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E. B. Pond : Bad 8oden on the Taünts, ) Trübsia. Julv 22d, 1H72. f On our way here wo oame through Frankfort, but did not stop, as wo oxpected to neo it when in less hurry, and 30 at last we oan gay a word about Sodon, a place wboru wo havo lmd a residencö so protracted tht it will lung continuo to be a Macoa to our wivndfiring thoughts, whon in fature yearn we öhall rooall tho inoidents of 1ÍS72. The firbt impresaioiis ■vroro UiOrfo of relief to tbink thut hcro at last we ohould prübabljr ramain long nough to rest, nnd of saticfaotion at the bright and pleasant appearonoe of all we saw - tht; park, which fxttnd to thu dupot ; the agreeatile tint of the oroam-oclored buildings; the chearful aspect of the well paved rttid cleanly etreets ; the vory great profusión of roses, just then in their early beauty, and somo of the clirab 1 ing vsrietios of vrhioh, loaded with goma, war trind ia uome instances thirty fesit or raoro tilong tho fronts and ( up tho corners ot thw dwellings. l The looation of Bad üoden is vory ' oharming, nostling n it wore at the fout ot' the highest peaks of the Tunusmouniaic, whirh begin to ationd nortitrarc froni thig point ; and with lesaer hills commanding beautiful fiews surrounding it on all side, and in the luidst of -the most extennive prchards wo hayo ever setin of applo, pear, jlum and cherry trees4 fairly lndtm down with fruit, icepting only the apple, acd with thouaáuds ot' the inost eplendid specimens of the Englih wnlnuk and Spanish oheBtnut, with tluir rieh ntoiu for autuum gdthering aoatterod ubout nd planted in all direotions. Excopt fruit and ftgricultural fertiiity, üoden h:s no resources other thun itsiiiurt xt.'sonof thr.ïomoiitht affords. It growth in inipcrtuiu:!'. in fact, altogethiir dapends on it visitón, knd it ie niot üumhaticaliy a vill.'.go of bonidiu ; bjii ', A tlrnt upon unie portioc oí thcir dl ü ts Ubarly cvt-i y buiidiug hi:.H M 'jx " Álofflite zirumerzu voruiiB Wor tho Frciiüh"(;iiauibres g:ir:;i - W r," gtruritlly totb, and th9 Work of room huuting il luide dou; b.y arduoui from thu iViCt tb thóin p!crda are navbr reinyvud, cviüi when thoro ' are no rnure rooms to lot. B-.iing ouly Bouio twenty iniies froui Weisbadcii on ' th wast and les ihon ten froni Horubarg on the tsatt, it h had to moet n culstiint rivalry irom these old . wtricg place, and ander th gi eit disadr(tntk{e, it would eum, of not ailuwiug gaiubling, whioh ou'.idtitutuR go muijh uf the attraotion of tb üerman resurtí. Noivri:httaadÍDg aü tbis, it Lm btedily grown during its forty ymirs .tioter.ce, and with thu cuoidtiuii of licanaed gümbliug, next year it will doubtlaüs recuive a still larger bïre of ribiton. It neiiedi 3,fiO'.i now. The i;hur;cter of the watt-K of thcai' Tiiou reiortj in the Taunus ia ■uiioii thu satos in öU, bt-ing iuoro or loss ciiaritcUMÍzod by the prescuue oï balt and i ivon, aWith e':'diution uikuiud by hh;it : aud carMiüu iicni g:ii, tlie diti'ureiioe be! ing in iho propoi tiona of each - spriugs ' in cloie proxiuiity Wing often -idely differeut inr their iaaitary properSbg on ' thii ticcoui The uuuibfc of Americans here the prtriwiit ioasou is nbout forty, by far the ' Rus.anB.""TflTÍ aWpiyteiy-Kyífif [ place wkich ynii b called choap rdorts, [ "where tho stason oniy lasts during the tbree or four hottest months ; yet, m compitred with others, I thiuk the ordinary charges here are aoniewhat lts, ' wkilc a iuuch greatr g:n ia oxperinced i'rotn tho lesa iiapt-iative dfmunü.i of' tj i'ttauioul fashios, and th allowable d plouiacy here peroitted, by which ti. cost of liviug eau unen be co:iidurhl diniiuishud. To tiie real invalid, whc disease 'a not a erttving for exciternen . and display, whü is in tün:h of salubr ous air, beautiful eoenury, r.nd an aj proiitb tu hüiue-like quiet, couibintJ wit a fair proportiou such ynjoymüiitn i are obtüiinible iïoui good music iu tb opt-n air, pluasaut partie, extensiv proiueiuidea lor miles, with good fooi pathi over hill and da'e, and with pluuf of frnh milk and fruit, 3odon will, think. prove an agroeable plaoo. .Mar tma Biemarck and muny 1; at notabin have boen here this nummer. ïluutin rooms Hiid gettiiig settled will tukü a du or two, oud in general, after a few day expt-rii-uce, c chaiigi; ie mado dusirable r ouü'b wants aru butter known Alter rooms comes tha question of fooc Uure aud iu mokt Buropoan cities one dine ut taUe d'huíc. or a la atstc, aud for breakfast tad uuppor, in general, dopend on restaurants or upou having theto moaln, or evon dinuprs, at their roonm, and any ono cot eatirely reckless aa to expense aoou leums various tnothods of econoiay which will vcry niaterially help to koop the bottoiu iu oue's pocket. Su i';;r wo have found Jio vory great dillicu!ty wi'h tho cookerj-, but we have carcely had a rural expeliente. And now begius the routine of diiilj lito at thu Spa, diffuriag in the dot.iik, o courae, as to individúala, but in the ruain with u general reseniblance. Usage hort justifica enrly rising, and about bdlf-pM aix A. M. the üdn fairly seta toward the varicus spriugs, wheuce taeh reoeives hú. druught of two or eight ounces, or even more, in the gruduuud and Bometiooet rofilly beautiful glass with which each jirovidee himself. At 7 thtra is gouerally quite a orowd in the p;trk, r.t which " tHe Band begins to play" at that hour, and Uu hprviug girls aro kopt busy dipping up thü fulini; nectar. Tho band playa irom 7 to 8, alteniatisg between-the two parks, and again froui 1 to 0 every afternoon. Brealifaating begins after tho water and eiitV exeroise, manyeTen tuking tbirt raeal in the open uir ut trtbles ulways atunding in the: yards and arbors of aoar j evory house hero. (rormims mako this u very Biniple meal- buni and coffco and, porhaps, butter, which is aevox Kiilted (a Dad practico). During the foremoon, uuil the air bocomes too ultry, thu boardeis ra out of dooiB, walkint, reading, writing up journuls and letters, A:c. About 11 A. M. niuny lunoh, md at 1 P. I. dinner is naunlly seivi:d, and servants aro to be seen hurryin'g in all directions with tour or live white dishes ?hde to et ono abov tho othor and n strap runuíuíí through tha handlos of eaoh, in whioh are contaiited the soup, nieata nnd vngotablei ordorud for tho timo. In the aftornoon thre are wu'lcs and rides of grrater longth umiurtnkiTi, by those who fl inolinod, ♦O torn of ♦) -nllages nrr where supper is taktii while thono who ■ rumain, toward 1 o'eloök aro to be seuu wending their way to the Curgaal garden and park to spond two honra in listeuing to tho band bofore suppor hoür. These, with guoh yariations and udiütious as uaturally ocour, - auch bb donkey riding, excuigions to Frankfort, only onehalf hour dictan t, or to Homburg orAVoi3adn, - fill out tho days and weeks Víhich p 133 all too quickly. Tot much uedicino is used hero, one small drug etore doing inost of the business fox the villuge ond its risitors. In niany casos he rulief is very rupid and manifest, whilo in Bonie cases, us niight nturally be oxpectcid, ït is less, or alan', even nono at all. But that the tendency of this oombined iufiuence of a vory pure air, quict, maño, mineral waters, and kiibíble tfeatmeat is in tho desired direction, beema to be conceded. Mriny here are in attendance upon invulid frienda, and Buch can hoie find 110 lifiiculty in amusing their idle bours, for to sueh ara opon not only the onioyments nlready noticed, but all tho more widely uztended surronndingj of Soden, enibraüing i)i!.li!-trinu (xcur.siocs into the Taunus ; to Coronberg und the still complete tower of its well preservad old oastlc , 'o Falkenstein, higher up tho slope of the mouutain, with the romantic beauty of it nublo ruina pocring ubove tha dense forest foliugo around ; to Ku.'iiijjatein, embobotned among tho hills and overlooked by the high terracus and cliff, from which utill i'rowu the niasaive wallg and towors of its ruined fortreij ; to Eppstein, whose castle wi oight cunturio ugo tho soat of a fnmily poworful in ohuroh and state ; to thu Alt-Ka:nig, its top enoiroled by the doublé wll whoso makers even tradition has fuiled to identify ; or to tho great Jb'eldbrg üuminit, tbu highert of the whole range, with it encircling landscape of almost unsurpasisable beauty, and the ruins of Ober-Toiffenberg on it northern decllvity. Th inern inention of these intereiting piace ahowi that romance and poetry might have had their huuutu here ai well as upou tho more familiar Rhine, vet all ar within a oiruio of less than ten miles. Of our own rantblings to these localities aud tho neighboring oitias more may bi aaid hereafter. Enough, howoTer, ho been written to show tiiat our lot mLht have betn in a looality ot' muuh Ijss beauty and interest. Once moro, for the nonce, good by. Evor vours,


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