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- Colfax has finally disclosed tho reason why he doei not propopo aotive j-artioipatiou in the penditig campaign : "the public opinión of tho nation in ;ih entire liistory hu forbidden ;i I'r. sident or iceFrcsidr.'iit, who has uot the excuso of boirL a candidato, entering into activo stutnp-speaking in a Presidencial campaign, with all its strifes and uutagonisins and asptrities and crimiuiitions andreoriminations." In thesf latterday whun Cabinet offieors ure detailed to ttko tho stump aud interfero in Htato eleotioiitt, or whctn a Vioe-President does the same thing - as two years ago - that dignity dodge ík entirely too thin, Mr. Col fui ; entircly too thin. - Tho Cbristiau Ünion - Henry Waid Beeoher's ptipur - puts it thusly. "Tho mouiitaiu would not come to Mahimot, so Mahoinot has gono to tho mottlttais. The Democratie party declined to sink into Horaoo Groeloy ; and Hornee Gruoley now sinka into the Democratie party." This ia to soaro titnid Republicana and úrerent Greeley getting their votes. -rxt ireok tho Union will t-ike tho othor ! sile and show that Grei.'ley, tho old abo litionist, has swallowed and digesied the Democratie party. That will be to drive oiF Democratie support. - Sylvestur Larned inade a speoch - a regular L;vrnoi speooh - at a Ward meeting in Detroit on Monday evening, in wliich he aaiil : "Hobulievod iu augur ios when thcy wore of good omen, und called attention to tho fuet that tho ; jfround on whioh thoy stood was fonnel ly ownud by a relativo of tho President." Can any liuk-spittle or apes of royalty oqual that? Hut then, was thorelative n Grant, a lent, a Cas;y, a Kramer, or a Coburn ï Which branoh of tho royal family, that's tho question. - Speaker Uhiinp is reported as saying that " thosf! who talk bout Grant's gifttuking ought to be tarrnd and foathered." Blaino wonld make it a oriruo to apeak ovil of the Preiident, and if the Kadicals fret control of tho next Congiess will probably havo tho olil and odious ali;n and Bedition law re-enacted. - The New York Central, Erio, and Ponnsylvania liailroads, with theil west om connections, have reduocd their ratos on western bound frcii'ht frmn l to flO per cent , to bo put up ajain about Heptembor }t. The reduction to Detroit is frora KS to Ír3 cents per hnndred. - Tho roported linlunco in tho State Treasury, at tho oloso of business bours, July31st, was 1, 924,89.90. That balance is a fat gooso fur th& Banks of tho öovernor and State Trenaurer to pluck. Hem " Gov." Baglpy a bask to aid in piocin out tliat $ 1,000 sabtry ? - It waa William Lloyd (;irrinn who once pronounnud th Amorioan Constitution"a covennnt with de!th and an agreement with ln-ll ;T' tho same William Lloyd Garrison who now adtninistern a rebuko to Charlos Sutnaer for snpporting Qreeley and ad vising the uolorod citizon to vote for him. - Mr. Sylvester Larned fcold theThird Wur-l Bopublicaus of Detroit a few evenings ago that ho believed " t!.o elcction of Qreeley would ïosult in another iiiterneeint.' war." Xot u bit of it, or ho. would support Grooley nlong with all the stook.■ itnd bummers throivghou-t the land. no Grant men all. - W. W. Wheaton, ox Mayor of Detroit, ex-Chainnan of the Democratio State Convent'on, bnt nevor noted lor ex-tra brains, has written a letter to Gen. Slocura which gives the GrantitCi great oonsolation "8mall favors thankfully reoeived' is their motto. - Tho. Setfle, Presideni of tho laie Philadelphia Convnntion, had bis hagh gottled by the recent North Carolin eleetion. He rau for Congres and waa dfeated, and now writes d. b. after hi name : thr.t is " doad beat." - Counolly is disgusted with politie? aud dbolines to particípate in the Presidontial oampaign, while it is nnderstood that Tweed favors the (.'leotion of Grvant and will givo hira aid and comfort. How now about Tammany ! - Hon. J. F. Farnsvrorth, of Illinois, now nnd for nwny yoars a Ilopublinan raembor of Congres, has como out for Greeley and Browa. Ilis letter íb an ablo onf. - The next oloetions in order are : California, Monday, Sept. 2. Termont, Tuesday, Sept. 3. Maine, Monday, Sept. 9. Let the Republicana stand from ander. - A fri=nd who has been up into HraoombJCount-y advises us that "thcy aro all for Grieley up there." Ho had to taku tho Grant side for tho sake of opposition. - S. S. Tilton, lato ehainnan of the RoDublioan State Convention of California, has acoppted tho same poaition in th.; Liberal Uopublicnn organization. - 'M. W. Fiold had to get a "oertificate of character" from his attorney, in ordor to make his success certain in the Wayne district Congrosjional Convention. - Tho Atbtntir Monfhly, a supporter of Grant as " tho least of two trviis," does not consider him a vTy "ornamental figurehoad" to tho ship of state. - Tho Now York WvM ays : 'Tho-e is no longer nny doubt among well-informed politicinna that tho oM TammanyIweed Hing support Grant." - Twoed wes and probably 'a a partner of Murphy, and Murphy has tho car f Grant Oould n't Xast iinda field for bis pencil in these fiicts? - Spotted Tuil and his party t Washington on Monday evening, but tound the big injun off on a hunt - for pletttire and v ■ t. Him'U our laat rei)ort tho ltojuiblieans uivfi made nominations for Congross as 'oilows : lst dUtriet - Moses W. Field, on the tth ballot. Hia "strong holt" is boing a iroteotionist of the E. B. Wakd striiu. l'o put him through the convention it vas found neceswiry to file a "certificut of 1 carácter" made by his attorney. The ' Domocrats eau beat liim with a good ïomination. 4th district - Oapi. J. C. Btruows, of 1 valamazoo, on the 1"2 ballot, the 151 ' ag dnplioates of the first. This district javo a mnjority for (rltAXT in 1SGS, of , : 8711 ; aud i- 1870, for 15 VT.nwiN', 2,177. i 7th diOriet - Hon. O. D. CONOBR, now epresenting the old öth, on the 2d ot. Tli o oounties oomprisod in this ( riet gave Gbant 2,185 nwjority in 1SG8, f ,nd ü.vi.dwi.v 1,051 ín 1870. 8th dütrict- Hon X. D. Bbadlet, of [ ! i-, on tho 15th hullt, his own county f oting for Tii'i ;r : V, i;sriivr,n. In 1868 l lus district gave Gbaxt 2,285 m ajority nd in 1S70, BiLDWINv 1,680.


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