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REAT REDU0T10N IN PÍUCES AT THE METROPOLITAN No. 33 South Ititain Si, KOE THE NKXT GO'DAYS. EVERYTHIilii AT New York Cost In order to make esten ivo alteratkma ia tbofall. Now is your chance for bargaing in MILLINERY, PARASOLS, FANS, Líulíes', Misses' and Gents' HOSIERY, GLOVKS, HDiTFS, LACËS, KíRáONS, COLLARS, COIlEöTS, HOOP StlRTS, TRlMMlNQS, Ladls' made np ijtaatawr DRESiJES, Ladies white nnder garments. 2 Button Kid GloveB, FOR OïïE DOLLAB, TABLE LINEN8, TÓWËLS, COUNTERPANES, PIQUES, WHITE GOOÜS, EMBHODEIÍ1ES, &c. M. COHEN. 33 South Main St. T O. A. SsESSlOas J. ' ÏMWÏQ MOT &PFWPV IHs Compunies Are Sound. ÜH(ENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSÏTS, Jolt 1, 1ST1....$1,TS1,OOO CHICAGO LOSSES 750,0X) THE PHOiMI i tbe bent contiu; Ud Fire lnaraiuie CsiMpanyin the Uuited State. Alway prudent and liad, and aluruys prompt in pafraent of losse. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Vho flrst Compnny to pass tbe ordaal of theNuw York Insuraiice Comrrmsioners since the Chicago Fire, coming out from thesevore tast TRIUMPHANT ! Associated Press Dispatch, November '_', 1S71 , THE INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANtf. The SnperiuteDdent of tbe New York state In Borauce Depa'-iinni, wliois making acürefnl ofllcialexamnmion of tbe New York City Cumpauies to-day, certifica tliat the fntferïratitnitï CoiüpaBj' UMttof i!..".;:1, 'uu are secure!}1 invcsted, and its capital of $500,000, after providiiig tbr all liauiütios Lncladtngthe Chicago üre, iswiiolly uiiimpaired Tuis Company is payiug allita Chicago loesee an( ia sound and relfable Poli'iesiSbiwdat fair rates at my office, No. 11 East iiuron ëtreet, Ann Arbor, J. (}. A. SJESSIONS, Afjeut. 1317tf. TEN REASONS WHY Na Family should te without a bottle uf WHITTLESEY in the house. l8t.- Itwill relieve the worst case of BiliOut Cnolic nr Cholora Morbus in 15 minuten 21. - It will cure the inost obstinate case if Dyspepsla aud Indigestión inafen weeks. '"3.- It is the best remedy in the world fof SIckHeadache. as thousands can testify, i takeo when the first symptoms appcar. 4tft- It ia the best diuretic ever put beforc the public; curing those distressing complaint Diabetes and Gravel andother Urlnary d fflcultlea. Oth.- It ija most excellent Emmenagogue, amrto the Youns Clrls. middlc aged Wpmen, and at thcTurn of Life, this remcdy is of incalculable valúe. Oth. - It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in sorae &weetened water given to a babe is better than a dozen cordials td Relieve and make It Sleep. Containng no ano dyne. 7th. - It is a surc relief for ndults and chüdrem aflected with Worms and Pin Worm 3. It will bring away the worms. 8th.- It will cure the Piles and Hemorrhodlal difüculües. Oth.- Itwill cure Con stl pat Ion .-.nd keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case cfSummer Complalnt and Dysentery. Oth.- It will cure Sour Stom ach, Stlmulate the Llver to hcalthy action. Relieve II e :i rt-Bu rn and act as a general' Regulator of the systcm. Whcn taken dUute the dosc wiih Sugar and Water to a Win e-CI ass fu Hand you liavo a pleaaant tonio. Whittlesey (Dysycpsia Cure) $ per bottle. }V hittlesey Agüe Cure Soc. per bottle. Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. ■ Sold by all druggists and warranted. Wiütüesey Prop. Hed. Co., Toledo, O.. n l. pack Koeps oa hand a first class stock OF CIGA.U5,jTOBACCO,PÏPB3, SriUFP And all smokers articles ATTHEOLD STAND 2 doors west of Cook's Hotel at the sign 13S2m6 HURRY UP ! ilARTIKS trlatalog Vn!l Paper, Siiadi8 l' llollaudij, Willflow Fixtures. OOdPi Tassels. &('. , all New Styles, ;it Satisfnctory Pricee. bj J. II. Webster & Co., Book St'ri', near the E;:pies8 Otlice. X 1 X Go to R.W.ELLIS & GO'e for ohoicO Wines and Liquort for Medical Purposoa . yym wAQgyER IS NOW BBAOÏ F01Í TUE SPRING TílADE Havlna Ueceivoda Lr.rgeStock of . 