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3Uw Mxümmmt 1 OOK! LOOK! LUOK ! New City Grocery OPPO8ITE THE PABMERfl' 8TOBB, Cali in and 8ic onr Trcll-selected stock of Orrocerlei mul CrocVery, juai Airivod bom New York, nnd moro on the roiul coiiiiii. Wo :tre propuod to sell oheaper tïmii any othor house in tho city, und OEORtE takes dclight and is nlways on hand to ehow goods to his customen. 1885wS THE NRW DWINFBCTANT Brorno Chloralum, noif-PoisAKors, wu.kss. POWBRFDL DEODOUIZRll AND DISINPECTANT. ENTIRELt HARHLESS AM) s.VFE ABKEfcTS Añil PRKVENTW CONTAGIÓN. Uscd ir. private ïv:-lliüs liotcln rt'stKur:int!, pub lic schools hovpltalSt iDuns aavluine, dlfposoarlas" j;ill!', irlons, po r-lmiifc, in siilps, team-boats', nnil in tenement hcnis.'d, terkctti tm water clmcts, uriunls, HÍnkí. gewfMB, oeMpooUt HtableB, &c. A tpeetylc in utl omtagioHÊ and puUUntUü di$aw$ ■semall-pox, aoarlet ruvcr, mcaslcn, rtlecaeisorsn itjiiil), Vc. Plcpared only by TILUEK' A Co.. ■% I,iil)nnorT. nuil 1TG AVtUlniu SI., R, V. oM by all drntrg'fct . ( BAT SUMMER VX Cleaning Out Sale AT THE MBTROPOUTAN Iu order to ranke room for complete Nw St'Ck of DRY GOODS thls Pull. I wil! ofTnr ovitv luttele in the slor n 8TRIO1LY NKV.' YoBK COST, o now Is jour lime foi bafgalus. Salo to begin Monday, .Tul y 29th, Anrt to continue for Tlürtj D7. Tublc Linees, Taíile Covers, Napklnn. Towels, Towellnif, HoBlery, Gluvis, Uonetit, Hoop flklrtf, Lace blmwls, Embrolderlct, Lacus. Vict. Shawls. KwtM Musiins, Jacunets, p!alu & tig., Kansouk, piula & iíií , BrIIllauteH, Soft Flnluh Cámbrica, Ij;ih"i-.. Siiirt Bos'dií, Countcrp nen, )re8 Triminlnifs, Haudkrrclile.'ii, Buttons. TM e, White & Bnff Piqnea, Lace Curtaluí, Ludlcs' Salts, hui es' Mafle Üp Undet GariniuM, Parasol, Ku Glove, Slik Fringes, White Ctton Trlinnilngx, Cotton Frinjifs, Perfnmpry, S)n:M, Brasbes, Pocket Books, Comba MILLINKRÏ OF ALL KINDS, BELOW COST. And thoasond nther irticlot !n l!tt Knncj Qood Trede too nnnorpiu lo mentlon. No. d3 Suuth Mnin Street, Aun Arbor, H. COHEN. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE ! At So. 8 South Main Street. The andereUnied takaa pteatnr In ftonoanclng to the dttsttiuo! Ami Arboi 'in1, riclnttj tlmt liau oponed n oew bnsloeM plnce whem he will keep coDstanÜj on hand . Tul! w-ortment ol BOOTS SHOE8 And everythlng in that line, WIUCH WILL BE 80LD AS LÜV AS POSSIBLB. Repairing Done Neatly and Promptl y . ÍJT Piense glv m: n eall, L. GHOEK. '.!!■ ':i,;r, Au:; '.'. tSÏ'.. 1.-S',-' iOttï V.'AYNK, JACKdON AS!) S.nginaw Rail re. ad. The musí dlred roüta [o PittabArir, Pbfiadi Bftltiiiiori1, Washington, and ■ ■.'■'. pointa loutii mui rwt. Traiuarunbj ( bicagoTime. aomG ft ■i-tii. Aglci Ace, 7 5 s. u. IS 10 p. m. 4 40 i. M. Hnn.ii.r, f 54 I.' W 6 H Jonssvüle, 8 55 i 2n t su Angola, 'J 53 r 3j SVatlTloO, 1 33 8 15 Aubui-n, li' 47 8 9 Kort Wayne, 11 -tí M [ndiftnnplin, s ' r. a. 1 30.. m. C?iDCiniatij LoulaíiUe, 10 44 10 4.1 1'. . TIIAtK(4 GO1NO NORTH Angola Ace. Erprtss. ttail, LouigrlllC, 'J:0a. M. IOIIFiM. Cinoiunnti, ' '" ■ ■. ipolln, -i N r. . 