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Local And Other Brevities

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_- ,hi ■!■ FIi'.ibt Is holding an adjourned ttiin of 'l-' Circuit COiirS. _- A liltcli U reporteil iu our olty poitofjHc, witli MaJ. Dra In posaestlon. _ 'llic ruin of Monday afternoon was tiie heavlest f the ssasou : al le;ist i Uils vicinii)'. - A Guaní and WnuwK club has been orsdnlzod In tlil city, wlth J. Awni gjorT as President, - I,. GruMsb has openeil a new Boot and Öhoe .S'ore at No. SSoutli Malu street. Be Mê adviriisemeut. _ Thu railroad rlght-of-way acrosg the property of the Vin Bros. was bc'.nfï ]:i-Hi'l by r jury yesterday. _TJw wcather Iris been BOch tiurhiir : the ; -st 'ce5i tbatthe wheat erop la not yci uil Iu tlic stack or barn. - The A.RGOS ves mure readlng mtter tliHu oiy otlier paper publlshed in the ciiiiiity. Now Is the tlmcto subscribe. - The Rev. C. II Buicha.m wan In attendance npon the American Phllologloal jtsoclHtioii, last week, at Provldeoce, H. I_ Two Interesilng lettere from oor "Forelirn Correspondent," J. M., wlll be found lo thls number of tUe Anous. - Now is the time to gt your B'.llHcads, Lelter-H.-adi, Statements, Card, ; Circular-, etc. And the Amftb ollice is ite filare. - A perfbrmlng beM -a supposed drammcr tor the BOhri vs Rcpubllcan meeting ,r last evenlng amused the ldlers on the street durtug the day. - Mr. HubHKi.i-, the República n oandi dte for Congress la the 9th district, grudnated at the l'ntvcrslty In 1853, and was a visifor to hls alma maler at the lust Coaimeuceroent. - VVool is cam'ng in quite freely, butat ti;urrs a llttle lower, the prlce pald belna ;,n,„ 55c. BA.OB .V Aiu;l have taken fiO.000 lb., Mack & Scbhidt, 86.000 Iba ,and othr byen probably about 25,000 lbs. - Mr [. II. 3oüai.s3 hu- purchaaed tlie lot and old house of .In. X. Qott, on Pivlsloü Mreet, nexi -louth of II. D. Bksstti'k, lutsmovedof the old house, mil wilt Imniediately bulld a Une d welling íherifin. - N. II. Wim'hei.i., of this city, brotht r ol Prof A WnrCHBl.L f the Unlveratty, haa been uppolntcd to :i professorshlp in Mlniooia (Jniverslty, and lso State Qmor;.. - WofceaT rtiat Prof. VVood, of the clmlr o' ('hl! Engineering In Uk Unlrerslt?, has (eulgued, havtnff accepted tiie preuldancy of St.evi-ns Iiistitute of Technolojiy al Hdbokcn New Jersey, ivlth n salary of ifi 00 .i jfiir. Ais excursión train (ofcurrlafte) went ov!T the T., A. A. an.l N. R. on Wcdoesdiiv atternoon, wlth sttorueys, agent, riglit-oí-way-damage juro, etc. A prest.'i ; a 1 vut.' is reported íroB#twltk8Jfor ;mtw.KY aiid 1 GiiAM-. - The Dexter Leader reporta the "bovs" cnmlng Into thut quiet vil lage li large fon-, on Puesduy of 'nst weck, bent on " fiin,'1 but mixinji too macb water witli ttittr whlky seversl free t!!us oceurred, feveral flnally landing n the "lock up." - The high wind of Honday afternoon lKt wrenched on and destroyed r numler of vt-ry line manie trees in varlous parts ■ f the city : the Müt trees having been In jared by gnawlnij homes, whosc ownew oaght to have suffen just s little twistlug i of the trees an exceas. - Mr. John Mains, llvng abont time Dilles aou th ol tbe vllllasre ol Dexter, was nni Hwav wlth on Thuraday of 1 at weele, by i pan of mulea drawing a reaper. Tb teel struck the low limls of a tree, tlin-w bl ra in iront of the (ACfciiic, and lie WM (rribly brni-ed umi tnangied. He dled on Frday allernoon. - The eoglnecr of the Nlght Express oa6t, on Friduy niorninK last, dlscovered a budy Ojatiug iu the rtve: at or near the Bnt railroad bridge below the city. On taearrival of fhe train at Tpstlantl Conductor Bawkihg tclcgraphod the fact. back, and a reseñe party was Imniediately sent 1 search. The body was Cound, aud proved to be thut. ol A Calf. - Sonielo(!y wrote " a canl " for Dak iki. HlSCOCK, swrtiiisïtiiat the publicatlon of his uameaa " Treasarer of tlie Greeley Olub " was not wlth Mis consent, or .ome thinj; like tlmt, aud cauned the Baine to be ted in the Oonrfor. Now, ;i .Mr. QtscocK was only publhihed aa a memoer of the Finanee Oommlttee, nol ns " Treas urer," di'.l tlie writer of the ''(Jurd" kno.v ty more wiial hc was about liian Mr. HisrcHK did wheu hu talked wlth "1'. fUcii?" Concerning Dr, IIavin, so latcly one of oor eBteemed ciiizens tbat all oor citizens are yet interested In him, the Ladiet' llepusitjry fur Augnst savs: " The Norlhwesterti Mi-omle, of last week, int imites the posalblllty triat Ur. Baven wlll not accept the posltlon to whicli be i s elee :-d, so trivat Is the pressure bronght to beé apon him by the frlendsof the Untversity at Evanston. llcartliy us we wisli all nimmer of SUCCens to t!ie Utnversity, we can not bat hope that Ur Haven wlll sacriflee the local to the. general rail - be presldeut of uil the colleges In the country, the jtreat university ot Metbod tam, rather than linad ;t aingie gymaosinm General Conference would have but few Offleers ol niiy sort if the local Inlerests, Ironi whlcb bretbren are rathlessly tornaway to Uike bishops. cd; tors, and secretarles, were to Itavc their wtiy. Xuinbersol risins r.en throujihout our borders are good timber for college presidencia?, bat only now aiul then a man is fit for o grand an enur prise as tliat conitnitud by the. Uencral ( "ouference to the ovenlght of Dr, E. O. Haven." The posltion, as onr readers raay not all rccollcct, is that of Sscretiry of the M. E. Church Educational Society, mnkin him virtually superintendent of all the schools of the denoiniuation withln the bounds of ttie General Conference. To tiie CrnzBNl OF Ann Aunon. - The severa 1 hacks mvncl by RoBttON & Bax tkii or Thompson wlll take two or more persons to Aun Arbor Mineral Sprints House, allow them to remnin one huif hour, and return them to thelr resldences for twenty five cents each Leave orders at thelr everal places aud state the time you w-ut the hack. In the AugURt ntimber of the Oterlnn ifonffUy the reader wlll tind the followln", ainonf; other papers of interest : A Chap Ur of Oondenoed Illstnry- about Japan John Rlcksou'g Trial, Sea Pictures, The Owen's Vaíley Earthqnake, A Tais o Bpanísh Pride, Manuel, The Northern Catl forn'.a Indiana, ín Sumincr Bhadows, A Talk About Art, Ultrawa- tlie Ulddei Hamlet. $4 a year. John H. Cabmaxy & Co., Pan Francisco, Cal.