8PRIM Al SH1EB GOODS, INCLübl.NG ÖLOTHS, OA8SIMERE8, VE8TINOS, &C. Of the LSST STYLES acd GU ALFID S, WniOH H W1LI. MANUFACTURE on terms to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE ÜLOTHING AND Gents' FÏÏENISHIEG Goods ALSO LADISS' AND GENTS' MOROCCO 8ATCEELS No.21 South Main Streel,- EastSido: OALL AND SEE THEM. WIMJAM fTAGRfc'R. Ano Arbor, Aprill st , 1SÍ2'. I i 2 8 B o ■ i) & i n a rn O . b- 3 h " 0 H :g hl .S I R Ui ïh L lï Bil . is sK ' ft .8 í la r" s í Q o ac 3 l p}8p P n p a GQ O, ei ■f -Jii 5"4 ■ - m. n -2 S DÉ _f 03 " ü 1 H a Q h TAMKS M-üMAHON, Justicc of the Peace, Office in now block, North of Court House JI-nOy collecttd and promptly putti over. rNSTTRANCiE AUKNT. TrhKupli, asetu, $TÏ7.908 11 Nuria Missouri, 043,411.91 Uiburuia, " 350,000.00 RKAL 10S'X'JA.rX'K. Ih.iveSi aciesof I:int1 '.; of a milo from thacltgr iaiiu, flnolf lijc:Huil fralt ur garden purposes. Also 40 acres. Algo 10 aurcst with ïrmse fllid barn,aud a livelj' Btrca:n of wftterrannlDgthrvugfa the bara yard. 00 a'irst , a mileoni. 1 will se'.l any or all tüc abare dieap. or eschange for city pvuperty. H74 JAMKSMcMAHON. T30TTLED LAGER, ALE AND POKTER, Put up in Pints and Quarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. tir Orders lef t atfLciter Sc Co.'t Dni Mor win be promptlf fillcd. 1IILL & CttAPimAnn Arlior.May'JS. 1872. ISTStf i ■ '"■■"■■■""" GotoE.W.SLLIS& CO's for atrictly Pure Druge and ( Medicinee,Paint6,Oils,&c. JL B. GIDLEY, Sncccssor to COLGUOv'E i SOIT. DRUüGIST AND HOST IN COOKS NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HÜEON STREET, DEALER IN ÜRUiS, BEBKUfeft, BOICKU STIIVJ1ETS, FIRK WWK8 1SD LÏQCOS3, CFOR MEDICAL PDRPOSES OSLT.) Fancy Ooods, Pcrfuincry, PAINTS, OM.s, VAU.MSÜKS, JI,AXS, AH PCTTÏ PHYSICIAÏ&' PEESiJÜIPMS CareiuJly compütindcd at all boors I PROPOSE NOT TO ES UNIERSOLD BY ANY FIRST IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH &S GOOD AH AEIICLE. B. B. IOLKY. 1367tf J. Wiuu, Pnprfetor, Et. H. McDom&ib 4 Co., Dmcgu A bou. Afeuu, hti Kínutií-rj, (";;., i 34 Eoauorc tlrei, N. Y. ZIIIIjIiIONS SieuY Tustïïuuny to Ihclf _, Wouilci'ful Curu-tivü Ellocts. They are not a vile Funcy Drink, linde of Poor Rum, Whiiiltey, l'roof Spirits and Itcfuao Ltiquors doccorcil, tpiced and awcctened to picïUü ttio tastc.calletl "ïonius," "Appetizers,1 "llebtorerd,"tiic., Kttat Icad tliü tippler on lo druiikeuncsü and ruin.but aro uu-He ilcuicine.uia.uu trom the sativo lloou undllcrbu of California, freo froin all Alcohotíc Siiinulaut. TUeyaretheGKEAT UI.OOU I't'IUFlEUnml A X.1FE ÜIVIXG 1'IllNCUT.E, K perfect ]2onoTfttor and lnvigoríitor oí tUo bysus&i canyiug off all poiionolU matter and restoring thubiood to a hcalthy condition. No persou can tako tbesc Bitters HOOOrding tO directions and rvinain long unweU, providud Üicir boncs are not dcötroyed by lüineral poiüonor othcr means, and thu viuL uratia v;utcd beyoiíd the polnfcof repuir. Tlicy aio a Goutle Puraativo us well as & Touic possasaliijEt uUo, tbc peculiax marlt uf uctüii; ai a powerful tipenc in rclievin Cuntccstion or InílumlïiiLiion of t tic Li ver, oud all tl.oVibcerat Ürjjana. FOR BMALË COHPJUAIMTS, inyoungor old, uiariiüi or bíiicIq, at ibeüawnof wuiuanhood orat Uie turn uf Ufe, ÜiCH XonloBltton have no equal. For