1 l Fort iij-nu, 7 i5a. m. 4 25 V. M. Aulmrn, H 00 - - - 6 22 WsUrlOO, I 13 5 37 Angola, S0 15 Joaesvllle, 1U 11 S 5 ' M Hnnover, 1" M 3 3'! 8 32 Jáckaon, 11 30 4 15 9 10 At .lurk -"il I"-' CiiTUUftifUlFJ !( Illrt 'O Wltli M i)lit'nii í ientral, Jacfaon, Lhusui & Saijmw, and 'irand UiviT Vnli.y Etuilronds. A.t .Tonesvüle- With Luki? SïioreA MirliiKnncutliern Ruik o irt. t Waterloo- TVith Lake Shore ft Mlahigafi Sonthpin ' Air Lim-:. Al Fort Wriyno- Witli Plttoblirg, Fort Wtirne & Chimbo; Toledo, WaTw8h K: 't-stcIu, and tt. Wayne, Muncii-A: 'inciiinuti liiiilrowls V. A. i;iiNST, Supt. Rob't., Oen'l, Tiokel Ag't. Jnly 2.'., l7-2. "ÉsTate of Patriok Fay. STATE OS MICHIGAN, Count of Washtenaw, as. Notieo i(i heroby ffiven, ttut by ntioideroftbe i'robatcüourl fortbo CnantyofWaantenaw, madeon tbe tv iiiv-iinitii day '1 '!ulj , A. D. 17-, i ntoutiiw frum ed ror creditors t. present tbcir olaimn againbi the estáte f Patrick Fay, i,a;iil that ;ili i-nilitoTB oí [uirod to present tbi ir .claime to -ni-! Probato Oourt, al the Probate Office, in the City of Arm Arbor, tor examination mul aUowanoe, on the tweutj -ninlh day oí January oext, and thut aiich olainu wDl be heard beforesaid Probate i .u.r, o Raturday, the twentyaixtfa day of Oetober and on Wednesdny, thetwi nty-ntnth day of January noxt, at ton o'clock ín the PoiODOOnoi ench of thoae days. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 29tli, A. D. ]ft7S. HI1UM .1. UEAKEP, 1385 vi Judgeuf irobate. Commissionore' Xtïcc. S CATE OF BUCHIüAN, Gounty of Waahteeaw.Ba. The undenrignod. DAVfatg been appointod by th Cuiirt Tol Muid fuüiity. Cotnmlñionen n ror.-i. ,. camine and adjuri ;ill dainu and demandt ol 11 pazBOiu agttinsb tb aatata of Luoy M. Maymurd, ate of said oount; deccased, hereby iiye notloe that ix montha from aate aw aUowed, by order Dfaaid 'róbate Court for otoditon t) prewnt their olaime .„Min,; ti. esúfcteol iaid deoeaaoa, and 11 they wtU oeof Út, fcfidward E. Bigolow, in t'ork. m said oounty, on Batorday, the foorteenth ,;iy of September, and on Wonday,thetwentyevith Lay of lanuary next, it ten o'dook . m. of aaofa of ui ! .liyri, tO ri'-vivr, cxaininf, ;iinï nljust suid cluiiu.8. Dated, Jiüy aetb, A. Ij. L872. LOVATUSC. ALLBST, WTLLIAJJ DEXTEE, I385w4 ConunJadonorm. Estáte of AnHel A. Holoomb. TATK i)V MICHIGAN, ('ounty of Wiwlitentiw.itii. At a toaston of the Probate Court for County a Wiwhteiinw, boldao at the Probate office, in thu city uf Aun Arbor, on Thunday, tho cighteeuth iay of Jnly, in thfl yaai onu thoumund eigbt huuIred and leventy-two. Epe ent, HiramJ. Deakea, Jodso of Probato. In tho matter of the ettatoof AüSfllA. lïokomb, dooeaied. On reading niv fllinsf the petition, duly verifled, of Bfafy L. Bolopmb ano James Lawronce, Administratois, prayiog that they may bo lioensed to aall oertaln ■ .ie rhereoi wüd deoeaaod died Beüsed. Thoreuponit utozdered, thai Uonday, the seoond lay of September next, at ten o'olock in thoforenoon, beaaawned tot thO hearing of laid petítionand that the law of SAid 'ii oea&od, ouduU otber persona ïnberestad in said