Two Dollars A Year
"We are glad to perceive that our colaborer at Philadelphia, "the American Citizen," has resolved to abandon the cut-your-own-throat system of aflbrding a well filled, good size newspaper for the paltry sum of onc dollar a year. At the beginning of the next volume, that paper will be published, as all decent, wellbehaved papers ought to be, at two dollars a year. All good papers require this price to sustain them, and as liberty papers are not overstocked with patronnge, they can't afford to be peddling their vr&res at half price. The Cincinnatti Herald set the foolish one dollar example, and is now going about a cripple, on one leg. Other Liberty papers were compelled to follow its example, and now they are hobbling about, looking, for all the world, like half starved creatures, as they are; they must get up to the two dollar plan- ii is their only hope for sal..â.;,-â Tlio TÃirlianonolis Freeman, adollar paper is siarving to death, or rather its editor is. Run up the price, De Puy, and you'll feel better. Then there is the Cadiz, and Warren, and Cleveland papers all printed too cheap. It won't do, brethren ; Liberty men should pay as much for their bringing up as Whigs and Democra-. The Signal, in Michigan, is doing an outrageously foolish ihing - ofTering five copies for four dollars - 80 cents a copy! Ridiculous! It can't be donet and this will be found o-jt when it is to late. Two dollars a year and roast beef! Editors must live as well as other folks." Washington Patriot, (Pa.)Don't be alarmed brother, about "lhe Signal in iMichigan." We have counted the cost as well as our neighbors, and know what we are about. We like "two dollars a year and roast beeP' as well as they; but how are we to get them? In promises, as they do? We cannot live on soch unsubstontial fare. We have tried both the promising and the payin g methods, nnd like the last much the best ns do also most of our subscribers. - For our part, we had rather have for our paper One ollnr raid Tiftr, at tvr office,ingoodfunds, in the beginning of the year, than to have a promise of Two dollars, payable at the end of the year, fifty ora hundred miles from ou r. office, with the privilege of going after oor money twice on an average, and quite a doubtfu! prospect of gelting it at all. This is theahemative actually presented to us. We have chosen one method, and have not repented of it; and if we might draw any conclusión from the everlasting ajid Importun&te dun3 in thoir papers, weshould surrr.ise that sonueofour neighbors might do quite ns vvell to adopt it. That we aro compelled to use tho most rigid economy is true. We have lio fancy carpol in our sanclmn nor splended inirror, nor luxurious sofa to lounge upon; but we "labor, workiug with our own hands," as well as heads. By these means we are enabled to give to our readers the cheapesl paper in tie west; and no exertion of ouis sÃmil be lacking to make it ihe best. We would say, then, lo all our frionds. don't be sa tender-hearted as to fear breaking us down by ordering onr paper at a dollar a year. Give the clienp systema fair trial. We will answer orders on this plan to nny extent under a million of copies. Ifihe paper bewortli more than a dollar, our subsciibers shall havo all the surplus. We do not go on the exclusive system. We allow every body to subscribe, if they will only send on The Dollar in Advancb.
Signal of Liberty
Old News