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Hon. Galusha A. Grow For Greeley

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The Hou. Galusha A. Urow, for twelve years llopublican Congressman from tho Wilmot District, of Pennsylvatiia, and Speaker of the House during his last torin of service, has formally repudiated Orant and declared for Groeley. In a letter recently addressed to Col. A. K. McCluio, Cliairman of the Pennsylvania Liberal State Coinmitteo, alter stating hia iuability to take tiio stump because of throat diaoase and genorally impaired health, Mr, Grow gays ; I ttin foi Greeley for President. He han devoted a "busy life" to oarnost thought and study ou all tho grave questions of government polieies, and tho equally grnve questions affecting the welfare of labor and the development of the industrial intorosta of thü country. Penny Iim;, f riendlesg and alone in a groat city, struggling for years ainst advorue fortune, he hai achieved ■mprecodentüd 8UC0683. Editing tho recognized organ of the old Whig party (in . which he had boon eohooled froin boyhood), he was aiuong the first in advonating its ab:mdonment ond the fortnation of the ltupubliean party, when he had to ohooso between duty to his eormetions Ofcfealty to party organijlatian. For thirtj ynars, with eaoh seltiug guu, he has boldly uttered hi convictions on the world's publio doings of tho preceding twenty-four hours, whether poiitical, social, moral, or ri'iiijious, yet nuver pandering to the vicos or follies of his timo. Duripg that whole poriod, crusader-like, he has championed thf universal manhood of tho race and tho cqual rights of all mankind. To one living has devoted more brain-worlt to tho causo of universal liberty, or tho olevation of fallen and crushod humanity, and few, if auy, have endured inore of the jeera of gildod prejudico or the scoffs of bigoted error. Yet to-day the luadhist ideürt tir whin1t,y V - '-.v-iai corporated into organic law and an stainrjed indelibly upou the pillara of the Itepublio. And aow, when a gruat poiitical party, through its regular organization, select sueh a man for its staudard-bearer, I hail it as the poiitical dawn of a brighter and better day. The Damocrat who ersn lay (tside his party prejudices of a life-tiine and accept the foremost and ablost representativo of the idoas of his poiitical opponents, gives tho best evidence he can turnish that ho is willing to let tho doad pastbury lts dead, and to act in the living present. When the people of one stction of the Union, despito tlio oducation of their entire section, rally around the standard of a man whom, for a quarter of a ceutury, they have boen taught by all their tru hings to hate as their deadliest foe, they givo the best evidence that, with them, tho nnimosities of the pautare buried forever. 11' not iu this way, how, then, is tho Union ever to be restored to poace and lastisg reconuiliation 'i A viotorious party in a oarnival of blood cannot in this age convert itself into a party of perpetual hatee. When tho vanqnished aro ready to close the bloody ohMHO andbury forevar the animosities engendered iu the deadly gtrifo, returning ove tho graves of their dead onoa, and through the bitter memories of the past to grasp in fraternal concord the hand of the vietor, where is the patriotism that would refuBQ the proffored otTor ? In what o+her way can we ever expeot to have our peoplo homogeneous in ideas and institutions from the Gulf to tho Lakes, and from ocean to oeean, with one Unioia and ono destiny now and forevor ? Are these grand results of lass eoiiRcquonoo to the iicpublic than the ambitious wishes of one man struggling to prolong his term of office '( Yours trulv.


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