Improvements In Manufactures
Somc wriier on Poliiical Economy remark;d fevernl yenrs since, ifia't since ihe peace of 1815, the prioos or most kinds of mnnufaciur5cl articlcs luid very greatly dimmished, many 3f thetn to the extent of one half. But on urne articlös the rediictio in prico hoi been most remarknble within a few years. genl loman from Rhode Island, who ha beenenrjag;ec! in tnanufactiirinij cotton goods for ft 3onsidcrablo perioil, stated the other day, that niaiMifactnrcra pny now as much for the cot- ton thot imikes o yard of cloth, uanting of cent, as they did in 1832. They now teil the sume qnality of cloth for 6J cent6 peryard, and niako more profit on working up 100 dolli rá worth of cotton ihan fhcy A'.d then: that they pny their help now os much wagea M then: and that the improvements in machinery and the mode of making the cloth had produced the whole of tliia difference.
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