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J3ÏÏ3INESS DÍRECTOEY. Mr. vKsovv.t.t.v., ít. . over A A Firry'í -tore. RVddence wamnrton gtreet. toar' ioan paal of State. lBTBjl yV &SBOR ÜwkSaE BpÍmWOS. I balldlní, Comer ann ainl "■■ Hurón Strecta. WIltES WOllDKX, '-'O-outh Mainstroot, Ann Arbor, Mtr-b-, wboleaale and retal] dealer in Dry Qood, Carpeta aurt Grocerles. ísriiif _ t É. BOtf?í, Asont for the Fiukle & Lyon I. m ílcior" 8ewlng Machine Tlioy are silent. p!,iiive, ranc:-v urlin ke the lock stltch. No. T ëouih Main Streel Ann Albor L__I__ M4CK SC II TI ID, Dealurs in Dry Qoods, .aroterics.üxockery.&c. No. 64 South Main SLrei. M'lCHAM, KIIRBAV. Koofer. Viro aDd Wstar Pro!. K.-lt and Compoltlon Oravel Boeffpul .ni 'o rl.'vamlwarranlcd. Besidcnceon JeTerson Sn-eel, Ann A.rbor. rí W. I-'.I.I-IS CO., Drosglsta Bfldoaler IV. lnPInts,OUs,etc. No.a South Main atreet, An Arbor. irTj iCKSIIX, Dentlst.successortoC. B. . Porler Oílcacorner Malnand HnronatneU, jver .he uore r I!, w. Kl'i Co , Aun Arbor, Óch. iaebei'csadiiDlatercd if reqaircd. u, t, Hltl,AKi:v, m. lv PUyaldan and i 8urjeon. ■. at ri;idie corner of HaAliad División Si ret Bri loor east orFrwoj,'.m Chrrrh.Ano Arbor, Mlch. ÍS S. josi.sí, Dealer Ib Hta and Cape, Üa Straw ooda. Oenta' Fnrnlshlng (ínodn, te. No 7 Snotli Ma!n--lrKC. Aun Arbor. Mich. Ci ini:!ííÁND k"wHEDsi, i.ify ánd Flrelasurancc .-.'eius.and daalenn Real Bátate. jaceonHnrou Blreef. flvis C. IllSDOX, Dealer in Hardware. j Siowi llin" Kunii-hiug Goods, Tin are, c. J(o. S1 ii Main Bírcet. Bien aUBEIn Dealen inDrjGooda Uroce.K,c &C..NO -0 Bouth Main atreet. Ana irbor. W,4VSOX& SOW, Grocera. PrortiloD aní S Commlaslun MercbanU. and dealen; In Water lime, Lamí Plaater,aud Plasier Parle. No. 16 baet Hurón nlreet. ü affüDHIifV, Wliolesale and BetaJl Dealer 3. in aile Oloiblng, CJpthB, CaaabBem, aenfeParuUhlnuOo ds. Ho.8ontn If.i.l S ' iirn WAfiNER, Dealer In K.'ady ml. ' !„thU 'i,,-.. -1...I.S. Comeré. Vestlnra, Hata. Capa, tc-jnk-, aipei nz, &c -n Sooin Haln gtroe. nlinORE A fl-ïii;, Dookeller "■ISi(ï tlonen IIeillca.1 bow and Colles TextBooka, s Hwl md Stli elliueom Booka. No. :i Nortta Main I .ecl,Grcoiy BlufU Am) Ai'jor. FIM.I.v St IjIOWSS, Dealers In lioots.ahoes, altrt,8ltppe,0. No.ï Eaat Huren etrect, nn Arlior. XTÜAH W.HEEVEK, ATÏOKNEY AT LAW ! iihK.W. Morgón, EiietfldcofCourtHouse y.i iro. 1:H1 j."f. schaebebl Teacher ..f Maic. Ö'e lnstïuctlon on the PIANO, V10LIN AND GUITAR, tihlt offlep, No. 57 South Mito Btreet, CMoore'i building), or at the reldeace of the papil. PIANO TUNIWG, Büc a spocisHtJ aud satiefactiou giiarpntced; l:i-24yl GLA.SSWARE & GROCEHIES, J. & ï Donnelly navcin-iU)rclrsetock"fCrocker,(51aF?wnrc, Pltd Ware, Cntletj Grocenos, fcc, c. all tobe oldatiinuHniillylowpr'ce. No 13 gait Ha ron Street, Ann Arhor. UMtf ■. & POMWEI.1.T. TÖËfN G. QALL, DEALER IIT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I.Uid. SAX'SAGES, Etc. Ordeiesolicitudandpromiiily fllld wllh thebeat meats in the láárkot. BI Kust Washington Weet. Anh Arlio1.', Sopt. lth. 1SCO. l'36tf T ViSrtÖNS, Manulactnrfr of CÁRRIV4.1.S. l!l(..!i:s. LUBBBK H 0S, SI'RIX. WICeiiB) (ITTERS, SI.KK.I1S. Kt. Allw.irk wnrro::ic--l orü'.c liifl matarUr, Rcpalrloj done prompily-sud reaonablc. AU work wiirJtedtoeWe perfect satUfactlon. 