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Why They Wore Purchased

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One of tboso oonveniont gontlomon - rg. Hurrisos ot' politics - who alwoys appear when auy official infornmtiou is wantod unoftioiiilly, has drawn 'from tlio Treasury Department a statement of its reosons i'or buyinff Jacob Thoropson's report to th' Rebel Government It srerus tlmt Congreas, in 1872, appropriated $160,000 for the purposo of oolleoting ubandoncd proporty of tho United States, " und to oofleot, procero and preserve all voucbors, papers, records, and (ividtince, and totake U-stimony as to olaims ugainst the United Btates," ac. Tliis money w8 to bo disburscd only on cortilicato of the Claims Commi.ssioners. Theee gentlemen say that they examined the rebel aroliivef, 08 they are cafled, and think thein richly worth 7Ö,000 which they cost. They add in oxjilanHtion of this opinión, thaf "the papen daptured at Richmoud and now in tho Treasury Department d td of llobel Archives, hare beep fbnnd of very groai; uae." Bat these rag-baga which hovn beet li out in (,':m.r ftad ..■n or eight ye&rs past iptured ut Kionmoud. Thure has been no ombarrnssincnt in the Court ot' Claims on account of any insufficienoy of eviedence againat Rebol claimants. And tho shallowness of tbo pretoxt that thoy were bought foi this purjioso was i by tho liaste of tho Admiuistration in rtubing tho reports iuto print as BOOD as they eould bo secured. Jacob Thoiujjson's ruport, aud that concorning poaoo negotiations, wero iiniuediatoly made publio iu ordor to widen the breach whieh was closing between the North and the South. Nobody really belioves thnt we havo bought anything more than 175,000 worth of liatred, Mr. Acting Socretary Eichardaon to the oontrary notft-ithstanding.


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Michigan Argus