luflitiiiiniiLory ;;i;.I Chroiiic Khcuino.liwm ïiiid Gout, IJj 'sytysiii or luiÜcniiun B-iliouH, KeMlttOlll ZLud Iiitcrniittcnt I'ovtiii, Uiscaic of lïio ïUoud, l.tvm', Jlld UL-yo and iJÏ;idder, tiicyj llïttera liave leeninut ■DOOaufaL teuch DLseaae aic canseU by Viliuted lilootl whicli isenurally produccd by der auge uiont of the li;ruiiïvo Orsüna. ÖVSPEPsjIA ült INDIGESTIÓN, IJeadcbo, Pain ia thü SboiilJtrá, Cousbs, TigbtneBS of tbe CUost, Uizziness, Sour Kructatiooa of tbe Ötomacli, liad üuta in tbo Síouth, iíilious Attacka, Falpitatloo of tho Hcart, luflatumtiou of tiic Lungs, l'aiu intborefious of tüo JUdueys. aU a buudred pauifui &uiploms, aro tbc cfispringa of DyspcDsia. Tbey iu-icorato tbo Stouiacü aüdstimulate tbo torpid LiTor aud BJVels, wblcb rcuaor tbein of uuequallud officiicy in cieausint tbo bbod of íkll iuiyarititi. uud i in Iartia lóïï Ufa and vior to tbo ivbolc sysUui. FOK SKIN DIÖEA8EöfirupUona,Tflfctr, Salt Rbeuui, Biotcbvs, Spots, Pimples, i'ustuica. Bui., Carbonctet, Rias-WornuL Bcaid Head, Sorj Byep, BryiiipelM,Itcu.Scurfia, Discoioratiou of tho tikiu, Qunotsa:iJ DUeasoi f tLo ïikiu, of vrlmtHrer aatuc oruKtiiie. ar litara! dus up and earriett out of thesyateui iu a sbort tíoiú tin! une ut these lüt tora. Onc bottlo iu auch cases will convinco tbü luodt iacrcdulous of tbeir curativueffceu. Cleanso tlio Vitlated Llootl benevur you fiad lti iuiparííico barsiiiiL throuh tlie b1Íd in Pimples, Eruptloüfl or Sores; c.eausú it wbeu you 8ud it obstructed and blug-gísh in tbo veius; clcatiso it wben it is foul, aud your fcolioga wlll tell youvhen. Kecp tho Kood vun and tlM heaííb cf tho svsUm will folio w. Piiit Tape, iiid utlicr W o ruis, lurkinclntho fiyátem of so many thuusauds, are LÍIectually destroyed and removed. Saya a di.stinyuinhed pbysioloeist, there U tcarct-ly an imlividual upou the face ofthB e&rth whuse body is exempt froni the preseuco of wormí. It i unt upon tbü bealthy í'letueuta of tho body ihat worma exist, but uiwq the diseased bu mora kxd hliiuyadero8its tbat braed time Iívíüs mouten oí antea". No System if Medicine, uo vermifiu?cs, no butbelmiotics wili freo tlio syatcm froui wuíuü liko these liitteru. J. WALKJSlt, Proprictor. R. H. MoDONALD & COn Dvss ists and (fan. Asenta, San i'rancisco. Californio. and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. B-SÜLi HX ALL DXIUliÜIBTS AWD DE&LKRZ, IörTcrook'swineoftar álO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Hae proTed JDr. Crook's êWïNE B: rTo have inore vwiJLtí - crit u11 aMy 'SSBMHBHBE similar prepara 'SjsEsSSSísie tiou ever owcxcú the public. It is rlch in the medicinal ntialiticsof 'F:w, and uncqualed for aireases of the Throat and liiuigs, performiüg the most remurk able cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronlc CougUa. It cffectually cares them all. Astbiua and Bronchitis Has cured so many cases it has bcen pro nounced a specifíc íot these compluintd. Vor paius in Breast, Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jauudico or any Liver Complain It has no equal. It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Estores the Weak and Debilitatcd, Canses the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarious Ferers, Gives tone to your System. K HÜRRY UP ! "JÏABXIliS wishlng 'nu Paper, Cloth -l aud Pui" i.iilanJb, Vir.(l.)w Klxtiir-s, i 'S. Aí.t a!T New Btylea, at Satlofactorj Pricus, liy J. lt. ■%Vc!htor t Co., U ok u.1, ueu tlio Bxpa oilicc. "PHÍSIC1AÍ?'PBESC8!PT1ORS ■OCURAVBIiV A(JD C ARÜFULLT PKEPABED BY n . r,r. KLL1E &vo.,uiwa a 181 s .


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