Mtate, are required to fipp-ai - on f naid Conrt, Uien ti be holdon at tho Offloe, In the city of Au Arbor, and show caune, if any tlit-r.; bO, wby the piayerof tbc petitíonerahould not be granted : And it in fi'irthrr ordi'n-il, that aald peütioner mve botiofl to the persons inierested Insaid ostatAi oi tos odenoy of Baid puütion, and the hearing thereof, by oaueing u oopyofthifl i ■ i l ! to be pubUshed In the Michigan Ar-ms, u Dovspapex printcd and drculating In asid Oounty, four succöBBive weeks proviuus feo said day of henrinir. {Atruecopj-.l 311 RAM J. BEAKES, 1385 Judiftul l'rubattf. f" ESS0N8IN KliKNCIL Pro'owoi-A. lïKNNEQriN. lat-ly nrrived from PraDce wlll Bve Instrnctton In 1 1 1 Prendí i.-mgaage. Private lessons at the Btadent'a reside do , or in lassea f four pnpi'1 snd apwards, M r. Bao];"(ii'n ean bs seeo r ad Lrwned al hli rtBi(Jonci To Harón Btreet, cara t tin, L. FsMaalIei Aun Arbur. 1884 in..' GotoR.W.ELLISft CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicinee,Paints.0il6,&c. 29 2 f 20 ! who will explaiu this simple1 "icn, Ali.l H-U us wül il pny t,, cali Kt the bic ïO Whsi menn thoae mjstic lv'.lrK thrco Over the brau ueiv grocerj - C. 7 : ( r Credit ? and I) f r a dun ? Tbat'a ihe waf bualn h- in olten done : But t hut-u .,( the sy to remi the s:SP Oí L. ('DLili, wlni tells ytocuriea ft 'W. C ík Tor C iiiH : for tho l' o4s ho sell ko clieep. Vl'l bottei u bui tin-m tbar jtoot money l neo.i. ■.. I, _ t,l,,m Dcli'vry- thla i" tho way Ui. is itl.! to sell so low aiid rn-ikf it pty. He hn uu Iwd dul[8 to inake liim c.-uss, (r tox .y".' mor' to in.iko up M loa yo thnt'r tlm place to bny our Fuodi He wül Poll t (jheap, ulirt you wül Ii"il l' g""'Al the e. o. i) Qrocery 70a wlll iihvays fiud The t)el of Coffoo an I i'u r til kiüds. Wltheugar, tno, and Iresh, r!pc fruü, OrcaDiied.of Med,all taste loutt! OraDgci LemoDi Plgg and ltulln Peardi ,ll tliu vlees Ihattrec orebrnb öftroylc bears, Nntf.'iusiriti and Tarioua hinde l OandTi ■ hlldren lovn and mothera íü:i1 so handy, ! k 1 j n baad liidden t'-rt.', A stic-k " of i!1) will muve ttiem more j the old fuhloned tod" ourfatmwnieOi vvhui. nhildreo were pit niy aad ottan abniwa. He bM all Wndi ol Provlsl n th paUte to please, Kish, bacou , iu.ur, bread, buttet and cheee Oooklea and crackera, 1 herrli f. chocolate ar.dcako, Tbluga lo : i.ii, !iy. toabt, stew Bteainor bak o. It. liae pecana peannts( prooea h'ï1 piekt'' '1 .. co .. the iqipetlto, so cap iáon aad ncklo. He has glasewar, crockerv and voaaola of fitonePrencli Lnairal Soap- iba best ever linowo ; Tobai ti.'i rg.'irs, Imüi tor cbewlng aod smoking And aévei w i ï i iYi)wu Ifyoa fh"!!)1 be Jokluic. And niiiiiv ■! u-r ilun too numeroui" ie menllon, Ail ol' whlch tu se. 1 cheap ar auh It li s inlenUou. Thon come good ffeople one nnd allí And üive ttie O . O 1). L'iuivry M Cttll Cme iry oar prieel and try oar wr:, For i 11 our proflu tli biiyer Bbaret. Ton pay iht; cis! lor wha] you _" t. Wlth no trifl'"ii loases i' make y m fret : Oon'tatkfu, iirh yuur a ml llionslro, But iuy yuur grocorlea fur ca h at prlcea f;i ir. Gome from th country and tlio iown. Preparad to bïur aud pay t ('■me rirh hikí poor. come black ad I wWto. Ymi il! And provlslona plDtyaod prlceprl ht, Comt-, frieixl of Graat hüi) frlends o Urtifley, huida :ii ai aad tr.