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DEMOCBATIC STATE CONTENTION. A Democratie BtaV: ( 'oovfintion will be huid at TiUfio'rt Tlall, in tlie f.'ily ofQfand RapidH, on Thur - day, August 99, 1872, at 12 o'olook nooifc, for the purtopc of noniinatinp cjiinliilatofl for TroaidentfA] Eleeton :ml St:ile offloen, and for the transactionof auch pthai buttine ;w muy come befoieit. Kuch cMiinty will elect fcwo delegatee for each Representativo to which, onder the lnst apportionrnent, it ii antitled in dra lowfcr bmnofa of the State Legtalatare bal 'vrTv orga&iied aoantjdial] bc ontitlod to ut leut ono delotfatñ. In ftooordaxMK vith a resoiution of a formar Htaite onTL-ntion, uil rotmtiep, nxcepl 1hone of the ripor Pwrfnrala, must b Ti'propentpd by re-!ilent dolpsfftteiJty ui dor of the lïemocrntic Htato Ontrdl Oommíttee. POSTER PBATT, OhiiirniRti. Jackfion, July 3í, 1R72. DEMÍK KATK ( OINTY CONTEHTIOX. A Democratie Oannty C'onvention will bc beid at the Oooit líouHu, in Anti .rbor, on rBIDAT, AUGUST 16th, iit 11 o'elock a. m.( t-o elect wix delat(H to the Rtnte Convcntiun, to bc held at (Jrnml Bapidt onthfl 3'2d of AUfTUtt; alo deleKates to the Beeond District Coni?rrspionn] ( onvention when called ; and to trivnuact BOOh Othtt bosblMI as the Convontion mny ñnd oeoSBftry. Eftöh towq and vard will bo cntitled to delogatoe as folio wip; Ann Arbor City- Plttsfitld, 3 lot, Wurd, 3 Salom, 4 2.1 " 3 Bftline, fi 8d " 3 Hrio, ( 4th ' 3 aliaron, 3 Mh 2 Snpariaff ■ fith " 2 Iiv1ykt% fi Ann Arbor Towb, 3 IVebttte,, 8 Auirtitii, 4 York, 5 Rñlfrpwater, 4' Ypsilnnti Town, 4 ! 'ivtr, 3 Ypsilnnti f'ity- Freedom, 4 tf Wnrd, ? Lima, 3 9d " 2 Lodi, 4 3d 3 T.yndon, 3 4fb M 2 Manchester, fi 8th " 4 Xorthflold, 4 By order of the County Committec, R. E. FRAZFK, S, y Aun Arbor, June 13, lATf Liberal Repnblleao Connty Conrention. The TátK'ral Bepublioani of Waahtinaw Connty will meet in Oonventiun at the Court House in Ann Arbor, on F&IDAY, AUGUST lGtli, at 11 o'clock a. M-, for the pnrpOB6 of olfeoting a County Commitlee and appointing rix delegn(fl o the Liberal EtepubHcan State Cunvention, to Ík; held at (Irund Rapids on the 22d day of August, alftO to appoint six deligKtea tu the Beoon Dittriot Congressiun! Conrention vrhen oalled, Kv ordes of tha Bdpttblioan State Centra] Oommittue. WïïrrNKV J0NB3, Chainnan. Ann Arbor, Au#. 8, 1872. Demoorcti Ward Cancnsen; Democratla Caucascfl wiU be held ia the BereraJ Warde if this city on WBDNE8DAT EVENING, ATTG. Uth, at 71 o'clock, toelect delectes lo the Couatj Convention to bi.1 held on the lQtQ. Ut VTard atJno. X. (íott'a Office. 2d " - ut tïio Lconard IIousg. Rd " -at th Court Jíounc. 4:h " -at Plremen'fl Huil. Sth " -at tlu; Wnshtoimw House. fth M --at McDonald'a Store. The 5th and (iMi Wardi uro cnritled to two dclegaies each, the othcr Wurila to three ptoJi. By order of THE WARD CO1CM1TTEE8. D.ited Ang. 8Ul, 1873.


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