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A Yankee Among The Quakers

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WUíiKers, uiougn provorniasiy tnti most ; peaceablo people in tbe world, were not largely repreaented at tbe great Peace ' Jubiles. They do not boliove in devoting time to niusic whicli is duo to the inore serious alFair8 iu lito Ín fact they discourage its practico lioth on general and particular principies, yet, strange to tell, the Quakers of Chestei oounty, Pa., iré just now inoro deeply intorested in musio han anything else. And Hiíb i hw it amo about. Mr. lïzra Durand, of Norwich, Conn., a man of rospectable and even solemn denxeanor, appeared among tkcm a few montlis ago, and by fchfl aocomplish nents fiir whicli eitizens of liis State are amous won lus way straight to the Qtiaior htnirt and confidences. Ho hitd, iu a moment of happy inspinition invente'! an instrument whose ravighing tones would niako the very angels drop th(;ir mrps and Htoop to liftten, btlt he had nitTüly called it " Durand'a Patent ])uloimer." Now to have tho fair daughtcrs of Chester oounty whilo away the sunny loure with a duluimer, ovon though they should play as seraphically ns did the AbyfiBinian maid soenin Coloridge'a visión, would be a piuco of wanton and wioked rivolity ; but tho inapiratiou was cltarly riveD him for a purpose and he couldn't :hrow it away. The uuregtüierate world was languiflhing for the "Fatent Dulcí mir," imd it wus not Dur.and's nature to e deaf to such au appe&L Tho instru inents would soll reaclily for a hmidred I dollars a piece, and would oost a teuth of thatsum. With these handsome dividends the manufacturer oould build uuineroufl Quaker meoting-housea as proteste ugaiiust si.ll sort of worldly wickedness, music inoluded. II! was pennileM - would they leml a helping hatid in this groat work 'i Thcy would most willingly, and did. The cause of orthodox (iuakerism was to rcrcivü such an Ímpetus onder Durunil and his magie duleimer us it had not reooivod einoe the daya of üeorge Fox. A joint Btc:k OOmpany under charter, with a capital of Thirty Thounand dollars, whioh was soon increased to Sixty Thousand, was formed under tho winning niiine of tho " Pennsylvania and Ohio Duloimei Company." Tlie stock wan rupidly subecribed for, some of the moro onthusiastio Frienda even overooming theii scruples eo far as to pay for a duleimer or two in advance. The manufactory was to be in Norwioh and Durand to have solé control both of the manufacturo and sale. Thinga went on swimmingly until a few days ago, when Duraud was nowhero to bo tound. Ho had absoonded with nobody knows how luueh (imker revenue, and the misBÍon i broken up. He left behind kim a korse, wagon, and twclve patent dulcimen. The sheriff suoceeded in Selling one duleimer for six dollars and fifty oento, and concluded to wait tili the next hiu . on M:ts in beforo he puts up tho lest. Broad-Brim is now uiore thnn evor conviucuil of the utter frivolity of musical entertainment. - Detroit J'"3t. San Fransoisno has received 4,000,000 oranges front the California orchardg, this ycur, and 5,000,000 from Bonth Bea ialondg and cost porta BOUth of the Uult' of Cali fornia - inakiug the total reoeipts for the year to date, about $9,000,000, the avtjrr age price for which was 10 per 1,000, or four cents per orange.


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