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Detroit Live Stock Market. From tbe Detroit í'reo Press. KiNti's Yaui, Moiultiy, Auff. 12. The lurivnls ihis weck aiuouui to 577 liead of uuttle rtitd 1,191 sneep. ■ wtu u larpft biipply of cattlo and no demand tor shippin? Bast tiU n.-aFtt cUiho of tiie mui kut, and tben a' raduced pnces. Somo two load werg bouffbt mul oae load saipped in iirt, hasds. We quotoat a dwliiic of 25 c por hundid il od tll :r.itlt-, wbiob, with the priotiti t whioh entile sold for Uut week, makt-s the price exoöftdingly low. There wen lome 100 hoad lef t over nut doUl. Th o qufüiïy of the olForinííá wafl infAiioz an to quuïity. I VF.3. KiT&t qualiiy , $4 fil ciuality 3 75(c"4 00 Tbixdquality - 2 7A@S 25 : i fror u;ility. Good ■ u' lust w66k'i priora, but tukiuh t . oontidi ratioo theri vasa declin3 per buadred. We them nt i-i 5!.@ 4 w per LOO ■ ■■ DI3TROI1' PRODUCE 1ÏARKET. !■ ia I ! fcry proi. -iiv. ;is folio . kT - white, $l.-ei"M l.s."i ; amber, il. 50. 70 ■ 76o per tu H - ' - Oats Wool MfóJMto' BUTTEll - 16 j'uuk - 1 ;■ 11 2' ft. TBB NEW liIiiFKCTAN"ï Bremo Chloralum, SOï-I'OISOXOtS, OOKLESS, POWERFUL DEODORIZEB AND D18INPKCTANT. ENTIRELY BARMLES8 AND BA.PB ■it:rf sts ami vj:kv:-nis oOHVAOIOlf, 08Od private dwellloee, liotrlü restaurants, pub. ie school, hoypïtals, ïnsane asylnrtis, dispesnarlM, fit Ie, prtsonSt o r-hoaseBt ou sdlps, BtAtn-bo&ts aml In tncmeut-boa( mutk-t-, for water closota, ïrin-ii, :; tcs, neweri, eetppoolBi 8tiiM8, ttc. aaamall-poz, scarlet fever, meulos, iiseuntsof ,in muis, &c. Prepared only by I'Ü.UO Jc Co., Kew l.oliunon, and 176 WUltaaSt, . V. Pül) by 11 drusg'it . MOTICE! Tbe Biibticribors haqo at thcir cctnmfind, ae a fren" u'jr. froni flve htinrcd to flv thoueftiitl aoülata Lo loan un iirt tuid flrst olasf mortgage ituatInthOounty of Wanhtenaw, - time from threa to (Ivcyeara. Terms liberal Oiñce opposlte tboPost IA :lr. A. LeiCiT A Co.8 Drug Store No. 1 Qreeury Block. Our Abstract liouks are poated up tu date. A nu Arbor, Mk 80, 16TSthacv w. ROOT, ROOT & LETTER. CHAS. A , Llinii , lo 6t( T ÜST ! On the 26th of .Tuly, on the Dlxboro ronrl. h memorasdom book & ntAfnti p tv o noti í of 0100 áacDi one tven lij .T Btickus to raaac Do nu, ojr bcarer, tbe other by Phlneat1 Du no t Axetue Dnná. 11 peiroDi ;ir; caottoaed against itrehtiitiii the same, ;í payment bas been atoppod, Anti rhor, Au.Tth, 18t. 11AU ET US ÜÜNN. Y ES6ONS IN FBENOH. Proepfor a. HENNKQUIN, UMy arriro.l from Prance, wil aive instrnctinn in the French Langaage Private laaaoni at the Btadont! reuidence, }V in classes of four pnptls and npwards, M r. HenH''((ulu nnn be saeo r üdtlraase i ;tt his rwldsDGis TO Hurou Btreí't. 'aro of Mra, L. Ftquellc, Aun Arbor. 188-1 m3 poüND : On my farm, In Webster, on the 31st of July, a pinfill Hum of monuy. whieh tlie ownt:r ennhave by IdenSify innam: pviu forlliie advertisomvnt. ter. Aujt 3d, ISTÏ. :nS JOHN O'OÏXE. LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE EUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Smiff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 KAST IfLRON' STREET, Next to the Express Office, juni akror, nuca. I.IIMf Go to R. W.ELLI8 & CO'f [ for clioice WinesandLiquorf ! for Medical Purposes . 