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The North Carolina Election

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All partios have bad spclls of rejoicing over tho Xorth Carolina eleotion. which took placo on the first inst. It ha boen Democratie nnd Conservativo ono dry, and Radioal the noxt. Tho iirst returns wero extreraely wild, nnd oach day's changes have boon as veering and unreriable as tho wind. At this writing- afternoon - tho Iludioals claim tho elootion of Cai.iavki.i., Governor, and hig aasociates on the Htato tiokot, by from 1,000 to 2,000 majority. Tho Democrats eloct five of the eight niembers of Congress, nnd get the Logislature by a largo majority, whicb. secures a United States Senator to succeed Pooi., whoae torm expires on the 4th of March next. This is bettor than leading journals and canvassors promised boforo tho oleotion. . - Tho Montana election was held on Monday, and Maoinnis, Demoorat, is reportod eleoted delégate to Congross. Oraxt was interviowed from his rural rotreat among tho ThoaHand Islauda, and tho telegraph rcports him as saying - prirhapa only "improssing" tho interviewer - thut " he was not anxiousfor a second term, bnt consentod to reoeive the noraination simply becauso ho thought that tho best way of disoovoring wliether the ranjority of his ooa&trymen bolieved wlmt was allegod iiffninst his administriition and himnelf personully.' Then this is excluflively a personal oampáign ■. principies that undorly tho vory fonndations of tho government are lost ight of ; Guajít is on trial bofore tho.grniid assio of the nation ; and he wants to soe what the people think of all t'io bnd and moan things whioh have boen said about him, Noble aspiration '. grand resalta to come from so much labor and puin and travail. Whioh rominds us of an incident within our own knowledgo. A drunken, onfeeling, brutal father - a physiomn of talent nnd edueation and skill, all sacriñeed - lost a boautiful and jiromising little sou - an only child. A friend sympnthizcd witíi him, whon ho replied that " ho didn't caro muoh about tho boy dying, but, then, ho wouM liavt! liked to havo had hitn live, just to seo what sortof u d d man ho would havo raado." A prematuro Graxt, for all the world. Tuk attention of tho Liberal Kepubli. oans of the sovoral towng ia the oounty ií invitad to the cali for a Coonty I tiun to be held on tho llith, uiado in tho absonoo of a County Committoo by the Chairman of the Stato Committeo. üur fríendt knowing of Liberal Republicans in thoir vicinity will proinoto the cause by giving them this notif?.


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