The Garland Forgery
The author of this stupendous villany seems to be in a fair way to be discovered. Though the indofatigable industry of our esteemed friend, Charles II. Stewart, four persons al ledgcd to have been concerned in ihe printing of the forgery have been presented before the Grand Jury of OakIand County. Tlie last Pontiac Jacksonian says that against one of these, William M. Thompson, Editor of the Oakland Gazette, a whig paper, n. bill of indictment has been found by the Grand Jury. We have received f rom Mr. Stewart a statement of the more recent developments, with the testimony by which they are authenticated : but inasmuch as they directly crimÃnate individuals whose case is now pending before the legal tribunal, the publication of ex parte testimony might be unjust to them, and implicate the innocent as well as the guilty. We therefore, decline publishing them, for the present, ahhough stronglv temptedby the atrocious nature and unparalelled audacity of the Forgery.
Signal of Liberty
Old News