Effects Of Slaveholding
Johh L. Carey, citizon of Maiylund, hns just published a work on Slavery. He tlius describes its eflects on the appenrance of the countryi "The traveUeras he jnnrneys through these distiicts, smitten with premature barrenness as with a curse, beholds field, once enclosed and subject to tillage, uow abandoned ond wnste, and covered with straggrling pines, or 6crübby thickets, whicli are fust overgrowing the waning vestiges of forhier culiivation. From swamps and undrained morasses, malaria ex hales, ond like a pestilpnce iüfects the counlrv. The inhabitants becohie a snllow race; the current of hfe stae;natcs; energy fails; ihe soiriis droop. Over the whole región a inelancholy aspect broods. There are every where signs of dilapidation, from the mansion of the planter, with its Windows half glazed, ts doors half hinged, its luwn trampled by domestic animale that have ingress nnd egresa through the broden enclopuros, to the rnpged road side house where thriftless povorty tindp its abode. No neal coitaofs wilh srordensand fl.vers g'viug life to the lanuscape; no beautiful villngcs wherecultivated taste blends with rii6fc 6mplicity, enriching and beautifying; no flourishing toyyns, alive wilh. the busile of industry - none of thoseare seen: no, nor any diversified sncces6Ãoli of well cultivnted farms. with their subsiantiol hnmesteadF and capacious barns; no crood bridgf s,no well conditÃoned ronda. Ãeglect, the harbinger of decay, lias 6tampcd her irnpres9 every where. Slovery bringing witli it from its Afncan home its cha'acteristic acocmpuniments, seerns to have breathed over ts resting places hcre the same desolating brcath whicli made Sahara a desert. No one who has pnpped from a región of free labor to a slaveholding district, can hsve failed to noticc tbc contrast presented by the change." dSome of the pnpers, at the instigntion, doubtless, of the Slaveholders, are directing the greedy cupidiiy of this nntion townrds tiie ncqnisition of Cuba, California and Mexico, while the negotiations nbout Oregnn go on at a very easy and moderate pace. Cause why? Aqunrrel with England about Orepon might soriously interfere wil h the sale of the cotton crops, or with the safety of the"Domestic In stittitions;" but who cares for nntiqualed, priest-ridden Spain, or poor, feeble Mexico? Q3 A Company of six or cight men iinder the charcre of M. W. Goodyear, have left Independence for the Rocky Mountains, with the inteniion of establishing a station or halfway houec for the accommodation of travelIers to Oregon, and for their 6iipply with all kinds of vegetables and provisions.Ãtjln Masyville, Kentucky,tho Methodists are dividcd into two pnrties, ono wishing to join thc Southern Church, ond one adhering to the North, and both claiming the use of the meeting house. Tne sonthern faction having obtained exclusive possession nppealed to the Chancellor for on iijunction. He has directed that each shail use the house ha!f the time until the suit shall be determined.
Signal of Liberty
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