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Bad Sobkn on the Taujtcs, ) Prussia, July 20th, 1872. f Jume 19th wo were once more paoked ' for our departure froni Tubingeu, and et 8 o'olook A. M., having attondd to the weight and charges upon iny baggage, and eecurod my tiokets just in time, we wero goon in our ooupe and en route for Sodon. I may as well state herc, at the risk of lome ropetition, gome itotun of rcilroad usages which differ from thoeo in the States. The roads are in general equal to our beat, but kept under a muoh moro vigilant supervisión. As the train arrivés at any regular station, ons or more officials, in o somi-military oostmne, open the various ooupes coutaining the paseengers for that pluce, and aleo any othora on requofit of the ocoBpants. The coaches are all numbered, and the oonipartmonts or conpes, of which thero are gencrally four in öaoh oarrioge, ro distinotly marknd in Roman numérala - Srst, seconi, third or fourth olaes, as the oase may be. On tuking the train the coupo taken . or ausignedp tho passenger must be retained, unrsK) one can tko your placo. In firat-olass each otiupc is genei ally divided so as to gÍT4snly bíx gittings - throo faoing tho fortffefd and threo tho rsar end of the train ; tho seoond cliss have for eight, and the 3d clnss ure of tha same lize, but aro not ojfholstnred and gubdivided, and can oontain ten persons, while the 4th class has neither seat nor partitiong. 40 persons stand at grated wiudown of ach cr. As the differoncc in faro ia coif)idrhlc, and the lt end 2d olaeses ara eithor of thein extromely oomfortable, th largor number of respectabls travelors tak the 2d, and many, if not traveling with ladies, oven the 3d class, leaviug the lt to o occupid by those who, for reaiong of lood, shoddy oi eicknete, wih the greatr room and luxury of this ess orowded lass. In order to illuotratö thia differnco in faros, I givo the ratea from Frankurt to Müyence, occupying ono hour : üt, ono florin, 48 kreutrers, about 85 ets. urronoy : 2d, one fiorin, 9 kreutzers, about 52 cents ; and 3d, 42-kreuteerg, or dbout 32 centí - quite a distiiiütion as to ho mónoy valuation of thero three clasa6 of travahrs. Before taking seata -otry paesengor is invariably requirod to Beuro his tickuts, and no excufes are reoived for the oraission ; coriduotors can not receive fares. In genoril very littlo, and often co 'naggaga is aüowed to go Toe, ai;d braco a jicrf-ou must bo at th Lopot esrly onough to eet his bggvge luly wpighed and tariff thorefor duly }nid, bfcforo the train is ready to start. The tariff for !uLga# dapenda altogethor upou the speed with which ■ yon requiro its trnsminsion, whethnr by the exprees or fist passender train as bagl&gö, or by the slower trains as fraijfht. !t ia, theraforo, inuch greater eooaomy to dopx tho latter mode whea it is )racticable, and stnd one's baggage on as 'reight sorae days in advetnee, or let it follow along slowly ofter pMsage is taken. The papar slip reooived for luggago shows tho aumber of pieoes and the amount paid, and bcarit on ití fuco the numbor which is pasted on each parcel cf the baggage sent, and baggage is given up only on prosentation of this slip or cheok. At all plaos whore the highway is erossed, a bar or gata is in all csbob sirung soross the highway upon eaoh side of tho railroad track in ampie time to stop all teams before the train passes - a reguUtion which would rmuftüy save mny livos in America. Tho American stylo of passengor car is not muoh in uae yet, and even whiu it in, in th fw instttucos we have seen, the long car is divided by one or twp prtition, having doors for tho aisle btweon the seats, and tho neats having high backg, furnishing n nico support for the shoulders and head. We roaohed Heidolberg about 3 i. il., and improved tho nftornoon by a visit to the celebrftted oastle. Of all wa have ssen we have in oneral had no opportunity for b close inspnotion of tbe remarkable ruina of past agefl, and it was with a cnriosity d interest thoroughly nremted that we begen the long, steep and winding aaoent along the Schloesberg a narrow carriope way which now reaches the very gateway of tho cnstlo. All along the walls were overhung with thiit " rare old plant, the ivy groen," wid dirty littlo urohiu were constantly poppina ont with offers of a beautiful flowors. We met mny carriagea coming down the street, with the hind wheols restinp; in woodon Bhoes and 6Üding over the stonj pavotnent ; but ofter contidorablo labor we reaohed the platoau thrown ou' from the mountnin side, and scarcoly moro than a third of the way up, occupiod by tho castle and its defenses anc the grand terrace. Entering the onter arched gateway we wore inside tho walls and in front of about huif a dozt'n guides A short walk brought ua to the EHzn bethanpforte, and we bogan the survey o tho weítorn exterior wall of the castle iteelf, embraoing the Dioka Thnrm or oireular town, erocted by Fredoriok V. King of Bohemia, and which was uáe by him as a festivo hall. Passing further on wo entered anothor stono gatewav with its solid gatee nnd loop-holes for do fences, into a passuge over which am peoring through hole3 in the golid ma sonry wero the irou points of a throaten iug portcullis, ready to desoend, au in the olden timo, at a moment's notico, to ou cíf tho entren oo of widesirable viaitors We wero now inside tho court, with the interior walls of the castle all about u and iilling onr thoughts vith a thousanc strangc fanoies us wa lookad upon town and buttress, balcony and doorway, car yatidos and stutues, with tho ivy cling ing everywhore, as tho token of man' forgotten proaenoe in ihese once gay anc impregnablfl halls. Well ppnt wero the i feiv boiirs devoted to thÍR noble min. m hoping to rovisitit goon afurthor description will for the presont be postponed. Ueidelberg oity, aside f rom the cantío, is easily done by the tra veler, there being but one considerable stroet, the Ilauptutraueae, and a population of, perbaps, 20,000 ; yet it eito is so beautifal and its history o interesting that few places will so well repay a brief visit. The Univorsity has a world-wide réputation, and, dating from tho fourtuenth century, rankg among the oldest in Gormany. There is, however, nothing in the buildings thoniselyos that would dötain the eye of the paator-by. We found a reator rush of strangors in the stroots of Iï., and nbout the castle, than onywhore wo have yot been. Tho (tudents are fond of dogu somewhat larger thau their oanino brothers at Tïibingen, and ruther iovh tinsel glittórad on their oaps. Wo lft Hoidolberg at 9 a. ir., in tirau to reaoh Sodan at 8 P. M., where wo found M. and our roouis awaitiug us. Ouco more good-by. J. 11. W.


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