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A writer in a Xuw York paper reoominends eowmg tausy about tfie roots of peauh tri-es ag a oiuana of preserving them. Ho says he onoe kndw a large peach treo whioh was more t ban forty } cara old, whilo eovonl gfin rationa of similar trees in the tame aoil pasned uwuy. This led to nu 01aminution, and a l)r[ ol' tniiry wus diaoovored about thr. trauk. It was nuturally intLirril tliat the preservation of tbi tree to suofa a green oíd age was uttributcii t; the presence of this plant. It was deoided to try thu expuriinout on othora, aud acoordingly a few of tho routs were ]i!ni 'il atout oach. of the oth?r treug oii tho premisoe, tome of whicli gave 8Í{íi:s of docay. Not ouly has it prosorvod them for scvural yours, butienovatod those that wore uusound. The odur of this plant, he says, doubtless koeps off the inieot eneinieg of thi.s kind of tree, and it would havo tho saino effect on others, b the phim, apple, .'iiiil yi!'fi i'8 Wöll ns tllü 8ycamoru nd othor ornamontal treeg. X 1 Daily News has a special dispatch froni Florence, stating that it is rumored theni that Cardinal Antonelli ha quarreled with tlio Popo tmd threatana tu rosign sbould the lntter persevere in his policy oí' hostility to tho Indiau Oovernïneut, and that Antonelli requested the clorical journala to pottain from publUhing tho speeches of the Holy Father. New York city is puisued by n ncw pustilontial horror, which the doctors oall muoedines. It arises t-om the putrefying paste wliich bill-posten industriouslj Binear over the bill-liaar,!s, deuJ walla, curb-stone8, and awning-postE of the city, and yielils a pcstilent gerin not uuliko the i-holerti germ of Asia. A Southtwapton letter saya that when Gun. Sluban wtis visiii:í the Amorican fleet therf tKo Princo of Wulos carrièd him a mSsjOTi the Q,ueen apprising him and (Jfl fcdcro Aldeu of her desire tu riTcive tHnl'.ü oificcr; of tin; )!''i-t at hor ou tiie uext day. Tho Queen's tlméB I was markod by groat warmth an.lHmlity. The Sim s --irnii :i;--t r.ii .11, through its friends, expended betwaen $600,000 and $800,000 in South Carolina. It is reportad that tho flrm of Jay Coo k & Co. bied freely.


Old News
Michigan Argus