More Of Grant Thorburn's Advice
Grant Thorburn, in one of hii famblrng remin iscences, gives the following ilfutf" trntion of a principie which ia the' foüMdation of success in business: l:Never leave your shop ëtfcept óhbüS-' ness. Horso, foot, or hurdlo rat,' fishing, fowling and sailing partïes wili never pny your rent. Wheir yotf tcfë out on business, hurry baök to your aftop as soon ns possible. Don't stand Ui fhë streef, talking' politics, news, of any thÃúfef except it may be sorrfethÃngf vhe'rdrni your interest is Foftf-iiïé years ago, when I first coraméhceül triÃ'ding, my wife was my storeree per rny' book, my üousekeeper, my coök, myVérything. One morning" refcrÃnÃñg frorrf the old Fly fooi of tiiaiaëvt Fino l met atth corner of Williarn' an'tf ÃÃ' brary sÃVeet with a friond. At fharà fim' Bonaparte was in the full tirfè of rnaiw slaughter. killing a the fate of felf a million perannumj tliat morning aliarrival had brought news of hià procreas. We stopped probably ten re hearsing the matter. Wh'en I goà o my store I inqiiiredófmy wife if i} oné had askod" for me? "Yes' sU replied, ltr t;_ - n cal led to pay yóu his bill bul wished to see yourSeÃf.'"' Thtit night hc cleared for Texas. Thus à fort ftiirtv dollars by standing in thé streef, when à niight have been in my Evei1' a fier, when n friend wishédfmtffo'áfop t the streel, 'Not here," saysf, "buï go f d my store, and you mhy fhefe' ttilfc ál! dtfv if you please."
Signal of Liberty
Old News