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BUSINESS DIREOTOBY. E"BA.8Trs THATCHICB, Attoïtiey :ind Counselor at Luw, Xo. 5 Eiwt TTuron strrct, I Ana Albor, Mich. 1W8 MF. F-.SQUEI.LE, K. . Offlce over i K. ferry' flore. Resldence Washington Jtreet, four dooneaet of State. lSTSyl AW ARBDB MItfEttAL SPRINttS. f rriH Uil". M I)., Superintendent Offlce ■ building, corner Mann and Vest Huron Streets. WI!N r.s _ Wf)I5 DEN, 80 onth Main strest, Aim Arbor, Mich., wholeeale and retatl di:nlriin Dry Oootl. Carpots anil Groccrios. ïar.ur I"Ê. IlJtOWX, Aaenttor the Kinkle & Lynn " Vlcior " Sowlng Machine Tlmy urn rileut, Milllve, run eHsyaad mke tho lock gtitch. Nu. 1 jth Main Streiít, Ann Arbor. 184i'yl vïTcK & SCIÏWIO, Uealer-s In Dry Oooda, .11 ürocerieis Crockery , &c. No. S4 South Main Str.ft. ' {ÏICHAEI ITIliKUAV, Roofer Fire and .11 Water Prooi, Pelt and Compoettlon Gravel ! r ,y. pat in f." order and vrarranted. Besidenceou ■ on Street, Ann Arbor. RW. l-:i=L-IS & '!.. Droggtet andacalcre In Paints, Oils, etc No. 2 South Main Street, Au Arbor. T H. JACKSON, Denttst, uoeewor to C. li. }} Purter. Offlce corner Main and florón treets, J jer the tore of R. w. Ellis & Co , Aun Arbor, ■ giet. iaesthetlcs admlnistercd _ roqnlred. Wt. UHKAKKV, M. ., Physician and . s : :t corner of HM. tanand DIvialonStreata.tnt door cast of PresbyI rin Chnrch . Ann Arlior, _kh. i' ,t. JOM?fS?r, Dealer !n IIa: and fapa, Tj fr, Straw 3 ioda Oent1 FnrattBiog oods, S ■■. No " Soutli Main -trimt. Ann Arbor. viich. _ VTIÏ:5Ï..M & VHi:OO!V, Life and o Fir.-IiuiirHuc ■ Aj;ents,anddealennBeal Bátate. 3_ceon llnrou Street. T EWIS C RISDO", Tlialer tn Hardwaroi ; Li Stovee, House Faro! hlngGoodi TIn WaTe,c. s.mth Main iftrcet. I iTTciI & ABËl Dealen In Djyaoodi GroD ceric, c &c.,No 24 South Main street, Ann Arliiir. oHMSOM _ SO-. Oroeew, Proylelon aud iJoiuDilsrion Merchaut, m dealer In Water Laud Piaster, and Plailer Pari. Ko. street. IHDHÍK1.TI, Wholeaale nd Jtetüii Dealer in Beady 'lart Clothing, Cl o the, C-wlmer, íS.audQent'e PurnlshfngQo ds. Nu.:1 South M;in Street. __________ Wil. WAftNEB, Dealer in K 'adv tfadeClotll ui" 'lot b, ( isstmsres, v.'tins. Ham. Caps, frank., farpet Baga, Ac Jl --outh Main street. G HUMÓSE Sc rjsüts:. Bookeellers andStati.Mi-rs Medical Law and College TextBooke, iBd Mlscellaueou Booke. No. 8 Nortb Main I lireet, Qregory Block, Ann Arbor. EUNLEÏ V 1.KW1S, Deiilereln I!iW(. ioee, F QiJtent, Slippers. Ac. No. ' Kst Hiirjnttrcet, K 11 11 Arbor. . ATO AH W. (MiKEVEK, AïTORNEY AT LAW ! 0',1-c wlto K. W. Morgan, K.iet sidenfCourt House J. F. SCHAEBBRLK, Teacher "f M sic. a'e lnrtrucUon on the PIANO, ViOLIN AND GUiTAR, Rhlt office. No. M Sonth Mniu etrc-nt, (Moore'e kslIdingj,OT al the resldeace of the pnpll. PIANO TUNING, made epecinlity and satinfacilon guniitcodi !8S4yl Tu ockbky GLASSWARE & GROCERIKS, J. & Donnelly HKTltrélrgetoeknfCToeei}.Ollwre, Plttod '.Vrt, ■■'itK-i-y Orncenca Ac, c. all lo be loid st nnnewlly low prlcen. Ho. 12 Bast Baron Street, Ann Arir llJStf .r. A: . DOWKBEifcT. TOHN G. QALL, DEALER I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, rAiin. si"sa(;rs. k-., OrdariUoUdnndFromptl7 flll-d wlth theboei nau in the narket. ' Bft Washington street. Aan Arbor, Sept. 16th, I8OT. ' ltSitf T F. BROVS, ttannfactorcr ot CAURI U.VS, IECCJE8, l-UIBr.R UlfitíüS, SPKHC WlOS, f l'TTKKS, SI.ËIV1IS, kt. All wnrk warranted of thê beil materlar. RepalrIng done promptly and reaionnble. AH wurk arrantedtoglTe perfect satlifaction. os 8-nth Main etreet. 1343j! "lj l"t Ü. N r jl öfl? '-" Manuacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND8LRIGB8, of ev.-ry rtyl ■-. made of the beet m Ue rll, aiirt warraoted. KrpalriiiK none promptlv aud pricet rauonable üuiruit Mreet, near H. R DiMi"t, Aim Arlior, Mich. ViMyl. t H.C. A. LKITEK CONTINÚES TO POT UP AND FILL Pliysicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Gro;;ory Block. U. A.LEITEK & CO. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d 1671. 1354 rR.C. B. POBÏER, DEWTIST. Sjeitt theSAVIHGSBANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRFORMEV IV1TH CARE. ü S3URPA3SBD FACILITIES AND BXPERIENCE SSTTIb AStTfÏcÏAL TEETÜ, TO GIVI-; BAOH IN'lUVUiUAL; Demture of the proper êixe, skapetr,olort firmne$ëam na al ezprewêion. 1244 Vy H I TMÖ It ËLAKE . Havine recently rcfltted and f'.iniifhed the CLIFTOX HOUSE! I nm now prepared to. r-ct-ivo and entertain plennÉretfibiag aud dtncftiR partiet, at one of the moit rtttractivu, pleasant and heaithy watering; placen h the West. My Mata are new. lare nd ctmmodious, an( well adnptcd for thfl uso of pleftsore-wekon, AnkTH will fiad a full and complete equipment nlwayii on hand. Special aUeutíun Rivcn to the wants and cora fort of thone who wuhto fpend a few weeks h fecreation darinc th warm nummer montliR . No pttiiirt will bo spared to niiikn WlUTMi il{ l AKK, in the futnre aa in tbe iast, a favorite euui mor reeort. D. F. BMITH.


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Michigan Argus