-id C. O. D. tteely. Treeé ! Flowers ! Bulbs ! Seeds ! HBD&E PLAJ?tröl Sursery Stotk ! Fruit aml Flowrr Plattü ! Address F. K. PHCBNIX, BLOOMINGTQN NUBSERY il.l.IXOIS. Oio Acre; Xlstyeari l'?Opcenlio:i?';. Appi-.f, 1,000 1 jt..$S ' , - y, 9I : il y. f : 4 v. S0 4 Catalogas, 2t cent. 188. iu4 rilt Y BOÜVlCNÖERS. ACTON & FL0WE11S Would rci-f et fully infiinii thfl itieiii" of Ann Arborthatthey arepreimnd to otean Out Sonaea, nd removí all Icindaof rubbiáb and attisanoes, onébort ootioOi and ;it lbo most liboal pxioéa AddteM all unli.rr tU Hox J, - US Ai i - i . M ich. ON & FLOWKBS. AimArbor, July S6, I87S. i Mw;( AíONEY WANTED. Five (n eix thousand iloilnrs, or more, on n mortfrageof unincumueri'd reel estáte worth three times the amount. Enquire of 1366 E. W. MORGAN. TYISSOLUTIOX. Tho oopartnorahip of -TonkinB anl White, Tcntiñt8, ií tUa au djHOlTed bj muttmi oonaont. All accouatftof uiofltmavQ fi ín? ettlet with Dr. Jenkiiu, who rüBUiiiü.s the tjutirt1 contiol of the bunin - C. ' .ll.N KTNS, 11. H. WHITE. Aun Arbor, July 20, 1872. 2w TT KANDOLPII WHITE, M. D., DENTI8T. OÍDce t Reeldunce, No. 15 Fftli ptreot, ANX AH8OH, MICH poirYL A Iloune ft:id Tot ou t lio wat sitie of líiyuard street, between WUliatn and Jeifenon. lias a good ! lini unil l 'itTnd. TorniB eaay. Aun rhor. Hay 21, 1MÏ2. l.H7Stf J. J. 1'ABSrfAT;!,. pOli SALE ! A nnr PtaaetOD BnggT and aaocond hmul Cairiae, fi)r 1 ur j hortítís, in xood oondition. Enquire of stl.AS ir. DDi 13LAÖS. Ann Arbor, Muy Md, 1 137fitf Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATKok MU HIOAN, oountyof Warirtónutr, h. In tho matter of Use estáte "i Comolioa Lugnlin, ;: Notioe is hereby given, tlmt m punuft&oe oí bd oidor K'iuuii 1 to thc undennffned Adminiatrator of theeatateof shíiI dtcoiwril. 1 Ü.c Hou. .luiere of ProbaMfurth oounty of Wa#htonsw, un tho twcnty-MOOnd lay it .luly, A. I. ISTií, theru WÜ1 b uuDlic vi'iulue, to the bighi st bidder, al the dweliinRnousfl un the premisea Eereixiftftei deecribed, in the oounty of Waehtenaw, in said Blata, oa Wodnesday, thu eightee&th daynf September, A. D. L879tat tes o'dooli lu too ton rioon ni tnul day [subject to all enDumbraiotM by qiortgageoi otiwrwiae existing al the timo dÍ i be deal h of wtíd deceam i1. , i !"■ foUowiag 'icribed real estáte, to wi( : Tbewesi half of ttoeouthw -i quarter of aeotion twenty-three in townahipoiM luth ■! range ix ent in s:ú Btate. oontaining eighty jHTfK, more oí loas. Alto a pwwl of land doioribed tw oommonoing at the quartex post betveen i twentv-two and twenty-ihree, same townahlp and nuDBD, ana runninaaaal oa saidquartec Une to tho stiL.ín iaion post, thenoe aortb on said lino twenty-fourrodi. thoncoweel u aaid aeotion line eighty roda, thcneesouth twenty-four roda to the place ol beKianlnv, oontaining twWve crtírt of lnnd, szeepting from ti. i above the four acres oonvi yed by deed trom .