8 snih Main treet. _ 1:3'. VT .. RKSEY, 1ËÉ& il W- Manu!acturer of CarriaTes, Buggies, Wagons, ANDSr. :i B8, of ivrys -'e. made of the best mnterial, ui. warrante li' alrtafl dom1 prompt !y in1 prieel niiMnabl Detroit ;trcet, near II, H Dep t. A i Arbor, M ch. 13S4 1. VR. C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES T0 PUT UP AND FII-L Physidans Prcriptions, Ai all hour, at No. 1 Gregory Diock. C. A. LEITEK A CO. Ann AVIror.Dec. 22d 1671. 1854 na.c. b. porïer, 3DL3STTIST. ISjeU theSAVINOS EANKBLOCK, Ann Avbor &11 Operaüon8 on the Natural Tjeth PËRFOItMED WITHCARK. aWg0RPA83BD FACILITIES AND EXPERIESCt SETTIMxi ARTÍ F ÜH A L TBETH, TO OÏVE EACH INDIVIDUAL; Ptturt$ of the proper êtie, fitiapr. ,:otTt jirmntKêOn na al tT.prftio . 1244 LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST Deals in botli FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Struff, Pipes, &c. AT 'O. 7 EAST HÜBOH STREET, Sfext to the Express Office AflltOII. 7IHIÍ. MICHIGAN CENTKAL UAILltOAl. SUMMKU TIMB TAI1LE. Passenger t riiinn now leavo tho severnl station, il follmv.-: __ OOINO WE8Ï. - x' H K f L 4 w 3 & s !■ s 3 ! s a o o ■ i _h_i m i p A. M. A. M. 1'. M. I'. N. 1'. K. ' ■ M Detroit, lonvo, 7 00 9 20 -1 OS ! M S U ' ' ypailmiti, 8 30 10 25 4 32 7 17 'J -IS 1 W A mi ArlKr. 8 S5 10 42 6 00 7 50 10 15 11 07 Dexter, 9 25 6 30 8 18 10 I i 9 45 , 8 32 11 OS GtausLake, lio 15! 9 00 11 36 a. m jRok.on, IC 60 11 M 'J M 1 00 U l! 1'. H, f. M. . M. 1. M. Kidamuoo, 2 10 2 2H 12 25 -í Í0 . oiimve, 8 U T H _ 8 30 U) 20 7 3( OO1NO EART. lilillllj i P. M. [P. M. A. M. i. M. Chicago, lenvc, 4 15 Í) 00 ' 6 30 'J 30 a. m. a. M. 1'. X. Kftlauinzoo, 2 S0 11 W 2 28 A. M.l '■■ ■■'■ JsdBOn, 12 35 -I 40 8 10 2 55 4 40 QramLake, ! ! 8 4 1 ' 3 2" - - Chela, 1 A. ii. 0 07 J'M Dezter, il 9 2.r 4 15, nr. irbOT, 1 5S f, 00 i SD il 46 4 45 .'■ 4" Ypsilanti, 2 22 C 20 7 20 lo M 8 08 f, w 3 35 7 25 8 45 H S0_(i SS ) 00 TIip Atlantin nml Paolflc Exprosi run belveen JaokMO and Nüeson the Air Line. DatMJuly 22.1S7?. tpüKT WAYNE, JACKSON AND Saginaw Railrcad. most direct to PitUbtUg, Phlladelphin, Baltimore, Washington, and H punte soulh and southwont. Trains run by ( 'hicngo Time. TI1A1NB OOIKO 8OITH. M'iil. y.jrj.rtst. Angola Ace. Jarkmm, 7 15 a. M. 12 10 p. M. 4 40 r. M. SanoTer, ; 54 . 13 49 5 20 'oii'-villu, R 56 1 20 50 Angola, 9 .'.3 1 35 Wiitirloo. 10 3.1 8 IJ Aubiirn, 10 47 2J fort Wayne, 11 45 25 [ndianoplb, 6 00r.ll. 10 I ini-iinpiti, B 60 Loui-villu, HI45 10 45P. M. TltAINB OOINO NtutTH. Aupóla Aec Eipmt. Muil. l.n::: lülc, 9I0a.II. 10 25 1'. M. Oindnnatl, 1 1" . m. [ndiannpoli, Kf., 10 10 Fort Wayne, I 08. m. ■ 25 '. m. Aubuill, 8 00 5 22 WotCTloO, 8 13 - 37 Angoln, 8 50 0 315 Jonesviile, 10 18 S 05 r. . 