feltan, or, The Elixir of Life, is couciuJcil ; John A. Bol" les gives his second paper iuforming the !o:ig auxious public why Semines of the Alabaiaa was not trled ; T. IJ. Aldrich lias, A Rlvermouth Homance ; Jeft'erHon Goveru or of Virginia, is by James Purtou ; A Comdy of Terrors, vin., by James De Mille; Iiatress Cassaudra Llpplucott's Courthip, by K. T. T.; A Quaker Woian, by .Mra, J. L. Hallowell ; The Poet at the Braaktest Table, xvi., by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; poems,- y J. T. Trowbridge, The Aathor's'NIght; y Celia Thaxter, A Tryst ; by Mary E. C. Wyeth, Margaerlte ; by Hiram Ilich, Jerry q' Me ; and by John Hay, A Triumph of Order. The Review, Art, Stage, Science, and Politics departments are well.fllled. $4 a year. Jaiiks B. Osöood & Co.. Boston. - The Calholie World ha : The Catholic Church In the United States, Fleurange, The Symbolism of the Church, The Pro yresslonists, The necessity of Philosophy on the basis of HIgher Education, A Bummcr in the Tyrol, The Roman Empire and the .Misslon of the Barbarians, The Last Days before the Siege, A Bad Beginniug for a Saint, Protestant Missions in India, On the Misty Mountain, lesser papers, poems and reviews. $5 a year. Lawrenck Kehok, Qen'l At;ent, 9 Warren Street, New York. - Qodey's L'tly's Book Is profuse in fasliiou plates, has stories by MarlOQ Harlaud and othor well-known writers of the Godey corps, weilillled work and household de partmenls, a readable edltor's table, and some spicy things in the "Arm Chalr." $3 a year. L. A. Godey, Phlladelphla. - Arlh'tr'a L'i'ly's Uonio Magatins is an average uuinber In lts several departments, with uo gpeotally noticeable features. $2 a year. T. S. Aktuur & Soms, Philadelphla. The Ghildren's Jlour, from the same publlshers, has well-tokl siories, beautlful plctures, and capita! auecilotes and lessons for the little folks. f 1.25 a year. - Our Young Folkt ha3 : A Chance for Illmself, chaps. xxv.-xxvn., by J.T, Trow bridge, in wiiich Jack Hazard gets out of one scrape and into auother ; Orocodlles and Alligators, ill., by Harrey Wilder ; Tlie WonJer Land under tlie Sea, 111., by J'. II. A. Jione; Fisherman's Luck, four 111., The Building of the Mystic, by Hrs. S. B. C. Samuels; and olher equally attractlve articlesin prose and verse. $2 a year. Jas. K. Osoood & Co., Bostou. - Galden Iljurs, with M.irco Polo and wliat he smv, Abaut Elephaiits, ill., lu a Quandary, Why the Air Is Cooler on the Mountaiu Tops, The Thunder Storm, Caravans and Araba, and a long Hst of teinpting titles will be warm'.y welcomud by all the boys and gírls fortúnate enough to be subscribers. !?2 a year. HlTCHOOOK & Walden, Clnclnnati, Ohio. - The Nunery with lts c apital picture pages, large print, protty versus, and vigorous stories w 11 1 niake the four-year old jump for joy. Buy a number and prove our saying. $1.50 a year. John Shoui:y, Boston.


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