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An Unprovoked Murder

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ís r. j.,;ri, Ang. 11. -öaturday night last tbree young uien about twenty yeare okt, ñamad Anarew Kisg, John Johnson and llowurd .Johnson, went to the residonee of Mrs. Murtha E. Blackwund, whu kept n siiihII saloon in ticottsville, Snllivan County, and denianded that Am should go ovur to the saloon and get them soms oystors. 8be rofased. They ihon threatened to kill ln-r, and ttatea that they came there For that purpose. Mre. Blackwopd then opened her door, and as bIir stepped in the doorway was struck ;in tlif temple wil 1i a rook and knockfd insensible, in which oondition she remejnjd abont twohours, whon ghedied. Kiug was rrest(d shortly after, but tho John (ons had not boen cangfht at lust accounts. Ufa. itlaekwood was oonneoted witli tome f the beet familie of Virginia and pjomiiient peoplü of Hullivan OÓunty. II. Gratz DroWn's Letter of Acceptance. Bt. Locis, Aug. 10.- The Evming Ditpatch will publish the oorrecpondence between J. K. Doolittle andB. Gratz Brown raspecting the nomination of the latter 1 for VioèPt( ai.ictit by the BeAtimore Oonvention. The letlor oï llruwu is as follows : Executive Maxsion, ) J' ■ City, Aug. 8, 1872. t GBNTLEMKN Oï tuk CoMMITTltB- t lm vo the honor to aeknöwlede the reoeipt ;f your coinmunioation advising me that 1 had been unanimously nominated as a candidato for the Vice-Presidenoy of tlio United States by the Democratie Nation al Coqvention at Baltimore, For this :;i:.rk of cunftdonoe ou tho part of so largo i representativo body of my fellow citizeai I eun not too doeply exjiregs my g-atitude. Tho distinction is one wliich i foei to bo in a gn-at ïuuttsurü uudeserved, wli4 :i su n:.iiy more suitoble could li.iv been found, yet thut fteling will render me doubly solioitous, should youi aotion be eonflímed, to discharge the dutiea oí that high place with Idelity to j your, with duvotion to tho public interest, and with the infltxiblo resolution to provo not unworthy oï Buch a choice. ïhe fact that it reposes nlea apon the? ilecltiration of principies affirmed by the Liberal Republicana it Oincinnati, and pïoclaimed without ainundment by i tha Democratie party at Baltimore; givo ! assurouce that in this combmed ] sioii thcre ia sought only the doliveranoe of the nation from a recont preat peril to ita peace ánd liberties. To thrt end nll tnitior ooniiaerationn have beun subordiaated, nd an ülustration presentad to thu country of imselfmh jiatriotism, rathcr than ti7iy stiokling for partisan advantiige, which should convince all of the perfect sinoerity of this movemont. It has involvfd no eurnTirler on eitht'r part of any foiinerconvictions. It has not been negotiüted or bargained. lts origin vai from the people, thongh differing in the past on koiuh issues of great inaifnitude, yot now, that tiiny are o'tlffd, there is a hearty concurrenoe between us all upon the vital j[H95tions agitating the public mimi. Vi'hut condiu:t of national affaire thut it involvi'S your oonvention has well set forth in its platform, and itg true accord with the Demócrata ideas that guidfid our sarlier adminintrntions is tno best guárante) thut it will restore tqnal riglits, tranquil development, nnci oonsütational rula. Veriuit me, nlso, g-ntlnmen. through i yon to expruss my thankü to tb gret maeies of your party, who have sinca ratified your actlon with such iïgna] uinnimity, and to ür.y to them that in itccepting tiiis, their nomination, I dn it bolieving is nothing in honor or in conSOienoe that shall prevent the roost cordial oo-oporation henoeforth in behalf of ■ the policies present d. la ooncluding, :t n proper to state that u severe ïIIoms hns intt-rvenud since the reception of your oemmunication, which has delayed this reply until iuy recovery ar.d return home. AVith yery great respect, yours truly, (Signed) B, OEATZ BROWX.


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