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J i. A, SESS1OINS' INSURANCE AGENCT. His Companies Are Sound. pHCKNIX INSURANCE CO., IIARTFOIID, CONN. CAPITAL ANT) ASSETS,JULTl,lSTl....ti,ï81,000 CUICAGO LOSSES 760,000 THEFEIIE.MX in thobott candneted Firo InNïirwiicG Compnny In üie United Mates. Alwnya prudent nnd sound, and uliviiyi prompt in pafmeul of !■- e. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Tho ñrít Company topas the ordeaioT thoNew York Insurance Commislouer niucothe Chicago Flre, coming ont from thasevero test TRIUMPHANT ! Atsociated Press Diapatch, November 2, 1ST1 , THKINTÏRNATIOKiLINSUKAKPICCOMl'AIIT. The Superintendent of the New York State Inenrance Department, who Ie makinc acarefnl offlolal oramluiitlon of tho New York City Companie to-day, certifles thatthe International Company'i Msctsof $l,so:,000 aro securely invented, and lts capital of $500,000, aftftr provlding for all Itabilltles, lnclndingthe Chicago flre, is wholly nnlmpalred ThiB Corapany Is paying alllte Chicago iossea and is sound nnd rellabio. Policiosissnodat fair ratos at my offlee, No. 11 East 'luron street, Ann Arhor, J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. lM7tf. QLORIOUS NEWS FOR ALL CREATION! E. JB JOHNSON, TTATTT7R I . . .. ._. ..... „.__ c HAS RECEIVED HI8 SPRING STOCK AND STYLES OIP líats, Caps & Straw Goods, fiESTS' FtKMSHIXG COOBS, ETC, '.VniCH IIK PROPCSES TO SEIJ. AT PRICE8 WHICH DE f f p.-, PETITION. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbox. TEN REASONS WHY No Family shoutd be tvitkout a bcttU of WHITTLESEY in the house. ■ lat.- Itwill relieve the worst case of BlllOU Chollo or Chole ra Morbus in 15 minute. d - It will cure the most obstinate case (f Dyspepsla and Indigestión in a fe veeks. ' 8 4 ■ - It 9 the best remedy ín the world fel ■ lok HeadachCi as thousands can tcstify, J taken when the first symptoms appear. ■' 4th.- It is the best diurctic ever put bcforf tne public; curing those distressing complaints, Diabetes and Gravel andothcr Urlnary dlfYloultles. Bth.- It a most excellent E mm e na" BOKue, and to the Youna Clrls, middle Ced Wpmen, andat the Turn of Ulfe, thi icmedy is of incalculable valué. . 6 1 n - It will remove wind ffom the boweli, nd henee a few drops in some swectcned water K'vcn to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to olievo and make It Sloep. Containine no anpdyno. .th - It is a sure relief for adults and childfea tfiected with Worm o and Pin Worm; It will bring away the wonns. 8th.- It will cure the Plleeand Hemorrhodial difnculties. 8th.- Itwill cure CO nstl pat Ion and keep tne bowels regular. It will also cure the worst caso fSummer Complalnt and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, t lm ui ate the Livor to healthy action. Relieve He art-Bu rn and act u a general Regulator of the system. when taken dil'ite the dose with Sugar and Water to a Win e -01 asi fu 1 1 and you kavea pieasant tnnlc. Whittlcscy (Dysyepsia Cure) $ per bottle. "Whutlescy Agüe Cure 50C. per bottle. 4 TVhittlesey Cough Granules 05c. per bottle, Sold bj all druggists andwarranted WUttlosey Prop. Mod. Co., Tokdo, O.. Q L. PACK Koops on band a first class stock OF CIGrA.R3, TOBACCO. PIPBÖ. SsfUFF Anil all smolcers articles AT TUK OLD STAND 2 doors west of Cook's HcbeV at tho sign Imfl 'FAKEN UP i n? tho fntaoribarin (hevilliigo of Balín, on tho ! I t h dny of Judo, i bay mare rolt, two yeora oíd. lias hlaolc iimio tuna tuil. The owncr is roquestéd to ' proTC property. py ühnrgos, and tko flaiil colt v;y. Haliae, July 15. IHV2. 