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Nasby's Brother John "dreams."

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A.NN Aküi.U, f ■wich is ia tbc State of Jliuh., - August 1, 1872. ) I am Xasby's brotbcr John (wich don't live miar Basoon Upon tukin up a noospaper last nito, I read Petroleum's lettor datod Joon 22d, 1872. Afterreadin I lay back in my ohuir, meditatin. Whilo thus, I feil p, and in my sleep I dreamed (it mm ld the; family). It geeined :-. if l wnz travilüu in what appearod to rae a forriga oountrie, and as I wua journoyin along I met a man who wua the awful■ ■.l:iu ïuan I over sfiw ; ho looked as though he had bin m;st unfortunato 11 uík lifo, as hij taco wuz wobegono and gaatly. I stopt htm and aied him where wuz 1, ez I had lost my way. To wich he said : "Stranger, I gTIMS yer havt' como a long way il' yo know not whar yo be. ïhis is N'cpodom, wbioh is governed by Hú Boyal Bighnew King tflyssea the Kirst, whoso palace in in that city ytT aco to tbe GAstwurd." And hero he suddinly startod off, leavin me to ponder over n wus thing than l'etmlmim's letter. I sivt down by the roadaide and tried to imagino where ander the sun Nopodom wuz. It nuver wuz in my jnography. As I wuz thus engaged I wuz startled by he:irin groans near by. On lookin around I saw a most piteyin site : there wuz a man redneed to a regular skoloton lyin on the graas. I epoko to hiiu, and hc tried tn nnswer; but a convulsión saized him and hu died. Ou lookin mto his face T perceived a Mme written onto bis forohead, and it wns " Christian." Not '.'xactlj' nfraid, but lonosum, I rcsumed my journuy, tnkin tho ro:id that led to the city. After procoedin aways I como to an old chtirch thut evidently hnd not bin yusod for monny yoars I notioed thivt thiiro wuz sovoral gruves round tho yard, and, kuriosity promptin, I went ! in and ondoavorod to red tbc Dames, but as they wuz peculior it was Bonte time afore I could onderstand em, and when I did I was astounde.d, for on them was writtcn 'Indopendenco," "Union," "Froodora," and " Liberty." Had tho moon up-jt in the Hjvina I wonld not have bin more scart. I wuz fritenel and I rnn a way. Wuz them not the great truths in my óomntrie'r What did it meau ? And by the timo I got through my thinkin I arrived at the city. I found it gurrounded by á wall wich was called "Murtial law," and it had big gates, onto wich was written, " Nepotism forever," " Down with I reform," " SUvery as it was," "We glory i:i ignoTanoe," and very many otiiurs. I entered tbo gato of ignorance, ag I thot there were Ioís sin in that tuim imy othcr. I passed through a::d saw a groat crowd of Boldiers lounging aromid on pilos of oinpty cigar boxea, Binokin secesh o. Filled with disgust and ulmcst ohoked by tho atcuch I hurricd on, hopin tu fiml air; but in this I was mista. i it was ihu saino cvrry where. I notioed the peopla had most eorrowful coontenances, and that they ivcil in abjoet povarty 'over taxation), and it soumed tbut .'!,- if;7-, under military wU. After wanderiug oround 1 finally brought up againet the Palace wherein King ild forth. Si ting tle courtyurd gato open I wont in. I thero behold an iiomiusc concourse of about flfty thougand offioe-holders (many of whum can be gpen every day), who wi ing praisca to thoir i-'-a Lord Ulysses. On the thronc at tho King, and around him were His forty-two rolitio::s, araong whoni [ saw vvut Jegge lightin his cignr wiil :i greenbax. In front of the throne wuz a statute of Baohhus, who held a bowl in liiti hands wich wuz fillod with kom whiakey (sach as Petroleum likes), and v.'iy ofton tho King and courtiers woald drink stone blind. Ov oourse 1 wuz mach Burprised at sieh proaeediiu, but my ejeo beoonie acenstumed to tho sito and I oontinned gnzin around. Nrxt I saw the statute of a man who was whippin a cullud pusson, nnd that wuz ciilli d "Slavery." 1 turnecl my ey in anothcr direotiou and I gaw a site as makes my blood ttarni cold. There wuz immortal Washington and Abraham Lin ooln Innig in oiKgy ! Ibw wuz l possossed of awful Btrength. With on awfol vow I cfimbcdup the polea, and as I wuz agoiii to out em down I saw a gn at prooossion wich wuz throo thousand ruilos long (s I wuz told afterwards), reacliin from Maine to Oalliforny, and a leadla tht procession I saw lloraco Greulcy and li (rtttz Urown. They had nuraerous banneM, outo wiph wuz written " Eijiüü Rights," "Amnesty to All," "Eeform," ' Liberty," aad "Union.' 1 saw the cullpd man walk with the white man, I heard th! clarión notes of Austin Blair, Schurz, Sumner and Penton huzzaing for victory, and I saw the editor of tho Aw;r.s carryiu tho battle flag. A hen King Ulysses and liis court saw tho procossiou I lieard him say d m Oreeley, and thoy ran straightway to Salt River wich flowed near by, plunged in, and wero last seon swimmin for doar lifo towards "Satanland" near Holl üato. Then thero ascended from tho Greoley band suoh a shout as ne'er wuz hoard bofore, and tlie echo of wich awoke me. All of wicli did happen unto Potroleuiu's brother JOIIJv', (wich wua Bot Tost Alaster).


Old News
Michigan Argus