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Boston Wool Market

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The wool tmirkut remaina quiot, though, as the wants oí' a large class oi' manufacturera who.have been holdiug offarenow quite proasing, thore is moro inquiry with tho prospeot of an aotive trado next noiith, when tho distribation ot' goode 'or thofall tradü will coniineuco. By thut time, hiso, there willprobabiy be afair assortment ot' thu new domestio clip in the market tbr tho selection ï boyera, and most of the elemente of doubt and unoertainty aa to its cost will have been rosolved. Uut at prosent thoro is vory littlo doraoatic üeece, eithor new or old, ht-ro or on tho way, and our Eastern markets were never so bare as at this soason of the year. In the country tho relativo position of buyers and sellen continúes about tho samo, and with theit views as to prioes apart, and farmera busily enjagcd in harvesting their wheat ana hay erop?, there is vory littlo uiovemeut in wool and the bulk of tho olip still remains in the hands of giov. ers. But luckily for coiisumers thero ia a ;ood supply of desirablo grades of foreign in the hands of eastern import era and dealers, with prices ruling below the relative level of domostic in the interior markets, and this supply is being freely drawn upou to moet the curront wants of manufaoturers. Moreover, it will be largely reinforoed in a few weeks by frosh invoicos of colonial wool, which are being bought up in London by Boston and Nw York agents, at tho public salo now iu progross there. The domand for the bettor grades of AiiKtrajjan and South Amorican wools continúes to a fair extent, and prioes are well sustuinod for lots roquired for immodiate delivery and consumption. In fact, buyers are operating with rnthor moro confidenee, in view of tho late iuiprovemont of prioes in London, and tho sharp compotirion botwecn Fronoh and American buyers for choiec lots of Port Philip and New Zealand greaso wools. In tho absenco of stocks there havo boen no transactions of consequence in uew (lomestic iioece, and tho email lots thus far rocoived aro hold at a range of 35a7Oc for the various grades of Wisconain, Michigan, ühio and Ponnsylvanin. Old ileecc has been mostly pickod up, and about the last lots remaining on tho marItet were closod out this week at priues which will barely suilice to replaoe them with new from tho country. Combing wools are loss activo, with the wants of consumors temporarily suppliod. The Canada clip is mostly in th? hands of local syecnlators, and held above the views of buyers in this quartor. Pulled wools are in moderato dumund, and pricos appear to havo settled down to their natural level. California spring clip continúes to arrivo, but it is slow of salo, even at prices considerably lowor than were asked early in the season. Balee of domostic wool foot up 400,000 ibs. Includod ara 12,000 lbs Western Leeceat67o; 6,000 lbs Wisconsia, 7oc; 8,000 lbs Michigan oiedium, 66o; 'J, 000 lbs scourcd, 88o; 1,500 lbs do 90o; 7,1)00 lbs do 8öa87 Ir2o 1,000 lbs do 82 l-2c; 5,000 lbs do 82c; 10,000 lbs Western unwith,,!, ÜidSc; 10,000 lbs do 50c; 8,000 lbs Michigan ileooe, 62c; 8,000 lbs unwashod dolaine Western, 55c; 4,500 lbs fine unwashed, 47 l-2c; 5,000 lbs Michigan oxtra, lo; 10,000 lbs do 7öc; 4,000 lbs No. 1 Ohio, 68c; 185,000 lbs fleece, G4(67c; 125,000 lbs do on privato terms; 6,000 lbs modium Wisconsin, 65a67 1-2. In pulled wool, sales 1,000 lbs oxtra at 76o; 10,000 lbs do 6570c; 600 lbs super 70c; 10,000 lbs do (Oo; 8,000 lbs do C2c; 2,000 lbs low super, 45c; 23,000 lbs do 50ffl72o; 2,000 lbs Maine super 70c; 5,000 lbs Western supor, 65c; 15,000 lbs unwashod extra, OUaO lo. In combing wool, Bales 50,000 lbs unvtashed ut 10,000 lbs do 55c; 2,000 lbs do, 78c; 15,000 lbs do, 01 l-2c. In California wool, sales 12,000 lbs spring olip at 50íí.17 1-2c; 12,000 lbs do on privato terras; 4,000 lbs scourod do, 'JOc; 31,000 lbs fall clip, 28o32 l-2p. In foroign wool, salos 40,000 lbs Cape at : l-2c; 30,000 lbs Now Zeal&nd, 50 :;:; 26,000 lbs do on privato torms; 18,000 Iba Montevideo, r,ir,; 24,000 lbs Anstriiliun, 55a60p; 90,000 lbH do 05o6O; 7,000 lbs Entre Bios, t5 l-2o; 1,000 Uw Spanish, .",2 1-2; 3,000 Lbs Mestiza pulled, 72 l-2a78c. - Huilón Commercial llulletin, U)th. On tho 11 tli at Xorth Branoh, in Lapeer C!ouuty, Kiohard Williams, a mau about sixty yeara of age, acoidentally disoharged a gun while takiug it froin a wagon, the entiro charge, oomprising a half ouiico ballandfour buok shot, tuldug offect iu his shoulder, broaking the bonos and laceratiug tho flesh in a fr iiianuer.


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