13S3wG 5I0SESBIENE1IAN: GotoS.W.ELLïS& CO'e! 1 f ar choico Wines and Liquorf : ; for Medical Purposes . - . II I II I I ■HKo DOWT FORGET Thnt the Fairst. Squnrest, and bnst plco lu Ann Arburt bay Pure Draag and Medicines, Wlne nd Llquors, for Medicinal l'urposes, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISKES, BRÜ3HES, &C, IS AT R. W. ELL1S & CO'S. Corner Oppoeito the Baringa Üank. CALL -A.3SnS E2CA.3VCIlsrE Our Permanent Oolon, for oniulde or Insid painting. msnulacturi-d from Pure White Lead, Zioc, aiui LlriMiiud 011. Ohvaper and bettur tlian any other l'alnt mado. SoM by the gallon, keg, or barrel. AluoPuro White Lead, Zinc, Ac, at tisfactorv Prices. HEUEMBEHNAMB AND PLACE. h. w. i:ll,in & co. Mortgagè Foreclosuro Kotice. DEFAULT havingbeen mwlo in the condition of a moi i tDd exeonted by JpbnOaestelto Clark tiuttou, beuring dato the fourth dny of -Muy, A. D. echteen hun-Ii. d md sixty-eig-ht, and rtcorded in tlie office of tbu Rogtetox oí LJeeda oí Waal County, MichiKan, in líber ihirtr-cieht of mm : on pago tour hnndreu and twuuty-six, on the eigh■y wi'.Jui!", A. cightoeu bundred and Bixtyöight, ut uloven and u hal? o'clock a. u., aiid the power of aalo eontained in said mortgngti baring beoome operativo by rtaaon of such default, and tho &um of threo kundred tind eighty-hix dollars itnd thirty-nino cents bdnp cluimod to bedue onnaid mortgaguAt the date of this notico for principal and interest, E reujoiinble Attorney fee for the foreelosureof saH mortgage, and no Buit or proceedings ut law having been ïübtituted to recover the dcbt eouied by eAid mortgage or üny part thereof ; Notice ia thuruiore hereby givon, that auid mortgago will bo foredosed by a sal'! of the mortRayud lande and premiscH therin dcacribcd and liereiuafter mcntioned and sot forth, or some part thereof, on Saturda?, tho fourtecntb day of Beptomber next, at olcvc-u o'clück in the foronoon, at tno south dooi of the Court House, in the city of Afin Arbor, that buing the place of hoMing the CircuitCourt forthecouuty of WashteEtnv; XbeBaidmorigaged premifte o to bo eoUt, by virtxio of the power of Hnlo id rfuid mort-gage, are describoii in oaid mortgago aafollows; " All that traot or pui-cel of lund eiiuate ia the townsliip of rïrklifirwator, in the county of Waahtenaw and Btate of Michigan, bounded and desoribed an being the northait auarter 'of the northpHst quartcr of wection uumbra thirty-eix (36) in township uuinber four [-ij outh of rango numbur four (4j oost, containing forty acres of land l the tsamo more or ktss . Dfttoil, Aun Arbor, June 15fh, 1872. CLARK 6UÏT0N, Mortgagee. Hiram .T. Bkakfr, Attorney for Moxtgageo. 1379 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beun mado in the eonditione of a certuin indenture of mortgago exueuted by Williani H. Barry and Ann líarry, íúa wife, to Bradford Carter, of Mecca, T rumbull Cotintr, in the StatO of Obio, boaring date tho twonty-eighth day.of April, eighteeu hundrod aud twventy-oue, and rocordod in tho oifloo of tho Kegister of Doedfi for the County of Waanton aw, State of Michigan, in liber f orty-tbree "f mortgagen, on page four hundred and eighty-six, on the twüuty-eighth day of April, eighteen aondied .ud screnty-ono : uy which dufaultthe power of eale eontained in said mortgage ha bome oiKírative, and no Lingi ar üt or in ehiincery havingboen üutita ted to rtcovor tho aniount due ou eaid moitgago, or the bond ftooompanying tho aame ; and there being now clnimtd to Sc due on said raortgage and the bond ncconipanying tho Btttne. tlio Hum of four thouiand four bnndied and ono dollure and t;:xty-ais