-ail Üornelius LawhUn and wit-, underdal oembei Bth, lf'Síí. to James Kennedy, whioh a a rcoorded In Uber 60 of deeda, on page B97, in the olttoe of the Begistex of i leeda m laid uounty. Dated.July n, . l 1873 WILL1AM BfiíKi;, A4miniatrator. piSOPLE'8 DRUG STOiíjlí R, W.ELÜS& GO. A PAL.SE REPORT ! THAT A. TERRY II VS ONE OUT OF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AKD KAS ALAHUEANDCOMPLETESTOCK UK HATS & CAPS ! JüST THE STYLE, AND AT TRICES TO HUIT THE TIMES. AL8O a POLL LINK OF GENTS' FÜRMSHING OOÜÜS! DONT PUUCUASE YOÜH SPRING ANDSUMMER OUTFITS UNTIL TOU 15 South Main 3t., Ana Aiboi. 18S1.U. For .Scroftilo, ScrofT Illoils IMSORNOM Of tlit' Kys or Scrofu■L la in any form. cLh Any diseaM or eruption ÈqFj of the Skin, diaeaae of the #$L Livor, Bhenmatísdk, Pim&L-& plep,Old Sores,TJlcers,Brokf; en-down Cocstitu t i on, 0i& Syphilia, or any diseaaedeí4L4S3 pending on a depra ved con ttsbg dition of the blood, try jfmP DR.CROOK'S M3 SYRUP OF fH POKE ROOT. ■89 It has the medicinal propOHgL orty of Pokecombinedwith ttJrf a pieparation oflronwhich Jjj_ goea at once into the blood, fJZ9 performing the most rapid V(y and wonderful curen. Ask your Druggiat for Dr. Crook'a Compound Syrup of Poke Koot - take it and be hcaled. MOTHERS! MOTHERSÜ MOTHEKS ! ! ! Don' to procure IURS. WI3ÍSLOWS SeOXniNG SÏBl'I1 FOK t.'iiii.nisi:. THETHiJi. Thlo vatu:il)lo prt;p;iriitini hH wv used witlt NEVBK-FAIUSQ eHJOOBffl IN THOUSANÜS Qe QA0B8 It not onlj relieves the chHd from pain, bnt lnvlgoratcs the slomaoh and boweR c..rruct Scldlty, n'ud gWe ton nul energy to Ui i whMe eystein It wlU also iustnntly reiieve Qrlplng lirthe Bowete ama IVind ('olie. WebeUove It the BEST and SURE8T RK.MRDY IN TUK WORLD, In ill cae "f dyshntkHY NI DIAKKIIü: i IN OHILDR1SN, Whether arlalna from teethlns or iinv other Depend apou il moihei, it wil) givercat toyoar. ■elves, and Rplicf and Health to Your lnfant.. Be sure and cali for "Mis. Uinslow's Soothlng Syruj)." iT:iv!hl: the be-almila of"0URTI8 PFBK1NS" on the ootalde wrapper. Sold by Druggist tliroui:hout the world. iy VTTKIT510RE LAKE. llavin rt-couily reíittt'd nnd furnií-bod tïic CLIFTOK HOUSE ! I tin now prepuad i" rc Ire and entertain pleaflurc. Hsliiui; nud Banclnc; parties, ut onr il' the most attracUve, pleaaadt :uid bealthj watetliií paces in the Wt. Ut boata arenew.lareandcommodiou, aud well taaptffd fur the me "f pleasare seeketa. Anftfera ill Snd a fnl! and complete niuipment ahviiys on hand. Spedal attentlon given to the wants and oomt.n ol tbosewho wí ti t apenda few weeks In recreatlon dartng the arm nummer monthn Nu ]. wlll be parad lo make H1TM0R1 i.vivi . in future usin Lhepaat, a favorito snmmei rt-dort. 1). F. SMITII. 1GËNT8 WANT E D FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL The best booka poblUhed n the lïors' and tli í'o' Liberal term. iid raptdtp by Agent , .,-,. books. Smd far ■ Cn PORTBB .; COATKS.PlliUaHBns. PhiMelphla, P Finost A.ssortment oí Toilet (Joods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus