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- In his little funoreal spoeob on taking his seat as tomporary chairman of the recent Kopublican Couuty Convontion, the Hon. J. Webtter Cuilds suid that "all the rebols of the South " wore found in the p'irty oppoüing tho olootion ot' Gou. ürant. Did ho forget that. the Philadelphia ConVtoiition was presided over by a Southern rebel, an ox-offieer in tho Confuderate service, and that a large portiun of the Bonthern States.' dolegates wore of hil rebel associates 'Í Theso men have been washed white in tho dirty pool of radicalism, are pure uud patriotio and " loil " bocuse they support Graht and greedily piek up the crumbi whioh drop f rom the radical table, whilo their brother rebel officers and soldiors - no more guilty of th; sin of rebellioü - re yot lobels because they support Greeley. And other men than J. Webster Childs, men who claim to have common sense, and who won ld even insist on intelligence enough to knoW that twico two ninko four, peddlo tho sniin' kind of stuff in the journals, from the platform, and on streot-eorners : an ovidonee that the fooi or fanatic killer has been sadly derelict in tho discharge of his duty. - In the lato Wayr.e Oouuty Ropublican Convention, 011e 8ylve8tèf Lamed - everybody knows Sylvester and lus hiarh horse declamatory proclivitioa - ' predictod that if Greeley was elected another war would ensue, which would not be inferior to tho. war of the rebellion in magnitude:" wnlcb! beitlg so, Sjlvester Larncd, Zaok Chandler - tho original "bl 8 ! letter" by proxy, and th-.'ir great army ot q'iartermasters, oommissaries, sutlern, shoddy contructors, stay-at-home " patrióte," and all SOrta o' buiaraers ought to bo found supporting Greeley. That they do not is evidence of laok of faith iu their own predicUoifS.' 'Il is imitatiou of the old-fashioned nursc girl - telling ghost and bug-a-boo stories to keop her little charges quiet - is a broad burlesque and not very couijlimentary to the intelligence of " American sovoroigns." - In opening 1Ü9 recent o;per Instituto tirade, Senator Conkling said : "My service in Congress has made me a close observar of publio men ; and if among Uien. nll thcro is one, living or dead, wlio nerer knowiagly failed in bis duty, that one is Ulyss ■ Sydney Grant Thare was forecfisíiñ"5vinghiiu t ie name ot' Sydney, for his greatest nnd gentieet quality is hls m.'iirn:iuimity." Which is vt.-vy prett, indeed, but, consideriug the tact that the namo of "Sj'dnej'" wus nevcr given to Gra&t, and that he has never borne or Laid olaim to it, what becomes of tho ' f oreoast 'i " We read that ho was tened " Hiram Ulysses," and that somehow in thc course of time ho sloughed off tho "Hiram1 and innerted "Simpaos," his motbcr's family ñamo, in tho middle. Caii't Conkling try agaiii ? - Tena Mnrphjr rBoently délÁed any shmo in the purohaBe of Gnnt'9 " cottage by tho sea," and averrod that tho President bought it with his own money ; but now comes A. T. Stewart and ass'irts that a subscription paper was presented to him with tlio modest demand that he come down with $";,! )00 towurds that cottage fund, and that tho ñames of ox-Secretary Borie, Tom Murphy, George W, Ohilda, and other well kaown oliticians and of fice-holders were on tha same for $5,000 eacli. The lato Tom Murphy has the iloor again. - A few diiys ago the Radical journal were much alated by tlie following telogram : " Oov MoCook, of California, told a reporter in New York yesterday, that the feeling of his seetion of tho country is all for ürant : " but whon we remembered that Gov.McCook is of Colorado and not California, and that Colorado is a Territory with no electoral vote, it strook us that our Radical fiiencls wero " pleased with a rnttle atid tickled with a straw." - - If a Grant n-gro had got hie head broken down in North Carolina the howl of the Radicale) about the Ku-Klux would have been heard from Maine to California, but ouly a few "Greeley negroos" having come to grief, for daring to be for Greo ley, these samo Radicáis are quiot as mice. "And if, and if, said tho lawyer." - Simultaneously with tlie instruction of the Wayne Republican delegation to tho lato State Convention to vote for Bagley for Governor, carne tho íinnouucement that Gov. Baldwin poitively deolined a renomination. Tío should have waited until after the State Conventfun. - By tho consolidation of Infernal Revonue Supervisor districta E. W. Barber, of Eaton, is out of office : for tha first time, we believe, sinco the Republican party was organized undor those oíd oaks at Jackson. A teat will havo to be provided for him. - Tho Bay City Chronirle fearg that " it will be unfurtunate for Bay County that thero have been so many contestante for Congressional honorg" This after a county convention - " packed, we suppose - had eleóted Westover delegates. - Allen Potter, one of the sterling Republicnns of Kalam'izoo, and eleoted President of tbut thriving little villagc last spring over Dr. Pratt, is President of tlie Qreeley and Brown Club. - -Col. Gil hert lloyers, formerly of All";in and onoe in the Scnate from tha' district, now of Tonnessee, writes that his adoptad Stuto will give 00,000 majority for Greeley. - President White, of Cornell, is a prospectivo oandtdate for Oovcrnor of New ! Vork. lias our frieud forgotten tho in junction to the shoemakur-1 "Stick to yoar UiKt." - It is oiaimed that the Greeloy Re publicans of Saratoga County, N. Y. nuinber 1,000 Btrong. - Jurlf-ií Hutheflihd, of tho oíd Bizth istrict - nc'v Eighth - positivoly declines a leuouiination for Congrtsa. - 'Out in Kent County somo of the towns have to gead Qreeley Republioana to Orant conventions : tor raut ot' auy other. - W. II. C. Hosmer, the poet, ia a Greoloy man : and John Q. Saxe another. - Oon. Butler ík agnin layinghig corns for a gubornatorial nomination, - UJÜCK POMEEOY DOX'T SÜPPOET GliKKLEY. - Tho rob('l guorilla üosby supports Grimt.


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