COZkt, and alao the forther suia of rtfty doünrá as an attorney fee ou the foreolosure of puiil iDOTtgogO, Khould tmy proceedingd be taken to foxoolose th same: Notioe ie tnuruiijii! uemuj ivuii cuai aaiu mortgn?e viu De roroolosed on Afonday, theninetcenth day of Auguwtnext, ■ ftt ton o Vloek in he morning of thut day, at tho south fioiit door of the Oourt House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Oouaty of Wtwhtenaw aaid Court IIoufc bcing tho placo of holding the Circuit Oourt for said iihtonaw), 1y a anle at auction to the bigbeet bkldej j the premuras describid in aaid mortgage, or so inuch thereof as öhallte ueoessary to Bausxy tho amount dun on said mortgatïo, with reosonable oott and expense and the interest on t&icl morig;ige, tngether with an Aturm-y fee of ilfty uollni-tt provirlml forittHaul rnorttfafio; which mortgaKüd premisa re desoribed in smd mortgage n followa, vi. : 41Boin!?thoriorthweHtqunrtrof öcctiou twentysuven in township one Houth of rnngo numbersix oast, in the State of üttidiiffan, (oxctipt that part lying north of tlio territorial roaa which interneet it). AIho aü thatp r.alfof Müuthweot quorter of seotioD twenty-two lying eouth oí said territorial road. A ís i a right of way fuur rods wido from naid road to a ';r luook a littlc nnrth of Baidroad,and tho riffbt of water as resorred in deed to John Cannan, of Detroit. Also a purt of the eat half of the northuast quarter oi : íht, sarao townfebip und range, de-soribed a follows : oommencúig al the northeaat oorner theroof, thence went on tho coction line to the east bunk of n ditch about twenty roda diütant, theüoe I ug the eaöt bnuk of said ditoh to the eaet line of sai'J sectJon, theni north to the plaoo of bezinning, oontaining about flvu acres, as ia aupposed. Also thirty-five acres of land, part uf said last meatioued quarter section, bounded south b; att line thereof Erom the Bontheast oorncr of said quarter seciion, north to t)ie north bank of n ditoh runxung nearly east and W( st, and on the north by a line running from sri d Bootion line westerly along tho north bank of ftïiiil ditch, and een( inned in that direotion so far tbat a Une running'southerly tJierofroin parallel to tho east line nf Baid section to the soutli line of said quartion will, with tbe linea heretoforo mentioned, iocludo thirty-flve oeros. Dated, Ann Arbor, Slay 14, 1872. DFOBDCABTEE, ThaoyW. Tío t, llortgagee. Att'y for Mortngee. 1374. Mortgago Sale. WTJIVMY.AH WUUatn J. Duiming, of York, WariiV_ tenuw County, Miobigan, on tïie 7th day of April, A. D. 1870, exeouteda caortgage to Henry L. James, of WiUiainsburgh, KCfisBaohueetto, to seoiura ií certam principal and iatsrest tnoney mentioaod, whioh mortga rded in the otfloe of the Elogisterof DeeÏHin tliecounty of Woahtenaw and Btateof Hiohigun, on the3oi áñy of April, A. D. L870, at 3 o'clock r. M. ' Baid day, ;igei, on page oii3, and wherwtt deiauit ! ■ '-v for inoro then tv.enly lnys in tho piiymuut oï an inotaÜjneut oi oy which te 27th day of April, A. I'. 1872, by reaeon whereof and pnronaiit to toe terma oï sai l mortffjage, said mortgngee eloota that bo ranch of said principa] onpaid, withoU arrearage of interest tbereon, shall become due and payable immediau-ly andwhereas, there ia olaïmea tobe due and unpitid at tbedate of this notáce the si twelyühun.hel and eighty-fie dolían for principal and inte] a attorneys f ee of thirty dollars should any procoecUrtfía be takoo to t'ortjt'lose naid mortgago, Uil no snit or proceedingi have 1 ■titnted either in Um any part therrof : Notice, tbeareforo, ñ bereby giren thitt on Baïurday, the Üfth day of October next, at two o'clock in the afierrtnon, at tho south dooi Of tlie Oourt House in the City of Ann Arbor (beii building in which the ('irouit Court for the cohm:-. of Waehteuaw and State aforesaid ú held), and by vir tuo of the power of salo contoined irt said moxtgage, i ihall sel! at rmhlio nuciion to the higheat bidder the : in said inortgage, toc;ati,ify the nmount of principal and interest iibove claimed to bc due, with the attoruey's foe of thirty doüan and ohaiges of sale, to vit : AU that oartain piece or parcel of land utuatc m Tork, Waabtenav County and Stote of Michigan, anddesoribed ns follows, to wit: The east half o! the southwest quarter of i8ctiou nnmber eiifht, iu township number four (4) eouth of range numher í;ix [6) east, agreeable to the Oovernmun1 survcy. Dated, July lï, 1873. HENET L. JAMES, Mortgayee. Joitn N. Gott, Attorneyfor Mortgaj?eu. Keal Estato for Sale. QlT TE OF MICHIGAN, county uf Wm htenaw, m O In ;uu matter of thocstateuf (.'orncliua I.aughlio hereby gmin, ihat in p;uw:anou of an order grantod to the undt rsiined Adminiftrato ot" the Cftiite of iaid ü, ly the Hon. Jutoe o Pro but f f (ir the county of "W ahtenaw( on tho twen ty-second day of July, A. D. 1872,thtro will be aold at public vonduo, to the higheet bidder, ut the dwellinKnouBo on the premides Lereinufter describid, in the oounty of Wautenaw, in eaid Btate, au Wellnesday the eightcenth dayof September, A. T). 1872, at tui o'olook in the forenoon of thut day {eubject to nll t-nouiitbraucos by inortjnro 01 otlienvino oxisting at the time of thedcftth ot' doOMBed), thO 'followingr described real Mtato, to wit r The wost half of theacuth7Mt marter of tt;cton twonty-thrco in township ono south of rang-o six east, in eaid Bt-atc, conttiininj ■ ■,TtHy moreor less. Alnoa p-rcel of land described us oouimencinj? at the quartfr poat b&twöea Beotioaa twentv-two and twpnty-ihroo, same (ovtiship and nauw, una runuiinr easl on said quarter line to tho subdivisión postn thouee north on saiil Uo6 ty-four rods, thenoe west to smid ncction line eiffhty rmlrt, thonce south twen(y-fonr rods to the place of bfinninj?, oimtaiiiiiiiT t'.vi.-lv. OOTG8 of land, exoeptin from the abova tho four acres oonveyëd by deed irom raid Oornolius l.nuirhliu and wife, under dato of Decemboritlit 1853, to Jamen Kennedy, which saiddeod ii ' in liber 60 of deed, on page 597, in the otfico of tin.' Iïcgistar of Deeds in eaia county. Daled, July 2-M, A. J 187S. WILL1AM ÜURKE, Adminiatrator. Real Estáte for Sale. v ; TATK OF M I f 1 1 u ; A , oounty of "VTartitenaw, u. O In t3m inniler ot the Eatateof WÜUam N. Höóre, Jr.( minor. Notioe is hereby giTen, thut in piirsuiüncx of an onier granted to the undoisióned, uard tho estáte of eaid minor, by tho Hun. JmUft) of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on thetlfttenth day of July, A. D. 1873, thereTvill be roM at public venduo, to tho higheat bulder, nt the sonth door of the Couit iiuuse in tlie CitT of Ann Arbor. in the bUD UU 1 t IXUUBU 114 Kit '1 1 I Ui AJÍÍtíA A. XX '";i f JU II1O oouiiiy of Waehtenair, in saia Stat, on Thai ■ y if Si ptember, A. !ock in tho tifternoün of that day [subjed to uil enoum by murtage or otherwiso oxuting; al the time of the Balo! : Tho undiyided one flffh uf saoh of the folio wiug described purts of land via : Tbat part of the Bouth went qoarter of leotlon tbirty lyin vcstofthe ■?, and the euuth forty-one acrus on vhlob Ui i ■ ■ v ofsaid highway, being in Township thrco soutli of ranf1 -ix east in said Htato, Dated,Juïy lth. A. D. 1 172. WILLIAM N. MOOBE, Pon., . lSftS tiuardinn. Real E&tatö for Rale. ctTATK OP MICHIGAN, Connty of waahtena v es O In the matter of the EMateoJ '. Fr eer deccHBou. Koticeifl i In pimunnoe ot tn oidei gTante j to of tho catftiu of frtid dcoeased, by theHon. -h lrobte fur tho counly of Waihtenaw, on tho tif'.iy of July, A. O. 1872, thero wül bo aold at pubito vendue, to the highest bidder, at tho bridge r.enr tlio northwest oorner of tho land hereii 1 in theOoaatyoj "Wnshionitw in said Stato, .