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Only A Woman

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A young lady who hus been teaching ohool fora living in the West, f uil of the uebchlew yearning for v wide field and air plrty. trlls a sU ry which it wor.ld be v. -il for those having voioo and authority n uch matten to heed. On the threshld of her career, findinp one obstuclo to ier suoo ss being tb diiïerence in the raouut paid to a uian nd a womnu for be saine labor, she comphtiiied to a friend, who quoted Daniel Webster to her. There is room enough up stairs.' If 'ou would receive better wngoï, fit youreltfor a botter position. Do you not sce ;mt you ro Burrounded by mi incompe,ent host ? Come up higher." ishe had ong latnented the fact tnat so ntany of ier sister tendiera worl.rl on from year o year in a groove, ueither iuaproving ïeir own minda nor leiirning better uethods for the development of cnrusted to thein. Shekr.ew thut m.uiy of Mm were deserving of pity moro than lama, beoaiwe the titnsemployed by gen emen teaohen for test and recreatiou must be ust il by tLem in sewing and lousework, on account of their Binall salrios. She determined to find a place up stairs," if untiriug eiïorts would (eui it. lier du ja were spent in school, nd jnucli ot' the night over her books. 'inje and money wer spent in visiting rgt-olaSS schools, studying the bestiuethds of s:4iool govcnniieiit, and the simjlest and olearest rny of imparting truction. After long imnths of toil, sho Vit ftud knew that siie was roastei of her vork, and lookod for tho reward of her abors. Af!cr teaching cue or two terms, ie applied tor a position ivs firt assistct in a school, and a few days aftorward was waited upou by the president ot the joard, who informed her that upou atriui njuiriu the}" had discovered that she ■as competent to conduot the school lierelf. XJpon the reception uf tilia news ier heurt beat with joy, as she feit she lad reached the "room up stairs." Filld with this thought, and tbankful thut er etl'orts wore to be erowned with suc188, she did not think of reiiiuneratiou, ntil asked whnt pay she expected, when ie inquired what they usually paid, and as infonned that buo wa a woraan, and lis was an exporilneiit. They had paid man, the laït yuar, seven hundred dol ars for six months, but they proposod to ;ry her for three months at rifty-five dolars a inonth, teüini; her that if sho snceeded her pay wou'ld bo raised at the nd of that time. This time papsed Vliokly, wlion tho school was pronounced success, the board informing her that uch entire satiefaction had never been iven before. Pare&to and friends couratulattd her and the noble corps of as.stants who had worked out her plans o ably ; and with cheerful endeavor the work of tho year went on. Then the next term cinue, and that finally elosed, s did tho iirst. The largu boj's and 'ouiig nun who had been ber pupila, and ïad fiuished their school-dnys under her eaehing, gathered abont her with tear'ui eyes, and thanked her with tiembling ips for hor untiring efforta in their beittlf. The girls vied with each otbei in ofïeriug tokens of l'ove and respect, while all expressed tho hope thut she might be vith tliem the eoini&g year. Wito min ;led feolings of joy aud sorrow she elosed ier school-room dcor, half wishing the ong vacation over, und beraelfready for vork agatn. The secvetary of the bonrd, n giviug her the order for the last term's jay, waxed eloquent over hor success ; jut when she glanced at :ho paper he ave her, and i'ound only ñfty-five dolara allo wed her per month, he had nothuiLT more to Bay, and referred her to the president. Ihinking there must bo some uistükc, who SDiiiilit tho president, who mt'ormed her thut sho had done nobly, telling her tho school had nover boen so well conduoted, and that she had saved them lots of money. L'pon her nsking t lie had not agreed that sho nhuuld havo her salary raised the second term, he said : " Well - yes ! But we talked it over, aud coiioluíied tliat fifty-hvn dollars was enough for a woman!1 This convereation took plací! in Mr. 1' -'s bnnk, just tt the hour of closing. At the door, in a oarriage, waited in elegantiy-dréued daughter. Our "teacher feit nliuost wioked as she passed her, with tho futh!r's wonls in her cars - " enough for n woman!" There was no wiittou contract, and slio wut helpless. liittor tean wro slied in the solitude of hurroom that nifht, fot shü feit she must soek work elsewhere. They would gbidly have eiuploycd het anothcr year, in oidor that thej might " siivo lots of money ;" but flnaing oer servicos could iiot be 6ccurl for lees th.'in they gave a man, thcy lt her go. And this is too gener&liy ttio oase in the management of such matten. God speed tho duy wben ibility, and not sex, sball docido the question of positicm and jifty, whon tho koy to the "room upstairs" may be held by those compestvnt to judge of tho merits of those who would on ter. - F. A. Piko, an ex-member of the House, is the candidate of the Domocrats and Liberal Kopublieans against Zack Chandler'g son-in-law, Eugeno Hale, with the prospeot of Inving hiin out.


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Michigan Argus