8 02 ll.ini.vir. 10 S0 S 59 S 32 Jaskaon, 11 30 4 II 'J 10" At Jaokpon- ClosocoiihectioDs aro urn 'o witïi Hioh,'fvu Ceotral, Jadnon, Lansing 4: Sngilinw, aiidürand Itiv.r Vallej Kinlnuul. Al JoneeWlte- With Lakc Shorcét MlclngnnSmitbern UaihDad. Ai Waterloo- With Lake Shore Miooigan Bontham (Air Une). At Fort Wiiyiio --Witli Pitteburg, Fbrt " avnc AChimfco; Toledo, Webash : W i stam, and Ft. Wayne, Munrie & ('incinnati Raüioada W, A. BRN8T, Sopfc, Hob't. Him.ik, Uuu'l. Ticket Ag't. July 25. 187Ï. PLANTATION B1TTB11S. S. T. - 1860 - X. Tliis wonderful vegetable restorativc is the slieet-iinchor of the teeble uid debilitated. As a tunic and cordial for Üie Rfied and lanuid it lias no cqiial among stonmcliics. As a romedy for the nervons weaknesess wliicb women are especialW enbjected, it is enpereeding every other Btïmnlant. In all cl mate?, tropical, températe or frigid, it acte ne spciticin every epefnes of disorder which nndcrmincB the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirite. 13S5-J 1 . LYON'S KATH AIRÓN. 'or Preserving and Beautifyinjr tlio Human Huir. Tg Prevent KsTaUtag ut and TurnillB Gray. A wcll preservtd Hcndof Hair, in a person ofmi) nd beaaty. It may trjly bc callcd wom.-in's ernwnug glory whilemen ure Dt insensible to ite advanages and charms. Few tliings are more disgust!u? thanthin frizïly.harsli, untamedhalr.withheadand coatcovercdwithdandrufr. Visit a barbcrandyon .feclandlooklikcanew man. Thiciswhat L.yon' Katbniron will do al! the time. The charm which lies !n wcll placed Ilair, Glossy Curl, LuTnriii'itTrcf8cs,aDdaCleanHead, is no'.'eable and irrefiftible. Sold by all DrUKgista nnd Conutry Store. 1 8 'ficiiwly ____ BOOKS. OOKS. J. B. WEBSTBB & (10. NEW BOOK S;OKE JiEAR TUK EXPBE8S OFFICE." LOOK TO ÏOUB IMKKEST AM) CAI.L. BOOKS , NN AKliOK Mineral Springs House Thtl beuitiiul resort for hcftlth-scekerB is now open, with lts IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS, Oommodtffiubaildlxg heatedby Htcam, and Urge and vell-VODtUftted rooraeWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of 11 temperaturen, also Nhowe.r, por, Medicated and Eluclric Hath are employi it wïth (lTnt'i! ir: th6 trefttment of all formw of rhrtinic diseflso inifl disuttees of fcmales. Spec'al alteul'oi. p:ilcl to dKt. with ploasant eurrnnilni[-'n. and sitnated in one of the moet healtta; mul beantlhil dttea in pqwcsiea atunctiouBforiuvaiidi or forplcuru-BecUcre soldóla founcT Th(r nnnlysiHof the Springs will be lnrulataed ou ftDpHcation. Peivoni df-siriiiL' rircularB to 8end to tho'i friendo esn procure tEem al the office of the ProprlBlore on ïluron streeti or at the pripge. Addri'ss all lettere r Inqulrjr to MUKU1S 1IALK, AI. !., Slipt. Ann Annon, Mn 11. Sntlierland mul Wliedou, Prop': Ami Arbor.Miih , .hinc 11,-im,


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