-tnurth dny of Beptember, A. D. 1872, h one O'clook in tho aftfrnoon of tJiatiny aubjeet toallen 'ry mortsBgo or otherwise existing at the time ofthodeni) lowiiig desoribed Real Estáte, to-wit: The vethalf of the south west qitfl fcei -lion thirty-two, in p thrco Routli of rango íivo c.-ist contaiiiiag eiL'hty aerea mt'rt or lens in finid estnte. Duted, August üth A. D. 1872. ALVA FREER lSSftd AdmiiiiKti-fttor. PHYSHÜAKS' PRESCRIPTIOUS VCCl'RA". EI. Y AND CAHEFULLY PREPAPED BY Ii. W.HLL1B & OU.JfJtUOGISIS. Eatate of Oacar T) ai STATKOFMICIUOAN (■„„'. Öt()vCns. At a aenion of tha ProW?! of wht„, of Washtenaw, holden at V {""V te. n. City „f Am, Arbor, on TL1,10 JffiL$ ofAuiru=,t,i,, theyekr ono,&VhcXS Prewnt, Kiram J. Beakos, Judw „, „ "" tl máttei of the eatate of Os' H. Xewton Sholdon and Ann 4 a. "''i. tu ,iirí and represent thnt thov ". S? to render their iirst account ,2h " o . Theroupon it U 'ordeied, that tÍ'XWuí' " ntathday of September, next, nt tcn 'H th... noon be asnigncd for examining „nd St ,L? count, and that the légateos, dcvi . ll,"aif ,.S said aeeeawd and 11 othLndln0N m Mid .-statc, are require" .ïerw"" tw! Bion of taid Court, than to be i? ippear at I iato 0111., Ín tlie City of An den fe County, and how cauw, if ," AHi, 'tfaaid aeoonnt should not be allowéí ere , ? ordered that vid locutor Tven a '' 3 Bonn ;nteretl in sai.l estáte ofTÍÍ " ' aceount, aml the ho;irinK th'eiinf vII"Jöifhl tff Oím order to be imwfhéd n =4?S ,A.SCop7, H1E3AOfK: Estáte of John C Tíar, - . OTATE OF -MlCHUiAX, countv -5Pwn At a Bession of the Probate f S, "■'ten Wasl.tenaw, holden at the píobal n5! of Aun Arbor, on Haturday, th"t " tt,w' 'tffl of Julj, m the yeu ouu ti.ou, '""'"tbS and Bcventy-tT.o. '"ousaud eigln ÍJ Preaent, Iliram J. Beakos, Jndm, „ . . In tbe matter of the estete , ït S-"On reading and 81? thc not. j . ' Mary E. Uepow, adminUtrafí 'r "Iy TH may be hceuKd to mortgaS etaifS of said deeeawd diod Btized "m rMl (att, ,i Thereupon it is ordered' tb-t M, i ' dayof September nert, tfife a bu awigned for the hearii,Koflnta? and that the hcirs at liiw J "í"1 íS nd Hll .other pono, inteert i?"4 .ÍS aro wpmred to appear at a Sonó, ni i 5 tobohold..nattBeProltc Oihec in Ti fn,t Arbor, and show cause, if any 'th"rc 'L' prayer of the potitioneruhouM not K ,J' T tu it i. farther o! .i( Z tho persons interestcd in said eitete i ff"!! cf said petition and the hearing theiSfT "ín copy of this order to be publisfid i "Z ly ?% f". newspaperprintcS and cir-nit1?."le'l4#. gS? "aoM'"iTO wcck pre' fc (Atrueopy.) SIiUH J beakb ' J# ot l'rsút, Estáte of Aasel A. Holrw! - OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CoB,,oS O At asenion of the Probate ( „un T ofWaíhíenaw, lalden at the Probi'. r!