Poetry: The Slave Whip
An antislavery parody of Samuel Woodworth's 1818 song "The Bucket," commonly known as "The Old Oaken Bucket."
How snd to my heort are thoee scènes of subject ion, When wakeful rcmembrance recalls them to view- The ground where we labor'd - the driver's correction - The soul crust'iflg trials the slavs must pase throiigh; The rich-spreading cone field - the mili ihat Bi ood by it To draw forth llic svveets thatour labor supplied-- The hut of my fatber- the whlpping post nigh it - The blood-stiffened slave whip ihat hung nt ie side: The oft wielded slnte whip-the ponderous plave whip - The blood-stiffcned alave whip tlmt bnnjr nt its side. That pond'rous torrrtentor I dread to remember, For often wiicn weary and fnint in the fieïd, Itö tniich dreaded ernek sent a thrill tliro..gh eacli mfmber, And rrnised ma to action though ready to yield. Ah.' deêply l cursed it, a? writhing wiih au gllirill I heard it resonnding aloft in the air, Then swift, with the arm of a demon to bran tTish,Il feil like a hnrppy to gorge nnd to trur: The ofi wicldod slnve whip- il.e punderoue cliive whip - Descendà like a harpry lo gorge nnd to tenr. tioyii hard from the hand of n tyrr.nt to bpnr tt, Win pnys for our sweat with the lorturinjj laait. The home of the slave- I no longer wül share il: lts few ling'ring joys front my Ups 1 wïfl danh. And dow fui away from the elnve cursed natcon, I eiiig of E-vceLfreedom - ny "V and my bonst, As fnncy revisitR my flïahter's plairotion, To view the old slave whip thal hung at the posti Tlie oft wioldod elave whip- the ponderous ülaic vrliip-The blood-siiffened s'.nve whip that hung ot tbti pit
Theodatus Timothy Lyon
Antislavery Poetry
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Samuel Woodworth