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HICHIUAN CENTRAL IIAIUIOAD. SUMMEK TIME TABLE. Passenger tralnsnow leure the scvernl tattons, ns follows: OOtKQ Wl STATIONS. „ W Ü g te e a_ _á_ I_IJ_ J_ __ A. M. A. M. ]- IC P. M. P. M. P. M. etroit,leave, 7 (KI 9 20' 4 05 5 6(1 8 14 ! 40 pailanti, s .in in Jö :. :.■: 7 ir 8 4S 10 48 nu Avbor, 8 55 10 42! 6 00 7 5ü ld l.ï 11 o; l. i. 9 25 6 S0 8 13 10 15 !i ir, s BS II 08 ■Hia l.ntte, 10 15 8 0011 36 i. M. ckson, 10 60 11 4f 9 35; 1 00 12 15 P, M. .!'. M. A. M. A. M. ilamanw, 2 10 2 2 n 25 i 20 ■ ■■■:irrive, 8 45 7 6 30il0 20 7 30 QOP?O gAIIT. Jf Ipil I & P. M. 1 M. A. M. A. V. Chicnpo, lcMVe, 5 15 t) Ofl e 30 9 30 A. M. A.M. P. M. Kaltimnzoo, 2 20 S 00 11 30 2 28 A. M. I p. m. JucksOD, 12 Si I 40 S 10 2 H 4 -10 l.itko, - - - ChelmM, A. M. 0 07 S S!S Doxter, 8 25 0 25 4 15 ,-hnr, 1 5R B "O 6 M il 55 4 45 S 40 rpeUnbtJ, !!:' G 20 7 20 10 20 5 08 6 oo t, arrive, : .i 35 7 2j s 45 11 30; 6 ■■i ) im The Atlantic and Vaoiiic K-xprees run betwoen Jitotoon and Xilegon theAix'. DfttedJol; --. I8TS. pÖBÖTWAYNE, JAGKáOíT" AND Saginavr Railrcad. Tlii1 most direct, rmito to Pitísljnrpr, Fhi'ndWj'ÏM'i, Baltímore, Wadiington, unrl all pomte suulh and southwest. Trniiis ron by i hicuifo Time. TRAINS GOINO SOÏ'TIC. Mui!. F.rprcss. Angola Acc. Jnekpon, V Ifi a. M. 12 10 p. h. 4 4ít p. m. Hanover, 7 64 12 4!) 5 W lile, 8 25 1 20 5 .',() AliKoln, 0 53 7 :f5 WatCTloo, 1 M 8 lj AubuiM, 10 47 8 29 Fort Wan, 11 45 8 25 tndianopiiB, t OOt.k. lo 30a. m. Oincinnati, R 50 Lüui.-vUlf, V') 4J 10 45r, m. THa'.nk 001X0 KOBXH. Angola Ace. Expreti. Huil. LonÍ8TÍ]l6. 0 (i a. m. li) SSp.y. Cmcinnatii 7 M a. m. [ndianapolia, 4 00 p. v. lulo I 01 íij ut-, 7 05a. m. 1 25 P. lí. Attbam, 8 oo 5 22 Watírioo, 8 13 5 Si Angola, 8 50 6 85 le, 10 18 S (!5 V. M. 8 02 Hanover, lo 50 9 ge R S2 ii. 11 SO 4 5 9 II) At Jnckson- Cióse conrn i vriib Micïtivrnn Oentral, ':íi U -on, Luudng - Bogi&aw, andGi-and ';il!' y EtAJlzOftdS. At -Iont'sille - With Lokfi S]iovc& Michignn Smilliem l::iiko;uL Al Weterloo- Wlth I.altc Bboie & Hiohlgan Southern (Aii Ai Fort Wyne- With Pitteborff, Fort Wayne & o; Toledo, Wabaah i y, , tern,and l't. ■Wayne, CiscülllAti KjülroHds. W. A. EHNST, Supt. H. Kn.i.n:, Ben'l. Ticket Ag't. .Iily 25. 1K7l'. PLANTATION BITTíiiS. S. T. - 1860 - X. This wonderful vegetable rc!6krativo is the sbeet-nnchor of the fetble and debilitated. Ab a toiiic an1 cordial lor the Hgerl snd lancuid it ihs no eqam a"Mag stötnaonics. Ab a rmeiy for the nervons -wcakneeese which wonien are especially Bubjected, it is pnpereeding every otber Btitnnlant. In all climatee, tropical, températe or fripid, it aete as u fipeciiicin every species of disirdöT which nndeminiee the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. IU6-71. HEXIGAN MLSTAXéUÍniEST, FOR MAN AND BBAST. Prohnbly few artif'rs hare ever had so cvtcnMie 'a Sale, hile none ba vc been more nnivcrsally bcneflriíil han Ihs telebrtilrd MEXIíÁS JÍVSTAS LMUHERT. Cliüwi-rn, Sdalts, Hor-, and Bcmfsik ln!ma!8, are alwtyi Hable to arrMent, ind it Is safe o say, that no faroily can lass a íiiislí mm willioiit some feind of 111 aiollient belng necessary. II bcrnu a m(ír of importante (hen to seture liie o-, ■: thrrn hnndrod livcrv sMblei in "" üttyof irkaloDe ar imnn the Mexican Muetang Ululmout, io 11 of which It glvea aolvereal saus'te t loo. CAUTIOW.- Th genulne I wMjnped in ■ f'';'1 'ravlng wltta " O. W WetUirook. Ckfn. (."and " '■ ■ '■ Hark, VKXICAN MUSTANG l.l.X.!■;.% ." n-raved cross the fnee of ench wrHpp r The whole iicirs the proprUtor'a private ÖDlteo States Revenae Stamp, and not acmimou stamp, aa ua.'d liv Aragge1e. ' LYON MANUKA'TUlilNC CO., 1 íi "-T i-:ï iv v 1 33 Park Place, N-Y. BOüKS. 3OOKS. . J. R. WEB8TEB & CO. NEW BOOK 8TOBE NEAB THE M EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOÏ TO ÏOUK INTEBESf AM) GALL. BOOKS. jj i_ NN Alt BOE Mineral Sprtngs House. This bcuitiful reeort for health-Beekers ;ie now 0p6D with itö IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SÜLPHÜR WATERS, Commodioas bnildlrj; hcatcd by Htcam, and ltrgc and wcll-vcntiliited roomsWATER AND AIR BATÏÏS, Of fIl tempernturep, also Shower, Vajior, fedicated and Blectric IïjuIih are nploy il with ndvanue ie the treatment of all forme o! chronlc diecttees aud dlseases of femalcs. Special attcuttou pald to dlot. Wir! p'easant fiirríundinps,and situatftl Inone of the most healthv and beauttfxil cltles ín the country, it poMOMefl ftttractlona for iu valida or fQr pleasare8eekera seldom fonnd. Tlu' huhIvhí of tho Springs wïll belurnished on Application. J-VrKone íleslring circuí ar to send to their frít:ij(H can procure wem ut office of the i'roprietora on Ilurini Btieettor -it the prloga. AddrKB all letten of inquiry to M01ÍHÍS BLUE, M. D., Slipt. Ank Ar non, Mini. SnllKiliiiid and Wliidon, l'ruv. Ann Arbor.Mith., .Tune 11, 1S-T!.


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