í? CH city of Ann Arbor, on ThiuSuy uj P dnd and eventy-two. "sana eight k Present, Uiraiii J. Beakes, Judge of PmiLfc In the matter of the estáte of Z] ar, Onreadingandaiingthepetition.duli ,. , ' Mary L. Holoomb and JaacVL5WTeD Jwtlio' tors, praying that the? ma7 bo iS'1?" Ata whereofsaid decent,! S,. lhereuponit is ordeved, thal Muntl. tí' day of September nest, at en o'olï-k ta'á"? "N be aigned for thehearin of Mii '.'J heir at law of aid rteceased, anú all otte'S111 terested m said estáte, aro reou rj t'P9IM"a session of jsaid Court, then to M1 Probate Office, in the' dty „f Ah"a . and show cause, if ny thero k J'k', prayer of the Mtitionershould not kenïtd?JW 1 further oriered, that said rillj14 tbe persons mterested in said estáte of lÈIrl , aidpotition, and the hearing thereof iï"?" eopyof this order to be puolished ta S.'SJ ' rgui, a newspaper printc-d and cireulS1" S?ïï&ir succeBSiTe wecks pEÏ2ï5ï (Atrucopy.) HIRAM J. BE4KÏS, J";e o[ Pn). Estáte of Florian MuhIiffsÜ ' CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of w?2L 0 Atasesaionof the Probato Coírt tofuS' of Waïhttnaw, holden at the Probate Offi City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday "th UnSZ cay of t)e year one tiousandSu dred and serenty-two. " 1'rMent, Hiram J. Bcakss, Judge of Prohif, SeUdjLLSatter f tb0 eitate of ïhÏÏTk. OnjMRdimt'andfllingae potition, dalrTCrirfrf ChrirtinaMuhlift, praying tilt a certaia iSníí cowonflleinthií Coort, pnrportio to SraEf ül and testament of said du-eascdii.ybe.irJS e, and that ahe may hoappoÜwÈSJ ■iponit is ordered, that Satunfov the-,, teenth clay of August next, t ten o'cImI iattsK noon, be aigned lor the hearing ofMiaSL and tliH. the legaten, devisees and hei ■! I 01 said üeceased, and all other Feaoa, 5 ed in said estáte, are reqnireí to rmL,, the Probate ()fh, m toe City of am AtuTbI show cause itany there be, vhy theprartrrt petitiouer hould not be granted! AnfitbínlK. ordeved, that .ti to the Knra ntir-!ed in n ■' Uie pendencv of rtJïE ■ r to bo pulilished in Oio JíícAímj 4 , iper pnuted and ciiculatiug in aü Cwit, tureu successivo week provious towia íai oflteniá' (A true copy.) H1KAM J. BE 1384 Judie of Pm'cjk. Commissioaers' Notie. OTATE OF 3IICUIUAN, wunty of Wwhiraair m. rillJ ' ■ haviiig boen appoiiited Ij Út Probate Coiirl forsaid county, Cumraissiuo to nmty, deceased, herAj "i-o rut;ce'hii Koïf-a.liyorderd Bid l'robate Court, forcroditorstoprtsentttiuriüi against tl , and thal tliey d meet at the store of Vv' ; n.inthícitltÍAB Arbor, in said countv. on Saturday, the tweï Ootober, and on tS-iday, tho seventeaitli dn t uext, nt. 10 o'clock . m. ofenchofsaiiiii, to revive, Piamine, and r.djust saii; Dated July ïrth, .-. D. IS72. HENKY I). DKNXETT, WILLIAMW. WIXES. 13--Í Coroiiiiáawnín Estato of Ju7ues Bycrai't. STATE C)F MICHIOAN, County of Wmltan, Xoricois hereby git-en, that bv nn orferrftk ourt for tho County of waahtenn, bA on tho twonty-fourth cïny of July, A. i). i"rit montha from thnt dato were lüloWd for creiütto to present their claims against the ctat oi tam ■ late of 6i;id county, deceasri, imdtittill of rij:il doceaaed are requirod te present üwir claims to said I'robaïe Court, at tíio j'p-l)ntí Ofia,a city of Ann Arbor, for examinaticn and AÜoTrantt, on or tforo tho twenty-fourtlh d:ty o!' January Dal, and that tnch claims wül bo henrl bííore said Prsbuio Conn, on Suturdav, the ninctetDib dij Í Ootober, and on Fliday, tlietwenty-fourthdiiyof Junary noxt, at tn o'olock in the forenooa tl at tli0üèiay8. Dated,' Ann Arbor, July 21th, 1872. 'HIHAMJ. BEAB38, 13SJw4 JudgaofProl Estato of Patriok Fay. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of ViuUaaM O Noties is hereby giveu, that bj snorder oltbfPrcbnte Ocmrt for tho Coimt y of Wnslitensv, mtitxw uillth ilüy uf July, A. I). 