29 20 I 20 ! w!io will explain thtl niniple "l?n, Aii'l 111 n will t py to cali al the Ii2 20 7 Waat taema thoae injetic littfre three. Ovw the bmu new grooWy- O. 1 1 C (or Cn-dit ? ánd D f r a dun ? Thttt' tile way buiuRsis otlrn done ; Bat tlmt'K ruit tho way to read th i Or L. COLIU', wtio tulla groceries H '20. C la forjCisii : for tlio j;"01b be nena so cheap, 'Tía bel ter to buy tiicm tbero vuur mouej tu Keep. C. O. D. -Cath on DcHxry- thla is Hie way üj is to 11 mo Idw and mika it paj. Htí )n. no bad dulus to tnake hún croad, Or tix .■'.- inoro to maku u hii k. Su thnt'.s the plací' tu buy our fuJ, Un will ol it cheap, aud you wUl flod lt gooa. AtthoC. 0. 1 Grocery.yoa wlll always Bnd The btr of Oofflie ati 1 Tj ot' ill kindá, With sujjar, too, :nd Iresh, riuc frui-, Or cimiitd.or drlu.'. iiil tasti 8 Coauit ; Ooga Lamona Figa Itiilinu Voarí, Al tho .-pici-s thattreo Orsbrnb oftrui.ic bcara, N ftí.'ralslr.e nd rarloue klarteol Csndy, 'I luí chUdreB ove and rnothors ilud m haudy, To kep on hand ;i hldden Hton-, A " stick " jaovu thtím more 'liiiii :. oned "rod" oiirf.iili'T ued, i. í:Lü rn were pl mtj uud o;teu auuoed. He !:.nB nll kincls oí Prorisiont tlio palato tn pleaae. Kib. biicon , flour, itrt.-utl, buuof iufi chtM'se Oookiea 6Ld crackers, dien lea, chocolW tw.dcak, Thinga toJboiU frj ■. ntram or bake. lie lins pecana peaoots, pruues and pickle. 'i o coax tbe appetitc, bo cipiciouo aud ückle. He h8 (!!así-r-, croekerr. and vesscls ofstona, Krench uistral Soup - tbe boirt ever k" Tobucco and I r.-w, nd smoking And iiivir ill frown ir you ahonld Aud many otiier thlnga too ncmroaa i" meutlonj All of Wllicb tu BCll I ■' iü Uití iuLcLitiuu. Then om]1, ffood poople, ono and all, Aud 2i7u the 0. O. I). írocery a cil C'i me try outprlce una irv our vrra, For In uur profltK the buycr sbartí. Yon pay tin; cash lor sii.-it yoo get, Witb no tariffon lossin to mako yon fret : Dátil atiffor credit, tQOBgh your a mi UfonalrOi lint boy joargrucerlea torcanb ai pricea ín ir. Come from tho country and thíJtowD , Preptred to buy and pay cusU ■ '''■me. ricb and poor, cnne black and white. You will dad prorlalona plenty and [jricc'f rUhl, ConiL', o' ííraiii Knd (rlends o Orctley, Shake hnuda at 29 and trade C. O. . frwly. HEAT SUMMËIT" Cleaning Out Sale AT Tl M1TR0PÖL1TM n order to moka room for a corhplete Nnw Stock of DRY GOODS his Fall, I wlll olTer every artlclc íl the toreit STKIOTI.Y NKW YoKK COdT, o uow it your time foi tiaraiu. Sale to bcgin Monday, July 29th, Aud to continue for Thirtj Day. Tublo Linens, Tnble Covers, Nitpkiu.4, Towels, Touelinir, lioslery, ilovea, Coraets, Hoop Skins, Lace tthawla, Einbrolderles, Luces, Vict. bhawl, Swíüs Musilnt, Jsconet, plaln &llg., Nansook, pialo & i., Urilitaut.s, Soft Finish Caoibrics, Lliiens,Shlrt Bos'ms, CouDterpaoeq, [)rcss Trimmings, Ifniiilkerclii; ,'k, 3uttons, Tldlea, White & Bnff l'iques, Lace Cúrtalos, Ladtes' tínits, Ladles' Made-UpUnder (íurments, Parasols, Kld Gloves, Silk Friugus, White Cotton Trlmmlngs, 3otton Fringes, Perfnmery, Suaps, Braabes, Pocket Books, Combs MILLINEEY OF ALL KINDS, 1ÍEL0W COST. And a thfinnanil othrr artiden !n tae Pancy Qoodn rnde too numsrou to mennoc. No. 33 Soutli Main títrett, Ann .Vrbor. H. COHÉN. tssstr piTV SCAVEÑOEUS. ACTON & FL0WE11S WouUl rtíspcctfully inforni