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Many pcrbuiis cofound the water-spout with what is oonimonly known ai the dood burst, yet a motnent'e contideration will show thein the difference. Waterspouts Mc fi (jui-ntly 1 n on the ocean or upon the bruail lakes, and prooeod trom a whirlwind gathcriug thu water oud whirling it iipward in n heavy column to ;he clouds. These can be seeu at a long distanco, clearly dofined, citrrird in the lireotion of ti": wind, und are décidedly dangeious customurg to come in contiict with. Bíauy a good ehip, missing and never more hc-ard from, doubtlesa has fallen a viutiiu to siime overwhelmina wateripout. It is gaid they can be broEen at n distuuoi! by a Lucky c&nnoii shot, but il tho spout is brukcu by the ship itself, auro and spuedy destruotiou miiit folio w. Whirlwiinls produce n similar ctt'cct on nd, and out on tho deserta to th'i.east of jere aro fruquontly to be geen largue colu;uu of gana thns whirlud uptrard, r ach - ing from the plaiu to the clouds aberre, Cloud burts oucur in the summer seivstfti duriujj; haavy thundur storms, and an siinply rain howora of udden and ex;raordiimry violenoe. 8ome over-ladeu cloud gailing over a mountainous locality meruly turns itt watcry uonttmts loosu, anditcoitiesBtrcammg down, Hoodiug th liill-sidee, from trhenoe the wator rlow in sheets into tho ravines. So xudden is the rlood, that whure not a drop of water hun been seen for month, a largo, turbulent, overwhelm ing torrent ootues pouringf down, citrryïng away trwus, rocke, and every thing olsc before it, washing away rail: oridges, toll roitcis, bouses: in faot every :hing in itü way. One of these floods thus pouring down a t-tuep, dry mountain canon, often shows an advancin front of logs, bushes, hugo boulders, and similar debri, twrlvo or fifteen feet high. Woe to any unlucky teamrter who hüj)psns to bo passing with hú lunded wagon along tbo bed of tho canon. Thoae who understand inatters are ablo to guurd igainst tho impending calamity by getting thcir wagons uut of tho ravino and up on tho hillsidii s far a pogaible; or if tliey liave no timo tbr that, thny will uu hitch thoir animáis und give thoni n chance to escapo. Iustancps aro knowo whore one of thes cloud-biirsts luive oc ourred on some broad slopo, where, hoving no ruvir.o to carry off tho water, it hus plowed und torn a ohaimel for itsnlt' of great depth and extent. Thit is tho proper soason of the yeai for cloud lmr-.'.s, and ns one of groator or losser magnitude visiti Gold Hill or Virginia nuarly cvury peatón, oue may be oxpected bcfura long. i - GeM Hill AVii. I


Old News
Michigan Argus