1872, six muntJia ir that dato wero nllowed for cretlitora to prwsetiür ciaima afrainit the estáte of l'itrick F;, late of e:iia county, deeeaoed, and that aiicraütonal said duoeasod are required to present their diiw to aairi Probate Court, at the Trábate Offiw, in i City of AnnATbor, for cxiimination and alloïsottt M or Mfon the twenty-ninth day of ianjurj-néiti t?tat auch olaime will be htard before said PwW Coïirt, on Baturlfty, the tu't'nty-sixth day of OctoCö :!■ ! on '.Vedncaday, thetwenty-ointh day of J"T noxt, at ton o'olock in the forenoon of ecb oithw (ayfl. Dnted, Ann Arbor, July 29tb, A. D. 1872. HIRA1IJ. BEAKE8. 138ÍW4 JudgoofPn'1'Cominisstoners' Xntice. STATE OrHlcniUAN.Uouiity of Wabtnsw. Tho undenignecU hnviug betn ftppoiiitcd by u Probate Court for tuiitl connty, Comnuwionew tl I 0elve,eiaraineandnUju8t ül claiuw and Ji-m-1 all ptirsona ngninstü i.ncv M. Map late of ünid county deceased, dereky ïve null'S six rcontlie from date are túlowed. by orucr clw Probato Court, for eryditorft to pi-esent thtfir M!ï igainst the estáte of siiici deceasert, and that tbey " meot at tho resuleuco of Dr. Edward E. Big" York, io sail county, on Batuiday, Uu' font""; day of 3eptember, nnd on Monday, the twenK-' layof January next, at ten o'élocll iM-'??J snid day.i, to receive, examine, and adjast aw t""1 Dated, July 26th, A. I). 1S72. _.. LOVATUSC. 41 A7ILLIAM DEXÏEK, 138S-W4 Commiisio1""Drain Commisaioner'e Notice. ia hereby zivcn that the I'rain Ccramóa of Washtenuw County will ba at thahjuse ofiw 31umintheTownshipof m-; on the (2;th) twenty-ü. renth, .Iny of Angn" ' one o'clock in t)io nftornoon, to meet pn"'8 lL tractfor tho excavution and tourtruction O'.ta. moiiciu ntor near the centct of .wtion ;3. ■■L cunnii and : ' théos mul the uoutheast ciuarter oi ■ „w, BOUtb ;uti;& the northeast (nartt-r of ï'liia , ana t!ic aouthwwt qu;ui nia ■J?rt kwest quarter of section ten and t1B ? ""l- quorter uf stol ion Hft-n tiiuliiiir, on outlet ■"JS.knowii n the north bnmoh ï " Saline lü'r "JT( eommonc.inf? on (ection fiftoen in the tow Ot. ' '.f;iter, p.Iki. for i braiich '.rain comroen t quavter of ,H-tion three '" vf,ni knoTii a tle8chfr lakc and runniDtiwn" iuw oenwa il.c .'Kii-iijfo roau ano nu- au ouilot in tJic umin Oiniti on Becnon thrce. -j_ I will itlw bu at tho house of rhillip lliun! J urday, the 24th .l:iy of August, at which "Je., plsce I will exhibit maps of the abo r10!"!.. and de Iho eeTeral parcela of lwJJK !T m Ivnelitl thi ■' ■' "" ïi. Ion by división and yubflivinion of the abo Pvjc t drainby me apportioned to the owntr oim ( rription of land to construct, nnd to the I0WD. ia -wftter to construct on account of ec D ng the highway, andtoheai lv'lr""!', m f reoSend, hy such apportionment shouia isotl üud correoted. Ann Arbor, August "th, 1S72. __ DAVID M. FIITLKT. Brain Oommissioner of Washtouaw tounw ■,v3. ___-- Coraraissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wii9litni'1ll], O The undersigned, haring been ain)iiit ' 'toKnl:ito Conrt for wiid connty, ComnriWOM'' j lire, examino íindadjust allolaiinaanadm j ersons agninst tho ostnto of John l'?e'"V,j si lid oounty, deceased, hereby i.-.1 "otlci 'jpromonths fröm date are allowed, l.yorikr". ' 'it ate Court, for oreditors to .wout Oion-claO" he eetato ot wkl dMeased, and that they wi' (no ie office of Angustus Wi lonmann, in "A.iitlt rbor, n ir Sat urday. tlie 5 Wij ay of Ootober, and Friday, the thirty-lirs i anuary next, at ten o'clock a. m. ui ciuimi ays, to recaivo, examine, andadjust wiin ciDatcd, July Slsf. .„.„o - CHRISTIAN SCHMJD. .j , -" plSOPLE'S DEUG STOiii-' R. W.ELLIS& CO. A.JSTN ABBOP,


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Michigan Argus