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Hiscock--his "card."

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Tho Courier of last week contamea a eard or letter from 1). HlSOOOK, denying tliat Lis name was used by authority aa au officor of the Liberal Hepublicnu ot i.F.y Club, that he snpposed he w '- pnrolliiig in a ÖfciWT and WIL80H olub, Oto. The following affidavit is, tliereforo, piv.iiito tho publiu as a robutter to the curtí STATE OF BÍICHIGAIT, CorvTV of Washtbnaw, bs. - Dsnsmore Crame ing dtíly swom deposes and says, tha1 on the day the Giejeley Olub wm fortüed in thi city, he the borse and buggy of N. Arkey ar.d wtmt down to tho residenoe ot' Daniel Iliscook and oalled hún out and told him that they wero about. Forming a Gtreeley Club, anl asked said Bigoook if they pojild nse his n:mie, and said Hiscock said they could 086 his namp in any i'laeo they wjw tit in ureeiey Olnb, aa he did ndt like Grimt ; that said Bisoook Kot into the buggy and oame up íown v.'ith thi deponent, and tweed with thia deponent ubout tho matter, undfully undentood what wm ictlng on so fr ai forming a Qreeley Club was conoemed. Tliis deponeni further ví that this very morning bu stiid to said flisoook that they were claiming it was a fraud jmtting him I on tho Greoley Club, nnd taid Hisoook re! plied tliat it was liot a fraud, for tiiis dcj ponent mno and ?aw him in a manly wy, and that ho (said Iïiscook) authorizod this deponent to put his name on DBNSMOWB Cll.VMER. 8ubjoribd nnd Bworn to beforo me this 26th dy of July, A. 1) 1872. juitx M. Chase, Nutary Publio. Jtjdgk i-.v. -i.kvci: and our new fello-w citizen A. McKf.ynolds, Esq., addressed a (ík lnx and Wilsom meeting at the Coart Eoase, on Friday evening bist. AVo did not hear them, but if Btroet reporta aro at all reliable tho Demócrata shoiild ■ the Judge to repeat this speeoh in every town in the co-inty before the eleotion. It vronld be hu just the t!nnr to secure every Democratie vote for IÍREELEY and BaiAvx, while crtllmg JUioeral Kepuonc:ins " d - d sneakg " and otbcr baid ñames would not conciliato thoir. very muoh, wo we suspect. - It is oarly in the caiüpiign yet, and very warm weather, and tho Judge sliould romomber one of the injunotiona found in Wobstor'a old " Elomentary Spelling Book : " " Don't let jour angry passions riso .' " Wc have the aanual ('-iiaioiine of the Michigan Stut! Normal School for iTl-'Tá wllb list of Faculty and Ötudents, Conreen of Stivlv, otc. Tiu' (nminAry ihows an Ht teudaoce ss folio ws : In Normal Department, Kniish Uunnnou tíchool Conree - 172 Pull Bugllnh Colime - - - 813 Conree In Moderu Langangefl - - :i CMiHütical (Jouree .... 55 Resident Gi'iuluntes - - ü Total, iü': School of ObêfTvatio and Praetiee- Qramroar Qrade, U Academie, 180 160 Totol '.n Bchool, -iiú


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Michigan Argus