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The Late President Juarez

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The JLjonüon TMeqrapn tima ailuüeg to the death of this colobraled mun : " The death of th Mexican President .luaruzat a rips iije, and of a natural disease, íb one oí' thosu in iáents üf liistorjr which bqow bow t Btormy carter mny termiuste in a placid and common placo inanner. Juvcnal remark- us tho result of his obervnticing - thut kiugs and ruk-ri do not gencrully dio a 'dry death' ; by which he rooaiiR without shodding of blood. Juaroz, howsver, hun patsed through a acore of simguinury chancos, noitlior sparing to risk his own throat, nor hoitating to spill the blood of others. He bas taken part in moro wars thau he could hnvo countod upon both hands ; and has twioe attained, through 'lmttles, murders, und midden denths,' the chief seat in his native land. 'J'iio priests had in B(.'iiito .Tuarcz - the Tajiateco halffcyeod - a slircwil and doadly enemy, and if this able but unscrujmlous man had not rcpuiiiatod tho foreign debt ot Hcx ico, whmi lic secnlftrized lmrch property, Lo mifjht li tve prolonged liis first Presidentshïp in 18B1. Bu) that mensuro led to the alliod iatervention, and this again 1o tho Frenoh occupation and the enthronemeiit of tho bapless Mákiiuilian All the world knows bow that unluoky ovpreign fi 11 imo the hands of the Meiïoan Eepublioani and with what stern a id imperturbable wrath tho victorious In lian took his life. ïho oxecution at U u returo 18 onc of the uiost terribli; rea fa tnpplied by hittory to ambitiui:, but it stuins the abilily nml j:itriotisrii of Juárez with au inefEaceable brmid. Tho Mexioan was a man of great parte, and exhaustlesa patienoe and energy ; but hú imturü eror liad gomeihing oí' the jaguar in it; and he ivas figl.ting savaguly against liis own people wbeu death wroto 'tinis' upon his chequcrod life page3." Tho Raloigh oorrcspondont ot tno Wow York Uerald saya : TLo official returns of the vote tbr Uovernor havo uot vet. been reoeived hero. It te generally oönoedod, howover, that Caldwell ia uiooted by a majority rangin- iVoni 1,000 to 1,500, counting the groat massof illogul mul fraudulent yotes polled in nearly ui! ot the negro countios througlumt tbr State. Aside from these, there are so uaay instanceaof Ilegal in - formaliti s in numerous Republican oouulios which will CHU81) to bo thrown out so many counties, precinota and wards when the Legislature meots. AS tROUAUI.Y 10 ELECT MKHR15Í0X Governor of the Statu by ahandsomo majority without tho most disagrooiiblo neces8ity ot' eonteating the eleotion, tho law roquiros that tho Sheriff of tho preoinota and townships ghould publicly anuounoe tho voto oast íor all the candidatos íroni the Court Houso door, within a ourtain apooitied time aftor tho day of election. If this provisión ie not coruplied with, the precinct, township or oounty oan be thrown out, as sstabüshed in the oontestod oase of Edward rs. Lassiter for a 3enatorship by tho laat Legislature, in which tho vote of the Oounty of öranville was thrown out. Thi provisión of the law was not complied with in the Oounty of Oraren, which gives Caldwell a majority of L,4Ö2, (Jranvüie County, which aUo gave him 67lJ majority, failêd iu this Ie ■ gal requirt'inont. In Warren Uouuty the poll holden, contrary to.ull law, carried bonM tliu ballot boxes, and did not couut tho votes until nt'-xt day. OLARIifQ [HTOEMALITtBS. Several othor of the Republioan conntios in the First Congrcssional district, whcro John Pool resides, are mportod to have held the boxes ovor until it wnsoonvenient for (hem to count tho l'ftütite. ico of tbcde illegal informalitie' is rapidly accutr.nlaüng, nd will bo loid beiore tho Legislature whtn it moet. The first dnty of that body firr its organization is to cuiivhss the rtturns and declare the candidatos who are eleetfd, and is there is a COMervative majority of twenty-four on joint ballot, it is clear they will not be slow to act upon the allogcd fruurl.s ivnd infotratilitiet Hnd proolaim Merrimon the Govornorelrct. The Itepublicans in the oovntièl of Clay, Cherokee and Swain in the Weet, not haring reoeived their printed tickuts, rere torced to write thBir caudidates' on Hp3 of paper aud vote, and it now appears that iu doing this thny omitted all the State officors but Uuvernor and Lieutenaiit-Qovemor, WH10H MAY DEÏEAT ALL Tho remainder of their State ticket on the at count Reporta of fraudulent tuting accumuli'to so rapidly thut the Republioans 1 .i:uiing to Iuku eonfidonce in the ili'Ction of their Candidato, and t j-diiy their i nthusiasin hdis siinmer:d down to ;i v, , ak ;inl Buperfloial show of triumph. The following Repul couuties oast a voto exoeeding the voting population e8tablished by tho census of DS70. BUSl'ICIOUS OmCUMSTANCBS. In Bladen County the voticg gtrongth is put down at 2,(510 ; the numberof votei nctually oast ia 2,000. In CunibcrliiuA Oounty the voting strengtli is put down at o",2ü'2 ; the number of votes autmlly cast is 3,773. In Dupliu Oounty tho voting populution is put down a( 2,959 ; the number cf votes actually oast is 3,485. In Franklin County tho voting strongth is put down at 2,270 ; the number of votes ftotually cast is .',035. In Halifax Couuty the votiug strength is put down at 4,455 ; the actual numbur of votes cast for Governor in the late eleotion is 5,307. In this county the regiatration books were said to have been lost. In Lonoir County the voting strength is put down at 2,081 j the number of votes cast was 2,204. In Nash County tho voting Rtrenrth is put down at 2,181 ; tho numbur of votes cast is 2,ö77. This inoreae is, in part, however, accounted for by the reoont auncxation of a part of Edgeoombe County to Nash. In Northampton C'ounty the voting itrenth is put down ut 2,'.)(ll ; tho number of votei aytually cast is 3,085. In Kobeson Cuunty the Totiug strength is put down at 3,043 : tlic liumbor of votes actually oaat is 3,214. In Sïimpson County tho voting strength is put down at 2,986; t'ic vote actually cast is 3,131.


Old News
Michigan Argus