tho citizona of Ann Arkk il:nt tboy uro propsrod i( olean out Hoim ri'movtí nll nndBof rubbiafi and duIm&om, onshort iinl at tho munt liberal pricus. Audn orden tü líux 773, Aun AxbOT] Mirli. A (TON i VL0WER8. AnnArbor, July 26, 187Í. 1384w3 TT RAND0LPH WHITE, M . D., ÜEISTTIST. O.Tlce at Uekldeucj, No. 12 Ffth etrect, ANN ARROR, MICH pOR ÍIAXE! A Ilmise and Lot on fchd W6St jí1o of Maynarrl treet, between WUliam and Jeü'erson. llaa a good Bnni ;u i', mu Basj . Aun Arbor, Muy ai, 1872. J. J. PAB8HALL. VjONEY WANTED. Fivc or bíx thotuand dolíais, or more, on a raortggeof unincumbered real estute wortta threotimofr theamonnt. Enquire of 13Ö6 E. Vi. MORGAN. i GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'e for strictly Pure Drugs and edicineB.PaintsOils.&c. A FALSiSiTÉPORT! THAT A. A. TERRY ÜASGONEOUTOP TUADE HE STÏLL LIVES, AND HAS ALARQKANDCOMPLETE3TOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE T1SIË3. ALSO AFULLLIXEOF GENTS' FURMSHDÏG GOODS! DON'T PURCIIASE YOOR SPRING ANDSUMMER OITTFJTS UNTIL YOU E3-1 "VTS HIM -A.O-A.31.aj. 15 South Main St., Ann Aibci. JSÏl-tf. For Scrofnla, SorofT MlOIIN IÜSl'US'8 Of the Eycs, or Scrofiiï Ia iu juiy form. Jst Any dieease or eruption ', of the Skin, diseage of the Bvv Lirer, Kheumatism, Piui#ÍL p!es,Old Sores,Ulcers,Brok. Síén-down Constitu t i o n g , vl Bypliili, or any diseasedIhJ jicnding on adepraved con93 dition of the blood, try mÑ? DR. CROOK'S i! SVRUP OF fit POKE ROOT. SmÖ It has the medicinal prop Kw) erty 1' 1'ukecombineawÍHÍ jf a preparation oflronwhich fijy goes at once into the blood, ffir1 performing the most rapia y an( woudcrful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook'i Compound Syrup of Poke Koot - talc X and be healed. MOTHERS! MüTHERSÜ MOTHERS ! ! ! Don't fail to procure MRS, WlSfSI.OWS SOOTHING SVBIJP ÏOK t'HII' TKKTIÏI'i. Thls vnlmiWo preparïtion han boen used with NKVKi;-I;'AILI.ii IH THOO8AND8 Jt not oníy rellevee Chlfá firom iniin, bot nvit;(imtcK ihë 8tomch and b wel, correcta acldlty, aud rea ton and onergy tu thu wholo syatem. lt irtil also Dstaatly reiteve Qrlplng i the Bowels and Wliu ('olie. VVebelteva itthaBKT ind 8ÜRBST REMEDY IN TUK v.oKi.D, in all caaea f DT8KNTEKY AND DIARRUCBA IN OHILDKBN, whether arltluit Erom teetblns or nnv other caee. [upou it inothuru, lt wil] vc rest to ycmr. selvct aud Rel lof and Health to Your Iufants. Be sure aml cnll for "Mrs. Winglow's Soothlng Syrup." Havluil tlie fac-Bimlle of "CURTÍS PPKKÍ.NS" oat8ide wrapper. Sold by Drugti's's throwshout the world. iy Trees ! Flowers ! Bulbs ! Secds ! HEDGrK 1'I.ANTS! !urscry Stock ! Fruit and Flower Platee ! Addrcss F. K. PHCEXIX, BLOOMINGTN" NüftSEEY ILLINOIS, RIOAcres; 21styear; 12 Grconlioüí'í'o. Applos, 1 ,000 1 yr„ HÍ ; 9 y. Í80 ; B y. Í40 ; 4 y Í50 4 Ontaloguo, 20 cunto. i;;'.nj4 A (ENT WAHTEÜ FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. The best boota puiililifd ud the Horsc and the CoWi Liberal term -■:■;, &gentfl aei Ing these boi ■■ PORTER .'v. COATES, l'i BLiBHiBa.Phlltdelphia.P. POK SALE ! A now Phadtoo Buggy BBd 'i seoond hand Cnrriage, for 1 (jr '1 horses. iu ;wd coudition. Inoiiiro of 9ILA8 H. SS. Ann Arljor, Hfty 2Sa, IÍ72, 187itf ! Finest&ssortment of Toilet ufoods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus